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// marsfact.h
// header file for class CMarsXMLFactory,
// a callback class for the XML Push model parser
// CMarsXMLFactory is used to construct a MARS its file from the xml
#pragma once
#include "stack.h"
#include <xmlparser.h>
// forward declarations of data structures
class CXMLElement;
struct TagInformation;
class CMarsXMLFactory : public CMarsComObject,
public IXMLNodeFactory
virtual ~CMarsXMLFactory();
// IUnknown
STDMETHOD(QueryInterface)(REFIID iid, void **ppvObject);
// CMarsComObject
// This class has no back references so the passivate stuff is a noop
virtual HRESULT DoPassivate() { return S_OK; }
// IXMLNodeFactory - used to communicate with the IXMLParser
IXMLNodeSource *pSource, XML_NODE_INFO *pNodeInfo);
IXMLNodeSource *pSource, BOOL fEmpty,
XML_NODE_INFO *pNodeInfo);
IXMLNodeSource *pSource, HRESULT hrErrorCode,
USHORT cNumRecs, XML_NODE_INFO **apNodeInfo);
IXMLNodeSource *pSource, PVOID pNodeParent,
USHORT cNumRecs, XML_NODE_INFO **apNodeInfo);
// CMarsXMLFactory
// Call "Run" when you want to start parsing...
// Note: pisDoc must be a synchronous stream (not E_PENDING) -- so there!
HRESULT Run(IStream *pisDoc);
// Set the TagInformation* array used to create nodes. These
// arrays should be const and live past the lifetime of the
// parsing; they are not copied
void SetTagInformation(TagInformation **ptiaTags);
// Sets the LONG parameter passed as the last argument to all of
// the nodes created in CreateNode. (See the definition of
// CreationFunction below) This parameter is the way to provide
// your run-time pointer/reference or whatever to the objects that
// the xml is supposed to be initializing
void SetLParam(LONG lParamNew);
HRESULT SetElementAttributes(CXMLElement *pxElem,
XML_NODE_INFO **apNodeInfo, ULONG cInfoLen);
HRESULT CreateElement(LPCWSTR wzTagName, ULONG cLen, CXMLElement **ppxElem);
CStack<CXMLElement *> m_elemStack;
TagInformation **m_ptiaTags;
LONG m_lParamArgument;
// The AttributeInformation and TagInformation structs, which are used to determine syntax: what
// element creation function is called for what tag name
struct AttributeInformation
LPWSTR wzAttName;
typedef CXMLElement * (*CreationFunction)(LPCWSTR, VARTYPE, TagInformation **, AttributeInformation **, LONG lParam);
struct TagInformation
LPWSTR wzTagName;
CreationFunction funcCreate;
TagInformation **ptiaChildren;
AttributeInformation **paiaAttributes;
// The CXMLElement class, from which all the elements used by the
// CMarsXMLFactory must be derived. The methods can be pick and chose
// implemented; the base class implementations spew a TraceMsg error
// and return S_FALSE or E_NOTIMPL as appropriate
class CXMLElement
ULONG m_cRef;
// CXMLElement is NOT a COM object, so these methods are
// given wierd names to prevent confusion...
ULONG Add_Ref() { return ++m_cRef; }
ULONG Release_Ref()
if (--m_cRef == 0)
delete this;
return 0;
else return m_cRef;
// these methods are used by the CMarsXMLFactory and should return S_FALSE on not impl
// (to indicate an unexpected operation due to unexpected xml)
virtual HRESULT OnNodeComplete();
// Addchild takes ownership of the element on S_OK; otherwise CMarsXMLFactory deletes pxeChild
virtual HRESULT AddChild(CXMLElement *pxeChild);
virtual HRESULT SetAttribute(LPCWSTR wzName, ULONG cLenName,
LPCWSTR pwzValue, ULONG cLenValue);
// HACKHACK paddywack:
// The implementer of this function should be aware of the strange
// semantics here: SetInnerXMLText is sometimes called multiple times
// due to issues with the Push-model parser. If SetInnerXMLText is called
// more than once, the subsequent called mean "AppendInnerXMLText". :)
virtual HRESULT SetInnerXMLText(LPCWSTR pwzText, ULONG cLen);
// GetName can return NULL
virtual LPCWSTR GetName();
// The rest of these methods are generalized methods to access CXMLElements.
// They should generally return E_whatever on failure or not impl.
// This interface can be changed, as long as whoever changes it also makes sure
// to serve up the changes in CXMLGenericElement
// These methods are not used by any of the code in marsfact.cpp
// The GetContent and GetAttribute methods return pointers to existing variants;
// these variants should be considered const
// TODO: No procedure should take VARIANT**: we need to make all of these
virtual HRESULT GetContent(VARIANT *pvarOut);
virtual HRESULT GetAttribute(LPCWSTR wzName, VARIANT *pvarOut);
virtual void FirstChild();
virtual void NextChild();
virtual CXMLElement *CurrentChild();
virtual CXMLElement *DetachCurrentChild();
virtual BOOL IsDoneChild();
CXMLElement() { m_cRef = 1; }
virtual ~CXMLElement() { ATLASSERT(0 == m_cRef); }
struct CSimpleNode
CSimpleNode *m_psnodeNext;
void *m_pvData;
// Generic implementation of the CXMLElement class.
class CXMLGenericElement : public CXMLElement
virtual ~CXMLGenericElement();
virtual HRESULT OnNodeComplete();
virtual HRESULT AddChild(CXMLElement *pxeChild);
virtual HRESULT SetAttribute(LPCWSTR wzName, ULONG cLenName,
LPCWSTR pwzValue, ULONG cLenValue);
virtual HRESULT SetInnerXMLText(LPCWSTR pwzText, ULONG cLen);
virtual LPCWSTR GetName();
virtual HRESULT GetContent(VARIANT *pvarOut);
virtual HRESULT GetAttribute(LPCWSTR wzName, VARIANT *pvarOut);
virtual void FirstChild();
virtual void NextChild();
// These methods return NULL if invalid
// DetachCurrentChild does the same as CurrentChild, but also removes the child from the
// list
virtual CXMLElement *CurrentChild();
virtual CXMLElement *DetachCurrentChild();
virtual BOOL IsDoneChild();
static CXMLElement *CreateInstance(LPCWSTR wzName,
TagInformation **ptiaChildren,
AttributeInformation **paiaAttributes,
LONG lParam);
CXMLGenericElement(LPCWSTR wzName, VARTYPE vt,
TagInformation **ptiaChildren, AttributeInformation **paiaAttributes);
CXMLGenericElement() {}
VARTYPE m_vtData;
CComVariant m_varData;
CSimpleNode *m_psnodeAttributes;
// The header node is a member variable.
CSimpleNode m_snodeChildrenFirst;
CSimpleNode *m_psnodeChildrenFirst;
CSimpleNode *m_psnodeChildrenEnd;
CSimpleNode *m_psnodeChildrenIter;
TagInformation **m_ptiaChildren;
AttributeInformation **m_paiaAttributes;
CComBSTR m_bstrName;
// Some helpful functions for handling explicit length strings
// Returns true if the strings are the same up to the nth char,
// and the zero terminated string (third param) has a null character after that
// position
BOOL StrEqlNToSZ(const WCHAR *wzN, int n, const WCHAR *wzSZ);
// Retunrs true if wz is L"true" or L"TRUE" and cLen is 4
// Must be "bool" for CComVariant to become VT_BOOL
bool StrToIsTrueNW(const WCHAR *wz, ULONG cLen);
// Converts the first cLen chars to a long, returning a E_FAIL if there is a non-digit
// If L'\0' is encountered, the conversion stops at that point
HRESULT StrToLongNW(const WCHAR *wzString, ULONG cLen, LONG *plong);
// SpewTraceMessage copies the cLen wchars to a bstr and then
// calls TraceMsg(TF_XMLPARSING | TF_WARNING, L"%sstring=%s", wzDesc, wzBstr)
#ifdef DEBUG
void SpewUnrecognizedString(const WCHAR *wzString, ULONG cLen, const WCHAR *wzDesc);
#define SpewUnrecognizedString(strByLength, len, strDesc)
// I used TraceMst(..., L"...%s...", string) all over the place without checking string;
// As everyone knows (except me!) printf faults on NULL for a %s arg, hence this macro
#define NULL_STRING_PROTECT(str) str ? str : L""