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// Copyright © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// cregcls.h
// Purpose: registry wrapper class
#if _MSC_VER > 1000
#pragma once
#ifndef _CREGCLS_H_
#define _CREGCLS_H_
#include <Polarity.h>
#include <CHString.h>
#include <chstrarr.h>
#include <chptrarr.h>
#define MAX_VALUE_NAME (1024)
#define NULL_DWORD ((DWORD)0L)
#define MAX_SUBKEY_BUFFERSIZE (255+1) // Per spec
#define QUOTE L"\""
#define CSTRING_PTR (1)
class POLARITY CRegistry
CRegistry (); // Constructor
~CRegistry (); // Destructor
// Opens the key and subkey using the desired access mask
LONG Open (
HKEY hRootKey, // handle of open key
LPCWSTR lpszSubKey, // address of name of subkey to open
REGSAM samDesired // Access mask
// Version that properly opens the user key appropriate
// to the current thread
DWORD OpenCurrentUser(
LPCWSTR lpszSubKey, // address of name of subkey to open
REGSAM samDesired); // Access mask
// Generalized RegCreateKeyEx form
LONG CreateOpen (
HKEY hInRootKey,
LPCWSTR lpszSubKey,
LPWSTR lpClass = NULL,
LPDWORD pdwDisposition = NULL
// Deletes the specified subkey or the opened root
LONG DeleteKey (
CHString *pchsSubKeyPath = NULL
// Deletes the specified value within the createopened portion of the registry
LONG DeleteValue (
LPCWSTR pValueName
// Opens the key but forces the enumation of subkeys flag
LONG OpenAndEnumerateSubKeys (
HKEY hInRootKey,
LPCWSTR lpszSubKey,
REGSAM samDesired
LONG EnumerateAndGetValues (
DWORD &dwIndexOfValue,
WCHAR *&pValueName,
BYTE *&pValueData
void Close ( void ) ;
// Information Functions
// Having a key, but no class name is legal so just return a null string
// if there has been no class name set
HKEY GethKey ( void ) { return hKey; }
WCHAR *GetClassName ( void ) { return ( ClassName ) ; }
DWORD GetCurrentSubKeyCount ( void ) { return ( dwcSubKeys ) ; }
DWORD GetLongestSubKeySize ( void ) { return ( dwcMaxSubKey ) ; }
DWORD GetLongestClassStringSize ( void ) { return ( dwcMaxClass ) ; }
DWORD GetValueCount ( void ) { return ( dwcValues ) ; }
DWORD GetLongestValueName ( void ) { return ( dwcMaxValueName ) ; }
DWORD GetLongestValueData ( void ) { return ( dwcMaxValueData ) ; }
DWORD GetCurrentKeyValue ( LPCWSTR pValueName , CHString &DestValue ) ;
DWORD GetCurrentKeyValue ( LPCWSTR pValueName , DWORD &DestValue ) ;
DWORD GetCurrentKeyValue ( LPCWSTR pValueName , CHStringArray &DestValue ) ;
DWORD SetCurrentKeyValue ( LPCWSTR pValueName , CHString &DestValue ) ;
DWORD SetCurrentKeyValue ( LPCWSTR pValueName , DWORD &DestValue ) ;
DWORD SetCurrentKeyValue ( LPCWSTR pValueName , CHStringArray &DestValue ) ;
DWORD GetCurrentBinaryKeyValue ( LPCWSTR pValueName , CHString &chsDest ) ;
DWORD GetCurrentBinaryKeyValue ( LPCWSTR pValueName , LPBYTE pbDest , LPDWORD pSizeOfDestValue ) ;
DWORD GetCurrentKeyValue ( HKEY UseKey , LPCWSTR pValueName , CHString &DestValue ) ;
DWORD GetCurrentKeyValue ( HKEY UseKey , LPCWSTR pValueName , DWORD &DestValue ) ;
DWORD GetCurrentKeyValue ( HKEY UseKey , LPCWSTR pValueName , CHStringArray &DestValue ) ;
DWORD SetCurrentKeyValue ( HKEY UseKey , LPCWSTR pValueName , CHString &DestValue ) ;
DWORD SetCurrentKeyValue ( HKEY UseKey , LPCWSTR pValueName , DWORD &DestValue ) ;
DWORD SetCurrentKeyValue ( HKEY UseKey , LPCWSTR pValueName , CHStringArray &DestValue ) ;
DWORD SetCurrentKeyValueExpand ( HKEY UseKey , LPCWSTR pValueName , CHString &DestValue ) ;
DWORD GetCurrentBinaryKeyValue ( HKEY UseKey , LPCWSTR pValueName , LPBYTE pbDest , LPDWORD pSizeOfDestValue ) ;
DWORD DeleteCurrentKeyValue ( LPCWSTR pValueName ) ;
DWORD DeleteCurrentKeyValue ( HKEY UseKey , LPCWSTR pValueName ) ;
// Subkey functions
void RewindSubKeys ( void ) ;
DWORD GetCurrentSubKeyName ( CHString &DestSubKeyName ) ;
DWORD GetCurrentSubKeyValue ( LPCWSTR pValueName, void *pDestValue , LPDWORD pSizeOfDestValue ) ;
DWORD GetCurrentSubKeyValue ( LPCWSTR pValueName, CHString &DestValue ) ;
DWORD GetCurrentSubKeyValue ( LPCWSTR pValueName, DWORD &DestValue ) ;
DWORD NextSubKey ( void ) ;
DWORD GetCurrentSubKeyPath ( CHString &DestSubKeyPath ) ;
LONG OpenLocalMachineKeyAndReadValue (
LPCWSTR lpszSubKey ,
LPCWSTR pValueName,
CHString &DestValue
// Private functions
// Set the member variables to their default state
void SetDefaultValues ( void ) ;
// Open and close the subkey
// =========================
DWORD OpenSubKey ( void ) ;
void CloseSubKey ( void ) ;
// Given a good key gets the value
// ===============================
DWORD GetCurrentRawKeyValue (
HKEY UseKey,
LPCWSTR pValueName,
void *pDestValue,
LPDWORD pValueType,
LPDWORD pSizeOfDestValue
) ;
DWORD GetCurrentRawSubKeyValue (
LPCWSTR pValueName,
void *pDestValue,
LPDWORD pValueType,
LPDWORD pSizeOfDestValue
) ;
// Init static vars
// ================
static DWORD WINAPI GetPlatformID ( void ) ;
// MultiPlatform support
// =====================
LONG myRegCreateKeyEx (
HKEY hKey,
LPCWSTR lpwcsSubKey,
DWORD Reserved,
LPWSTR lpwcsClass,
DWORD dwOptions,
REGSAM samDesired,
PHKEY phkResult,
LPDWORD lpdwDisposition
LONG myRegSetValueEx (
HKEY hKey,
LPCWSTR lpwcsSubKey,
DWORD Reserved,
DWORD dwType,
DWORD cbData
LONG myRegQueryValueEx (
HKEY hKey,
LPCWSTR lpwcsSubKey,
LPDWORD Reserved,
LPBYTE lpData,
LONG myRegEnumKey (
HKEY hKey,
DWORD dwIndex,
LPWSTR lpwcsName,
DWORD cbData
LONG myRegDeleteValue (
HKEY hKey,
LPCWSTR lpwcsName
) ;
LONG myRegDeleteKey (
HKEY hKey,
LPCWSTR lpwcsName
LONG myRegOpenKeyEx (
HKEY hKey,
LPCWSTR lpwcsSubKey,
DWORD ulOptions,
REGSAM samDesired,
PHKEY phkResult
LONG myRegQueryInfoKey (
HKEY hKey,
LPWSTR lpwstrClass,
LPDWORD lpcbClass,
LPDWORD lpReserved,
LPDWORD lpcSubKeys,
LPDWORD lpcbMaxSubKeyLen,
LPDWORD lpcbMaxClassLen,
LPDWORD lpcValues,
LPDWORD lpcbMaxValueNameLen,
LPDWORD lpcbMaxValueLen,
LPDWORD lpcbSecurityDescriptor,
PFILETIME lpftLastWriteTime
LONG myRegEnumValue (
HKEY hKey,
DWORD dwIndex,
LPWSTR lpValueName,
LPDWORD lpcbValueName,
LPDWORD lpReserved,
LPBYTE lpData,
LPDWORD lpcbData
// In the event the caller is REUSING this instance,
// close the existing key and reset values to the default
// in preparation to REOPEN this instance
void PrepareToReOpen ( void ) ;
// Private data
HKEY hRootKey; // Current root key for cla
HKEY hKey; // Current active key
HKEY hSubKey; // Current active subkey
static DWORD s_dwPlatform; // Currently running OS
CHString RootKeyPath; // Current path to root assigned by open
DWORD CurrentSubKeyIndex; // Current subkey being indexed
bool m_fFromCurrentUser; // allows check on whether to free
// hRootKey member based on whether
// its value was populated via a call
// to ::RegOpenCurrentUser.
// Information about this class
WCHAR ClassName[MAX_PATH]; // Buffer for class name.
DWORD dwcClassLen; // Length of class string.
DWORD dwcSubKeys; // Number of sub keys.
DWORD dwcMaxSubKey; // Longest sub key size.
DWORD dwcMaxClass; // Longest class string.
DWORD dwcValues; // Number of values for this key.
DWORD dwcMaxValueName; // Longest Value name.
DWORD dwcMaxValueData; // Longest Value data.
DWORD dwcSecDesc; // Security descriptor.
FILETIME ftLastWriteTime; // Last write time.
// CLASS: CRegistrySearch
// Description: This class uses the CRegistry Class to search
// through the registry to build a list of keys
// for the requested value, or requested full key
// name, or requested partial key name. This class
// allocates CHString objects and puts them in the
// users CHPtrArray. The user is responsible for
// deleting the memory allocated, the FreeSearchList
// function can accomplish this, or the user must
// remember to delete every object in the array
// before deallocating the array.
// Note: Private functions are documented in the .CPP file
// Public functions
// BOOL SearchAndBuildList( CHString chsRootKey,
// CHPtrArray & cpaList,
// CHString chsSearchString,
// CHString chsValueString,
// int nSearchType );
// Parameters:
// chsRootKey - The root key to start the search from.
// Note: At this point in time, we just
// search thru HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, this
// can be changed when needed.
// cpaList - The reference to the CHPtrArray to put
// the list of keys that matched the search
// criteria.
// chsSearchString - The string to search for
// chsValueString - The value to open and see if it matches what is
// chsSearchString
// nSearchType - The type of search, the following are
// supported:
// Only keys that match the chsSearchString
// Keys that have chsSearchString anywhere in them
// Values that match chsSearchString
#define VALUE_SEARCH 3
class POLARITY CRegistrySearch
void CheckAndAddToList (
CRegistry * pReg,
CHString chsSubKey,
CHString chsFullKey,
CHPtrArray & chpaList,
CHString chsSearchString,
CHString chsValueString,
int nSearchType
int m_nSearchType ;
CHString m_chsSearchString ;
CHPtrArray m_cpaList ;
CRegistrySearch () ;
~CRegistrySearch () ;
BOOL SearchAndBuildList (
CHString chsRootKey,
CHPtrArray & cpaList,
CHString chsSearchString,
CHString chsValueString,
int nSearchType,
BOOL FreeSearchList (
int nType,
CHPtrArray & cpaList
) ;
BOOL LocateKeyByNameOrValueName (
HKEY hKeyParent,
LPCWSTR pszKeyName,
LPCWSTR pszSubKeyName,
LPCWSTR *ppszValueNames,
DWORD dwNumValueNames,
CHString &strFoundKeyName,
CHString &strFoundKeyPath
) ;
} ;