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// Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation
// Module Name:
// CBaseClusterAction.h
// Description:
// Header file for CBaseClusterAction class.
// The CBaseClusterAction class is the base class for the other
// base cluster action classes. The base cluster actions are forming a
// cluster, joining a cluster, upgrade support and cleanup.
// For each base cluster action, there is a class derived from this
// class that performs the desired action. This class encapsulates
// what is common to these actions.
// Implementation Files:
// CBaseClusterAction.cpp
// Maintained By:
// Vij Vasu (Vvasu) 03-MAR-2000
// Make sure that this file is included only once per compile path.
#pragma once
// Include Files
#include <windows.h>
// For the CAction base class
#include "CAction.h"
// For the CActionList base class
#include "CActionList.h"
// For a few common definitions
#include "CommonDefs.h"
// For HINF, SetupCloseInfFile, etc.
#include <setupapi.h>
// For the CStr class.
#include "CStr.h"
// Forward declarations.
class CBCAInterface;
// class CBaseClusterAction
// Description:
// The CBaseClusterAction class is the base class for the other
// base cluster action classes. The base cluster actions are forming a
// cluster, joining a cluster, upgrade support and cleanup.
// For each base cluster action, there is a class derived from this
// class that performs the desired action. This class encapsulates
// what is common to these actions.
// An object of this class is intended for one time use only. That is,
// after an object has been committed, it cannot be re-committed.
// This class is intended to be used as a base class only. Therefore,
// its constructors and destructors are protected
class CBaseClusterAction : public CAction
// Public constructors and destructors
// Default destructor.
virtual ~CBaseClusterAction() throw();
// Public methods
// Base class method.
// Commit this action. This method has to be durable and consistent. It shoud
// try as far as possible to be atomic.
void Commit();
// Base class method.
// Rollback this action. Be careful about throwing exceptions from this method
// as a stack unwind might be in progress when this method is called.
void Rollback();
// Public accessors
// Get the type of this action.
EbcaGetAction() const throw()
return m_ebcaAction;
// Get the cluster installation directory.
const CStr &
RStrGetClusterInstallDirectory() const throw()
return m_strClusterInstallDir;
// Get the localquorum directory.
const CStr &
RStrGetLocalQuorumDirectory() const throw()
return m_strLocalQuorumDir;
// Get the handle to the main INF file.
HGetMainInfFileHandle() const throw()
return m_sihMainInfFile;
// Get the name of the main INF file.
const CStr &
RStrGetMainInfFileName() const throw()
return m_strMainInfFileName;
// Get the handle to the SC Manager.
HGetSCMHandle() const throw()
return m_sscmhSCMHandle;
// Get the interface pointer.
CBCAInterface *
PBcaiGetInterfacePointer() const throw()
return m_pbcaiInterface;
// Public member functions
// Returns the number of progress messages that this action will send.
UiGetMaxProgressTicks() const throw()
// The maximum progress ticks for this object comprises of:
// - m_alActionList.UiGetMaxProgressTicks() => The progress ticks of
// the contained action objects.
return m_alActionList.UiGetMaxProgressTicks();
// Protected constructors and destructors
// Default constructor.
// Reads the location of the cluster binaries from the registry,
// opens the INF file, etc.
CBaseClusterAction( CBCAInterface * pbcaiInterfaceIn );
// Protected accessors
// Set the type of action being performed by this object.
SetAction( EBaseConfigAction ebcaAction )
m_ebcaAction = ebcaAction;
// Allow derived classes to modify this action list.
CActionList &
RalGetActionList() throw()
return m_alActionList;
// Associate a particular directory with an id in the main INF file.
SetDirectoryId( const WCHAR * pcszDirectoryNameIn, UINT uiIdIn );
// Private types
// Class used to automatically release a semaphore.
class CSemaphoreHandleTrait
// Public types
typedef HANDLE ResourceType;
// Public methods
// A routine used to close a handle.
static void CloseRoutine( ResourceType hResourceIn )
ReleaseSemaphore( hResourceIn, 1, NULL );
} //*** CloseRoutine()
// Get the null value for this type.
static ResourceType HGetNullValue()
return NULL;
} //*** HGetNullValue()
}; //*** class CSemaphoreHandleTrait
// A class that automatically releases a signalled semaphore.
typedef CSmartResource< CSemaphoreHandleTrait > SmartSemaphoreLock;
// The base class for this class.
typedef CAction BaseClass;
// A smart INF file handle.
typedef CSmartResource<
, SetupCloseInfFile
// Smart semaphore type
typedef CSmartResource< CHandleTrait< HANDLE, BOOL, CloseHandle > > SmartSemaphoreHandle;
// Private member functions
// Copy constructor
CBaseClusterAction( const CBaseClusterAction & );
// Assignment operator
const CBaseClusterAction & operator =( const CBaseClusterAction & );
// Private data
// Pointer to the interface class.
CBCAInterface * m_pbcaiInterface;
// Action to be performed.
EBaseConfigAction m_ebcaAction;
// The list of actions to be performed by this action.
CActionList m_alActionList;
// The installation directory of the cluster binaries.
CStr m_strClusterInstallDir;
// The directory used to store the localquorum files.
CStr m_strLocalQuorumDir;
// Name of the main INF file.
CStr m_strMainInfFileName;
// A handle to the main INF file.
SmartInfHandle m_sihMainInfFile;
// A semaphore used to ensure that only one configuration is in progress.
SmartSemaphoreHandle m_sshConfigSemaphoreHandle;
// A smart handle to the Service Control Manager.
SmartSCMHandle m_sscmhSCMHandle;
}; //*** class CBaseClusterAction