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// Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Microsoft Corporation
// Module Name:
// CreateServices.h
// Description:
// CreateServices implementation.
// Maintained By:
// Galen Barbee (GalenB) 14-JUN-2001
// Geoffrey Pease (GPease) 15-JUN-2000
#pragma once
class CCreateServices
: public IClusCfgResourceCreate
, public IPrivatePostCfgResource
private: // data
// IUnknown
LONG m_cRef; // Reference counter
// IPrivatePostCfgResource
CResourceEntry * m_presentry; // List entry that the service is to modify.
private: // methods
CCreateServices( void );
~CCreateServices( void );
HRESULT HrInit( void );
public: // methods
static HRESULT S_HrCreateInstance( IUnknown ** ppunkOut );
// IUnknown
STDMETHOD( QueryInterface )( REFIID riidIn, LPVOID * ppvOut );
STDMETHOD_( ULONG, AddRef )( void );
STDMETHOD_( ULONG, Release )( void );
// IClusCfgResourceCreate
STDMETHOD( SetPropertyBinary )( LPCWSTR pcszNameIn, const DWORD cbSizeIn, const BYTE * pbyteIn );
STDMETHOD( SetPropertyDWORD )( LPCWSTR pcszNameIn, const DWORD dwDWORDIn );
STDMETHOD( SetPropertyString )( LPCWSTR pcszNameIn, LPCWSTR pcszStringIn );
STDMETHOD( SetPropertyExpandString )( LPCWSTR pcszNameIn, LPCWSTR pcszStringIn );
STDMETHOD( SetPropertyMultiString )( LPCWSTR pcszNameIn, const DWORD cbSizeIn, LPCWSTR pcszStringIn );
STDMETHOD( SetPropertyUnsignedLargeInt )( LPCWSTR pcszNameIn, const ULARGE_INTEGER ulIntIn );
STDMETHOD( SetPropertyLong )( LPCWSTR pcszNameIn, const LONG lLongIn );
STDMETHOD( SetPropertySecurityDescriptor )( LPCWSTR pcszNameIn, const SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR * pcsdIn );
STDMETHOD( SetPropertyLargeInt )( LPCWSTR pcszNameIn, const LARGE_INTEGER lIntIn );
STDMETHOD( SendResourceControl )( DWORD dwControlCode, LPVOID lpInBuffer, DWORD cbInBufferSize );
// IPrivatePostCfgResource
STDMETHOD( SetEntry )( CResourceEntry * presentryIn );
}; //*** class CCreateServices