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// Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation
// Module Name:
// CEnumPhysicalDisks.h
// Description:
// This file contains the declaration of the CEnumPhysicalDisks class.
// The class CEnumPhysicalDisks is the enumeration of cluster
// storage devices. It implements the IEnumClusCfgManagedResources
// interface.
// Documentation:
// Implementation Files:
// CEnumPhysicalDisks.cpp
// Maintained By:
// Galen Barbee (GalenB) 23-FEB-2000
// Make sure that this file is included only once per compile path.
#pragma once
// Include Files
#include "PrivateInterfaces.h"
#include "CClusterUtils.h"
// Constant Declarations
// class CEnumPhysicalDisks
// Description:
// The class CEnumPhysicalDisks is the enumeration of cluster storage
// devices.
// Interfaces:
// IEnumClusCfgManagedResources
// IClusCfgWbemServices
// IClusCfgInitialize
// CClusterUtils
class CEnumPhysicalDisks
: public IEnumClusCfgManagedResources
, public IClusCfgWbemServices
, public IClusCfgInitialize
, public CClusterUtils
// Private member functions and data
LONG m_cRef;
LCID m_lcid;
BOOL m_fLoadedDevices;
IClusCfgCallback * m_picccCallback;
IWbemServices * m_pIWbemServices;
IUnknown * ((*m_prgDisks)[]);
ULONG m_idxNext;
ULONG m_idxEnumNext;
BSTR m_bstrNodeName;
BSTR m_bstrBootDevice;
BSTR m_bstrSystemDevice;
BSTR m_bstrBootLogicalDisk;
BSTR m_bstrSystemLogicalDisk;
BSTR m_bstrSystemWMIDeviceID;
BSTR m_bstrCrashDumpLogicalDisk;
DWORD m_cDiskCount;
// Private constructors and destructors
CEnumPhysicalDisks( void );
~CEnumPhysicalDisks( void );
// Private copy constructor to prevent copying.
CEnumPhysicalDisks( const CEnumPhysicalDisks & nodeSrc );
// Private assignment operator to prevent copying.
const CEnumPhysicalDisks & operator = ( const CEnumPhysicalDisks & nodeSrc );
HRESULT HrInit( void );
HRESULT HrGetDisks( void );
HRESULT HrCreateAndAddDiskToArray( IWbemClassObject * pDiskIn );
HRESULT HrAddDiskToArray( IUnknown * punkIn );
HRESULT HrPruneSystemDisks( void );
HRESULT IsDiskSCSI( IWbemClassObject * pDiskIn );
HRESULT HrFixupDisks( void );
HRESULT HrGetClusterDiskInfo( HCLUSTER hClusterIn, HRESOURCE hResourceIn, CLUS_SCSI_ADDRESS * pcsaOut, DWORD * pdwSignatureOut );
HRESULT HrSetThisDiskToBeManaged( ULONG ulSCSITidIn, ULONG ulSCSILunIn, BOOL fIsQuorumIn, BSTR bstrResourceNameIn, DWORD dwSignatureIn );
HRESULT HrFindDiskWithLogicalDisk( WCHAR cLogicalDiskIn, ULONG * pidxDiskOut );
HRESULT HrGetSCSIInfo( ULONG idxDiskIn, ULONG * pulSCSIBusOut, ULONG * pulSCSIPortOut );
HRESULT HrPruneDisks( ULONG ulSCSIBusIn, ULONG ulSCSIPortIn, const GUID * pcguidMajorIdIn, int nMsgIdIn, int nRefIdIn, ULONG * pulRemovedOut );
void LogPrunedDisk( IUnknown * punkIn, ULONG ulSCSIBusIn, ULONG ulSCSIPortIn );
HRESULT HrIsLogicalDiskNTFS( BSTR bstrLogicalDiskIn );
HRESULT HrLogDiskInfo( IWbemClassObject * pDiskIn );
HRESULT HrFindDiskWithWMIDeviceID( BSTR bstrWMIDeviceIDIn, ULONG * pidxDiskOut );
HRESULT HrIsSystemBusManaged( void );
HRESULT HrGetClusterProperties( HRESOURCE hResourceIn, BSTR * pbstrResourceNameOut );
void RemoveDiskFromArray( ULONG idxDiskIn );
HRESULT HrLoadEnum( void );
HRESULT HrSortDisksByIndex( void );
HRESULT HrPrunePageFileDiskBussess( BOOL fPruneBusIn, ULONG * pcPrunedInout );
HRESULT HrPruneCrashDumpBus( BOOL fPruneBusIn, ULONG * pcPrunedInout );
HRESULT HrPruneDynamicDisks( ULONG * pcPrunedInout );
HRESULT HrPruneGPTDisks( ULONG * pcPrunedInout );
// Public, non interface methods.
static HRESULT S_HrCreateInstance( IUnknown ** ppunkOut );
static HRESULT S_RegisterCatIDSupport( ICatRegister * picrIn, BOOL fCreateIn );
// IUnknown Interfaces
STDMETHOD( QueryInterface )( REFIID riid, void ** ppvObject );
STDMETHOD_( ULONG, AddRef )( void );
STDMETHOD_( ULONG, Release )( void );
// IClusCfgWbemServices Interfaces
STDMETHOD( SetWbemServices )( IWbemServices * pIWbemServicesIn );
// IClusCfgInitialize Interfaces
// Register callbacks, locale id, etc.
STDMETHOD( Initialize )( IUnknown * punkCallbackIn, LCID lcidIn );
// IEnumClusCfgManagedResources Interfaces
STDMETHOD( Next )( ULONG cNumberRequestedIn, IClusCfgManagedResourceInfo ** rgpManagedResourceInfoOut, ULONG * pcNumberFetchedOut );
STDMETHOD( Skip )( ULONG cNumberToSkipIn );
STDMETHOD( Reset )( void );
STDMETHOD( Clone )( IEnumClusCfgManagedResources ** ppEnumClusCfgStorageDevicesOut );
STDMETHOD( Count )( DWORD * pnCountOut );
// CClusterUtils
HRESULT HrNodeResourceCallback( HCLUSTER hClusterIn, HRESOURCE hResourceIn );
}; //*** Class CEnumPhysicalDisks