Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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301 lines
7.6 KiB

!include common.mkf
!if "$(LLP64)" == "0" || "$(PA)" == "IA64" || "$(PA)" == "AMD64"
CC = cl
# Doing a cross-compiler build. Make sure we use the native tools. Clear
# _CL_ just in case it includes -B1/-Bx/-B2 pointing to cross-compiling passes.
! if "$(PA)" == "x86" && "$(LLP64)"=="1"
! elseif "$(PA)" == "x86" && "$(LLP64)"=="2"
! else
! error Unknown platform for 64-bit targetted CRT build
! endif
# Make sure an existing CRT build tree is not used for an incompatible build
!if "$(LLP64)"=="0" || "$(BLD_SYSCRT)"=="0"
! if exist("$(CRT_BUILDDIR)\crt\src\dlldef.cpp")
! message *** ERROR: Attempting a build that uses stdcpp into an existing
! message *** build tree that was last used for a stdcpp64 build!
! error Delnode the build tree and try again
! endif
! if exist("$(CRT_BUILDDIR)\crt\src\instances.cpp")
! message *** ERROR: Attempting a build that uses stdcpp64 into an existing
! message *** build tree that was last used for a stdcpp build!
! error Delnode the build tree and try again
! endif
BT = $(CRT_BUILDDIR)\crt\src\build\build.txt
!if exist("$(BT)")
! if [ findstr -c:"TARGET:$(TARGET_CPU)" "$(BT)" >nul ] || \
[ findstr -c:"LLP64:$(LLP64)" "$(BT)" >nul ] || \
[ findstr -c:"BLD_SYSCRT:$(BLD_SYSCRT)" "$(BT)" >nul ]
! message *** ERROR: Attempting to use an existing build tree that was last
! message *** used for an incompatible type of build.
! message === Previous build type: ===
! if [ type "$(BT)" ]
! endif
! message ============================
! error Delnode the build tree, or run CLEANBLD DELOBJ
! endif
!if [ mkdir "$(CRT_BUILDDIR)" > nul 2>&1 ]
! if [ mkdir "$(CRT_BUILDDIR)\crt" > nul 2>&1 ]
! if [ mkdir "$(CRT_BUILDDIR)\crt\src" > nul 2>&1 ]
! if [ mkdir "$(CRT_BUILDDIR)\crt\src\build" > nul 2>&1 ]
! endif
! endif
! endif
!if [ echo TARGET:$(TARGET_CPU) > "$(BT)" ] || 1
! if [ echo LLP64:$(LLP64) >> "$(BT)" ] || 1
! if [ echo BLD_SYSCRT:$(BLD_SYSCRT) >> "$(BT)" ] || 1
! endif
! endif
!if "$(LLP64)" != "0"
! if "$(BLD_SYSCRT)" == "0"
! else
! endif
!elseif "$(BLD_SYSCRT)" == "1"
!if "$(NOCLEAN)" == "1"
all: $(CS) $(CS)\makefile.pre $(CS)\makefile.rel
if not exist $(CRT_BUILDDIR)\srcrel\nul mkdire $(CRT_BUILDDIR)\srcrel
if not exist $(CS)\nul mkdire $(CS)
!if 0
!if "$(PA)"=="x86"
TOOLDIR = ..\libw32\tools\i386
TOOLDIR = ..\libw32\tools\$(PA)
pd-b: $(TOOLDIR)\pd.exe $(TOOLDIR)\tolwrupr.exe
$(TOOLDIR)\pd -tZ \\lang5\rtl\src\crt60a > temp1
$(TOOLDIR)\tolwrupr -L temp1 > temp2
sed "s/\\\\lang5\\rtl\\src\\crt60a\\//" temp2 > pd-b
-del temp1
-del temp2
$(CS)\pd-d: pd-b
sed "/\\$$/!d" pd-b > $(CS)\pd-d
$(CS)\pd-f: pd-b
sed "/\\$$/d" pd-b > $(CS)\pd-f
$(CS)\mkdirs.i: $(CS)\pd-d mkdirs.sed
sed -f mkdirs.sed $(CS)\pd-d > $(CS)\mkdirs.i
$(CS)\mkfiles.i: $(CS)\pd-f mkfiles.sed
sed -f mkfiles.sed $(CS)\pd-f > $(CS)\mkfiles.i
$(CS)\cleanlst.sed: makefile
@echo > nul <<$@
!if "$(LLP64)"=="0" || "$(BLD_SYSCRT)"=="0"
!if "$(PA)"!="IA64" && ("$(PA)"!="x86" || "$(LLP64)"!="1")
!if "$(PA)"!="AMD64" && ("$(PA)"!="x86" || "$(LLP64)"!="2")
!if "$(PA)"!="x86" || "$(LLP64)"!="0"
!if "$(PA)"=="x86"
!if "$(BLD_SYSCRT)"!="1"
$(CS)\cleanlst.i: $(CS)\mkfiles.i $(CS)\cleanlst.sed
sed -f $(CS)\cleanlst.sed $(CS)\mkfiles.i > $(CS)\cleanlst.i
$(CS)\copy_lst.sed: makefile
@echo > nul <<$@
/^< /!d
s/^< //
!if "$(LLP64)"=="0" || "$(BLD_SYSCRT)"=="0"
!if "$(PA)"!="x86"
!if "$(PA)"!="IA64" && ("$(PA)"!="x86" || "$(LLP64)"!="1")
!if "$(PA)"!="AMD64" && ("$(PA)"!="x86" || "$(LLP64)"!="2")
$(CS)\copy_lst.i: $(CS)\cleanlst.i $(CS)\copy_lst.sed
diff $(CS)\mkfiles.i $(CS)\cleanlst.i | sed -f $(CS)\copy_lst.sed > $(CS)\copy_lst.i
$(CS)\mkclnmkf.exe: mkclnmkf.c makefile
$(CC) -nologo -Gi- -W3 -WX -Za -X -I"$(DEVTOOLSINC)" $(BLDFLAG) \
-Fo$(CS)\ -Fe$(CS)\ mkclnmkf.c \
-link -nod:libc.lib -nod:kernel32.lib \
"$(DEVTOOLSLIB)\libc.lib" "$(DEVTOOLSSDKLIB)\kernel32.lib"
$(CS)\makefile.pre $(CS)\makefile.rel: $(CS)\mkclnmkf.exe $(CS)\copy_lst.i $(CS)\cleanlst.i $(CS)\mkdirs.i
if exist $(CS)\makefile.pre del $(CS)\makefile.pre
if exist $(CS)\makefile.rel del $(CS)\makefile.rel
$(CS)\mkclnmkf $(MKCLNMKFFLAGS) \crt %CRT_BUILDDIR%\crt\prebuild %CRT_BUILDDIR%\crt\src $(CS)\copy_lst.i $(CS)\cleanlst.i $(CS)\mkdirs.i $(CS)\makefile.pre $(CS)\makefile.rel
if exist $(CS)\makefile.tmp del $(CS)\makefile.tmp
ren $(CS)\makefile.rel makefile.tmp
sed "s/DST)\\i386/DST)\\intel/g" $(CS)\makefile.tmp > $(CS)\makefile.rel
del $(CS)\makefile.tmp