Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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; Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation 1989-1990.
; Title: DOSX.INC - Equates and Structures for 286 DOS Extender
; Int 2Fh Interface
; Version: 3.00
; Date: 27-Jun-1989
; Author: JEM
; Change log:
; ----------- --- -----------------------------------------------------------
; 27-Jun-1989 JEM Original
DOSXFunc EQU 46h ;286 DOS Extender Int 2Fh Multiplex ID
; DOSX Int 2Fh subfunctions
DOSXQuery EQU 00h ;Query DOS Extender installation
DOSXSuspend EQU 01h ;Suspend Network posting call
DOSXResume EQU 02h ;Resume Network posting call
DOSXAbort EQU 03h ;Abort Child application call
DOSXInfo EQU 04h ;Get Info structure pointer call
DOSXLast EQU DOSXInfo ;Last valid Int 2Fh request
; Structure returned in ES:BX by DOSXInfo call
DOSXInfoTbl struc
DOSXInfoVer dw ? ;version # of info structure
hXMSHeap dw ? ;XMS handle to DOSX heap block
selAppBlk dw ? ;1st selector to application memory blk
cbAppBlk dd ? ;size in bytes of app memory block
ckReservedLow dw ? ;size in K of low memory to reserve
DOSXInfoTbl ends