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title CONTEXT - task event procedures.
include gpfix.inc
include kernel.inc
include tdb.inc
include pdb.inc
ifdef WOW
include vint.inc
include wowcmpat.inc
externFP CloseCachedFiles
externFP Int21Handler
externFP Far_real_dos
externFP GlobalAlloc
externFP GlobalFree
externFP GlobalLock
externFP GlobalUnlock
externFP GetAppCompatFlags
ifdef FE_SB
externFP FarMyIsDBCSLeadByte
ifdef WOW
externFP IGetModuleFileName
externB Kernel_Flags
externW cpLowHeap
externW selLowHeap
externW selHighHeap
externW selWoaPdb
externB InScheduler
externB DOS_version
externB DOS_revision
externB lpszFileName
;externW pGlobalHeap
externW winVer
externW topPDB
externW cur_dos_PDB
externW Win_PDB
externW curTDB
externW WinFlags
externW FileEntrySize
externW shell_file_TDB
externD shell_file_proc
externD ptrace_DLL_entry
externD ptrace_app_entry
externD lpfnToolHelpProc
externD dressed_for_success
externB fTaskSwitchCalled
externW LockTDB
sBegin CODE
assumes ds,NOTHING
assumes cs,CODE
externD pYieldProc
ifndef WOW
externNP Reschedule
externNP DeleteTask
externNP InsertTask
endif ; WOW
ifdef WOW
externFP MyGetAppWOWCompatFlagsEx
ifndef WOW
; WaitEvent ;
; ;
; If an event is waiting on taskID, suspend the current task until ;
; an event is ready. Returns if an event was ready and no reschedule ;
; occured. Otherwise returns true to indicate a reschedule has occured.;
; ;
; Arguments: ;
; ;
; Returns: ;
; ;
; Error Returns: ;
; ;
; Registers Preserved: ;
; ;
; Registers Destroyed: ;
; ;
; Calls: ;
; ;
; History: ;
; ;
; Sat Mar 28, 1987 05:13:50p -by- David N. Weise [davidw] ;
; Wrote it. ;
assumes ds, nothing
assumes es, nothing
cProc WaitEvent,<PUBLIC,FAR>,<bx,ds>
parmW taskID
push ds
cmp LockTDB, 0 ;Do we have a locked task
jne @F ;Yes, we want to be able to reboot
mov fTaskSwitchCalled, 1 ;Tell Reboot VxD that we're scheduling
pop ds
mov ax,taskID
call GetTaskHandle0
mov ds,ax
xor ax,ax
dec ds:[TDB_nEvents]
jge wait_exit
mov ds:[TDB_nEvents],0
; go uncritical
pop bx
test bh,02 ; the interrupt flag
jz leave_int_off
smov es, 0
smov fs, 0
smov gs, 0
push cs
call Reschedule
mov al,-1
jmp wait_test
pop bx
test bh,02 ; the interrupt flag
jz leave_ints_off
; DirectedYield ;
; ;
; This does a yield and attempts to yield to the specific yo-yo. ;
; In reschedule is checked the event count of the target task, if ;
; non-zero then that task is started. Else the task queue is searched ;
; as normal. ;
; ;
; Arguments: ;
; parmW yield_to ;
; ;
; Returns: ;
; nothing ;
; ;
; Error Returns: ;
; ;
; Registers Preserved: ;
; All ;
; ;
; Registers Destroyed: ;
; ;
; Calls: ;
; ;
; History: ;
; ;
; Sat Mar 28, 1987 06:14:17p -by- David N. Weise [davidw] ;
; Fixed it for aaronr. ;
; ;
; Fri Feb 06, 1987 00:00:11a -by- David N. Weise [davidw] ;
; Wrote it for aaronr. ;
assumes ds, nothing
assumes es, nothing
cProc DirectedYield,<PUBLIC,FAR>
; parmW yield_to
cBegin nogen
push bp
mov bp,sp
push ax
push ds
; get rid of the argument on the stack
mov ax,[bp][2] ; move IP up
xchg [bp][4],ax
xchg [bp][6],ax ; move CS up
mov ds,curTDB
assumes ds,nothing
mov ds:[TDB_Yield_to],ax
; Since this function is used by SendMessage() to switch directly
; to and from the destination app, we don't want to call USER to recieve
; any messages, since that causes unnecessary and inefficient recursion.
cmp ds:[TDB_QUEUE],0
pop ds
pop ax
pop bp
jz dy_OldYield
add sp,2 ; waste the space
jmp cs:pYieldProc ; Jump through CS VARIABLE
pop ds
pop ax
pop bp
add sp,2 ; waste the space
jmps OldYield ; If no task queue, do OLD Yield.
cEnd nogen
; Yield ;
; ;
; Does what it says. ;
; ;
; Arguments: ;
; ;
; Returns: ;
; ;
; Error Returns: ;
; ;
; Registers Preserved: ;
; ;
; Registers Destroyed: ;
; ;
; Calls: ;
; ;
; History: ;
; ;
; Sat May 09, 1987 12:21:13p -by- David N. Weise [davidw] ;
; Added this nifty comment block. ;
; ;
; Wed Apr 15, 1987 12:13:00p -by- Raymond E. Ozzie [-iris-] ;
; Changed Yield to work for tasks that don't ever do an INITAPP, and ;
; thus don't have a task queue. These are presumably tasks that do ;
; some sort of background computational activity that don't have a ;
; window associated with them. ;
; ;
assumes ds, nothing
assumes es, nothing
cProc Yield,<PUBLIC,FAR>
cBegin nogen
push ds
mov ds,curTDB
assumes ds, nothing
mov ds:[TDB_Yield_to],0
cmp ds:[TDB_QUEUE],0
pop ds
jz OldYield ; If no task queue, do OLD Yield.
jmp cs:pYieldProc ; Pass to USER Jump through CS VARIABLE
cEnd nogen
assumes ds, nothing
assumes es, nothing
cProc OldYield,<PUBLIC,FAR>,<ds>
xor ax,ax
cmp InScheduler,al ; can't yield if inside scheduler
jnz yld3 ; just return false
cmp CurTDB,0 ; did it kill itself?
jz @F
mov ds,CurTDB
assumes ds, nothing
inc ds:[TDB_nEvents]
@@: smov es, ax
smov fs, ax
smov gs, ax
push cs
call Reschedule
dec ds:[TDB_nEvents]
mov ax,-1 ; TRUE
endif ; !WOW
assumes ds, nothing
assumes es, nothing
mov bx,sp
mov ax,ss:[bx+8]
mov bx,ss:[bx+6]
jmps GetTaskHandle0
mov bx,sp
mov ax,ss:[bx+6]
or ax,ax
jnz gt1
SetKernelDS es
mov ax,curTDB
gt1: mov es,ax
assumes es, nothing
; cmp es:[TDB_sig],TDB_SIGNATURE
; jne gt2
;gt2: kerror ERR_TASKID,<GetTaskHandle: Invalid task handle>
; ret
ifndef WOW
;; PostEvent( taskID ) - increment the event counter for a task. Return
;; false if invalid task handle passed. Otherwise return true, after
;; setting the scheduler flag that says a new task might be ready to
;; run.
assumes ds, nothing
assumes es, nothing
cProc PostEvent,<PUBLIC,FAR>
; parmW taskID
cBegin nogen
call GetTaskHandle1
inc es:[TDB_nEvents] ; indicate one more event
ret 2
cEnd nogen
endif ; !WOW
; Get the Task pull model event queue handle
assumes ds, nothing
assumes es, nothing
cProc GetTaskQueue,<PUBLIC,FAR>
; parmW taskID
cBegin nogen
call GetTaskHandle1
mov ax,es:[TDB_queue]
ret 2
cEnd nogen
; Get the Task pull model event queue handle into DS
assumes ds, nothing
assumes es, nothing
cProc GetTaskQueueDS,<PUBLIC,FAR>
cBegin nogen
mov ds,curTDB
assumes ds, nothing
mov ds,ds:[TDB_queue]
cEnd nogen
; Get the Task pull model event queue handle into ES
assumes ds, nothing
assumes es, nothing
cProc GetTaskQueueES,<PUBLIC,FAR>
cBegin nogen
SetKernelDS es
mov es,curTDB
assumes es,nothing
mov es,es:[TDB_queue]
cEnd nogen
assumes ds, nothing
assumes es, nothing
cProc SetTaskSignalProc,<PUBLIC,FAR>
; parmW taskID
; parmD signalProc
cBegin nogen
mov bx,sp
mov ax,ss:[bx+8]
call GetTaskHandle0
mov ax,ss:[bx+4]
mov dx,ss:[bx+6]
xchg ax,es:[TDB_USignalProc].off
xchg dx,es:[TDB_USignalProc].sel
ret 6
cEnd nogen
; Set (and Get) the Task pull model event queue handle
assumes ds, nothing
assumes es, nothing
cProc SetTaskQueue,<PUBLIC,FAR>
; parmW taskID
; parmW hQueue
cBegin nogen
call GetTaskHandle2
mov ax,bx
xchg ax,es:[TDB_queue]
ret 4
cEnd nogen
ifndef WOW
; Set (and Get) Task Priority
assumes ds, nothing
assumes es, nothing
cProc SetPriority,<PUBLIC,FAR>
; parmW taskID
; parmW newPri
cBegin nogen
call GetTaskHandle2
add bl,es:[TDB_priority]
cmp bl,-32
jge stp1
mov bl,-32
stp1: cmp bl,15
jle stp2
mov bl,15
stp2: push bx
mov bh,1 ; put at back of priority queue
cmp es:[TDB_priority],bl ; SetPriority( 0 )?
jne stp3 ; No, continue
mov ax,es ; Yes, is this the current task?
push ds
cmp ax,curTDB
pop ds
assumes ds, nothing
je stp4 ; Yes, exit without doing anything
mov bh,0 ; No, put at front of priority queue
add bl,bh
mov es:[TDB_priority],bl
push bx
push es
cCall DeleteTask,<es>
cCall InsertTask,<ax>
pop es
pop ax
sub es:[TDB_priority],ah
pop ax
ret 4
cEnd nogen
endif ; WOW - the above code is not required in WOW
;; Aaron Reynolds 7/20/87 - Added so folks like USER can ask if this is Winoldap
;; IsWinoldapTask( taskID ) - Is this a Winoldap Task?
;; false if not a Winoldap task, else true
;; This works by returning the low bit in the Global Heap pointer of the task's
;; PDB. Nobody in KERNEL sets this bit (it is always initialized to 0). It is
;; up to WINOLDAP to mark its tasks by setting the low bit itself.
assumes ds, nothing
assumes es, nothing
cProc IsWinoldapTask,<PUBLIC,FAR>
; parmW taskID
cBegin nogen
ifdef WOW
xor ax, ax ; always return false
call GetTaskHandle1
mov es,es:[TDB_PDB] ; Get PDB pointer from task handle
mov ax,word ptr es:[PDB_GlobalHeap] ; Get low word of Global heap ptr
and ax,0000000000000001B ; Mask to low bit
ret 2
cEnd nogen
; IsTask
; OLE 1.0 DLLs check whether the task they are talking to is a genuine one
; or not. This they do by calling IsTask(). So, I look for -1 as the hTask,
; which was returned from GetWindowTask() as BOGUSGDT for the 32 bit tasks
; and for the 16 bit tasks a correct value was returned.
; So, if we find hTask on this function as -1, we should return TRUE to
; keep OLE DLLs happy.
; ChandanC Feb 9th 1993.
; Validate a task handle
; davidds
cProc IsTask,<PUBLIC, FAR>
; parmW taskID
cBegin nogen
mov bx,sp
mov ax,ss:[bx+4]
or ax,ax
jz IT_err
ifdef WOW
test al, 0100b ; Check for task aliases (see WOLE2.C) or BOGUSGDT
jnz task_check
mov ax, 1
jmp SHORT IT_exit
lsl bx,ax
jnz IT_err
cmp bx,size TDB
jl IT_err
mov es,ax
cmp es:[TDB_sig],TDB_SIGNATURE
jne IT_err
jmp short IT_exit
xor ax,ax
ret 2
cEnd nogen
; CVW_Hack
; This is a little hack for the next rev of CVW. This is a cheap
; way to break into an app just before it really starts up. We
; call off to the ptrace DLL and then jump off to the real entry
; point.
; Entry:
; none
; Returns:
; none
; Registers Preserved:
; all
; Registers Destroyed:
; History:
; Mon 27-Feb-1989 20:22:06 -by- David N. Weise [davidw]
; Wrote it.
assumes ds,nothing
assumes es,nothing
cBegin nogen
sub sp, 4
;** See if we should call the TOOLHELP hook first
push ds
test Kernel_Flags[2],KF2_TOOLHELP ;TOOLHELP.DLL?
jz st_NoToolHelp ;Nope
push ax ;Save regs we use
push cx
push bx
push Win_PDB ; Preserve Win_TDB across ToolHelp call
cmp curTDB,0
jz @F
push es
mov es,curTDB
push es:[TDB_PDB]
pop ds:Win_PDB
pop es
mov bx,WORD PTR ptrace_app_entry[0] ;Task start address in CX:DX
mov cx,WORD PTR ptrace_app_entry[2]
call lpfnToolHelpProc ;Do it
pop Win_PDB
pop bx
pop cx
pop ax
;** Since we got here, we know that at least one of the two
;** (WINDEBUG, TOOLHELP) or both are here. Since we know
;** TOOLHELP is here, we still need to check for WINDEBUG.
;** If it's here, act as if TOOLHELP were not
cmp WORD PTR ptrace_DLL_entry[2],0 ;WINDEBUG present?
jnz st_NoToolHelp ;Yes, give it a turn
;** Since we have no one else to call, simply start the task
;** Stack: AX[-2] BP[0] DS[2] RETFIP[4] RETFCS[6]
push bp
mov bp,sp
push ax
mov ax,WORD PTR ptrace_app_entry[0] ;Get the IP value
mov [bp + 4],ax ;Put in place of RETFIP
mov ax,WORD PTR ptrace_app_entry[2] ;Get the CS value
mov [bp + 6],ax ;Put in place of RETFCS
pop ax ;Clean up and start up the task
pop bp
pop ds
pop ds
add sp, 4
;** Now call CVW's hook (WINDEBUG.DLL)
push ax
push bx
push cx
push ds
mov bx,ds
push ptrace_app_entry.sel ; push real app entry point
push ptrace_app_entry.off
push cs ; push return to return
push codeOffset cvwh_clever
push ptrace_DLL_entry.sel ; push call into ptrace
push ptrace_DLL_entry.off
push ptrace_app_entry.sel
push ptrace_app_entry.off
mov ds,bx
mov ax,59h
pop bx
pop cx
retf ; 'call' ptrace
mov bx,sp
mov ax,ss:[bx].10
mov cx,ss:[bx].06
mov bx,ss:[bx].08
retf 8 ; return to real entry point
cEnd nogen
; FileCDR_notify
; Entry:
; Returns:
; Registers Destroyed:
; History:
; Thu 08-Jun-1989 17:04:49 -by- David N. Weise [davidw]
; Wrote it!
assumes ds,nothing
assumes es,nothing
cProc FileCDR_notify,<PUBLIC,FAR>,<ax,bx,cx,dx,si,di,ds,es>
localW hHunkOMemory
localD lpDestFile
mov hHunkOMemory, 0 ; Handle/flag for RENAME
mov SEG_lpDestFile, es
mov OFF_lpDestFile, di
mov si,dx ; DS:SI points to [source] file
SetKernelDS es
cmp word ptr shell_file_proc[2],0
jnz @F
jmp fcdr_no_exit
mov di,dataOffset lpszFileName ; Where we will copy filename
cmp ah, 56h ; RENAME?
jne fcdr_no_alloc
mov ax, 256 ; Get enough for two filenames
xor bx, bx
cCall GlobalAlloc,<cx, bx, ax>
or ax, ax
jz fcdr_no_exitj
mov hHunkOMemory, ax
cCall GlobalLock,<ax>
mov es, dx
UnSetKernelDS es
mov di, ax
mov ah, 56h
push ax ; push arguments to call
push es
push di
cmp byte ptr ds:[si][1],':'
jnz nodrive
ifdef FE_SB
mov al, byte ptr ds:[si][0]
call FarMyIsDBCSLeadByte
jnc nodrive
inc si
or al,20h ; convert to lower case
sub al,'a' ; convert to number
jmps gotdrive
mov ah,19h
mov dl,al
inc dl
add al,'A' ; convert to ascii
mov ah,':'
mov bx,'/' shl 8 + '\'
mov al,ds:[si]
cmp al,bh
jz getpath
cmp al,bl
jz getpath
mov al,bl
mov cx,ds
xchg si,di
smov ds,es
mov ah,47h
mov ds,cx
xchg si,di
xor al,al
ifdef FE_SB
; seek pointer to final byte of path.
xor ah,ah ; flag to indicate last char is dbc
mov al,es:[di]
test al,al ; end of string?
jz bsl_2 ; jump if so
inc di
xor ah,ah
call FarMyIsDBCSLeadByte ; DBC?
jc bsl_1 ; jump if not
inc ah ; indicate 'DBC'
jmp bsl_1
test ah,ah ; last char is DBC?
jnz getpath ; yes - don't test '\/'
mov cx,-1
repnz scasb
dec di
mov al,es:[di-1]
cmp al,bh
je getpath
cmp al,bl
je getpath
mov al,bl
@@: lodsb
or al,al
jnz @B
cmp hHunkOMemory, 0
jz no_second_file
lds si, lpDestFile ; Tack destination file name
copy_second: ; after source file name
or al, al
jnz copy_second
SetKernelDS es
call shell_file_proc
else ; KDEBUG
; The call to shell_file_proc can blow up if the variable has not
; been updated properly, and we generate an invalid call fault.
beg_fault_trap bad_shell_file_proc
call shell_file_proc
jmps good_shell_file_proc
; If shell_file_proc has a bad non-zero value, then zero it out
; so USER doesn't get confused.
xor si,si
mov word ptr [shell_file_proc],si
mov word ptr [shell_file_proc+2],si
endif ; KDEBUG
mov si, hHunkOMemory ; Free up memory if necessary
or si, si
jz fcdr_no_exit
cCall GlobalUnlock,<si>
cCall GlobalFree,<si>
; InitTask1
; Entry:
; Returns:
; Registers Destroyed:
; History:
; Sun 04-Feb-1990 23:47:37 -by- David N. Weise [davidw]
; Wrote it!
assumes ds,nothing
assumes es,nothing
cProc InitTask1,<PUBLIC,FAR>
; parmD callback
cBegin nogen
mov bx,sp
push ds
mov ax,ss:[bx].4
mov dressed_for_success.off,ax
mov ax,ss:[bx].6
mov dressed_for_success.sel,ax
pop ds
ret 4
cEnd nogen
ifdef WOW
; IsTaskLocked ;
; ;
; Another hack procedure to determine if the current task is locked. ;
; A non-NULL value is returned if the task is locked and NULL is ;
; returned is the task is not locked. ;
; ;
; This will always return null, because we will always have more than ;
; one WOW app. (wowexec is always running ;
; ;
; This api is used by QuickC ;
; - Nanduri ;
assumes ds, nothing
assumes es, nothing
cProc IsTaskLocked,<PUBLIC,FAR>
cBegin nogen
xor ax,ax
cEnd nogen
endif ; WOW
assumes ds, nothing
assumes es, nothing
cProc GetVersion,<PUBLIC,FAR>
cBegin nogen
push ds
cCall GetAppCompatFlags,<0>
test dx, HIW_GACF_WINVER31
jz gv0
mov ax, 0a03h ; Win ver 3.10 if app hack set
jmps gv1
mov ax, 5f03h ; Win ver 3.95
; mov ax,winVer
; xchg ah,al
mov dh,DOS_version
mov dl,DOS_revision
pop ds
cEnd nogen
assumes cs, misccode
assumes ds, nothing
assumes es, nothing
; SetErrorMode - set the current task's error mode
; Entry:
; parmW errMode 0001h = fail critical errors to app
; 0002h = don't put up pmode fault message
; 8000h = don't promt for file in OpenFile
; Returns:
; AX = old flags
; History:
; Sun 11-Feb-1990 19:01:12 -by- David N. Weise [davidw]
; Added this nifty comment block.
assumes ds, nothing
assumes es, nothing
cProc ISetErrorMode,<PUBLIC,FAR>
parmW errMode
mov ax,errMode
mov ds,CurTDB
xchg ds:[TDB_ErrMode],ax
; GetWinFlags
; Gets the WinFlags for those wimps that can't import
; __WinFlags properly!
; Entry:
; none
; Returns:
; AX = WinFlags
; History:
; Wed 05-Jul-1989 20:19:46 -by- David N. Weise [davidw]
; Wrote it!
assumes ds,nothing
assumes es,nothing
cProc GetWinFlags,<PUBLIC,FAR>
cBegin nogen
push ds
; Comment out this app hack since toolbook is no longer hacked...
; above is from Win95 source, why is toolbook no longer hacked? -DaveHart
xor ax, ax
push ax ; NULL => current task
cCall GetAppCompatFlags
mov ax,WinFlags
jz @f
ifdef WOW
; fixes toolbook for WOW -BobDay
; and ah, not ( WF1_WINNT or WF1_PAGING )
and ah, not WF1_WINNT ; fixes some apps that think they can't run on NT
and ah, not WF1_PAGING ; fixes toolbook
xor dx,dx
pop ds
cEnd nogen
; GetExeVersion - return the current task's expected Windows version
assumes ds, nothing
assumes es, nothing
cProc GetExeVersion,<PUBLIC,FAR>
cBegin nogen
push ds
mov ds, CurTDB
mov ax, ds:[TDB_ExpWinVer]
pop ds
cEnd nogen
ifndef WOW
; WinOldApCall ;
; ;
; This gives WinOldAp the information it needs to run in Expanded ;
; Memory. ;
; ;
; Arguments: ;
; none ;
; ;
; Returns: ;
; (Real Mode) ;
; BX = XMS Handle of segment cache block ;
; CX = Size (in K bytes) of segment cache block ;
; DS:SI = pointer to original Int 21h handler ;
; DI = DOS System File Table Entry size ;
; ;
; (Protected Mode) ;
; AX = Selector to low (lower 640k) heap block ;
; BX = paragraph count of low heap block ;
; CX = Selector to high (above 1024k & HMA) heap block ;
; DX = Selector to fixed low PDB block for WOA use ;
; DS:SI = pointer to original Int 21h handler ;
; DI = DOS System File Table Entry size ;
; ;
; Error Returns: ;
; ;
; Registers Preserved: ;
; ;
; Registers Destroyed: ;
; ;
; Calls: ;
; nothing ;
; ;
; History: ;
; ;
; Wed Mar 25, 1987 03:03:57p -by- David N. Weise [davidw] ;
; Wrote it. ;
assumes ds, nothing
assumes es, nothing
cProc WinOldApCall,<PUBLIC,FAR>
; parmW func
cBegin nogen
push ds
mov bx,sp ; check function code
cmp word ptr ss:[bx+6],0 ; 0 - get WOA info call
jz get_info ; !0 - close cached files call
push Win_PDB ; Save current PDB
cCall CloseCachedFiles,<topPDB> ; close the cached files--really
pop Win_PDB ; 'Set' it back
;;; mov bx, Win_PDB
;;; mov ah, 50h ; Reset the PDB
;;; call far_real_DOS
;;; mov cur_dos_PDB, bx ; Keep variables in sync
jmps woa_exit ; closes them when passed topPDB
mov ax,selLowHeap
mov bx,cpLowHeap
mov cx,selHighHeap
mov dx,selWoaPdb
mov di,FileEntrySize ;DOS version specific SFT entry size
pop ds
ret 2
cEnd nogen
; RegisterPtrace
; The ptrace engine DLL gets calls on behalf of the KERNEL.
; Entry:
; Returns:
; Registers Destroyed:
; History:
; Fri 02-Feb-1990 23:41:54 -by- David N. Weise [davidw]
; We'll get this right one of these days.
; Mon 27-Feb-1989 20:22:06 -by- David N. Weise [davidw]
; Wrote it!
assumes ds,nothing
assumes es,nothing
cProc RegisterPtrace,<PUBLIC,FAR>
; parmD ptrace_proc
cBegin nogen
push ds
mov bx,sp
or Kernel_flags[2],KF2_PTRACE
mov ax,ss:[bx][6]
mov ptrace_DLL_entry.off,ax
or ax,ss:[bx][8] ; is there one?
mov ax,ss:[bx][8]
mov ptrace_DLL_entry.sel,ax
jnz rp_done
;** If TOOLHELP's still installed, we don't really want to clear the
;** flag. If it's unhooked, clear the flag
test Kernel_flags[2], KF2_TOOLHELP
jnz rp_done
and Kernel_flags[2],NOT KF2_PTRACE
pop ds
ret 4
cEnd nogen
; ToolHelpHook
; Allows TOOLHELP.DLL to get PTrace notifications BEFORE the
; normal PTrace hook used by WINDEBUG.DLL. The WINDEBUG.DLL
; hook is now obsolete and is maintained only for backward
; compatibility.
; TOOLHELP calls this function with a valid lpfn or with NULL
; when it is ready to unhook.
; July 25, 1991 [jont]
cProc ToolHelpHook,<PUBLIC,FAR>, <ds,si,di>
parmD lpfn
;** Set/clear the ToolHelp hook installed flag + we also set the
;* PTrace flag because the ToolHelp hook is just a new
;* PTrace hook. We can only clear it, though, if BOTH PTrace
;** hooks are now clear.
or Kernel_Flags[2],KF2_TOOLHELP OR KF2_PTRACE ;Set the flags
mov ax,WORD PTR lpfn[0] ;Get the offset
mov dx,WORD PTR lpfn[2] ; and the selector
mov bx,ax ;Get a copy to trash
or bx,dx ;NULL?
jnz THH_Installed ;No
and Kernel_Flags[2],NOT KF2_TOOLHELP ;Clear the flag
cmp WORD PTR ptrace_dll_entry[2],0 ;WINDEBUG.DLL lurking?
jnz THH_Installed ;Yes, don't clear PTrace flag
and Kernel_Flags[2],NOT KF2_PTRACE ;Clear the flag
;** Install the hook and return the old one
xchg ax,WORD PTR lpfnToolHelpProc[0]
xchg dx,WORD PTR lpfnToolHelpProc[2]
; FileCDR
; Allows the shell to set a procedure that gets called when
; a file or directory is created, moved, or destroyed.
; Entry:
; parmD lpNotifyProc call back function
; Returns:
; AX != 0 success
; History:
; Mon 05-Jun-1989 22:59:33 -by- David N. Weise [davidw]
; Wrote it!
assumes ds,nothing
assumes es,nothing
; parmD lpNotifyProc
cBegin nogen
mov bx,sp
push ds
mov ax,ss:[bx][6]
cmp ax,-1 ; is sel == -1, return current
jne @F ; proc
mov ax,shell_file_proc.off
mov dx,shell_file_proc.sel
jmps fcdr_exit
xchg shell_file_proc.sel,ax
or ax,ax
jz @F
mov cx,curTDB
cmp cx,shell_file_TDB
jnz fcdr_error
@@: mov ax,ss:[bx][4]
mov shell_file_proc.off,ax
mov ax,curTDB
mov shell_file_TDB,ax
mov ax,1
jmps fcdr_exit
xchg shell_file_proc.sel,ax ; replace what was there
xor ax,ax
pop ds
retf 4
cEnd nogen