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title "Call Out to User Mode"
; Copyright (c) 1994 Microsoft Corporation
; Module Name:
; callout.asm
; Abstract:
; This module implements the code necessary to call out from kernel
; mode to user mode.
; Author:
; David N. Cutler (davec) 1-Nov-1994
; Environment:
; Kernel mode only.
; Revision History:
include ks386.inc
include i386\kimacro.inc
include callconv.inc
extrn _KiServiceExit:PROC
extrn _KeUserCallbackDispatcher:DWORD
EXTRNP _MmGrowKernelStack,1
page ,132
subttl "Call User Mode Function"
; KiCallUserMode (
; IN PVOID *Outputbuffer,
; IN PULONG OutputLength
; )
; Routine Description:
; This function calls a user mode function from kernel mode.
; N.B. This function calls out to user mode and the NtCallbackReturn
; function returns back to the caller of this function. Therefore,
; the stack layout must be consistent between the two routines.
; Arguments:
; OutputBuffer - Supplies a pointer to the variable that receivies
; the address of the output buffer.
; OutputLength - Supplies a pointer to a variable that receives
; the length of the output buffer.
; Return Value:
; The final status of the call out function is returned as the status
; of the function.
; N.B. This function does not return to its caller. A return to the
; caller is executed when a NtCallbackReturn system service is
; executed.
; N.B. This function does return to its caller if a kernel stack
; expansion is required and the attempted expansion fails.
; To support the debugger, the callback stack frame is now defined in i386.h.
; If the stack frame is changed, i386.h must be updated and geni386
; rebuilt and run, then rebuild this file and ntos\kd.
; The FPO record below must also be updated to correctly represent
; the stack frame.
cPublicProc _KiCallUserMode, 2
.FPO (3, 2, 4, 4, 0, 0)
; Save nonvolatile registers.
push ebp ; save nonvolatile registers
push ebx ;
push esi ;
push edi ;
; Check if sufficient room is available on the kernel stack for another
; system call.
mov ebx,PCR[PcPrcbData + PbCurrentThread] ; get current thread address
lea eax,[esp]-KERNEL_LARGE_STACK_COMMIT ; compute bottom address
cmp eax,[ebx]+ThStackLimit ; check if limit exceeded
jae short Kcb10 ; if ae, limit not exceeded
stdCall _MmGrowKernelStack,<esp> ; attempt to grow kernel stack
or eax, eax ; check for successful completion
jne Kcb20 ; if ne, attempt to grow failed
; Get the address of the current thread and save the previous trap frame
; and calback stack addresses in the current frame. Also save the new
; callback stack address in the thread object.
Kcb10: push [ebx].ThCallbackStack ; save callback stack address
mov edx,[ebx].ThTrapFrame ; get current trap frame address
push edx ; save trap frame address
mov esi,[ebx].ThInitialStack ; get initial stack address
push esi ; save initial stack address
mov [ebx].ThCallbackStack,esp ; save callback stack address
KcbPrologEnd: ; help for the debugger
; Copy the numeric save area from the previous save area to the new save
; area and establish a new initial kernel stack.
; Make sure that the destination NPX Save area is 16-byte aligned
; as required by fxsave\fxrstor
and esp, 0fffffff0h
mov edi,esp ; set new initial stack address
sub esp,NPX_FRAME_LENGTH ; compute destination NPX save area
sub esi,NPX_FRAME_LENGTH ; compute source NPX save area
cli ; disable interrupts
mov ecx,[esi].FpControlWord ; copy NPX state to new frame
mov [esp].FpControlWord,ecx ;
mov ecx,[esi].FpStatusWord ;
mov [esp].FpStatusWord,ecx ;
mov ecx,[esi].FpTagWord ;
mov [esp].FpTagWord,ecx ;
mov ecx,[esi].FxMXCsr ;
mov [esp].FxMXCsr,ecx ;
mov ecx,[esi].FpCr0NpxState ;
mov [esp].FpCr0NpxState,ecx ;
mov esi,PCR[PcTss] ; get address of task switch segment
mov [ebx].ThInitialStack,edi ; reset initial stack address
mov ecx, esp
sub esp,TsV86Gs - TsHardwareSegSs ; bias for missing V86 fields
test dword ptr [edx].TsEFlags,EFLAGS_V86_MASK ; is this a V86 frame?
jne @f
mov ecx, esp ; Use adjusted esp (normal case)
@@: mov [esi].TssEsp0,ecx ; set kernel entry stack address
; Construct a trap frame to facilitate the transfer into user mode via
; the standard system call exit.
sub esp,TsHardwareSegSs + 4 ; allocate trap frame
mov ebp,esp ; set address of trap frame
mov ecx,(TsHardwareSegSs - TsSegFs + 4) / 4; set repeat count
lea edi,[esp].TsSegFs ; set destination address
lea esi,[edx].TsSegFs ; set source address
rep movsd ; copy trap information
mov edi, [edx].TsDr7 ; Fetch control register
test edi, DR7_ACTIVE ; Do we need to restore Debug reg?
mov [esp].TsDr7, edi ; Save away Dr7
jnz short Kcb18 ; Yes, go save them.
Kcb15: mov eax,_KeUserCallbackDispatcher ; st address of callback dispatchr
mov [esp].TsEip,eax ;
mov eax,PCR[PcExceptionList] ; get current exception list
mov [esp].TsExceptionList,eax ; set previous exception list
mov eax,[edx].TsPreviousPreviousMode ; get previous mode
mov [esp].TsPreviousPreviousMode,eax ; set previous mode
sti ; enable interrupts
SET_DEBUG_DATA ; set system call debug data for exit
jmp _KiServiceExit ; exit through service dispatch
mov ecx,(TsDr6 - TsDr0 + 4) / 4; set repeat count
lea edi,[esp].TsDr0 ; set destination address
lea esi,[edx].TsDr0 ; set source address
rep movsd ; copy trap information
jmp short Kcb15
; An attempt to grow the kernel stack failed.
Kcb20: pop edi ; restore nonvolitile register
pop esi ;
pop ebx ;
pop ebp ;
stdRET _KiCallUserMode
stdENDP _KiCallUserMode
page ,132
subttl "Switch Kernel Stack"
; KeSwitchKernelStack (
; IN PVOID StackBase,
; IN PVOID StackLimit
; )
; Routine Description:
; This function switches to the specified large kernel stack.
; N.B. This function can ONLY be called when there are no variables
; in the stack that refer to other variables in the stack, i.e.,
; there are no pointers into the stack.
; Arguments:
; StackBase (esp + 4) - Supplies a pointer to the base of the new kernel
; stack.
; StackLimit (esp + 8) - Suplies a pointer to the limit of the new kernel
; stack.
; Return Value:
; The old kernel stack is returned as the function value.
SsStkBs equ 4 ; new kernel stack base address
SsStkLm equ 8 ; new kernel stack limit address
cPublicProc _KeSwitchKernelStack, 2
; Save the address of the new stack and copy the old stack to the new
; stack.
push esi ; save string move registers
push edi ;
mov edx,PCR[PcPrcbData + PbCurrentThread] ; get current thread address
mov edi,[esp]+SsStkBs + 8 ; get new kernel stack base address
mov ecx,[edx].ThStackBase ; get current stack base address
sub ebp,ecx ; relocate the callers frame pointer
add ebp,edi ;
mov eax,[edx].ThTrapFrame ; relocate the current trap frame address
sub eax,ecx ;
add eax,edi ;
mov [edx].ThTrapFrame,eax ;
sub ecx,esp ; compute length of copy
sub edi,ecx ; set destination address of copy
mov esi,esp ; set source address of copy
push edi ; save new stack pointer address
rep movsb ; copy old stack to new stack
pop edi ; restore new stack pointer address
; Switch to the new kernel stack and return the address of the old kernel
; stack.
mov eax,[edx].ThStackBase ; get old kernel stack base address
mov ecx,[esp]+SsStkBs + 8 ; get new kernel stack base address
mov esi,[esp]+SsStkLm + 8 ; get new kernel stack limit address
cli ; disable interrupts
mov [edx].ThStackBase,ecx ; set new kernel stack base address
mov [edx].ThStackLimit,esi ; set new kernel stack limit address
mov byte ptr [edx].ThLargeStack, 1 ; set large stack TRUE
mov [edx].ThInitialStack,ecx ; set new initial stack address
sub ecx,NPX_FRAME_lENGTH ; compute NPX save area address
mov esi,[edx].ThTrapFrame ; Get current trap frame address
mov edx,PCR[PcTss] ; get address of task switch segment
test dword ptr [esi]+TsEFlags,EFLAGS_V86_MASK ; is this a V86 frame?
jne @f
sub ecx,TsV86Gs - TsHardwareSegSs ; bias for missing V86 fields
@@: mov [edx].TssEsp0,ecx ; set kernel entry stack address
mov esp,edi ; set new stack pointer address
sti ;
pop edi ; restore string move registers
pop esi ;
stdRET _KeSwitchKernelStack
stdENDP _KeSwitchKernelStack
page ,132
subttl "Get User Mode Stack Address"
; KiGetUserModeStackAddress (
; )
; Routine Description:
; This function returns the address of the user stack address in the
; current trap frame.
; Arguments:
; None.
; Return Value:
; The address of the user stack address.
cPublicProc _KiGetUserModeStackAddress, 0
mov eax,PCR[PcPrcbData + PbCurrentThread] ; get current thread address
mov eax,[eax].ThTrapFrame ; get current trap frame address
lea eax,[eax].TsHardwareEsp ; get address of stack address
stdRET _KiGetUserModeStackAddress
stdENDP _KiGetUserModeStackAddress
page ,132
subttl "Return from User Mode Callback"
; NtCallbackReturn (
; IN ULONG OutputLength,
; )
; Routine Description:
; This function returns from a user mode callout to the kernel
; mode caller of the user mode callback function.
; N.B. This function returns to the function that called out to user
; mode and the KiCallUserMode function calls out to user mode.
; Therefore, the stack layout must be consistent between the
; two routines.
; Arguments:
; OutputBuffer - Supplies an optional pointer to an output buffer.
; OutputLength - Supplies the length of the output buffer.
; Status - Supplies the status value returned to the caller of the
; callback function.
; Return Value:
; If the callback return cannot be executed, then an error status is
; returned. Otherwise, the specified callback status is returned to
; the caller of the callback function.
; N.B. This function returns to the function that called out to user
; mode is a callout is currently active.
cPublicProc _NtCallbackReturn, 3
mov eax,PCR[PcPrcbData + PbCurrentThread] ; get current thread address
mov ecx,[eax].ThCallbackStack ; get callback stack address
test ecx, ecx
je CbExit ; if zero, no callback stack present
; Restore the current exception list from the saved exception list in the
; current trap frame, restore the trap frame and callback stack addresses,
; store the output buffer address and length, and set the service status.
mov ebx,[eax].ThTrapFrame ; get current trap frame address
mov edx,[ebx].TsExceptionList ; get saved exception list address
mov PCR[PcExceptionList],edx ; restore exception list address
mov edi,[esp] + 4 ; get output buffer address
mov esi,[esp] + 8 ; get output buffer length
mov ebp,[esp] + 12 ; get callout service status
mov ebx,[ecx].CuOutBf ; get address to store output buffer
mov [ebx],edi ; store output buffer address
mov ebx,[ecx].CuOutLn ; get address to store output length
mov [ebx],esi ; store output buffer length
mov ebx,[ecx] ; get previous initial stack address
cli ; disable interrupt
mov esi,[eax].ThInitialStack ; get source NPX save area address
mov [eax].ThInitialStack,ebx ; restore initial stack address
sub esi,NPX_FRAME_LENGTH ; compute destination NPX save area
sub ebx,NPX_FRAME_LENGTH ; compute destination NPX save area
mov edx,[esi].FpControlWord ; copy NPX state to previous frame
mov [ebx].FpControlWord,edx ;
mov edx,[esi].FpStatusWord ;
mov [ebx].FpStatusWord,edx ;
mov edx,[esi].FpTagWord ;
mov [ebx].FpTagWord,edx ;
mov edx,[esi].FxMXCsr ;
mov [ebx].FxMXCsr,edx ;
mov edx,[esi].FpCr0NpxState ;
mov [ebx].FpCr0NpxState,edx ;
mov edx,PCR[PcTss] ; get address of task switch segment
lea esp, [ecx+4] ; trim stack back to callback frame
pop edi
test dword ptr [edi]+TsEFlags,EFLAGS_V86_MASK ; is this a V86 frame?
jne @f
sub ebx,TsV86Gs - TsHardwareSegSs ; bias for missing V86 fields
@@: test [edi].TsDr7, DR7_ACTIVE
mov [edx].TssEsp0,ebx ; restore kernel entry stack address
setnz byte ptr [eax].ThDebugActive ; Set debug active to match saved DR7
mov [eax].ThTrapFrame, edi ; restore current trap frame address
sti ; enable interrupts
pop [eax].ThCallbackStack ; restore callback stack address
mov eax,ebp ; set callback service status
; Restore nonvolatile registers, clean call parameters from stack, and
; return to callback caller.
pop edi ; restore nonvolatile registers
pop esi ;
pop ebx ;
pop ebp ;
pop edx ; save return address
add esp,8 ; remove parameters from stack
jmp edx ; return to callback caller
; No callback is currently active.
CbExit: mov eax,STATUS_NO_CALLBACK_ACTIVE ; set service status
stdRET _NtCallBackReturn
stdENDP _NtCallbackReturn
_TEXT ends