Leaked source code of windows server 2003
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

358 lines
8.2 KiB

// Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Microsoft Corporation
// All rights reserved.
// File Name:
// chknames.c
// Description:
// Code to check whether the given filename/netname/sharname etc...
// contain illegal chars or not.
// These are used to validate such things as the TargetPath setting,
// net printers and computername.
// Exports:
// --------
// IsValidComputerName
// IsValidNetShareName
// IsValidFileName8_3
// IsValidPathNameNoRoot8_3ot.
#include "pch.h"
// The below list of illegal netnames characters was stolen from setup
// source code during NT5 Beta3 timeframe (end of 1998).
LPTSTR IllegalNetNameChars = _T("\"/\\[]:|<>+=;,?*.");
// The below list of illegal filename characters were stolen from fileio
// test sources at NT5 Beta3 timeframe.
// #define ILLEGAL_FAT_CHARS "\"*+,/:;<=>?[]|\\"
// #define ILLEGAL_FATLONG_CHARS "\"*/:<>?|\\"
// #define ILLEGAL_NETWARE_CHARS "\"*+,/:;<=>?[]|\\ "
// #define ILLEGAL_HPFS_CHARS "\"*/:<>?|\\"
// #define ILLEGAL_NTFS_CHARS "\"*/<>?|\\"
// In addition to the above list, strict 8.3 also includes:
// 1. no spaces
// 2. only 1 dot
LPTSTR IllegalFatChars = _T("\"*+,/:;<=>?[]|\\ ");
// Enum constants, one of these must be passed to IsNameValid
enum {
// Function: IsNameValid
// Purpose: Internal support routine that checks whether the given name
// contains invalid chars or not. The list of printable invalid
// chars is given as an arg. Control characters are always
// invalid.
LPTSTR NameToCheck,
LPTSTR IllegalChars,
int iNameType
UINT Length;
UINT nDots = 0;
Length = lstrlen(NameToCheck);
// Want at least one character.
if(!Length) {
// No Leading/trailing spaces if this is a network name
if ( iNameType == NAME_NETNAME ) {
if((NameToCheck[0] == _T(' ')) || (NameToCheck[Length-1] == _T(' '))) {
// Control chars are invalid, as are characters in the illegal chars list.
for(u=0; u<Length; u++) {
if( NameToCheck[u] <= _T(' ') )
return( FALSE );
if( wcschr( IllegalFatChars,NameToCheck[u] ) )
return( FALSE );
if( NameToCheck[u] == _T('.') )
// For 8.3 names be sure there is only max of 1 dot in the name, and
// check that each part has <=8 and <=3 chars respectively. Als, don't
// allow a name like this: .foo.
if ( iNameType == NAME_FILESYS_8DOT3 ) {
if ( nDots > 1 )
return FALSE;
if ( p = wcschr( NameToCheck, _T('.') ) ) {
if ( p - NameToCheck > 8 || p - NameToCheck == 0 )
return FALSE;
if ( Length - (p - NameToCheck) - 1 > 3 )
return FALSE;
} else {
if ( Length > 8 )
return FALSE;
// We got here, name is ok.
// Function: IsNetNameValid
// Purpose: Internal support routine to check for invalid chars in a
// single piece of a network name. See IsValidComputerName and
// IsValidNetShareName.
LPTSTR NameToCheck
return IsNameValid(NameToCheck, IllegalNetNameChars, NAME_NETNAME);
// Function: IsValidComputerName
// Purpose: Checks whether the given computer name contains invalid chars.
LPTSTR ComputerName
return IsNetNameValid(ComputerName);
// Function: IsValidNetShareName
// Purpose: Checks whether the given netshare name contains invalid
// chars, and whether it is of valid format. Only \\srv\share
// form is permitted.
LPTSTR NetShareName
TCHAR *pEnd;
// Has to have \\ at the beginning
if ( NetShareName[0] != _T('\\') ||
NetShareName[1] != _T('\\') )
return FALSE;
// Isolate the 'srv' in \\srv\share and validate it for bogus chars
NetShareName += 2;
if ( (pEnd = wcschr(NetShareName, _T('\\'))) == NULL )
return FALSE;
*pEnd = _T('\0');
if ( ! IsNetNameValid(NetShareName) ) {
*pEnd = _T('\\');
return FALSE;
*pEnd = _T('\\');
// Validate the 'share' in \\srv\share
if ( ! IsNetNameValid(pEnd) )
return FALSE;
return( TRUE );
// Function: IsValidFileName8_3
// Purpose: Checks whether the given filename, or single piece of a pathname
// contains invalid chars or not, and whether it follows 8.3 naming
// rules.
int nDots;
// Check for illegal chars, lead/trail whitespace is illegal for 8.3
if ( ! IsNameValid(FileName, IllegalFatChars, NAME_FILESYS_8DOT3) )
return FALSE;
// Be sure there is zero or one dot
for ( p=FileName, nDots=0; *p; p++ ) {
if ( *p == _T('.') )
if ( nDots > 1 )
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
// Function: IsValidPathNameNoRoot8_3
// Purpose: Checks whether the given pathname contains invalid chars or not.
// A drive_letter: or \\unc\name are not permitted. The pathname
// must also follow strict 8.3 rules. This is useful for
// TargetPath setting (for e.g.)
TCHAR *p = PathName, *pEnd, Remember;
// No UNC names
if ( PathName[0] == _T('\\') && PathName[1] == _T('\\') )
return FALSE;
// No drive letter allowed
if ( towupper(PathName[0]) >= _T('A') &&
towupper(PathName[0]) <= _T('Z') &&
PathName[1] == _T(':') ) {
return FALSE;
// Loop until the end of this string breaking out each piece of
// the pathname and checking for bad chars.
// e.g. foo1\foo2\foo3, call IsValidFileName8_3() 3 times with the
// little piece.
do {
while ( *p && *p == _T('\\') )
for ( pEnd = p; *pEnd && *pEnd != _T('\\'); pEnd++ )
Remember = *pEnd;
*pEnd = _T('\0');
if ( ! IsValidFileName8_3(p) ) {
*pEnd = Remember;
return FALSE;
*pEnd = Remember;
p = pEnd;
} while ( *p );
// Made it here, we're ok
return TRUE;