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// File: TraceEvent
// A Managed wrapper for Event Tracing for Windows
// Author: Melur Raghuraman
// Extended By: Baskar Sridharan (7 June 2002).
// Date: 10 Oct 2001
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Reflection;
namespace Microsoft.Win32.Diagnostics
// TODO: Cover all possible EventTypes
public sealed class EventType
// Ensure class cannot be instantiated
private EventType() {}
public const uint Info = 0x00; // Information or Point Event
public const uint StartEvent = 0x01; // Start of an activity
public const uint EndEvent = 0x02; // End of an activity
public const uint DcStart = 0x03; // Event at Start of Data Collection
public const uint DcEnd = 0x04; // Event at End of Data Collection
public const uint Extension = 0x05; // Extension Event
public const uint Reply = 0x06; // Request-Reply Event
public const uint Dequeue = 0x07; // Enqueue-Dequeue Event
public const uint Checkpoint = 0x08;// Checkpoint Event
public const uint Reserved = 0x09; // Reserved Event
public const uint Message = 0xFF; // Debug Message Event Type
// new Event Types beyond Win32 types
public const uint Connect = 0x10; // Connect Event Type
public const uint Disconnect = 0x11;// Disconnect Event Type
// Open-Close, Connect-Disconnect, Request-Response
// Send-Receive, Start-End, Enqueue-Dequeue, Lock-Unlock
// Enter-Leave, Parent-child, Read-Write, Create-Delete
// new-dispose, alloc-free, client-server,
// Checkpoint/Marker,
internal struct TypeNumberMap
internal const byte NULL_NO=0;
internal const byte OBJECT_NO = 1;
internal const byte STRING_NO = 2;
internal const byte SBYTE_NO = 3;
internal const byte BYTE_NO = 4;
internal const byte INT16_NO = 5;
internal const byte UINT16_NO = 6;
internal const byte INT32_NO = 7;
internal const byte UINT32_NO = 8;
internal const byte INT64_NO = 9;
internal const byte UINT64_NO = 10;
internal const byte CHAR_NO = 11;
internal const byte SINGLE_NO = 12;
internal const byte DOUBLE_NO = 13;
internal const byte BOOLEAN_NO = 14;
internal const byte DECIMAL_NO = 15;
// TODO: Check with Debug Level constants in NT and System.Diagnostics
public enum TraceFlags: int
Error=1, Warning=2, Info=4, Info1=8, Info2=16, Info3=32, Info4=64, Info5=128, Info6=256, Info7=512, Info8=1024,
Performance=2048, Performance1=4096, Performance2=8192, Performance3=16384, Performance4=32768, Performance5=65536,
Performance6=131072, Performance7=262144, Performance8=524288
public interface ITraceMessageDecoder
unsafe int DecodeTraceMessage(byte* message, char* buffer, int bufferSize, ref int dataSize);
public class TraceProvider : ITraceMessageDecoder
static private EtwTrace.EtwProc etwProc; // Trace Callback function
private ulong registrationHandle; // Trace Registration Handle
private ulong traceHandle; // Trace Logger Handle from callback
private uint level; // Tracing Level
private uint flags; // Trace Enable Flags
private bool enabled; // Enabled flag from Trace callback
private const byte noOfBytesPerArg = 3;
private string defaultString = "Foo";
private string defaultFmtStr = "Default Format String";
private Hashtable messageFormatTable = new Hashtable();
string applicationName= "CSharp Software Tracing App";
//Default GUID used by Trace Message Strings.
private Guid MessageGuid = new Guid("{b4955bf0-3af1-4740-b475-99055d3fe9aa}");
public TraceProvider()
//Such a default constructor is required for COM Interop
public TraceProvider(string applicationName, Guid controlGuid)
Level = 0;
flags = 0;
IsEnabled= false;
traceHandle = 0;
registrationHandle = 0;
this.applicationName = applicationName; //Currently, we don't use this variable
// Register the controlGuid with ETW
public TraceProvider(ulong traceHandle)
this.traceHandle = traceHandle;
// Unregister from ETW using the registrationHandle saved from
// the register call.
public uint Flags
return flags;
internal uint Level
return level;
// set should not be public
level = value;
public bool IsEnabled
return enabled;
enabled = value;
// This callback function is called by ETW to enable or disable Tracing dynamically
public unsafe uint MyCallback(uint requestCode, System.IntPtr context, System.IntPtr bufferSize, byte* byteBuffer)
BaseEvent* buffer = (BaseEvent *)byteBuffer;
case EtwTrace.RequestCodes.EnableEvents:
traceHandle = buffer->HistoricalContext;
//traceHandle = EtwTrace.GetTraceLoggerHandle((BaseEvent *)buffer);
flags = (uint)EtwTrace.GetTraceEnableFlags((ulong)buffer->HistoricalContext);
Level = (uint)EtwTrace.GetTraceEnableLevel((ulong)buffer->HistoricalContext);
IsEnabled = true;
case EtwTrace.RequestCodes.DisableEvents:
IsEnabled = false;
traceHandle = 0;
Level = 0 ;
flags = 0 ;
IsEnabled = false;
traceHandle = 0;
return 0;
catch(Exception e)
Console.WriteLine("Exception caught - '{0}'", e.Message);
return 0;//TODO: Shouldn't we be returning a different value here ?
// Registers a Dynamically Generated GUID automatically with an inbuilt callback
private unsafe uint Register(Guid controlGuid)
uint status;
TraceGuidRegistration guidReg = new TraceGuidRegistration();
Guid dummyGuid = new Guid("{b4955bf0-3af1-4740-b475-99055d3fe9aa}");
etwProc = new EtwTrace.EtwProc(MyCallback);
guidReg.Guid = &dummyGuid;
guidReg.RegHandle = null;
status = EtwTrace.RegisterTraceGuids(etwProc, null, ref controlGuid, 1, ref guidReg, null, null, out registrationHandle);
if (status != 0)
Console.WriteLine("Register() call Failed with Status {0}", status);
return status;
public unsafe uint TraceEvent(Guid eventGuid, uint evtype)
BaseEvent ev; // Takes up 192 bytes on the stack
ev.ClientContext = 0;
ev.Guid = eventGuid;
ev.ProviderId = evtype;
ev.BufferSize = 48; // sizeof(EVENT_TRACE_HEADER)
return EtwTrace.TraceEvent(traceHandle, (char*)&ev);
// This is the 1 object overload
public unsafe uint TraceEvent(Guid eventGuid, uint evtype, object data0)
return TraceEvent(eventGuid, evtype, data0, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null);
// This is the 2 argument overload
public unsafe uint TraceEvent(Guid eventGuid, uint evtype, object data0, object data1)
return TraceEvent(eventGuid, evtype, data0, data1, null, null, null, null, null, null, null);
// This is the 3 argument overload
public unsafe uint TraceEvent(Guid eventGuid, uint evtype, object data0, object data1, object data2)
return TraceEvent(eventGuid, evtype, data0, data1, data2, null, null, null, null, null, null);
// This is the 4 argument overload
public unsafe uint TraceEvent(Guid eventGuid, uint evtype, object data0, object data1, object data2, object data3)
return TraceEvent(eventGuid, evtype, data0, data1, data2, data3, null, null, null, null, null);
// This is the 5 argument overload
public unsafe uint TraceEvent(Guid eventGuid, uint evtype, object data0, object data1, object data2, object data3, object data4)
return TraceEvent(eventGuid, evtype, data0, data1, data2, data3, data4, null, null, null, null);
// This is the 6 argument overload
public unsafe uint TraceEvent(Guid eventGuid, uint evtype, object data0, object data1, object data2, object data3, object data4, object data5)
return TraceEvent(eventGuid, evtype, data0, data1, data2, data3, data4, data5, null, null, null);
// This is the 7 argument overload
public unsafe uint TraceEvent(Guid eventGuid, uint evtype, object data0, object data1, object data2, object data3, object data4, object data5, object data6)
return TraceEvent(eventGuid, evtype, data0, data1, data2, data3, data4, data5, data6, null, null);
// This is the 8 argument overload
public unsafe uint TraceEvent(Guid eventGuid, uint evtype, object data0, object data1, object data2, object data3, object data4, object data5, object data6, object data7)
return TraceEvent(eventGuid, evtype, data0, data1, data2, data3, data4, data5, data6, data7, null);
public unsafe uint TraceEvent(Guid eventGuid, uint evtype, object data0, object data1, object data2, object data3, object data4, object data5, object data6, object data7, object data8)
uint status = 0;
BaseEvent ev; // Takes up 192 bytes on the stack
char* buffer = stackalloc char[128];
uint offset = 0;
char* ptr = buffer;
string s0 , s1 , s2 , s3 , s4 , s5 , s6 , s7 , s8;
int stringMask = 0;
uint argCount=0;
s0 = s1 = s2 = s3 = s4 = s5 = s6 = s7 = s8 = defaultString;
ev.Flags = 0x00120000; // define Constants
ev.Guid = eventGuid;
ev.ProviderId = evtype;
MofField *be = null;
if (data0 != null)
be = &(&ev.UserData)[0];
if ((s0 = ProcessOneObject(data0, be, ptr, ref offset)) != null)
stringMask |= 0x00000001;
if (data1 != null)
be = &(&ev.UserData)[1];
ptr = buffer + offset;
if ((s1 = ProcessOneObject(data1, be, ptr, ref offset)) != null)
stringMask |= 0x00000002;
if (data2 != null)
be = &(&ev.UserData)[2];
ptr = buffer + offset;
if ((s2 = ProcessOneObject(data2, be, ptr, ref offset)) != null)
stringMask |= 0x00000004;
if (data3 != null)
be = &(&ev.UserData)[3];
ptr = buffer + offset;
if ((s3 = ProcessOneObject(data3, be, ptr, ref offset)) != null)
stringMask |= 0x00000008;
if (data4 != null)
be = &(&ev.UserData)[4];
ptr = buffer + offset;
if ((s4 = ProcessOneObject(data4, be, ptr, ref offset)) != null)
stringMask |= 0x00000010;
if (data5 != null)
be = &(&ev.UserData)[5];
ptr = buffer + offset;
if ((s5 = ProcessOneObject(data5, be, ptr, ref offset)) != null)
stringMask |= 0x00000020;
if (data6 != null)
be = &(&ev.UserData)[6];
ptr = buffer + offset;
if ((s6 = ProcessOneObject(data6, be, ptr, ref offset)) != null)
stringMask |= 0x00000040;
if (data7 != null)
be = &(&ev.UserData)[7];
ptr = buffer + offset;
if ((s7 = ProcessOneObject(data7, be, ptr, ref offset)) != null)
stringMask |= 0x00000080;
if (data8 != null)
be = &(&ev.UserData)[8];
ptr = buffer + offset;
if ((s8 = ProcessOneObject(data8, be, ptr, ref offset)) != null)
stringMask |= 0x00000100;
// Now pin all the strings and use the stringMask to pass them over through
// mofField.
fixed (char* vptr0 = s0, vptr1 = s1, vptr2 = s2, vptr3 = s3, vptr4 = s4, vptr5 = s5, vptr6 = s6, vptr7 = s7, vptr8 = s8 )
if ((stringMask & 0x00000001) != 0)
(&ev.UserData)[0].DataLength = (uint) s0.Length * 2;
(&ev.UserData)[0].DataPointer = (void*)vptr0;
if ((stringMask & 0x00000002)!= 0)
(&ev.UserData)[1].DataLength = (uint) s1.Length * 2;
(&ev.UserData)[1].DataPointer = (void*)vptr1;
if ((stringMask & 0x00000004)!= 0)
(&ev.UserData)[2].DataLength = (uint) s2.Length * 2;
(&ev.UserData)[2].DataPointer = (void*)vptr2;
if ((stringMask & 0x00000008)!= 0)
(&ev.UserData)[3].DataLength = (uint) s3.Length * 2;
(&ev.UserData)[3].DataPointer = (void*)vptr3;
if ((stringMask & 0x00000010)!= 0)
(&ev.UserData)[4].DataLength = (uint) s4.Length * 2;
(&ev.UserData)[4].DataPointer = (void*)vptr4;
if ((stringMask & 0x00000020)!= 0)
(&ev.UserData)[5].DataLength = (uint) s5.Length * 2;
(&ev.UserData)[5].DataPointer = (void*)vptr5;
if ((stringMask & 0x00000040)!= 0)
(&ev.UserData)[6].DataLength = (uint) s6.Length * 2;
(&ev.UserData)[6].DataPointer = (void*)vptr6;
if ((stringMask & 0x00000080)!= 0)
(&ev.UserData)[7].DataLength = (uint) s7.Length * 2;
(&ev.UserData)[7].DataPointer = (void*)vptr7;
if ((stringMask & 0x00000100)!= 0)
(&ev.UserData)[8].DataLength = (uint) s8.Length * 2;
(&ev.UserData)[8].DataPointer = (void*)vptr8;
ev.BufferSize = 48 + argCount * 16;
status = EtwTrace.TraceEvent(traceHandle, (char*)&ev);
return status;
private unsafe string ProcessOneObject(object data, MofField * mofField, char* ptr, ref uint offSet)
return EncodeObject(data, mofField, ptr, ref offSet, (byte *)null);
//TODO[1]: Need to accomodate Win64 alignment issues. Code that might cause problems
// have been tagged with "WIN64 Changes".
private unsafe string EncodeObject(object data, MofField * mofField, char* ptr, ref uint offSet, byte* ptrArgInfo)
if (data == null)
*ptrArgInfo = (byte)0; //NULL type, WIN64 Changes
*(ushort *)(ptrArgInfo+1) = (ushort)0;
mofField->DataLength = 0;
mofField->DataPointer=(void *)null; //WIN64 Changes (?)
return null;
string sRet = data as string;
if (sRet != null)
*ptrArgInfo = (byte)2; //WIN64 Changes
*(ushort *)(ptrArgInfo+1) = (ushort)(sRet.Length<65535?sRet.Length:65535); //WIN64 Changes
return sRet;
if (data is sbyte)
mofField->DataLength = sizeof(sbyte);
*ptrArgInfo = (byte)3; //WIN64 Changes
sbyte* sbyteptr = (sbyte*)ptr;
*sbyteptr = (sbyte) data; //WIN64 Changes
mofField->DataPointer = (void *) sbyteptr;
offSet += sizeof(sbyte);
else if (data is byte)
mofField->DataLength = sizeof(byte);
*ptrArgInfo = (byte)4; //WIN64 Changes
byte* byteptr = (byte*)ptr;
*byteptr = (byte) data; //WIN64 Changes
mofField->DataPointer = (void *) byteptr;
offSet += sizeof(byte);
else if (data is short)
mofField->DataLength = sizeof(short);
*ptrArgInfo = (byte)5; //WIN64 Changes
short* shortptr = (short*)ptr;
*shortptr = (short) data; //WIN64 Changes
mofField->DataPointer = (void *) shortptr;
offSet += sizeof(short);
else if (data is ushort)
mofField->DataLength = sizeof(ushort);
*ptrArgInfo = (byte)6; //WIN64 Changes
ushort* ushortptr = (ushort*)ptr;
*ushortptr = (ushort) data; //WIN64 Changes
mofField->DataPointer = (void *) ushortptr;
offSet += sizeof(ushort);
else if (data is int)
mofField->DataLength = sizeof(int);
*ptrArgInfo = (byte)7; //WIN64 Changes
int* intptr = (int*)ptr;
*intptr = (int) data; //WIN64 Changes
mofField->DataPointer = (void *) intptr;
offSet += sizeof(int);
else if (data is uint )
mofField->DataLength = sizeof(uint);
*ptrArgInfo = (byte)8; //WIN64 Changes
uint* uintptr = (uint*)ptr;
*uintptr = (uint) data; //WIN64 Changes
mofField->DataPointer = (void *) uintptr;
offSet += sizeof(uint);
else if (data is long )
mofField->DataLength = sizeof(long);
*ptrArgInfo = (byte)9; //WIN64 Changes
long* longptr = (long*)ptr;
*longptr = (long) data; //WIN64 Changes
mofField->DataPointer = (void *) longptr;
offSet += sizeof(long);
else if (data is ulong )
mofField->DataLength = sizeof(ulong);
*ptrArgInfo = (byte)10; //WIN64 Changes
ulong* ulongptr = (ulong*)ptr;
*ulongptr = (ulong) data; //WIN64 Changes
mofField->DataPointer = (void *) ulongptr;
offSet += sizeof(ulong);
else if (data is char)
mofField->DataLength = sizeof(char);
*ptrArgInfo = (byte)11; //WIN64 Changes
char* charptr = (char*)ptr;
*charptr = (char) data; //WIN64 Changes
mofField->DataPointer = (void *) charptr;
offSet += sizeof(char);
else if (data is float)
mofField->DataLength = sizeof(float);
*ptrArgInfo = (byte)12; //WIN64 Changes
float* floatptr = (float*)ptr;
*floatptr = (float) data; //WIN64 Changes
mofField->DataPointer = (void *) floatptr;
offSet += sizeof(float);
else if (data is double)
mofField->DataLength = sizeof(double);
*ptrArgInfo = (byte)13; //WIN64 Changes
double* doubleptr = (double*)ptr;
*doubleptr = (double) data; //WIN64 Changes
mofField->DataPointer = (void *) doubleptr;
offSet += sizeof(double);
else if (data is bool)
mofField->DataLength = sizeof(bool);
*ptrArgInfo = (byte)14; //WIN64 Changes
bool* boolptr = (bool*)ptr;
*boolptr = (bool) data; //WIN64 Changes
mofField->DataPointer = (void *) boolptr;
offSet += sizeof(bool);
else if (data is decimal)
mofField->DataLength = (uint)sizeof(decimal);
*ptrArgInfo = (byte)15; //WIN64 Changes
decimal* decimalptr = (decimal*)ptr;
*decimalptr = (decimal) data; //WIN64 Changes
mofField->DataPointer = (void *) decimalptr;
offSet += (uint)sizeof(decimal);
//To our eyes, everything else is a just a string
sRet = data.ToString();
*ptrArgInfo = (byte)2; //WIN64 Changes
*(ushort *)(ptrArgInfo+1) = (ushort)(sRet.Length<65535?sRet.Length:65535); //WIN64 Changes
return sRet;
*(ushort *)(ptrArgInfo+1) = (ushort)(mofField->DataLength); //WIN64 Changes (?)
return sRet;
private unsafe uint EncodeTraceMessage(Guid eventGuid, uint evtype, byte nargs, object formatstring, object data2, object data3, object data4, object data5, object data6, object data7, object data8, object data9)
uint status = 0;
BaseEvent ev; // Takes up 208 bytes on the stack
char* buffer = stackalloc char[144+(1+9*noOfBytesPerArg)/sizeof(char)];//28 characters would be 56 bytes!!!. We are allocating more space than we require.
//Header structure:
//1 byte for number of args
//3 byte for format string type information,
//3 bytes each for the type information for a maximum of 8 arguments
byte *header = (byte *)(buffer+144);
uint offset = 0;
char* ptr = buffer;
string s1 , s2 , s3 , s4 , s5 , s6 , s7 , s8, s9;
int stringMask = 0;
uint argCount=0;
byte *ptrHeader = header;
s1 = s2 = s3 = s4 = s5 = s6 = s7 = s8 = s9 = defaultString;
ev.Flags = 0x00120000; // define Constants
ev.Guid = eventGuid;
//IMP: evtype MUST be the same as the one specified in the typeve field for CSharp in default.tmf
ev.ProviderId = evtype;
MofField *be = null;
if (header != null)
be = &(&ev.UserData)[0];
header[0] = (byte)nargs; //WIN64 Changes (?)
be->DataPointer = (void *)header;
be->DataLength = (uint)(1+nargs*noOfBytesPerArg);
if (formatstring == null)
formatstring = defaultFmtStr;
if (formatstring != null)
//data1 would, in most cases, be the format string
be = &(&ev.UserData)[1];
ptr = buffer + offset;
if ((s1 = EncodeObject(formatstring, be, ptr, ref offset, ++header)) != null)
stringMask |= 0x00000002;
if (argCount <= nargs)
be = &(&ev.UserData)[2];
ptr = buffer + offset;
if ((s2 = EncodeObject(data2, be, ptr, ref offset, header+1*noOfBytesPerArg)) != null)
stringMask |= 0x00000004;
if (argCount <= nargs)
be = &(&ev.UserData)[3];
ptr = buffer + offset;
if ((s3 = EncodeObject(data3, be, ptr, ref offset, header+2*noOfBytesPerArg)) != null)
stringMask |= 0x00000008;
if (argCount <= nargs)
be = &(&ev.UserData)[4];
ptr = buffer + offset;
if ((s4 = EncodeObject(data4, be, ptr, ref offset, header+3*noOfBytesPerArg)) != null)
stringMask |= 0x00000010;
if (argCount <= nargs)
be = &(&ev.UserData)[5];
ptr = buffer + offset;
if ((s5 = EncodeObject(data5, be, ptr, ref offset, header+4*noOfBytesPerArg)) != null)
stringMask |= 0x00000020;
if (argCount <= nargs)
be = &(&ev.UserData)[6];
ptr = buffer + offset;
if ((s6 = EncodeObject(data6, be, ptr, ref offset,header+5*noOfBytesPerArg)) != null)
stringMask |= 0x00000040;
if (argCount <= nargs)
be = &(&ev.UserData)[7];
ptr = buffer + offset;
if ((s7 = EncodeObject(data7, be, ptr, ref offset,header+6*noOfBytesPerArg)) != null)
stringMask |= 0x00000080;
if (argCount <= nargs)
be = &(&ev.UserData)[8];
ptr = buffer + offset;
if ((s8 = EncodeObject(data8, be, ptr, ref offset,header+7*noOfBytesPerArg)) != null)
stringMask |= 0x00000100;
if (argCount <= nargs)
be = &(&ev.UserData)[9];
ptr = buffer + offset;
if ((s9 = EncodeObject(data9, be, ptr, ref offset, header+8*noOfBytesPerArg)) != null)
stringMask |= 0x00000200;
// Now pin all the strings and use the stringMask to pass them over through
// mofField.
fixed (char* vptr1 = s1, vptr2 = s2, vptr3 = s3, vptr4 = s4, vptr5 = s5, vptr6 = s6, vptr7 = s7, vptr8 = s8, vptr9 = s9 )
if ((stringMask & 0x00000002)!= 0)
(&ev.UserData)[1].DataLength = (uint) (s1.Length<65535/2?s1.Length*2:65535);//s1.Length*2;
(&ev.UserData)[1].DataPointer = (void*)(vptr1);
if ((stringMask & 0x00000004)!= 0)
(&ev.UserData)[2].DataLength = (uint) (s2.Length<65535/2?s2.Length*2:65535);//s2.Length * 2;
(&ev.UserData)[2].DataPointer = (void*)(vptr2);
if ((stringMask & 0x00000008)!= 0)
(&ev.UserData)[3].DataLength = (uint) (s3.Length<65535/2?s3.Length*2:65535);//s3.Length * 2;
(&ev.UserData)[3].DataPointer = (void*)(vptr3);
if ((stringMask & 0x00000010)!= 0)
(&ev.UserData)[4].DataLength = (uint) (s4.Length<65535/2?s4.Length*2:65535);//s4.Length * 2;
(&ev.UserData)[4].DataPointer = (void*)(vptr4);
if ((stringMask & 0x00000020)!= 0)
(&ev.UserData)[5].DataLength = (uint) (s5.Length<65535/2?s5.Length*2:65535);//s5.Length * 2;
(&ev.UserData)[5].DataPointer = (void*)(vptr5);
if ((stringMask & 0x00000040)!= 0)
(&ev.UserData)[6].DataLength = (uint) (s6.Length<65535/2?s6.Length*2:65535);//s6.Length * 2;
(&ev.UserData)[6].DataPointer = (void*)(vptr6);
if ((stringMask & 0x00000080)!= 0)
(&ev.UserData)[7].DataLength = (uint) (s7.Length<65535/2?s7.Length*2:65535);//s7.Length * 2;
(&ev.UserData)[7].DataPointer = (void*)(vptr7);
if ((stringMask & 0x00000100)!= 0)
(&ev.UserData)[8].DataLength = (uint) (s8.Length<65535/2?s8.Length*2:65535);//s8.Length * 2;
(&ev.UserData)[8].DataPointer = (void*)(vptr8);
if ((stringMask & 0x00000200)!= 0)
(&ev.UserData)[9].DataLength = (uint) (s9.Length<65535/2?s9.Length*2:65535);//s9.Length * 2;
(&ev.UserData)[9].DataPointer = (void*)(vptr9);
ev.BufferSize = 48 + (argCount+1) * 16;//the extra mof field is for the header
status = EtwTrace.TraceEvent(traceHandle, (char*)&ev);
return status;
public unsafe int DecodeTraceMessage(byte* message, char* buffer, int bufferSize /* in chars */, ref int dataSize /*Note: This is # of *chars* and not bytes*/)
if (buffer == null || message == null || bufferSize <= 0)
return 0; //TODO[1]: Do we need a more detailed error code ?
int i=0;
byte nargs = *message;
ushort lenFmtStr = *(ushort *)(message+2);
char* pcFmtStr = (char *)(message+1+nargs*noOfBytesPerArg);//start of the format string
byte* argData = message+1+nargs*noOfBytesPerArg+lenFmtStr*2; //start of the argument data
object[] argObject = new object[nargs];
byte argType;
ushort argLen;
String formatString = new String(pcFmtStr,0,lenFmtStr);
//Excluding the format string
for(i = 0; i < nargs-1; i++)
argType = *(message+1+(i+1)*noOfBytesPerArg);
argLen = *(ushort *)(message+1+(i+1)*noOfBytesPerArg+1); //WIN64 Changes (?)
case TypeNumberMap.NULL_NO:
argObject[i] = null;
case TypeNumberMap.STRING_NO:
String s;
if (argLen == 0)
s = "";
else s = new String((char *)argData,0,argLen);
argObject[i] = s;
argLen *= 2; //adjust the length
case TypeNumberMap.SBYTE_NO:
sbyte sb = *(sbyte *)argData; //WIN64 Changes
argObject[i] = sb;
case TypeNumberMap.BYTE_NO:
byte b = *argData; //WIN64 Changes
argObject[i] = b;
case TypeNumberMap.INT16_NO:
short s = *(short *)argData; //WIN64 Changes
argObject[i] = s;
case TypeNumberMap.UINT16_NO:
ushort us = *(ushort *)argData; //WIN64 Changes
argObject[i] = us;
case TypeNumberMap.INT32_NO:
int id = *(int *)argData; //WIN64 Changes
argObject[i] = id;
case TypeNumberMap.UINT32_NO:
uint uid = *(uint *)argData; //WIN64 Changes
argObject[i] = uid;
case TypeNumberMap.INT64_NO:
long l = *(long *)argData; //WIN64 Changes
argObject[i] = l;
case TypeNumberMap.UINT64_NO:
ulong ul = *(ulong *)argData; //WIN64 Changes
argObject[i] = ul;
case TypeNumberMap.CHAR_NO:
char c = *(char *)argData; //WIN64 Changes
argObject[i] = c;
case TypeNumberMap.SINGLE_NO:
float f = *(float *)argData; //WIN64 Changes
argObject[i] = f;
case TypeNumberMap.DOUBLE_NO:
double d = *(double *)argData; //WIN64 Changes
argObject[i] = d;
case TypeNumberMap.BOOLEAN_NO:
bool b = *(bool *)argData; //WIN64 Changes
argObject[i] = b;
case TypeNumberMap.DECIMAL_NO:
decimal d = *(decimal *)argData; //WIN64 Changes
argObject[i] = d;
argData += argLen;
string fStr = String.Format(formatString,argObject);
if (fStr.Length==0)//empty string
fStr="Format string was empty!";
int arrLen = fStr.Length*2;
dataSize = arrLen+1;
fixed(char* carray = fStr.ToCharArray())
if (arrLen+1 <= bufferSize)
for(i = 0; i < arrLen; i++)
buffer[i] = carray[i]; //WIN64 Changes (?)
//add null terminator
buffer[i+1] = (char)0x00; //WIN64 Changes (?)
return 1;
//TODO[1]: Do we need to copy as many characters as we can ?
//Not sure if it is useful to do so because the caller may have to come back
//with the right buffer size to get all the data. So why copy part of the data twice ?
return 0;
catch(Exception e)
Console.WriteLine("Exception caught: {0}", e.Message);
return -1;
// ========================================================================
// The following are the Message String Wrappers for Software Tracing Messages
// using Flags.
// There are entried for Format string and zero through 8 arguments.
// These are kept small so they will be inlined
// ========================================================================
// Just the format string
public unsafe void TraceMessage(uint traceFlags, object format )
if ((traceFlags&Flags) != 0)
EncodeTraceMessage(MessageGuid, (int)14,1, format, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null);
// Just one argument
public unsafe void TraceMessage(uint traceFlags, object format, object data1 )
if ((traceFlags&Flags) != 0)
EncodeTraceMessage(MessageGuid, (int)14, 2, format, data1, null, null, null, null, null, null,null);
// Just two arguments
public unsafe void TraceMessage(uint traceFlags, object format, object data1, object data2 )
if ((traceFlags&Flags) != 0)
EncodeTraceMessage(MessageGuid, (int)14, 3, format, data1, data2, null, null, null, null, null, null);
// Just three arguments
public unsafe void TraceMessage(uint traceFlags, object format, object data1, object data2, object data3 )
if ((traceFlags&Flags) != 0)
EncodeTraceMessage(MessageGuid, (int)14, 4, format, data1, data2, data3, null, null, null, null, null);
// Just four arguments
public unsafe void TraceMessage(uint traceFlags, object format, object data1, object data2, object data3, object data4 )
if ((traceFlags&Flags) != 0)
EncodeTraceMessage(MessageGuid, (int)14, 5, format, data1, data2, data3, data4, null, null, null, null);
// Just five arguments
public unsafe void TraceMessage(uint traceFlags, object format, object data1, object data2, object data3, object data4, object data5 )
if ((traceFlags&Flags) != 0)
EncodeTraceMessage(MessageGuid, (int)14, 6, format, data1, data2, data3, data4, data5, null, null, null);
// Just six arguments
public unsafe void TraceMessage(uint traceFlags, object format, object data1, object data2, object data3, object data4, object data5, object data6 )
if ((traceFlags&Flags) != 0)
EncodeTraceMessage(MessageGuid, (int)14, 7, format, data1, data2, data3, data4, data5, data6, null, null);
// Just seven arguments
public unsafe void TraceMessage(uint traceFlags, object format, object data1, object data2, object data3, object data4, object data5, object data6, object data7 )
if ((traceFlags&Flags) != 0)
EncodeTraceMessage(MessageGuid, (int)14, 8, format, data1, data2, data3, data4, data5, data6, data7, null);
// Just eight arguments
public unsafe void TraceMessage(uint traceFlags, object format, object data1, object data2, object data3, object data4, object data5, object data6, object data7, object data8 )
if ((traceFlags&Flags) != 0)
EncodeTraceMessage(MessageGuid, (int)14, 9, format, data1, data2, data3, data4, data5, data6, data7, data8);