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; Module Name: srccopy.asm
; Copyright (c) 1993 Microsoft Corporation
; VOID vSrcCopy8bpp(ppdev, psoSrc, prclDst, pptlSrc, lSrcDelta, pvSrcStart);
; Input:
; ppdev - screen pdev
; psoSrc - source surface
; prcldest - pointer to destination rectangle
; pptlsrc - pointer to source upper left corner
; lSrcDelta - offset from start of one scan to next in source
; pvSrcStart - pointer to start of bitmap
; Performs 8bpp SRCCOPY memory-to-screen blts.
; NOTE: Assumes all rectangles have positive heights and widths. Will
; not work properly if this is not the case.
.model small,c
assume cs:FLAT,ds:FLAT,es:FLAT,ss:FLAT
assume fs:nothing,gs:nothing
include stdcall.inc ;calling convention cmacros
include i386\strucs.inc
include i386\driver.inc
include i386\egavga.inc
cProc vSrcCopy8bpp,20,< \
uses esi edi ebx, \
ppdev: ptr PDEV, \
prclDst: ptr RECTL, \
pptlSrc: ptr POINTL, \
lSrcDelta: dword, \
pvSrcStart: ptr >
local culMiddle: dword ;# of dwords in middle
local cyToGo: dword ;# of scans to copy after the current bank
local pfnLoopVector:ptr ;vector to appropriate copying loop
local pvSrc: ptr ;source pointer
mov esi,prclDst ;esi = prclDest
mov ebx,ppdev ;ebx = ppdev
mov edi,[esi].yTop
cmp edi,[ebx].pdev_rcl1WindowClip.yTop
jl short src8_map_init_bank
mov edx,[ebx].pdev_rcl1WindowClip.yBottom
;edx = ppdev->rcl1WindowClip.bottom
cmp edi,edx
jl short src8_init_bank_mapped
ptrCall <dword ptr [ebx].pdev_pfnBankControl>, \
mov edx,[ebx].pdev_rcl1WindowClip.yBottom
mov eax,[esi].yBottom
sub eax,edx
mov cyToGo,eax ;eax = # scans to do after this bank
sbb ecx,ecx
and ecx,eax
add edx,ecx ;edx = min(prclDst->bottom,
; ppdev->rcl1WindowClip.bottom)
sub edx,edi ;edx = # of scans to do in this bank
; ebx = ppdev
; edx = # of scans to do in this bank
; esi = prclDst
mov eax,[esi].xLeft
add eax,3
and eax,not 3 ;eax = xLeft aligned to next dword
mov edi,pptlSrc ;edi = pptlSrc
mov ecx,lSrcDelta
imul ecx,[edi].ptl_y
add ecx,[edi].ptl_x
add ecx,eax
sub ecx,[esi].xLeft
add ecx,pvSrcStart
mov pvSrc,ecx ;pvSrc = pptlSrc->y * lSrcDelta +
; pptlSrc->x + dest alignment +
; pvSrcStart
mov edi,[ebx].pdev_lNextScan
imul edi,[esi].yTop
add edi,eax
add edi,[ebx].pdev_pvBitmapStart
;edi = prclDst->top * ppdev->lNextScan +
; aligned left + ppdev->pvBitmapStart
; (the aligned destination address)
; eax = prclDst->left aligned to dword
; ebx = ppdev
; edx = # of scans to do in this bank
; esi = prclDst
; edi = destination address
mov ecx,[esi].xRight ;esi = prclDst->right
sub ecx,eax ;ecx = length in bytes from first full
; dword to last byte
jl short src8_one_dword ;special case if the destination
; starts and ends in the same dword
mov eax,ecx
and ecx,not 3 ;ecx = length of middle dwords in bytes
sub eax,ecx ;eax = (right & 3)
mov esi,[esi].xLeft
and esi,3 ;esi = (left & 3)
shl eax,2
or esi,eax ;esi = ((right & 3) << 2) | (left & 3)
; (look-up index for loop vectors)
mov ebx,[ebx].pdev_lNextScan
sub ebx,ecx ;ebx = ppdev->lNextScan
; - (culMiddle << 2)
; (destination delta)
mov eax,lSrcDelta
sub eax,ecx ;eax = lSrcDelta - (culMiddle << 2)
; (source delta)
shr ecx,2
mov culMiddle,ecx ;culMiddle = number of middle dwords
; eax = source delta
; ebx = destination delta
; ecx =
; edx = # scans to do
; esi = flags
; edi = destination pointer
; Set up for loop entry
mov ecx,gapfnMasterCopyTable[esi*4] ;every loop vector is a dword
mov esi,pvSrc
mov pfnLoopVector,ecx ;save loop vector for next bank
jmp ecx
; Here we handle cases where copy starts and ends in same dword:
public src8_one_dword
sub eax,[esi].xLeft ;eax = # of bytes from left edge to
; first dword
add ecx,eax ;ecx = # of bytes to do
sub edi,eax ;adjust back to start byte
sub pvSrc,eax ;adjust accordingly
mov ebx,[ebx].pdev_lNextScan;ebx = ppdev->lNextScan
; (destination delta)
mov eax,lSrcDelta ;eax = lSrcDelta
; (source delta)
; eax = source delta
; ebx = destination delta
; esi =
; edx = # scans to do
; ecx = flags
; edi = destination pointer
; Set up for loop entry
dec ecx ;adjust for table (no zero entry)
mov ecx,gapfnOneDwordCopyTable[ecx*4]
mov esi,pvSrc
mov pfnLoopVector,ecx ;save loop vector for next bank
jmp ecx
; We have following variables set before calling loops:
; eax = source delta (from end of dwords to start of dwords on next scan)
; ebx = destination delta
; edx = # of scans
; esi = source pointer
; edi = destination pointer
; culMiddle = number of dwords to copy
; See if done. If not, get next bank.
public src8_done
cmp cyToGo,0
jg short src8_next_bank
cRet vSrcCopy8bpp
push esi
push ebx ;save some registers
mov ebx,ppdev
push eax
mov esi,[ebx].pdev_rcl1WindowClip.yBottom
sub edi,[ebx].pdev_pvBitmapStart
ptrCall <dword ptr [ebx].pdev_pfnBankControl>, \
add edi,[ebx].pdev_pvBitmapStart
mov edx,[ebx].pdev_rcl1WindowClip.yBottom
sub edx,esi ;edx = # scans can do in this bank
mov eax,cyToGo
sub eax,edx
mov cyToGo,eax ;eax = # scans to do after this bank
sbb ecx,ecx
and ecx,eax
add edx,ecx ;edx = min(# of scans can do in bank,
; # of scans to go)
pop eax ;restore those registers
pop ebx
pop esi
jmp pfnLoopVector
; We organize the tables as follows so that it's easy to index into them:
; Bits 2 and 3 = # of trailing bytes
; Bits 0 and 1 = # of leading bytes to skip in first dword
align 4
gapfnMasterCopyTable label dword
dd copy_wide_w_00_loop
dd copy_wide_w_30_loop
dd copy_wide_w_20_loop
dd copy_wide_w_10_loop
dd copy_wide_w_01_loop
dd copy_wide_w_31_loop
dd copy_wide_w_21_loop
dd copy_wide_w_11_loop
dd copy_wide_w_02_loop
dd copy_wide_w_32_loop
dd copy_wide_w_22_loop
dd copy_wide_w_12_loop
dd copy_wide_w_03_loop
dd copy_wide_w_33_loop
dd copy_wide_w_23_loop
dd copy_wide_w_13_loop
align 4
gapfnOneDwordCopyTable label dword
dd copy_thin_t_1_loop
dd copy_thin_t_2_loop
dd copy_thin_t_3_loop
; Copy n dwords, 0 leading bytes, 0 trailing bytes, then advance to next
; scan line.
mov ecx,culMiddle
rep movsd
add esi,eax
add edi,ebx
dec edx
jnz copy_wide_w_00_loop
jmp src8_done
; Copy n dwords, 0 leading bytes, 1 trailing bytes, then advance to next
; scan line.
mov ecx,culMiddle
rep movsd
mov cl,[esi]
mov [edi],cl
add esi,eax
add edi,ebx
dec edx
jnz copy_wide_w_01_loop
jmp src8_done
; Copy n dwords, 0 leading bytes, 2 trailing bytes, then advance to next
; scan line.
mov ecx,culMiddle
rep movsd
mov cx,[esi]
mov [edi],cx
add esi,eax
add edi,ebx
dec edx
jnz copy_wide_w_02_loop
jmp src8_done
; Copy n dwords, 0 leading bytes, 3 trailing bytes, then advance to next
; scan line.
mov ecx,culMiddle
rep movsd
mov cx,[esi]
mov [edi],cx
mov cl,[esi+2]
mov [edi+2],cl
add esi,eax
add edi,ebx
dec edx
jnz copy_wide_w_03_loop
jmp src8_done
; Copy n dwords, 1 leading byte, 0 trailing bytes, then advance to next
; scan line.
mov cl,[esi-1]
mov [edi-1],cl
mov ecx,culMiddle
rep movsd
add esi,eax
add edi,ebx
dec edx
jnz copy_wide_w_10_loop
jmp src8_done
; Copy n dwords, 1 leading byte, 1 trailing bytes, then advance to next
; scan line.
mov cl,[esi-1]
mov [edi-1],cl
mov ecx,culMiddle
rep movsd
mov cl,[esi]
mov [edi],cl
add esi,eax
add edi,ebx
dec edx
jnz copy_wide_w_11_loop
jmp src8_done
; Copy n dwords, 1 leading byte, 2 trailing bytes, then advance to next
; scan line.
mov cl,[esi-1]
mov [edi-1],cl
mov ecx,culMiddle
rep movsd
mov cx,[esi]
mov [edi],cx
add esi,eax
add edi,ebx
dec edx
jnz copy_wide_w_12_loop
jmp src8_done
; Copy n dwords, 1 leading byte, 3 trailing bytes, then advance to next
; scan line.
mov cl,[esi-1]
mov [edi-1],cl
mov ecx,culMiddle
rep movsd
mov cx,[esi]
mov [edi],cx
mov cl,[esi+2]
mov [edi+2],cl
add esi,eax
add edi,ebx
dec edx
jnz copy_wide_w_13_loop
jmp src8_done
; Copy n dwords, 2 leading bytes, 0 trailing bytes, then advance to next
; scan line.
mov cx,[esi-2]
mov [edi-2],cx
mov ecx,culMiddle
rep movsd
add esi,eax
add edi,ebx
dec edx
jnz copy_wide_w_20_loop
jmp src8_done
; Copy n dwords, 2 leading bytes, 1 trailing bytes, then advance to next
; scan line.
mov cx,[esi-2]
mov [edi-2],cx
mov ecx,culMiddle
rep movsd
mov cl,[esi]
mov [edi],cl
add esi,eax
add edi,ebx
dec edx
jnz copy_wide_w_21_loop
jmp src8_done
; Copy n dwords, 2 leading bytes, 2 trailing bytes, then advance to next
; scan line.
mov cx,[esi-2]
mov [edi-2],cx
mov ecx,culMiddle
rep movsd
mov cx,[esi]
mov [edi],cx
add esi,eax
add edi,ebx
dec edx
jnz copy_wide_w_22_loop
jmp src8_done
; Copy n dwords, 2 leading bytes, 3 trailing bytes, then advance to next
; scan line.
mov cx,[esi-2]
mov [edi-2],cx
mov ecx,culMiddle
rep movsd
mov cx,[esi]
mov [edi],cx
mov cl,[esi+2]
mov [edi+2],cl
add esi,eax
add edi,ebx
dec edx
jnz copy_wide_w_23_loop
jmp src8_done
; Copy n dwords, 3 leading bytes, 0 trailing bytes, then advance to next
; scan line.
mov cl,[esi-3]
mov [edi-3],cl
mov cx,[esi-2]
mov [edi-2],cx
mov ecx,culMiddle
rep movsd
add esi,eax
add edi,ebx
dec edx
jnz copy_wide_w_30_loop
jmp src8_done
; Copy n dwords, 3 leading bytes, 1 trailing bytes, then advance to next
; scan line.
mov cl,[esi-3]
mov [edi-3],cl
mov cx,[esi-2]
mov [edi-2],cx
mov ecx,culMiddle
rep movsd
mov cl,[esi]
mov [edi],cl
add esi,eax
add edi,ebx
dec edx
jnz copy_wide_w_31_loop
jmp src8_done
; Copy n dwords, 3 leading bytes, 2 trailing bytes, then advance to next
; scan line.
mov cl,[esi-3]
mov [edi-3],cl
mov cx,[esi-2]
mov [edi-2],cx
mov ecx,culMiddle
rep movsd
mov cx,[esi]
mov [edi],cx
add esi,eax
add edi,ebx
dec edx
jnz copy_wide_w_32_loop
jmp src8_done
; Copy n dwords, 3 leading bytes, 3 trailing bytes, then advance to next
; scan line.
mov cl,[esi-3]
mov [edi-3],cl
mov cx,[esi-2]
mov [edi-2],cx
mov ecx,culMiddle
rep movsd
mov cx,[esi]
mov [edi],cx
mov cl,[esi+2]
mov [edi+2],cl
add esi,eax
add edi,ebx
dec edx
jnz copy_wide_w_33_loop
jmp src8_done
; Copy 1 byte, then advance to next scan line.
mov cl,[esi]
mov [edi],cl
add esi,eax
add edi,ebx
dec edx
jnz copy_thin_t_1_loop
jmp src8_done
; Copy 2 bytes, then advance to next scan line.
mov cx,[esi]
mov [edi],cx
add esi,eax
add edi,ebx
dec edx
jnz copy_thin_t_2_loop
jmp src8_done
; Copy 3 bytes, then advance to next scan line.
mov cx,[esi]
mov [edi],cx
mov cl,[esi+2]
mov [edi+2],cl
add esi,eax
add edi,ebx
dec edx
jnz copy_thin_t_3_loop
jmp src8_done
public copy_wide_w_00_loop
public copy_wide_w_01_loop
public copy_wide_w_02_loop
public copy_wide_w_03_loop
public copy_wide_w_10_loop
public copy_wide_w_11_loop
public copy_wide_w_12_loop
public copy_wide_w_13_loop
public copy_wide_w_20_loop
public copy_wide_w_21_loop
public copy_wide_w_22_loop
public copy_wide_w_23_loop
public copy_wide_w_30_loop
public copy_wide_w_31_loop
public copy_wide_w_32_loop
public copy_wide_w_33_loop
public copy_thin_t_1_loop
public copy_thin_t_2_loop
public copy_thin_t_3_loop
endProc vSrcCopy8bpp