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* LHMatch: A library to compute 'LH Matchings', a generalization of ordinary
* bipartite matchings.
* Authors: Nicholas Harvey and Laszlo Lovasz
* Developed: Nov 2000 - July 2001
* Problem Description:
* Let G=(U \union V, E) be a bipartite graph. We define an assignment
* to be a set of edges, M \subset E, such that every u \member U has
* deg_M(u)=1. For v \member V, deg_M(v) is unrestricted. An LH Matching is
* an assignment for which the variance of {deg_M(v):v \member V} is
* minimized.
* Note that it is easy to compute an ordinary maximum cardinality bipartite
* matching from a optimum relaxed matching: at each RHS-vertex, throw away
* all of its matching edges but one.
/***** Type Definitions *****/
typedef void* LHGRAPH;
/***** Graph Statistics *****/
typedef struct {
/* numEdges: The total number of edges in the graph */
int numEdges;
/* numMatchingEdges: The total number of matching edges */
int numMatchingEdges;
/* matchingCost: The total cost of the current matching. The total cost
* is defined to be the sum of the load of the matching on each of the
* right-hand vertices. If a right-hand vertex has c matching partners,
* the load at this vertex is c*(c+1)/2. */
int matchingCost;
/* bipMatchingSize: If the current LH Matching were converted into a
* bipartite matching, this would be the size of the bipartite matching. */
int bipMatchingSize;
/***** Error Codes *****/
#define LH_SUCCESS 0
#define LH_INTERNAL_ERR -1
#define LH_PARAM_ERR -2
#define LH_MEM_ERR -3
#define LH_MATCHING_ERR -4
#define LH_EDGE_EXISTS -5
/***** Algorithm Types *****/
/* The LHMatch library actually includes two algorithms to compute
* LH Matchings: LHOnline, LHBFS.
* LHOnline is the simpler algorithm and also the slower one. It cannot
* incrementally improve an initial matching. Instead, it computes an optimal
* matching from scratch each time it runs.
* LHBFS is faster than LHOnline but the implementation is more
* complicated. It can take an existing matching as input and incrementally
* improve it until it becomes optimal.
typedef enum {
/***** LHCreateGraph *****/
* Description:
* Create a graph structure on which which to compute the matching.
* Parameters:
* IN numLHSVtx The number of vertices on the left-hand side of
* the bipartite graph.
* IN numRHSVtx The number of vertices on the right-hand side of
* the bipartite graph.
* OUT pGraph On successful completion, pGraph will contain a
* valid graph structure.
* Return Value:
* Error Code
int LHCreateGraph( int numLHSVtx, int numRHSVtx, LHGRAPH* pGraph );
/***** LHAddEdge *****/
* Description:
* Add an edge to the graph connecting lhsVtx and rhsVtx
* Parameters:
* IN graph A graph successfully created by LHGraphCreate.
* IN lhsVtx The ID of the left-hand vertex. Legal values are
* 0 <= lhsVtx < numLHSVtx
* IN rhsVtx The ID of the right-hand vertex. Legal values are
* 0 <= rhsVtx < numRHSVtx
* Return Value:
* Error Code
int LHAddEdge( LHGRAPH graph, int lhsVtx, int rhsVtx );
/***** LHSetMatchingEdge *****/
* Description:
* Set the edge connecting lhsVtx and rhsVtx in the graph to be
* a matching edge. The edge (lhsVtx,rhsVtx) must have already been
* created with a call to LHVtxAddEdge.
* Left-hand vertices may only have one matching edge. If lhsVtx
* already has a matching edge, that edge will be demoted from a
* matching edge to a normal edge. Right-hand vertices may have
* multiple matching edges.
* Parameters:
* IN graph A graph successfully created by LHGraphCreate.
* IN lhsVtx The ID of the left-hand vertex. Legal values are
* 0 <= lhsVtx < numLHSVtx
* IN rhsVtx The ID of the right-hand vertex. Legal values are
* 0 <= rhsVtx < numRHSVtx
* Return Value:
* Error Code
int LHSetMatchingEdge( LHGRAPH graph, int lhsVtx, int rhsVtx );
/***** LHGetDegree *****/
* Description:
* Get the degree (number of neighbours) of a vertex.
* Parameters:
* IN graph A graph successfully created by LHGraphCreate.
* IN vtxID The ID of the vertex to examine.
* IN left If the vertex to examine is a left-vertex, this
* parameter should be TRUE. If the vertex is a right-
* vertex, this parameter should be FALSE.
* Return Value:
* >=0 The number of neighbours
* <0 Error Code
int LHGetDegree( LHGRAPH graph, int vtxID, char left );
/***** LHGetMatchedDegree *****/
* Description:
* Get the matched degree (number of matched neighbours) of a
* right-hand vertex.
* Parameters:
* IN graph A graph successfully created by LHGraphCreate.
* IN vtxID The ID of the right hand vertex to examine.
* Return Value:
* >=0 The number of neighbours
* <0 Error Code
int LHGetMatchedDegree( LHGRAPH graph, int vtxID );
/***** LHGetNeighbour *****/
* Description:
* Get the n'th neighbour of the vertex specified by vtxID.
* Parameters:
* IN graph A graph successfully created by LHGraphCreate.
* IN vtxID The ID of the vertex to examine.
* IN left If the vertex to examine is a left-vertex, this
* parameter should be TRUE. If the vertex is a right-
* vertex, this parameter should be FALSE.
* IN n The index of the neighbour to retrieve. Legal values
* are 0 <= n < Degree(vtxID).
* Return Value:
* >=0 The vertex ID of the n'th neighbour. If 'left' is TRUE,
* this ID refers to a right-hand vertex. Conversely, if
* 'left' is FALSE, this ID refers to a left-hand vertex.
* <0 Error Code
int LHGetNeighbour( LHGRAPH graph, int vtxID, char left, int n );
/***** LHFindLHMatching *****/
* Description:
* Find an optimal matching in the graph.
* Parameters:
* IN graph A graph successfully created by LHGraphCreate,
* to which edges have been added using LHAddEdge.
* IN alg Specifies which algorithm to use. For most purposes,
* LH_ALG_DEFAULT is fine.
* Return Value:
* Error Code
int LHFindLHMatching( LHGRAPH graph, LHALGTYPE alg );
/***** LHGetMatchedVtx *****/
* Description:
* Determine which vertex on the right-hand side is matched to a
* given vertex on the left-hand side.
* Parameters:
* IN graph A graph successfully created by LHGraphCreate,
* to which edges have been added using LHAddEdge.
* IN lhsVtx The left-hand vertex to query.
* Return Value:
* >=0 The index of the right-hand vertex that is matched
* with lhsVtx.
* <0 Error Code. If LH_MATCHING_ERR is returned, then
* lhsVtx is not matched with any right-hand vertex.
int LHGetMatchedVtx( LHGRAPH graph, int lhsVtx );
/***** LHGetStatistics *****/
* Description:
* Obtain statistics about the current matching.
* Parameters:
* IN graph A graph for which an LH Matching has been
* computed using LHFindLHMatching().
* Return Value:
* Error Code
int LHGetStatistics( LHGRAPH graph, LHSTATS *stats );
/***** LHClearMatching *****/
* Description:
* Clear the current matching. All edges are demoted to normal edges.
* Parameters:
* IN graph A graph successfully created by LHGraphCreate,
* to which edges have been added using LHAddEdge.
* Return Value:
* Error Code
int LHClearMatching( LHGRAPH graph );
/***** LHDestroyGraph *****/
* Description:
* Destroy the current graph.
* Parameters:
* IN graph A graph successfully created by LHGraphCreate.
* Return Value:
* Error Code
int LHDestroyGraph( LHGRAPH graph );