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// ACard.h: interface for the CAbstractCard class.
// (c) Copyright Schlumberger Technology Corp., unpublished work, created
// 1999. This computer program includes Confidential, Proprietary
// Information and is a Trade Secret of Schlumberger Technology Corp. All
// use, disclosure, and/or reproduction is prohibited unless authorized
// in writing. All Rights Reserved.
// Note: This file should only be included by the CCI, not directly
// by the client.
#if !defined(SLBCCI_ACARD_H)
#include <functional>
#include <string>
#include <memory> // for auto_ptr
#include <vector>
#include <utility> // for pair
#include <stddef.h> // for size_t
#include <iop.h>
#include <slbRCObj.h>
#include <iopPriBlob.h>
#include "slbCci.h"
#include "CryptFctry.h"
#include <scuMarker.h>
namespace cci
class CCard;
class CCertificate;
class CContainer;
class CDataObject;
class CPrivateKey;
class CPublicKey;
class CAbstractCard
: public slbRefCnt::RCObject,
protected CCryptFactory
// To access factory methods
friend class CContainer;
friend class CCertificate;
friend class CDataObject;
friend class CKeyPair;
friend class CPrivateKey;
friend class CPublicKey;
// Types
// C'tors/D'tors
~CAbstractCard() throw();
// Operators
virtual bool
operator==(CAbstractCard const &rhs) const;
// TO DO: this should be superceded by implementing singletons
virtual bool
operator!=(CAbstractCard const &rhs) const;
// TO DO: this should be superceded by implementing singletons
// Operations
AuthenticateUser(scu::SecureArray<BYTE> const &rstrPIN);
virtual void
ChangePIN(scu::SecureArray<BYTE> const &rstrOldPIN,
scu::SecureArray<BYTE> const &rstrNewPIN);
virtual void
DefaultContainer(CContainer const &rcont) = 0;
virtual std::pair<std::string, // interpreted as the public modulus
GenerateKeyPair(KeyType kt,
std::string const &rsExponent,
ObjectAccess oaPrivateKey = oaPrivateAccess) = 0;
virtual void
InitCard() = 0;
virtual void
InvalidateCache() = 0;
virtual void
Label(std::string const &rstrLabel) = 0;
static CAbstractCard *
Make(std::string const &rstrReader);
virtual void
SetUserPIN(std::string const &rstrPin);
virtual void
VerifyKey(std::string const &rstrKey,
BYTE bKeyNum);
virtual void
VerifyTransportKey(std::string const &rstrKey);
GenRandom(DWORD dwNumBytes, BYTE *bpRand);
// Access
virtual size_t
AvailableStringSpace(ObjectAccess oa) const = 0;
virtual CContainer
DefaultContainer() const = 0;
EnumCertificates() const;
virtual std::vector<CContainer>
EnumContainers() const = 0;
EnumDataObjects() const;
EnumPrivateKeys() const;
EnumPublicKeys() const;
virtual std::vector<CCertificate>
EnumCertificates(ObjectAccess access) const = 0;
virtual std::vector<CPublicKey>
EnumPublicKeys(ObjectAccess access) const = 0;
virtual std::vector<CPrivateKey>
EnumPrivateKeys(ObjectAccess access) const = 0;
virtual std::vector<CDataObject>
EnumDataObjects(ObjectAccess access) const = 0;
virtual std::string
Label() const = 0;
virtual scu::Marker<unsigned int>
MarkerOnCard() const = 0;
virtual BYTE
MaxKeys(KeyType kt) const = 0;
virtual size_t
MaxStringSpace(ObjectAccess oa) const = 0;
ReaderName() const;
iop::CSmartCard &
SmartCard() const; // this should be protected
virtual bool
SupportedKeyFunction(KeyType kt,
CardOperation oper) const = 0;
// Predicates
virtual bool
IsCAPIEnabled() const = 0;
IsAvailable() const;
virtual bool
IsPKCS11Enabled() const = 0;
virtual bool
IsEntrustEnabled() const = 0;
virtual bool
IsProtectedMode() const = 0;
virtual bool
IsKeyGenEnabled() const = 0;
virtual bool
IsMarkerOnCard() const = 0;
virtual BYTE
MajorVersion() const = 0;
// Types
// C'tors/D'tors
CAbstractCard(std::string const &rstrReaderName,
std::auto_ptr<iop::CIOP> &rapiop,
std::auto_ptr<iop::CSmartCard> &rapSmartCard);
// Note: To avoid memory leaks in the event of an exception,
// CIOP and CSmartCard are passed as a reference to a
// non-const auto_ptr so the constructed object can take
// ownership responsibilities of the resource.
// Operators
// Operations
virtual void
static std::auto_ptr<CAbstractCard>
DoMake(std::string const &rstrReaderName,
std::auto_ptr<iop::CIOP> &rapiop,
std::auto_ptr<iop::CSmartCard> &rapSmartCard);
// not defined, should be defined by specializations
// See note on constructor regarding rapiop and rapSmartCard.
// Access
// Predicates
// Variables
// Types
// C'tors/D'tors
CAbstractCard(CAbstractCard const &rhs);
// not defined, copy not allowed.
// Operators
CAbstractCard &
operator=(CAbstractCard const &rhs);
// not defined, initialization not allowed.
// Operations
// Access
// Predicates
// Variables
std::string m_strReaderName;
std::auto_ptr<iop::CIOP> m_apiop;
std::auto_ptr<iop::CSmartCard> m_apSmartCard;
#endif // !defined(SLBCCI_ACARD_H)