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// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation 1992 - 1996
// File: digestsspi.h
// Contents: credential and context structures
// History: KDamour 15Mar00 Stolen from msv_sspi\ntlmsspi.h
#include <time.h>
#include <wincrypt.h>
#include "auth.h"
// Global Definitions
// Description of a logon session - stores the username, domain, password.
// Notation used for LogonSession is LogSess
typedef struct _DIGEST_LOGONSESSION {
// Global list of all LogonSessions.
// (Serialized by SspLogonSessionCritSect)
// This is the Handle for this LogonSession - same as its memory address - no need to ref count
ULONG_PTR LogonSessionHandle;
// Ref Counter Used to prevent this LogonSession from being deleted prematurely.
// Two cases for initial value
// AcceptCredential sets to one and enters it into active logon list. Call to ApLogonTerminate
// decrements count and removes it from list.
// In both cases, a refcount of zero causes the logonsession to be deleted from memory
LONG lReferences;
// Logon ID of the client
LUID LogonId;
// Default credentials on client context, on server context UserName
// Gathered from calls to SpAcceptCredentials
UNICODE_STRING ustrAccountName;
UNICODE_STRING ustrDomainName; // Netbios domain name where account is located
// IMPORTANT NOTE - you must use CredHandlerPasswdSet and CredHandlerPasswdGet once the
// credential is placed into the list. The main reason for this is that multiple threads
// will be utilizing the same memory and this value can change as updates come in from
// SpAcceptCredential
// It is encrypted with LsaFunctions->LsaProtectMemory( Password->Buffer, (ULONG)Password->Length );
// Need to decrypt with LsaFunctions->LsaUnprotectMemory( HiddenPassword->Buffer, (ULONG)HiddenPassword->Length );
// Stores the current plaintext password (if available) with reversible encryption
UNICODE_STRING ustrPassword;
UNICODE_STRING ustrDnsDomainName; // DNS domain name where account is located (if known)
UNICODE_STRING ustrUpn; // UPN of account (if known)
// Description of a credential.
// We use this for a combined list of logon sessions and credentials
typedef struct _DIGEST_CREDENTIAL {
// Global list of all Credentials.
// (Serialized by SspCredentialCritSect)
// Used to prevent this Credential from being deleted prematurely.
LONG lReferences;
// Flag to indicate that Credential is not attached to CredentialList
// once References is 0 and Unlinked is True - this record can be removed from list
BOOL Unlinked;
// This is the Handle for this credential - same as its memory address
ULONG_PTR CredentialHandle;
// Flag of how credential may be used.
// SECPKG_CRED_* flags
ULONG CredentialUseFlags;
// Default credentials on client context, on server context UserName
// Gathered from calls to SpAcceptCredentials
UNICODE_STRING ustrAccountName;
LUID LogonId; // Logon ID of the client
UNICODE_STRING ustrDomainName; // Netbios domain name where account is located
// Stores the current plaintext (if available) version of the logon users account
// IMPORTANT NOTE - you must use CredHandlerPasswdSet and CredHandlerPasswdGet once the
// credential is placed into the list. The main reason for this is that multiple threads
// will be utilizing the same memory and this value can change as updates come in from
// SpAcceptCredential
// Password will be encryped with LSAFunction as in LogonSession
UNICODE_STRING ustrPassword;
UNICODE_STRING ustrDomain; // NetBios or DNS domain name where account is located will be used in realm directive
UNICODE_STRING ustrUpn; // UPN of account (if known)
// Process Id of client
ULONG ClientProcessID;
// Description of a Context
typedef struct _DIGEST_CONTEXT {
// Global list of all Contexts
// (Serialized by SspContextCritSect)
// This is the Handle for this context - same as its memory address
ULONG_PTR ContextHandle;
// Used to prevent this Context from being deleted prematurely.
// (Serialized by SspContextCritSect)
LONG lReferences;
// Flag to indicate that Context is not attached to List
BOOL bUnlinked;
// Maintain the context requirements
ULONG ContextReq;
// Flags for context
ULONG ulFlags;
// Digest Parameters for this context
DIGEST_TYPE typeDigest;
// Digest Parameters for this context
// Digest Parameters for this context
ALGORITHM_TYPE typeAlgorithm;
// Cipher to use for encrypt/decrypt
CIPHER_TYPE typeCipher;
// Charset used for digest directive values
CHARSET_TYPE typeCharset;
// Server generated Nonce for Context
STRING strNonce;
// Client generated CNonce for Context
STRING strCNonce;
// Nonce count for replay prevention
// Maximum size for the buffers to send and receive data for auth-int and auth-conf (SASL mode)
ULONG ulSendMaxBuf;
ULONG ulRecvMaxBuf;
// Unique Reference for this Context BinHex(rand[128])
// Utilize the First N chars of this as the CNONCE for InitializeSecurityContect
STRING strOpaque;
// BinHex(H(A1)) sent from DC and stored in context for future
// auth without going to the DC
STRING strSessionKey;
// Client only - calculated response auth to be returned from server
STRING strResponseAuth;
// Copy of directive values from auth - used for rspauth support
STRING strDirective[MD5_AUTH_LAST];
// Only valid after ASC has successfully authenticated and converted AuthData to Token
// Token Handle of authenticated user
HANDLE TokenHandle;
// LogonID used in the Token
// Information from Credentials
// Maintain a copy of the credential UseFlags (we can tell if inbound or outbound)
ULONG CredentialUseFlags;
// Copy of the account info
UNICODE_STRING ustrPassword; // Encrypted
UNICODE_STRING ustrAccountName;
// Set time when Context is to Expire
TimeStamp ExpirationTime;
// This structure contains the state info for the User mode
// security context. It is passwd between the LSAMode and the UserMode address spaces
// In UserMode, this is unpacked into the DIGEST_USERCONTEXT struct
ULONG ulFlags; // Flags to control processing of packed UserContext
// Timeout the context after awhile.
TimeStamp ExpirationTime; // Time inwhich session key expires
// Maintain the context requirements
ULONG ContextReq;
// Maintain a copy of the credential UseFlags (we can tell if inbound or outbound)
ULONG CredentialUseFlags;
// Digest Parameters for this context
ULONG typeDigest;
// Digest Parameters for this context
// Digest Parameters for this context
ULONG typeAlgorithm;
// Cipher to use for encrypt/decrypt
ULONG typeCipher;
// Charset used for digest directive values
ULONG typeCharset;
// Max-size of message buffer to allow for auth-int & auth-conf processing
// This is the combined size of (HEADER + Data + Trailer)
// in SASL Header is zero length, max Trailer size if padding+HMAC
ULONG ulSendMaxBuf;
ULONG ulRecvMaxBuf;
// Token Handle of authenticated user
// Only valid when in AuthenticatedState.
// Filled in only by AcceptSecurityContext
// It will be NULL is struct is from InitializeSecurityContext
// Must cast this to a HANDLE once back into the usermode context
ULONG ClientTokenHandle;
// Size of each component set over
ULONG uSessionKeyLen;
ULONG uAccountNameLen;
// All directive data will be passed as single byte charaters
// Order is the same as in auth.h (MD5_AUTH_NAME)
// username, realm, nonce, cnonce ... then sessionkey
UCHAR ucData;
// This structure contains the state info for the User mode
// security context.
typedef struct _DIGEST_USERCONTEXT{
// Global list of all Contexts
// (Serialized by UserContextCritSect)
// Handle to the LsaContext
// This will have the handle to the context in LSAMode Address space
ULONG_PTR LsaContext;
// Timeout the context after awhile.
TimeStamp ExpirationTime; // Time inwhich session key expires
// Used to prevent this Context from being deleted prematurely.
// This is used ONLY for internal SSP pointer references. For application handles
// lReferenceHandles is used. This was necessary to do to keep the count separate for
// internal pointer references and handles that are passed to the application. This will
// prevent the application from calling DeleteSecurityContext() too many times and accidently
// dereferencing an internal pointer.
LONG lReferences; // ref count on SSP pointers issued
LONG lReferenceHandles; // ref count on application securityContext handles issued
// Flag to indicate that Context is not attached to List - skip when scanning list
BOOL bUnlinked;
// Digest Parameters for this context
DIGEST_TYPE typeDigest;
// QOP selected for this context
// Digest Parameters for this context
ALGORITHM_TYPE typeAlgorithm;
// Cipher to use for encrypt/decrypt
CIPHER_TYPE typeCipher;
// Charset used for digest directive values
CHARSET_TYPE typeCharset;
// Token Handle of authenticated user
// Only valid when in AuthenticatedState.
// Filled in only by AcceptSecurityContext - so we are the server
// Mapped to UserMode Client space from LSA TokenHandle
// It will be NULL is struct is from InitializeSecurityContext - so we are client
HANDLE ClientTokenHandle;
// Maintain the context requirements
ULONG ContextReq;
// Maintain a copy of the credential UseFlags (we can tell if inbound or outbound)
ULONG CredentialUseFlags;
// Flags
ULONG ulFlags;
// Nonce Count
// Maxbuffer for auth-int and auth-conf processing
ULONG ulSendMaxBuf;
ULONG ulRecvMaxBuf;
// SASL sequence numbering
DWORD dwSendSeqNum; // Makesignature/verifysignature server to client sequence number
DWORD dwRecvSeqNum; // Makesignature/verifysignature server to client sequence number
// SASL Sign and Seal Keys. Save calculated values on sequence number = 0
HCRYPTKEY hSealCryptKey; // Handle to Cryptkey based on Byte keys
HCRYPTKEY hUnsealCryptKey;
// Hex(H(A1)) sent from DC and stored in context for future
// auth without going to the DC. Binary version is derived from HEX(H(A1))
// and is used in SASL mode for integrity protection and encryption
STRING strSessionKey;
// Account name used in token creation for securityContext session
UNICODE_STRING ustrAccountName;
// Values utilized in the Initial Digest Auth ChallResponse
STRING strParam[MD5_AUTH_LAST]; // points to owned memory - will need to free up!
#endif // ifndef NTDIGEST_DIGESTSSPI_H