Leaked source code of windows server 2003
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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<%@ Language=VBScript%>
<% Option Explicit%>
Response.Buffer = True
' adminweb_prop.asp: Allows for the configuration of IP addresses
' and set the port to listen for non-encrypted and
' encrypted(SSL) HTTP admin web site.
' Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
' Date Description
' 28-02-2001 Created date
' 14-03-2001 Modified date
<!-- #include virtual="/admin/inc_framework.asp" -->
<!-- #include file="loc_adminweb.asp" -->
' Global Variables and Constants
Dim G_objAdminService 'WMI server HTTP admin web site object
Dim G_objService 'WMI server object to get the IP addresses for NIC cards
Dim rc 'framework variable
Dim page 'framework variable
Dim SOURCE_FILE 'To hold source file name
SOURCE_FILE = SA_GetScriptFileName()
Const CONST_ARR_STATUS_CHECKED = "CHECKED" 'Constant for radio button checked property
Const CONST_ARR_STATUS_DISABLED = "DISABLED" 'Constant for disabling of SSL port
Const CONST_ARR_STATUS_TRUE = "YES" 'Constant for radio button status
Const CONST_ARR_STATUS_FALSE = "NO" 'Constant for radio button status
Const CONST_ARR_STATUS_NONE = "NONE" 'Constant for radio button status
'Port Locations for shares list page
'Form Variables
Dim F_strNonEncryptedIPAddress 'IP Address to be used for Non-Encrypted port
Dim F_strEncryptedIPAddress 'IP Address to be used for Encrypted port
Dim F_nNonEncryptedPort 'Non-encrypted port number to be used
Dim F_nEncryptedPort 'Encrypted port number(SSL) to be used
Dim F_strradIPAdd 'Value of radio button clicked
Dim F_strAll_IPAddress 'To set the status of the All IP address radio button
Dim F_strJustthis_IPAddress 'To set the status of the Just this IP address radio button
Dim F_strSSLPort_Status 'To set the status of the SSL port
'END of Form Variables
'Create a Property Page
rc = SA_CreatePage( L_PAGETITLE_ADMIN_TEXT , "", PT_PROPERTY, page )
If (rc = 0) Then
'Serve the page
End If
'Function: OnInitPage()
'Description: Called to signal first time processing for this page.
'Input Variables: PageIn,EventArg
'Output Variables: PageIn,EventArg
'Returns: True/False
'Global Variables: None
Public Function OnInitPage(ByRef PageIn, ByRef EventArg)
'Make it initialize to default always
'To get the admin web settings
OnInitPage = GetSystemSettings()
End Function
'Function: OnPostBackPage()
'Description: Called to signal that the page has been posted-back.
'Input Variables: PageIn,EventArg
'Output Variables: PageIn,EventArg
'Returns: True/False
'Global Variables: F_(*)
Public Function OnPostBackPage(ByRef PageIn,ByRef EventArg)
Call SA_TraceOut( SOURCE_FILE, "OnPostBackPage")
'Get the values from hidden variables
F_strradIPAdd = Request.Form("hdnIPAddressstatus")
F_nNonEncryptedPort = Request.Form("hdnNonencryptedPort")
F_nEncryptedPort = Request.Form("hdnEncryptedPort")
F_strSSLPort_Status = Request.Form("hdnSSLPortstatus")
If Ucase(F_strradIPAdd) = CONST_ARR_STATUS_TRUE then
ElseIf Ucase(F_strradIPAdd) = CONST_ARR_STATUS_FALSE Then
F_strNonEncryptedIPAddress = Request.Form("hdnNonEncryptedIPAddress")
F_strEncryptedIPAddress = Request.Form("hdnEncryptedIPAddress")
End If
'Getting the radio buttons status
If Ucase(F_strradIPAdd) = CONST_ARR_STATUS_TRUE Then
F_strJustthis_IPAddress =""
ElseIf Ucase(F_strradIPAdd) = CONST_ARR_STATUS_FALSE Then
F_strAll_IPAddress = ""
F_strJustthis_IPAddress = ""
F_strAll_IPAddress = ""
End if
End Function
'Function: OnSubmitPage()
'Description: Called when the page has been submitted for processing.
'Input Variables: PageIn,EventArg
'Output Variables: PageIn,EventArg
'Returns: True/False
'Global Variables: G_objAdminService,G_objService,L_WMICONNECTIONFAILED_ERRORMESSAGE,
Public Function OnSubmitPage(ByRef PageIn, ByRef EventArg)
On Error Resume Next
'Connecting to the WMI server
Set G_objAdminService = GetWMIConnection(CONST_WMI_IIS_NAMESPACE)
Set G_objService = GetWMIConnection(CONST_WMI_WIN32_NAMESPACE)
If Err.number <> 0 Then
Call SA_ServeFailurePage (L_WMICONNECTIONFAILED_ERRORMESSAGE & " (" & HEX(Err.Number) & ")" )
End if
'To set the admin web settings
OnSubmitPage = SetAdminConfig(G_objAdminService,G_objService)
End Function
'Function: OnClosePage()
'Description: Called when the page is about to be closed.
'Input Variables: PageIn,EventArg
'Output Variables: PageIn,EventArg
'Returns: True/False
'Global Variables: None
Public Function OnClosePage(ByRef PageIn, ByRef EventArg)
OnClosePage = TRUE
End Function
'Function: OnServePropertyPage
'Description: Called when the page needs to be served.
'Input Variables: PageIn,EventArg
'Output Variables: PageIn,EventArg
'Returns: True/False
'Global Variables: F_(*), L_(*)
Public Function OnServePropertyPage(ByRef PageIn,ByRef EventArg)
Call ServeCommonJavaScript()
<table border=0>
<td nowrap class = "TasksBody" colspan=2>
<td class = "TasksBody" ></td>
<td class = "TasksBody">
<td nowrap class = "TasksBody">
<input type="radio" value="YES" class="FormField" name=radIPADDRESS <%=Server.HTMLEncode(F_strAll_IPAddress)%> onClick="EnableControls(false)">&nbsp;&nbsp; <%=L_ALLIPADDRESS_TEXT%>
<td class = "TasksBody">
<td nowrap class = "TasksBody">
<input type="radio" value="NO" class="FormField" name=radIPADDRESS <%=Server.HTMLEncode(F_strJustthis_IPAddress)%> onClick="EnableControls(true)">&nbsp;&nbsp; <%=L_JUSTTHIS_IP_ADDRESS_TEXT%>
<td class = "TasksBody" colspan="2">
<td class = "TasksBody">
<td class = "TasksBody" colspan="3"> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
<select name="cboIPAddress" class="FormField">
<%GetSystemNICConfig F_strNonEncryptedIPAddress%>
<td class = "TasksBody">
<td nowrap class = "TasksBody">
<%=L_PORT_TEXT%>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="text" name="txtNonEncryptedPort" class="FormField" size="15" maxlength = "5" value="<%=F_nNonEncryptedPort%>" OnKeypress="javascript:checkKeyforNumbers(this);" >
<td class = "TasksBody">
<td class = "TasksBody">
<%=L_SSLPORT_TEXT%>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="text" name="txtEncryptedPort" class="FormField" size="15" maxlength = "5" <%=F_strSSLPort_Status%> value="<%=F_nEncryptedPort%>" OnKeypress="javascript:checkKeyforNumbers(this);" >
<td class = "TasksBody" colspan =2>
<td class = "TasksBody" colspan =2>
<input type=hidden name=hdnNonEncryptedIPAddress value ="<%=F_strNonEncryptedIPAddress%>">
<input type=hidden name=hdnEncryptedIPAddress value ="<%=F_strEncryptedIPAddress%>">
<input type=hidden name=hdnNonencryptedPort value ="<%=F_nNonEncryptedPort%>">
<input type=hidden name=hdnEncryptedPort value ="<%=F_nEncryptedPort%>">
<input type=hidden name=hdnIPAddressstatus value ="<%=F_strradIPAdd%>">
<input type=hidden name=hdnSSLPortstatus value ="<%=F_strSSLPort_Status%>">
End Function
'Function: ServeCommonJavaScript
'Description: Serves in initializing the values,setting the form
' data and validating the form values
'Input Variables: None
'Output Variables: None
'Returns: True/False
'Global Variables: L_(*),F_(*)
Function ServeCommonJavaScript()
<script language="JavaScript" src="<%=m_VirtualRoot%>inc_global.js"></script>
<script language="JavaScript">
/* Init Function calls the EnableControls function to enable or disable the controls for the first time
and enable or disable the OK button */
function Init()
var strNonEncryptedIPAddress = "<%=F_strNonEncryptedIPAddress%>"
var strEncryptedIPAddress = "<%=F_strEncryptedIPAddress%>"
//If sites are configured at different IP addresses disable OK button
if(strNonEncryptedIPAddress.value != strEncryptedIPAddress)
document.frmTask.cboIPAddress.disabled =true;
//Enabling or disabling of OK button depending on the status of radion button
else if(document.frmTask.radIPADDRESS[CONST_ARR_INDEX_JUST_THIS_IP].checked)
// Hidden Varaibles are updated in ValidatePage
function ValidatePage()
//Updating the hidden variables
document.frmTask.hdnNonEncryptedIPAddress.value = document.frmTask.cboIPAddress.value
document.frmTask.hdnNonencryptedPort.value = document.frmTask.txtNonEncryptedPort.value
document.frmTask.hdnEncryptedPort.value = document.frmTask.txtEncryptedPort.value
if (document.frmTask.radIPADDRESS[CONST_ARR_INDEX_ALL_IP].checked)
document.frmTask.hdnIPAddressstatus.value = document.frmTask.radIPADDRESS[CONST_ARR_INDEX_ALL_IP].value
else if(document.frmTask.radIPADDRESS[CONST_ARR_INDEX_JUST_THIS_IP].checked)
document.frmTask.hdnIPAddressstatus.value = document.frmTask.radIPADDRESS[CONST_ARR_INDEX_JUST_THIS_IP].value
//If Non-Encrypted Port is left blank display error
if (document.frmTask.txtNonEncryptedPort.value == "")
document.frmTask.onkeypress = ClearErr
return false;
//If Encrypted Port is left blank display error
if (document.frmTask.txtEncryptedPort.value == "")
document.frmTask.onkeypress = ClearErr
return false;
//If Non-Encrypted port number is less than 1 or greater then 65535 display error
var MAX_PORT_NO = 65535
var MIN_PORT_NO = 1
if (document.frmTask.txtNonEncryptedPort.value > MAX_PORT_NO || document.frmTask.txtNonEncryptedPort.value < MIN_PORT_NO)
document.frmTask.onkeypress = ClearErr
return false;
//If Encrypted port number is less than 1 or greater then 65535 display error
if (document.frmTask.txtEncryptedPort.value > MAX_PORT_NO || document.frmTask.txtEncryptedPort.value < MIN_PORT_NO)
document.frmTask.onkeypress = ClearErr
return false;
//If Non-Encrypted Port and Encrypted Port numbers are the same display error
if (document.frmTask.txtNonEncryptedPort.value == document.frmTask.txtEncryptedPort.value)
document.frmTask.onkeypress = ClearErr
return false;
return true;
//SetData function for the Framework.
function SetData()
// EnableControls Function is to enable or disable the controls depending on radio button value
function EnableControls(blnFlag)
if (blnFlag)
document.frmTask.cboIPAddress.disabled = false;
document.frmTask.cboIPAddress.disabled =true;
End Function
'Function name: SetAdminConfig()
'Description: Serves in configuring IP address, encrypted port
' and non-encrypted port of HTTP admin web site
'Input Variables: G_objAdminService, G_objService
'Output Variables: True or false
'Returns: None
'Global Variables: F_strNonEncryptedIPAddress,F_nNonEncryptedPort,F_nEncryptedPort,L_(*)
'This function configures the IP address, encrypted port and non-encrypted of HTTP admin web site
Function SetAdminConfig(G_objAdminService,G_objService)
On Error Resume Next
Dim objAdminService 'Object to get instance of MicrosoftIISV1
Dim objService 'Object to get instance of CIMV2
Dim objNetWorkCon 'To get instance of IIs_WebServerSetting class
Dim objServerSetting 'To get instances of IIs_WebServerSetting class
Dim objNACCollection 'To get instance of IIs_WebServerSetting where site is other than Administration
Dim objinst 'To get instances of IIs_WebServerSetting where site is other than Administration
Dim nport 'Non-Encrypted port number
Dim strWMIpath 'WMI query to get admin web site
Dim strServerBindings 'To store the values obtained from ServerBindings property
Dim strIPAddress 'String to store the IP address for non-encrypted sites
Dim arrWinsSrv 'Array to store the IP address and non-encrypted port number
Dim arrIPAdd 'Array to store the port for encrypted sites
Dim nIPCount 'Count for getting the IP address and non-encrypted port number
Dim arrPort 'Array to store the port for non-encrypted sites
Dim strReturnURL 'Stores return URL
Dim objConfiguredIPs 'To get instance of win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration
Dim objNICIP 'To get instances of win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration
Dim strNICQuery 'Query to get all IP addresses
Dim nCount 'Count for getting the IP address and non-encrypted port number
Dim arrIPList(13) 'Array to store the IP addresses for all NIC cards
Dim nIPlistCount 'Count to get IP addresses for all NIC cards
Dim strIPFlag 'Boolean value to store the validity of IP address
Dim strAdminWebSite 'Admin web site name
Dim strFTPSite 'FTP site name
Dim strFTPpath 'FTP site path
Dim nFTPIPCount 'Count for getting the IP address and port number for FTP site
Dim strFTPServerBindings 'To store the values obtained from ServerBindings property for FTP site
Dim arrFTPWinsSrv 'Array to store the IP address and port for FTP site
Dim arrFTPIPAdd 'Array to store the IP address FTP site
Dim arrFTPPort 'Array to store the port for FTP site
Dim objFTPinst 'Gettings instances for FTP site
Dim objFTPInstances 'Object instance for FTP site
Dim strComputerName 'Computer name
Dim nSecureCount 'Count for getting the IP address and encrypted port number
Dim arrSecureIPAdd 'Array to store the IP address for encrypted sites
Dim arrSecurePort 'Array to store the port for encrypted sites
Dim arrWinsSecure 'Array to store the IP address and encrypted port number
Dim strSecureBindings 'To store the values obtained from SecureBindings property
Dim nSecurePort 'Encrypted port number
Dim strURL 'URL for non encrypted site
Dim strHTTPURL 'URL for encrypted site
Dim arrVarReplacementStringsAdminWeb(1) ' For localisation
Dim strErrMsg 'Error message
Const CONST_ARR_INDEX_IP = 0 'For IP address
Const CONST_ARR_INDEX_PORT = 1 'For port number
Const CONST_ARR_INDEX_HTTPS = "HTTPS" 'For secure site
SetAdminConfig = FALSE 'initialization default
Call SA_TraceOut( SOURCE_FILE, "SetAdminConfig")
'Getting the return URL
'That's a quick fix for 2.1 since in 2.1 administration site actually is
'under the virtual directory /admin.
If CONST_OSNAME_XPE = GetServerOSName() Then
strReturnURL = "/Admin/tasks.asp?" & SAI_FLD_PAGEKEY & "=" & SAI_GetPageKey() & "&tab1="
strReturnURL = "/Admin/tasks.asp?" & SAI_FLD_PAGEKEY & "=" & SAI_GetPageKey() & "&tab1="
End If
'FTP site name
strFTPSite = "MSFTPSVC/1"
'Assign global objects to local objects
Set objAdminService = G_objAdminService
Set objService = G_objService
'Get the HTTP admin web site name
strAdminWebSite = GetAdminWebSite(objAdminService)
'To get instances of Web sites other than Administration
strWMIpath = "select * from " & GetIISWMIProviderClassName("IIs_WebServerSetting") & " where Name != " & Chr(34)& strAdminWebSite & Chr(34)
Set objNACCollection = objAdminService.ExecQuery(strWMIpath)
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
Exit Function
End If
arrVarReplacementStringsAdminWeb(0) = Cstr(F_nNonEncryptedPort)
strErrMsg = SA_GetLocString("adminweb.dll", "4045000F", arrVarReplacementStringsAdminWeb)
For each objinst in objNACCollection
'If other web site is configured with the same IP address and non-encrypted port number display error
If IsArray(objinst.ServerBindings) Then
For nIPCount = 0 to ubound(objinst.ServerBindings)
strServerBindings = objinst.ServerBindings(nIPCount)
if IsIIS60Installed() Then
If isObject(objinst.ServerBindings(nIPCount)) Then
arrIPAdd = objinst.ServerBindings(nIPCount).IP
arrPort = objinst.ServerBindings(nIPCount).Port
'Duplicate the code here
If F_strNonEncryptedIPAddress <> "" then
If arrIPAdd = F_strNonEncryptedIPAddress and arrPort = F_nNonEncryptedPort then
Call SA_SetErrMsg (strErrMsg)
Exit Function
End if
If arrPort = F_nNonEncryptedPort then
Call SA_SetErrMsg (strErrMsg)
Exit Function
End if
End if
End If 'If isobject(...)
If strServerBindings <> "" then
'split the strServerBindings array to get the IP address and non-encrypted port
arrWinsSrv = split(strServerBindings,":")
arrIPAdd = arrWinsSrv(CONST_ARR_INDEX_IP)
arrPort = arrWinsSrv(CONST_ARR_INDEX_PORT)
If F_strNonEncryptedIPAddress <> "" then
If arrIPAdd = F_strNonEncryptedIPAddress and arrPort = F_nNonEncryptedPort then
Call SA_SetErrMsg (strErrMsg)
Exit Function
End if
If arrPort = F_nNonEncryptedPort then
Call SA_SetErrMsg (strErrMsg)
Exit Function
End if
End if
End If
End If 'IsIIS60Installed
End If
'If other web site is configured with the same IP address and encrypted port number display error
If IsArray(objinst.SecureBindings) Then
For nSecureCount = 0 to ubound(objinst.SecureBindings)
strSecureBindings = objinst.SecureBindings(nSecureCount)
if IsIIS60Installed() Then
If IsObject(objinst.SecureBindings(nSecureCount)) Then
arrSecureIPAdd = objinst.SecureBindings(nSecureCount).IP
arrSecurePort = objinst.SecureBindings(nSecureCount).Port
' Check if the secure port is empty or not
If IsEmpty(arrSecurePort) or IsNull(arrSecurePort) Then
arrSecurePort = ""
'Get rid of the ':'
arrSecurePort = CLng(Replace(arrSecurePort, ":", ""))
End If
If F_strEncryptedIPAddress <> "" then
If arrSecureIPAdd = F_strEncryptedIPAddress and arrSecurePort = F_nEncryptedPort then
Call SA_SetErrMsg (strErrMsg)
Exit Function
End if
If arrSecurePort = F_nEncryptedPort then
Call SA_SetErrMsg (strErrMsg)
Exit Function
End if
End if
End If 'If IsObject(..)
If strSecureBindings <> "" then
'split the strSecureBindings array to get the IP address and non-encrypted port
arrWinsSecure = split(strSecureBindings,":")
arrSecureIPAdd = arrWinsSecure(CONST_ARR_INDEX_IP)
arrSecurePort = arrWinsSecure(CONST_ARR_INDEX_PORT)
If F_strEncryptedIPAddress <> "" then
If arrSecureIPAdd = F_strEncryptedIPAddress and arrSecurePort = F_nEncryptedPort then
Call SA_SetErrMsg (strErrMsg)
Exit Function
End if
If arrSecurePort = F_nEncryptedPort then
Call SA_SetErrMsg (strErrMsg)
Exit Function
End if
End if
End if
End If 'if IsIIS60Installed()
End If
'Display error if not able to verify with other web sites IP address and port number
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
Exit Function
End If
'To get the instance of FTP server settings
strFTPpath = "select * from " & GetIISWMIProviderClassName("IIS_FtpServerSetting") & " where Name = " & chr(34) & strFTPSite & chr(34)
Set objFTPInstances = objAdminService.ExecQuery(strFTPpath)
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
Exit Function
End If
'Display error if Administration site is configured at same IP address and non-encrypted port number as FTP site
For each objFTPinst in objFTPInstances
If IsArray(objFTPinst.ServerBindings) Then
For nFTPIPCount = 0 to ubound(objFTPinst.ServerBindings)
strFTPServerBindings = objFTPinst.ServerBindings(nFTPIPCount)
if IsIIS60Installed() Then
If IsObject(objFTPinst.ServerBindings(nFTPIPCount)) then
'split the strFTPServerBindings array to get the IP address and port
arrFTPIPAdd = objFTPinst.ServerBindings(nFTPIPCount).IP
arrFTPPort = objFTPinst.ServerBindings(nFTPIPCount).Port
If F_strNonEncryptedIPAddress <> "" then
If arrFTPIPAdd = F_strNonEncryptedIPAddress and arrFTPPort = F_nNonEncryptedPort then
Call SA_SetErrMsg (strErrMsg)
Exit Function
ElseIf arrFTPIPAdd = "" and arrFTPPort = F_nNonEncryptedPort then
Call SA_SetErrMsg (strErrMsg)
Exit Function
End if
If arrFTPPort = F_nNonEncryptedPort then
Call SA_SetErrMsg (strErrMsg)
Exit Function
End if
End if
End if 'If IsObject(...)
If strFTPServerBindings <> "" then
'split the strFTPServerBindings array to get the IP address and port
arrFTPWinsSrv = split(strFTPServerBindings,":")
If F_strNonEncryptedIPAddress <> "" then
If arrFTPIPAdd = F_strNonEncryptedIPAddress and arrFTPPort = F_nNonEncryptedPort then
Call SA_SetErrMsg (strErrMsg)
Exit Function
ElseIf arrFTPIPAdd = "" and arrFTPPort = F_nNonEncryptedPort then
Call SA_SetErrMsg (strErrMsg)
Exit Function
End if
If arrFTPPort = F_nNonEncryptedPort then
Call SA_SetErrMsg (strErrMsg)
Exit Function
End if
End if
End if
End If 'if IsIIS60Installed()
End If
'Display error if not able to verify with FTP site IP address and port number
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
Exit Function
End If
'Release objects
Set objFTPinst = Nothing
Set objFTPInstances = Nothing
'Assigning values to local variables
strIPAddress = F_strNonEncryptedIPAddress
nport = CLng(F_nNonEncryptedPort)
nSecurePort = CLng(F_nEncryptedPort)
'To get instance of win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration class
strNICQuery = "select * from win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration Where IPEnabled = true"
Set objConfiguredIPs = objService.ExecQuery(strNICQuery)
If Err.number <> 0 then
Call SA_ServeFailurePage (L_FAILEDTOGET_IPADDRESS_ERRORMESSAGE & " (" & HEX(Err.Number) & ")" )
Exit Function
End If
'Getting the NIC IP addresses
For each objNICIP in objConfiguredIPs
arrIPList(nIPlistCount) = objNICIP.IPAddress(nCount)
nIPlistCount = nIPlistCount+1
'Release objects
Set objConfiguredIPs = nothing
Set objNICIP = nothing
'To check whether the selected IP address is a valid IP address
For nCount = 0 to nIPlistCount-1
If strIPAddress = arrIPList(nCount) or strIPAddress = "" Then
strIPFlag = true
Exit For
strIPFlag = false
End If
'If selected Ip address is invalid display error
If strIPFlag = false then
Exit Function
End if
'Getting the IIS_WEB Server Setting instance
Set objNetWorkCon = objAdminService.ExecQuery("Select * from " & GetIISWMIProviderClassName("IIs_WebServerSetting") & " where Name=" & Chr(34)& strAdminWebSite & Chr(34))
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
Exit Function
End If
'Assign local variable mstrReturnURL
'For 2.2, only https supported
If ( Request.ServerVariables( "SERVER_PORT_SECURE" ) ) Then
strHTTPURL = "https"
strHTTPURL = "https"
End If
'Loop to set the IP address and non-encrypted port number or encrypted port number depending on the
'Secure Certificate being provided
For each objServerSetting in objNetWorkCon
if IsIIS60Installed() Then
objServerSetting.ServerBindings(0).IP = strIPAddress 'IP Address
objServerSetting.ServerBindings(0).Port = nport 'Port
objServerSetting.SecureBindings(0).IP = strIPAddress 'IP Address
objServerSetting.SecureBindings(0).Port = nSecureport 'Port
'Assigning values to properties
objServerSetting.ServerBindings = array(strIPAddress & ":" & nport & ":")
objServerSetting.SecureBindings = array(strIPAddress & ":" & nSecureport & ":")
End If ' if IsIIS60Installed()
'To get the computer name
strComputerName = GetComputerName()
'Error in getting Computer name
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
Call SA_ServeFailurePage (L_COMPUTERNAME_ERRORMESSAGE & " (" & HEX(Err.Number) & ")" )
Exit Function
End If
'If Secure Certificate is not provided change the URL
If strIPAddress = "" then
mstrReturnURL = "https://"& strComputerName & ":" & nport & strReturnURL & GetTab1()
mstrReturnURL = "https://"& strIPAddress & ":" & nport & strReturnURL & GetTab1()
End if
'If Secure Certificate is provided change the URL
If Ucase(F_strSSLPort_Status) <> CONST_ARR_STATUS_DISABLED then
If strIPAddress = "" then
mstrReturnURL = "https://"& strComputerName & ":" & nSecureport & strReturnURL & GetTab1()
mstrReturnURL = "https://"& strIPAddress & ":" & nSecureport & strReturnURL & GetTab1()
End if
End if
End if
'Function call to set the SSL port in the registry
If not updatePortNumber( CONST_SSL_PORTNAME, nSecureport ) Then
Exit Function
End If
'Function call to set the Default port in the registry
If not updatePortNumber( CONST_DEFAULT_PORTNAME , nport ) Then
Exit Function
End If
top.location.href = "<%=mstrReturnURL%>"
'Put the values in WMI
'Error while putting the web server settings
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
Exit Function
End If
'Release the objects
Set objNetWorkCon = nothing
set objinst = nothing
set objNACCollection = nothing
set objServerSetting = nothing
Set objAdminService = nothing
Set objService = nothing
SetAdminConfig = TRUE 'success
End Function
'Function name: updatePortNumber
'Description: Serves in updating the port in the registry
'Input Variables: strPortKey -Key name
' nportNumber -Port no
'Output Variables: None
'Returns: True /False
'Global Variables: L_(*)
Function updatePortNumber(strPortKey,nportNumber)
On Error Resume Next
Dim objRegistry 'Object for registry connection
Dim bReturnValue 'Boolean value
Const CONST_PORT_REGKEYPATH ="SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ServerAppliance\WebFramework"
updatePortNumber=False 'Default initialization
Set objRegistry=RegConnection() 'Connecting to the registry
If Err.number <> 0 Then
Exit Function
End If
bReturnValue = updateRegkeyvalue(objRegistry ,CONST_PORT_REGKEYPATH , strPortKey , nportNumber , CONST_DWORD )
If bReturnValue = False Then 'If return status is error
Exit function
End If
Set objRegistry = Nothing
updatePortNumber=TRUE ' on success
End function
'Function name: GetAdminWebSite
'Description: Get Admin web site name
'Input Variables: objAdminService
'Output Variables: None
'Global Variables: L_(*)
'Returns: Admin web site name
Function GetAdminWebSite(objAdminService)
On Error Resume Next
Dim strWMIpath 'WMI query
Dim objSiteCollection 'Get instance of IIs_WebServerSetting class
Dim objSite 'Get instances of IIs_WebServerSetting class
Dim objHTTPAdminService
Call SA_TraceOut( SOURCE_FILE, "GetAdminWebSite")
'Constant for the admin web site
Const CONST_MANAGEDSITENAME = "Administration"
Set objHTTPAdminService = objAdminService
'WMI query
'XPE only has one website
If CONST_OSNAME_XPE = GetServerOSName() Then
'WMI query
strWMIpath = "Select * from " & GetIISWMIProviderClassName("IIs_WebServerSetting") & " where Name =" & chr(34) & GetCurrentWebsiteName() & chr(34)
strWMIpath = "Select * from " & GetIISWMIProviderClassName("IIs_WebServerSetting") & " where ServerComment =" & chr(34) & CONST_MANAGEDSITENAME & chr(34)
End If
'Create instance of IIs_WebServerSetting
Set objSiteCollection = objHTTPAdminService.ExecQuery(strWMIpath)
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
Call SA_ServeFailurePage (L_IIS_WEBSERVERCONNECTION_ERRORMESSAGE & " (" & HEX(Err.Number) & ")")
Exit Function
End If
'Get the admin web site name
For each objSite in objSiteCollection
GetAdminWebSite = objSite.Name
Exit For
'If admin site name is empty display error
If GetAdminWebSite = "" Then
Exit Function
End If
'Release objects
Set objSite = Nothing
Set objSiteCollection = Nothing
Set objHTTPAdminService = Nothing
End Function
'Subroutine name: GetSystemNICConfig
'Desription: Gets all the NIC IP's from the system
'Input Variables: F_strNonEncryptedIPAddress
'Output variables: None
'Global Variables: G_objService,CONST_WMI_WIN32_NAMESPACE,L_(*)
Sub GetSystemNICConfig(F_strNonEncryptedIPAddress)
On Error Resume Next
Dim objConfiguredIPs 'To get instance of win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration
Dim objNICIP 'To get instances of win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration
Dim strNICQuery 'WMI query
Dim nCount 'Count to get IP address for all NIC cards
Dim arrIPList(13) 'Array to store all the IP addresses
Call SA_TraceOut( SOURCE_FILE, "GetSystemNICConfig")
'Connecting to the WMI server
Set G_objService = GetWMIConnection(CONST_WMI_WIN32_NAMESPACE)
If Err.number <> 0 Then
Call SA_ServeFailurePage (L_WMICONNECTIONFAILED_ERRORMESSAGE & " (" & HEX(Err.Number) & ")" )
Exit Sub
End if
'WMI query
strNICQuery = "select * from win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration Where IPEnabled = true"
'Getting instance of win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration
Set objConfiguredIPs = G_objService.ExecQuery(strNICQuery)
If Err.number <> 0 then
Call SA_ServeFailurePage (L_FAILEDTOGET_IPADDRESS_ERRORMESSAGE & " (" & HEX(Err.Number) & ")" )
Exit Sub
End If
'Populate the IP address combo box
For each objNICIP in objConfiguredIPs
If IsArray(objNICIP.IPAddress) Then
For nCount = 0 to ubound(objNICIP.IPAddress)
Redim arrIPList(ubound(objNICIP.IPAddress))
arrIPList(nCount) = objNICIP.IPAddress(nCount)
If arrIPList(nCount) <> "" Then
If (arrIPList(nCount) = F_strNonEncryptedIPAddress ) Then
Response.Write "<OPTION VALUE='" & arrIPList(nCount) &"' SELECTED >" & arrIPList(nCount) & "</OPTION>"
Response.Write "<OPTION VALUE='" & arrIPList(nCount) &"' >" & arrIPList(nCount) & "</OPTION>"
End IF
End If
End If
'Release objects
Set objConfiguredIPs = nothing
Set objNICIP = nothing
End Sub
'Function name: GetSystemSettings
'Description: Serves in getting the IP addresses, encrypted and non-encrypted
' port number from System for Admin web site
'Input Variables: None
'Output Variables: None
'Returns: True/False
'Global Variables: G_objAdminService, CONST_WMI_IIS_NAMESPACE, L_(*),F(*)
Function GetSystemSettings()
On Error resume Next
Dim objNACCollection 'Object to get WMI connection
Dim objinst 'Getting instances of IIs_WebServerSetting
Dim arrWinsSrv 'Array to store the IP address and non-encrypted port number
Dim arrWinsSecureSrv 'Array to store the IP address and encrypted port number
Dim arrIPAdd 'Array to store the IP address for non-encrypted sites
Dim arrPort 'Array to store the port for non-encrypted sites
Dim arrSecureIPAdd 'Array to store the IP address for encrypted sites
Dim arrSecurePort 'Array to store the port for encrypted sites
Dim nIPCount 'Count for getting the IP address and encrypted port number
Dim strServerBindings 'To store the values obtained from ServerBindings property
Dim strAdminWebSite 'Admin web site name
Dim nSecureCount 'Count for getting the IP address and encrypted port number
Dim strSecureBindings 'To store the values obtained from SecureBindings property
Dim strIISAdminWebSite 'IIS Admin Web Site name
Dim objIISVirtualDir 'Getting the IIs_WebVirtualDirSetting instance
Dim objIISDirInstances 'Getting the IIs_WebVirtualDirSetting instances
Dim strAccessSSL 'To store AccessSSL value
Call SA_TraceOut( SOURCE_FILE, "GetSystemSettings")
Const CONST_ARR_INDEX_IP = 0 'For IP address
Const CONST_ARR_INDEX_PORT = 1 'For port number
'Connecting to the WMI server
Set G_objAdminService = GetWMIConnection(CONST_WMI_IIS_NAMESPACE)
'Get the HTTP admin web site name
strAdminWebSite = GetAdminWebSite(G_objAdminService)
strIISAdminWebSite = strAdminWebSite & "/Root"
'Getting the admin web server setting instance
Set objNACCollection = G_objAdminService.ExecQuery("Select * from " & GetIISWMIProviderClassName("IIs_WebServerSetting") & " where Name=" & Chr(34)& strAdminWebSite & Chr(34))
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
Call SA_ServeFailurePage (L_IIS_WEBSERVERCONNECTION_ERRORMESSAGE & " (" & HEX(Err.Number) & ")")
GetSystemSettings = False
Exit Function
End If
For each objinst in objNACCollection
If IsArray(objinst.ServerBindings) Then
'Getting the IP address and non-encrypted port number from server bindings property
For nIPCount = 0 to ubound(objinst.ServerBindings)
strServerBindings = objinst.ServerBindings(nIPCount)
if IsIIS60Installed() Then
If IsObject(objinst.ServerBindings(nIPCount)) then
arrIPAdd = objinst.ServerBindings(nIPCount).IP
arrPort = objinst.ServerBindings(nIPCount).Port
F_strNonEncryptedIPAddress = arrIPAdd
F_nNonEncryptedPort =arrPort
End if 'If IsObject(..)
If strServerBindings <> "" then
'split the strServerBindings array to get the IP address and port number
arrWinsSrv = split(strServerBindings,":")
arrIPAdd = arrWinsSrv(CONST_ARR_INDEX_IP)
arrPort = arrWinsSrv(CONST_ARR_INDEX_PORT)
F_strNonEncryptedIPAddress = arrIPAdd
F_nNonEncryptedPort =arrPort
End if
End If 'if IsIIS60Installed()
End If
If IsArray(objinst.SecureBindings) Then
'Getting the IP address and encrypted port number from secure bindings property
For nSecureCount = 0 to ubound(objinst.SecureBindings)
strSecureBindings = objinst.SecureBindings(nSecureCount)
if IsIIS60Installed() Then
If IsObject(objinst.SecureBindings(nSecureCount)) then
arrSecureIPAdd = objinst.SecureBindings(nSecureCount).IP
arrSecurePort = objinst.SecureBindings(nSecureCount).Port
If IsEmpty(arrSecurePort) or IsNull(arrSecurePort) Then
arrSecurePort = ""
'Get rid of the ':'
arrSecurePort = CLng(Replace(arrSecurePort, ":", ""))
End If
F_strEncryptedIPAddress = arrSecureIPAdd
F_nEncryptedPort = arrSecurePort
End if 'If IsObject(...)
If strSecureBindings <> "" then
'split the strServerBindings array to get the IP address and port number
arrWinsSecureSrv = split(strSecureBindings,":")
arrSecureIPAdd = arrWinsSecureSrv(CONST_ARR_INDEX_IP)
arrSecurePort = arrWinsSecureSrv(CONST_ARR_INDEX_PORT)
F_strEncryptedIPAddress = arrWinsSecureSrv(CONST_ARR_INDEX_IP)
F_nEncryptedPort = arrWinsSecureSrv(CONST_ARR_INDEX_PORT)
End if
End If 'if IsIIS60Installed()
End If
'Error in getting the server IP address, encrypted and non-encrypted port number
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
Call SA_ServeFailurePage (L_COULDNOT_IIS_WEBSERVER_OBJECT_ERRORMESSAGE & " (" & HEX(Err.Number) & ")")
GetSystemSettings = False
Exit Function
End If
'Getting the IIs_WebVirtualDirSetting instance
Set objIISVirtualDir = G_objAdminService.ExecQuery("Select * from " & GetIISWMIProviderClassName("IIs_WebVirtualDirSetting") & " where Name=" & Chr(34)& strIISAdminWebSite & Chr(34))
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
Call SA_ServeFailurePage (L_IIS_WEBSERVERCONNECTION_ERRORMESSAGE & " (" & HEX(Err.Number) & ")")
GetSystemSettings = False
Exit Function
End If
Set objIISVirtualDir = Nothing
Set objIISDirInstances = Nothing
'Set the Radion button status depending on the system settings
If arrIPAdd = "" and arrSecureIPAdd = "" then
F_strJustthis_IPAddress =""
ElseIf ((arrIPAdd <> "" and arrSecureIPAdd <> "") and (arrIPAdd = arrSecureIPAdd)) then
F_strAll_IPAddress = ""
F_strJustthis_IPAddress = ""
F_strAll_IPAddress = ""
End if
'Release objects
Set objinst = Nothing
Set objNACCollection = Nothing
GetSystemSettings = True
End Function