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' Openfiles_OpenFiles.asp: Shutdown_OpenFiles page - lists all the Shared Open Files
' of the appliance
' Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
' Date Description
' 28-Feb-00 Creation date
' 23-Mar-01 Modified date
<!-- #include virtual="/admin/inc_framework.asp" -->
<!-- #include virtual="/admin/ots_main.asp" -->
<!-- #include file="loc_OpenFiles_msg.asp" -->
' Global Variables
Dim page 'Variable that receives the output page object when
'creating a page
Dim rc 'Return value for CreatePage
Dim g_bSearchRequested
Dim g_iSearchCol
Dim g_sSearchColValue
Dim g_bPageChangeRequested
Dim g_sPageAction
Dim g_iPageMin
Dim g_iPageMax
Dim g_iPageCurrent
Dim g_bPagingInitialized
Dim g_iSortCol
Dim g_sSortSequence
Dim g_bSortRequested
'This variable is defined to care of the problem arised using masterReturnURL
Dim g_strReturnURL 'to hold masterReturnURL concatenated with '../'
' Entry Point
' Create Area Page
If (rc=0) Then
'Serve the page
End If
' Function name: OnInitPage
' Description: Called to signal first time processing for this page.
' Input Variables: PageIn and EventArg
' Output Variables: None
' Return Values: TRUE to indicate initialization was successful.
' Global Variables: None
' Called to signal first time processing for this page. Use this method
' to do first time initialization tasks.
Public Function OnInitPage(ByRef PageIn, ByRef EventArg)
g_bPagingInitialized = FALSE
g_iPageCurrent = 1
'g_iSortCol = 1
'g_sSortSequence = "A"
g_strReturnURL = m_VirtualRoot & mstrReturnURL 'Managing return URL
OnInitPage = TRUE
End Function
' Function name: OnServeAreaPage
' Description: Called when the page needs to be served.
' Input Variables: PageIn, EventArg
' Output Variables: None
' Return Values: None
' Global Variables: None
'Called when the page needs to be served. Use this method to serve content.
Public Function OnServeAreaPage(ByRef PageIn, ByRef EventArg)
Call ServeCommonJavascript()
OnServeAreaPage = getOpenFiles()
End Function
' Function: ServeCommonJavascript
' Synopsis: Serve common javascript that is required for this page type.
Private Function ServeCommonJavascript()
<script language='JavaScript'>
function Init()
End Function
' Function: OnSearchNotify()
' Synopsis: Search notification event handler. When one or more columns are
' marked with the OTS_COL_SEARCH flag, the Web Framework fires
' this event in the following scenarios:
' 1) The user presses the search Go button.
' 2) The user requests a table column sort
' 3) The user presses either the page next or page previous buttons
' The EventArg indicates the source of this notification event which can
' be either a search change event (scenario 1) or a post back event
' (scenarios 2 or 3)
' Returns: Always returns TRUE
Public Function OnSearchNotify(ByRef PageIn, _
ByRef EventArg, _
ByRef sItem, _
ByRef sValue )
OnSearchNotify = TRUE
' User pressed the search GO button
If SA_IsChangeEvent(EventArg) Then
Call SA_TraceOut("Openfiles_Openfiles.asp", "OnSearchNotify() Change Event Fired")
g_bSearchRequested = TRUE
g_iSearchCol = Int(sItem)
g_sSearchColValue = CStr(sValue)
' User clicked a column sort, OR clicked either the page next or page prev button
ElseIf SA_IsPostBackEvent(EventArg) Then
Call SA_TraceOut("Openfiles_Openfiles.asp", "OnSearchNotify() Postback Event Fired")
g_bSearchRequested = FALSE
g_iSearchCol = Int(sItem)
g_sSearchColValue = CStr(sValue)
' Unknown event source
Call SA_TraceOut("Openfiles_Openfiles.asp", "Unrecognized Event in OnSearchNotify()")
End IF
End Function
' Function: OnPagingNotify()
' Synopsis: Paging notification event handler. This event is triggered in one of
' the following scenarios:
' 1) The user presses either the page next or page previous buttons
' 2) The user presses the search Go button.
' 3) The user requests a table column sort
' The EventArg indicates the source of this notification event which can
' be either a paging change event (scenario 1) or a post back event
' (scenarios 2 or 3)
' The iPageCurrent argument indicates which page the user has requested.
' This is an integer value between iPageMin and iPageMax.
' Returns: Always returns TRUE
Public Function OnPagingNotify(ByRef PageIn, _
ByRef EventArg, _
ByVal sPageAction, _
ByVal iPageMin, _
ByVal iPageMax, _
ByVal iPageCurrent )
OnPagingNotify = TRUE
g_bPagingInitialized = TRUE
' User pressed either page next or page previous
If SA_IsChangeEvent(EventArg) Then
Call SA_TraceOut("Openfiles_Openfiles.asp", "OnPagingNotify() Change Event Fired")
g_bPageChangeRequested = TRUE
g_sPageAction = CStr(sPageAction)
g_iPageMin = iPageMin
g_iPageMax = iPageMax
g_iPageCurrent = iPageCurrent
' User clicked a column sort OR the search GO button
ElseIf SA_IsPostBackEvent(EventArg) Then
Call SA_TraceOut("Openfiles_Openfiles.asp", "OnPagingNotify() Postback Event Fired")
g_bPageChangeRequested = FALSE
g_sPageAction = CStr(sPageAction)
g_iPageMin = iPageMin
g_iPageMax = iPageMax
g_iPageCurrent = iPageCurrent
' Unknown event source
Call SA_TraceOut("Openfiles_Openfiles.asp", "Unrecognized Event in OnPagingNotify()")
End IF
End Function
' Function: OnSortNotify()
' Synopsis: Sorting notification event handler. This event is triggered in one of
' the following scenarios:
' 1) The user presses the search Go button.
' 2) The user presses either the page next or page previous buttons
' 3) The user requests a table column sort
' The EventArg indicates the source of this notification event which can
' be either a sorting change event (scenario 1) or a post back event
' (scenarios 2 or 3)
' The sortCol argument indicated which column the user would like to sort
' and the sortSeq argument indicates the desired sort sequence which can
' be either ascending or descending.
' Returns: Always returns TRUE
Public Function OnSortNotify(ByRef PageIn, _
ByRef EventArg, _
ByVal sortCol, _
ByVal sortSeq )
OnSortNotify = TRUE
' User pressed column sort
If SA_IsChangeEvent(EventArg) Then
Call SA_TraceOut("Openfiles_Openfiles.asp", "OnSortNotify() Change Event Fired")
g_iSortCol = sortCol
g_sSortSequence = sortSeq
g_bSortRequested = TRUE
' User presed the search GO button OR clicked either the page next or page prev button
ElseIf SA_IsPostBackEvent(EventArg) Then
Call SA_TraceOut("Openfiles_Openfiles.asp", "OnSortNotify() Postback Event Fired")
g_iSortCol = sortCol
g_sSortSequence = sortSeq
g_bSortRequested = TRUE
' Unknown event source
Call SA_TraceOut("Openfiles_Openfiles.asp", "Unrecognized Event in OnSearchNotify()")
End IF
End Function
' Function name: LocalizeMode
' Description: Gets the localized version of the mode string returned
' from the OpenFiles control.
' Input Variables: Mode returned from the control
' Output Variables: None
' Return Values: The localized version of the mode
' Global Variables: None
Private Function LocalizeMode(ByRef strRawMode)
Select Case strRawMode
Case "READ"
LocalizeMode = L_OPENMODE_READ
Case "WRITE"
Case Else
' We can't localize the string
Call SA_TraceOut("Openfiles_Openfiles.asp", "LocalizeMode() Unrecognized mode")
LocalizeMode = strRawMode
End Select
End Function
' Function name: getOpenFiles
' Description: To get the list Shared Open Files, Accessed By, Open Mode
' Input Variables: None
' Output Variables: None
' Return Values: TRUE to indicate no problems occured. FALSE to indicate errors.
' Returning FALSE will display error message.
' Global Variables:
' In:g_iPageCurrent,g_bPagingInitialized,g_iSortCol
' g_bSearchRequested,g_iSearchCol,g_sSearchColValue
' L_(*)-Localization Strings g_strReturnURL,OPENFILES_PER_PAGE
' Called to display shared open files in OTS table.
Function getOpenFiles()
On Error Resume Next
Dim objTableLog 'Array Object to store attributes of the table
Dim nReturnValue 'Return value when creating OTS Table
Dim nOpenFilesCt 'Value to indicate the row of the table
Dim nCount 'Count variable
Dim colflags 'colflags value
Dim nHiddenOpenFile 'holds hidden column index
Dim nAccessedBy 'opened file accessed by
Dim nOpenMode 'file open mode
Dim nOpenFile 'opened file
Dim nOpenFilePath 'open file path
Dim strOpenFile 'open file path
Dim strPath 'open file full path
Dim strMode 'localized file open mode
Dim strHiddenVal 'Hidden value
Dim objOpenFiles 'openfiles object
Dim arrOpFiles 'array of openfiles
nOpenFilesCt = 0
'Creating an Activex Object for Openfiles
Set objOpenFiles = CreateObject("Openfiles.Openf")
If Err.number <> 0 then
Exit Function
End If
'The method of the object which returns a two dimentional array
arrOpFiles = objOpenFiles.getOpenFiles()
'Create Open Files table with 3 coloumns
' If the search criteria changed then we need to recompute the paging range
If ( TRUE = g_bSearchRequested ) Then
' Need to recalculate the paging range
g_bPagingInitialized = FALSE
' Restarting on page #1
g_iPageCurrent = 1
End If
' Create the OpenFile column
nHiddenOpenFile = 0
call OTS_AddTableColumn(objTableLog, OTS_CreateColumn( L_OPENFILE_TEXT, "left", colflags))
' Create the OpenFile column
nOpenFile = 1
If ( g_iSortCol = nOpenFile ) Then
colflags = colflags OR OTS_COL_SORT
End If
call OTS_AddTableColumn(objTableLog, OTS_CreateColumn( L_OPENFILE_TEXT, "left", colflags))
' Create the OpenMode column
nOpenMode = 2
If ( g_iSortCol = nOpenMode ) Then
colflags = colflags OR OTS_COL_SORT
End If
call OTS_AddTableColumn(objTableLog, OTS_CreateColumn( L_OPENMODE_TEXT, "left", colflags))
' Create the AccessedBy column
nAccessedBy = 3
If ( g_iSortCol = nAccessedBy ) Then
colflags = colflags OR OTS_COL_SORT
End If
call OTS_AddTableColumn(objTableLog, OTS_CreateColumn( L_ACCESSEDBY_TEXT, "left", colflags))
' Create the OpenMode column
nOpenFilePath = 4
If ( g_iSortCol = nOpenFilePath ) Then
colflags = colflags OR OTS_COL_SORT
End If
call OTS_AddTableColumn(objTableLog, OTS_CreateColumn( L_PATH_TEXT, "left", colflags))
'Adding items to the OTS table
For nCount = 0 to ubound(arrOpFiles)
' Localize the mode string.
strMode = LocalizeMode(arrOpFiles(nCount, 2))
strOpenFile = right(arrOpFiles(nCount,0),instr(1,StrReverse(arrOpFiles(nCount,0)),"\",1)-1)
strPath = left(arrOpFiles(nCount,0),len(arrOpFiles(nCount,0))-len(strOpenFile)-1)
strHiddenVal = strOpenFile & chr(1) & replace(strPath,"\","/") & chr(1) & strMode & chr(1) & arrOpFiles(nCount,1)
If ( g_bSearchRequested ) Then
' Search criteria blank, select all rows
If ( Len( g_sSearchColValue ) <= 0 ) Then
' Verify that the current user part of the current page
If ( IsItemOnPage( nOpenFilesCt, g_iPageCurrent, OPENFILES_PER_PAGE) ) Then
call OTS_AddTableRow( objTableLog, Array( strHiddenVal, strOpenFile , _
strMode ,arrOpFiles(nCount,1),strPath ) )
End If
Select Case (g_iSearchCol)
Case nOpenMode
If ( ucase(left(strMode, len(g_sSearchColValue))) = ucase(g_sSearchColValue)) Then
' Verify that the current user part of the current page
If ( IsItemOnPage( nOpenFilesCt, g_iPageCurrent, OPENFILES_PER_PAGE) ) Then
call OTS_AddTableRow( objTableLog, Array( strHiddenVal, strOpenFile , _
strMode ,arrOpFiles(nCount,1),strPath ) )
End If
End If
Case nAccessedBy
If ( ucase(left(arrOpFiles(nCount,1), len(g_sSearchColValue))) = ucase(g_sSearchColValue)) Then
' Verify that the current user part of the current page
If ( IsItemOnPage( nOpenFilesCt, g_iPageCurrent, OPENFILES_PER_PAGE) ) Then
call OTS_AddTableRow( objTableLog, Array( strHiddenVal, strOpenFile , _
strMode ,arrOpFiles(nCount,1),strPath ) )
End If
End If
Case nOpenFile
If ( ucase(left(strOpenFile, len(g_sSearchColValue))) = ucase(g_sSearchColValue)) Then
' Verify that the current user part of the current page
If ( IsItemOnPage( nOpenFilesCt, g_iPageCurrent, OPENFILES_PER_PAGE) ) Then
call OTS_AddTableRow( objTableLog, Array( strHiddenVal, strOpenFile , _
strMode ,arrOpFiles(nCount,1),strPath ) )
End If
End If
Case nOpenFilePath
If ( ucase(left(strPath, len(g_sSearchColValue))) = ucase(g_sSearchColValue)) Then
' Verify that the current user part of the current page
If ( IsItemOnPage( nOpenFilesCt, g_iPageCurrent, OPENFILES_PER_PAGE) ) Then
call OTS_AddTableRow( objTableLog, Array( strHiddenVal, strOpenFile , _
strMode ,arrOpFiles(nCount,1),strPath ) )
End If
End If
Case Else
Call SA_TraceOut("Openfiles_Openfiles.asp", "Unrecognized search column: " + CStr(g_iSearchCol))
' Verify that the current user part of the current page
If ( IsItemOnPage( nOpenFilesCt, g_iPageCurrent, OPENFILES_PER_PAGE) ) Then
call OTS_AddTableRow( objTableLog, Array( strHiddenVal, strOpenFile , _
strMode ,arrOpFiles(nCount,1),strPath ) )
End If
End Select
End If
' Search not enabled, select all rows
' Verify that the current user part of the current page
If ( IsItemOnPage( nOpenFilesCt, g_iPageCurrent, OPENFILES_PER_PAGE) ) Then
call OTS_AddTableRow( objTableLog, Array( strHiddenVal, strOpenFile , _
strMode ,arrOpFiles(nCount,1),strPath ) )
End If
End If
'Set Task title
call OTS_SetTableTasksTitle(objTableLog, L_TASKS_TEXT)
'Details Task
Call OTS_AddTableTask( objTableLog, OTS_CreateTaskEx(L_DETAILS_TEXT, _
"OTS_TaskOne") )
' Enable paging feature
Call OTS_EnablePaging(objTableLog, TRUE)
' If paging range needs to be initialised then
' we need to figure out how many pages we are going to display
If ( FALSE = g_bPagingInitialized ) Then
g_iPageMin = 1
g_iPageMax = Int(nOpenFilesCt / OPENFILES_PER_PAGE )
If ( (nOpenFilesCt MOD OPENFILES_PER_PAGE) > 0 ) Then
g_iPageMax = g_iPageMax + 1
End If
g_iPageCurrent = 1
Call OTS_SetPagingRange(objTableLog, g_iPageMin, g_iPageMax, g_iPageCurrent)
End If
' Sort the table
Call OTS_SortTable(objTableLog, g_iSortCol, g_sSortSequence, SA_RESERVED)
' If multiselection was requested then use multiselect OTS table
Call OTS_SetTableMultiSelection(objTableLog, false)
'Render the table
call OTS_ServeTable(objTableLog)
'Set to nothing
set objOpenFiles = nothing
getOpenFiles = True
End Function
' Function: IsItemOnPage()
' Description: Verify that the current user part of the current page.
' Input Variables: iCurrentItem
' Output Variables: None
' Return Values: TRUE or FALSE
' Global Variables: None
Private Function IsItemOnPage(ByVal iCurrentItem, iCurrentPage, iItemsPerPage)
Dim iLowerLimit
Dim iUpperLimit
iLowerLimit = ((iCurrentPage - 1) * iItemsPerPage )
iUpperLimit = iLowerLimit + iItemsPerPage + 1
If ( iCurrentItem > iLowerLimit AND iCurrentItem < iUpperLimit ) Then
IsItemOnPage = TRUE
IsItemOnPage = FALSE
End If
End Function