Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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<%@ Language=VBScript %>
<% Option Explicit %>
<% '==================================================
' Microsoft Server Appliance
' Sets server appliance date and time
' Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
'================================================== %>
<!-- #include virtual="/admin/inc_framework.asp" -->
<!-- #include file="loc_datetime.asp" -->
' Global Variables
Dim page
SOURCE_FILE = SA_GetScriptFileName()
' Global Form Variables
' Form values
Dim g_sDateID
Dim g_sTimeID
Dim g_sDay
Dim g_sMonth
Dim g_sYear
Dim g_sHour
Dim g_sMinute
Dim g_sSecond
Dim g_sTimeZone
Dim g_sEnableDaylight
Dim g_sWasChanged
Dim mstrCHelperPROGID
Dim mstrTimeFormat
Dim mstrTimeFormatPathName
Dim mstrTimeFormatValue
' Entry point
' Create a Property Page
Call SA_CreatePage( L_TASKTITLE_TEXT, "images/datetime_icon.GIF", PT_PROPERTY, page )
' Serve the page
Call SA_ShowPage( page )
' Web Framework Event Handlers
' Function: OnInitPage
' Synopsis: Called to signal first time processing for this page. Use this method
' to do first time initialization tasks.
' Returns: TRUE to indicate initialization was successful. FALSE to indicate
' errors. Returning FALSE will cause the page to be abandoned.
Public Function OnInitPage(ByRef PageIn, ByRef EventArg)
Call SA_TraceOut(SOURCE_FILE, "OnInitPage")
End If
Call GetAutoAdjustInfo()
g_sTimeZone = GetTimeZone()
g_sDateID = FormatDateTime(date, vbShortDate)
g_sTimeID = FormatDateTime(time, vbLongTime)
OnInitPage = TRUE
End Function
' Function: OnServePropertyPage
' Synopsis: Called when the page needs to be served. Use this method to
' serve content.
' Returns: TRUE to indicate not problems occured. FALSE to indicate errors.
' Returning FALSE will cause the page to be abandoned.
Public Function OnServePropertyPage(ByRef PageIn, ByRef EventArg)
OnServePropertyPage = TRUE
Call SA_TraceOut(SOURCE_FILE, "OnServePropertyPage")
End If
End Function
' Function : ServePage
' Synopsis : serve the property page
' Arguments: None
' Returns : None
Sub ServePage
Dim sTempTimeZone
Dim sEnableDaylightAttr
If ( g_sEnableDaylight = "Y" ) Then
sEnableDaylightAttr = ""
sEnableDaylightAttr = " DISABLED "
End If
//To set Date and Time from the Client
function PresetTimeZone()
timezone = "<% =g_sTimeZone %>";
ZoneOpt = document.frmTask.ZoneList.options;
for (ind = 0; ind < ZoneOpt.length; ind++)
if (ZoneOpt[ind].value == timezone + "#1")
document.frmTask.ZoneList.selectedIndex = ind;
if (document.frmTask.EnableDaylight.value == "Y")
document.frmTask.EnableDaylightCheck.checked= true;
document.frmTask.EnableDaylightCheck.checked= false;
else if (ZoneOpt[ind].value == timezone + "#0")
document.frmTask.ZoneList.selectedIndex = ind;
function EnableDaylightChecked()
function DisableDaylightChecked()
function SetDaylightControl(bEnabled)
var oDaylightChecked = document.getElementById("EnableDaylightCheck");
if ( oDaylightChecked == null )
if ( SA_IsDebugEnabled() )
alert("document.getElementById(EnableDaylightCheck) returned null");
oDaylightChecked.disabled = bEnabled;
oDaylightChecked.checked = !bEnabled;
var oDaylightText = document.getElementById("EnableDaylightText");
if ( oDaylightText == null )
if ( SA_IsDebugEnabled() )
alert("document.getElementById(EnableDaylightText) returned null");
if ( bEnabled )
oDaylightText.className = "TasksBodyDisabled";
oDaylightText.className = "TasksBody";
//Function is called on change of the zone selected from browser
function ZoneChanged()
ZoneInfo = document.frmTask.ZoneList.options[document.frmTask.ZoneList.selectedIndex].value.split("#");
if (ZoneInfo[1] == "0")
<script language="JavaScript">
var TimeoutID;
function Refresh()
function StopRefresh()
document.frmTask.WasChanged.value = "Y"
function Init()
<% If ("" = GetErrMsg) Then
response.write "TimeoutID = window.setTimeout('Refresh()', 60000);"
End If %>
//Function Validates the inputs of the page before submit.
function ValidatePage()
return true;
function SetData()
// set data to hidden form values
document.frmTask.StandardName.value = ZoneInfo[0];
if (document.frmTask.EnableDaylightCheck.checked)
<input name="StandardName" type="hidden" value="<% =g_sTimeZone %>">
<input name="EnableDaylight" type="hidden" value="<% =g_sEnableDaylight %>">
<input name="WasChanged" type="hidden" value="<% =g_sWasChanged %>">
<td NOWRAP class="TasksBody"><%=L_DATE%></td>
<td class="TasksBody">
<input class="FormField" type="text" name="DateID" id=DateID size=20 maxlength=40 value='<%=g_sDateID%>' onkeypress="StopRefresh()">
<td NOWRAP class="TasksBody"><p id=PareID_Time><%=L_TIME%></p></td>
<td class="TasksBody">
<input class="FormField" type="text" name="TimeID" id=TimeID size=20 maxlength=20 value='<%=g_sTimeID%>' onkeypress="StopRefresh()">
<td NOWRAP class="TasksBody"><p id=PareID_TimeZone><%=L_TIMEZONE%></p></td>
<td class="TasksBody">
<% RenderTimezoneList %>
<tr><td id=P1ID_1 >&nbsp;</td></tr>
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0 border="0">
<td class="TasksBody"><INPUT TYPE='checkbox' <%=sEnableDaylightAttr%> class=FormField name='EnableDaylightCheck' id='EnableDaylightCheck' onclick='StopRefresh()'></td>
<td class="TasksBody" id="EnableDaylightText"><%=L_AUTOMATICALLY_TEXT%></td>
<p id=PareID_Note><strong><%=L_NOTE_LEFT_TEXT%></strong>
<BR id=PareID_IndepnedenceNote><%=L_NOTE_DESCRIPTION_TEXT%></p>
End Sub
' Function: OnPostBackPage
' Synopsis: Called to signal that the page has been posted-back. A post-back
' occurs in tabbed property pages and wizards as the user navigates
' through pages. It is differentiated from a Submit or Close operation
' in that the user is still working with the page.
' The PostBack event should be used to save the state of page.
' Returns: TRUE to indicate initialization was successful. FALSE to indicate
' errors. Returning FALSE will cause the page to be abandoned.
Public Function OnPostBackPage(ByRef PageIn, ByRef EventArg)
OnPostBackPage = TRUE
Call SA_TraceOut(SOURCE_FILE, "OnPostBackPage")
End If
g_sDateID = Request.Form("DateID")
g_sTimeID = Request.Form("TimeID")
g_sTimeZone = Request.Form("StandardName")
g_sEnableDaylight = Request.Form("EnableDaylight")
g_sWasChanged = Request.Form("WasChanged")
If ("Y" <> g_sWasChanged) Then
g_sTimeZone = GetTimeZone()
g_sDateID = FormatDateTime(date, vbShortDate)
g_sTimeID = FormatDateTime(time, vbLongTime)
Call GetAutoAdjustInfo()
End If
End Function
' Function: OnSubmitPage
' Synopsis: Called when the page has been submitted for processing. Use
' this method to process the submit request.
' Returns: TRUE if the submit was successful, FALSE to indicate error(s).
' Returning FALSE will cause the page to be served again using
' a call to OnServePropertyPage.
Public Function OnSubmitPage(ByRef PageIn, ByRef EventArg)
on error resume next
Dim objSAHelper
Dim bModifiedPrivilege
bModifiedPrivilege = FALSE
'Create SAHelper object
Set objSAHelper = Server.CreateObject("ServerAppliance.SAHelper")
if err.number <> 0 Then
SA_TraceOut "Create object failed for SAHelper object", err.description
'enable set system time privilege
bModifiedPrivilege = objSAHelper.SAModifyUserPrivilege(CONST_SETSYSTIMEPRIVILEGE, TRUE)
if err.number <> 0 Then
SA_TraceOut "Enable privilege failed", err.description
exit function
end if
end if
Call SA_TraceOut(SOURCE_FILE, "OnSubmitPage")
End If
OnSubmitPage = SetServerDate
if ( bModifiedPrivilege ) then
'revert back to disabled state
bModifiedPrivilege = objSAHelper.SAModifyUserPrivilege(CONST_SETSYSTIMEPRIVILEGE, FALSE)
if err.number <> 0 Then
SA_TraceOut "Disable privilege failed", err.description
exit function
end if
end if
set objSAHelper = Nothing
End Function
' Function: OnClosePage
' Synopsis: Called when the page is about to be closed. Use this method
' to perform clean-up processing.
' Returns: TRUE to allow close, FALSE to prevent close. Returning FALSE
' will result in a call to OnServePropertyPage.
Public Function OnClosePage(ByRef PageIn, ByRef EventArg)
OnClosePage = TRUE
Call SA_TraceOut(SOURCE_FILE, "OnClosePage")
End If
End Function
' Function : SetServerDate
' Synopsis : function to set server date and time
' Arguments: None
' Returns : None
Function SetServerDate()
Dim sErrorMessage
SetServerDate = False
If IsDate(g_sDateID) Then
g_sDay = CStr(Day(g_sDateID))
g_sMonth = CStr(Month(g_sDateID))
g_sYear = CStr(Year(g_sDateID))
Call SA_TraceOut(SOURCE_FILE, "SetServerDate Date (D/M/Y):"+g_sDay+"/"+g_sMonth+"/"+g_sYear)
End If
If (1991 > Year(g_sDateID)) Or (2037 < Year(g_sDateID)) Then
Call SA_TraceOut(SOURCE_FILE, "SetServerDate Date not valid:"+g_sDateID+" year:"+CStr(Year(g_sDateID)))
sErrorMessage = GetLocString("datetimemsg.dll","&H400100B3", Array(g_sDay, MonthName(g_sMonth), g_sYear))
Call SetErrMsg(sErrorMessage)
SetServerDate = False
exit function
End If
SetServerDate = False
exit function
End If
If IsDate(g_sTimeID) Then
g_sHour = CStr(Hour(g_sTimeID))
g_sMinute = CStr(Minute(g_sTimeID))
g_sSecond = CStr(Second(g_sTimeID))
Call SA_TraceOut(SOURCE_FILE, "SetServerDate Time:"+g_sHour+"/"+g_sMinute+"/"+g_sSecond)
End If
SetServerDate = False
exit function
End If
If SetTimeZone = True Then
If SetDateTime = True Then
SetServerDate = True
End If
End If
End Function
' Function : GetTimeZone
' Synopsis : gets the Time Zone
' Arguments: None
' Returns : None
Function GetTimeZone()
on error resume next
Dim Locator
Dim Service
Dim TimeZone
Dim Entries
Dim entry
Dim StandardName
Set Service = GetWMIConnection("")
Set TimeZone = Service.Get("Win32_TimeZone")
Set Entries = TimeZone.Instances_
If Err.number<>0 then
Exit Function
End if
For each entry in Entries
StandardName = entry.StandardName 'There should be only one entry
GetTimeZone = StandardName
Set Service = nothing
Set TimeZone = nothing
End Function
' Function : SetTimeZone
' Synopsis : sets the Time Zone
' Arguments: None
' Returns : None
Function SetTimeZone
on error resume next
Dim objTCtx
Dim Error
Error = ExecuteTask("SetTimeZone", objTCtx)
if Error <> 0 then
SetTimeZone = False
SetTimeZone = True
End if
set objTCtx = Nothing
End Function
' Function : SetDateTime
' Synopsis : sets the date and time on the server
' Arguments: None
' Returns : None
Function SetDateTime
on error resume next
Dim objTCtx
Dim Error
'We are calculating values on the server, so we need to put them into
'the TaskContext object
Set objTCtx = CreateObject("Taskctx.TaskContext")
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
SetDateTime = False
Exit Function
End If
objTCtx.SetParameter "Day", g_sDay
objTCtx.SetParameter "Month", g_sMonth
objTCtx.SetParameter "Year", g_sYear
objTCtx.SetParameter "Hour", g_sHour
objTCtx.SetParameter "Minute", g_sMinute
objTCtx.SetParameter "Second", g_sSecond
Error = ExecuteTask("SetDateTime", objTCtx)
if Error <> 0 then
SetDateTime = False
End if
set objTCtx = Nothing
SetDateTime = True
End Function
' Function : GetAutoAdjustInfo()
' Synopsis : function to Get Auto Adjust of Daylight time set up
' Arguments: None
' Returns : None
Function GetAutoAdjustInfo()
on error resume next
Dim Providers
Dim Provider
Set Providers = GetObject("winmgmts:" & SA_GetWMIConnectionAttributes() & "!root/cimv2").InstancesOf ("ProviderDateTimeAdjust")
If Err.number<>0 then
Exit Function
End if
g_sEnableDaylight = "Y"
For each Provider in Providers ' Must be only one
If IsEmpty(Provider.DisableAutoDaylightTimeSet) Or Provider.DisableAutoDaylightTimeSet <> 1 Then
g_sEnableDaylight = "Y"
g_sEnableDaylight = "N"
End If
Set Providers = nothing
End Function
' Function : RenderTimezoneList()
' Synopsis : function render the timezone list
' Arguments: None
' Returns : None
Function RenderTimezoneList()
on error resume next
const CONST_LIST_SIZE = 74
Dim objRegService
Dim i, j
Dim arrTimezone (74, 2)
set objRegService = RegConnection()
'VBScript arrays are zero-based, to make the it's compatible with L_TIMEZONES_TEXT
'we start it from 1 to 74, arrTimezone(0, i) is ignored
'Init the timezone array
'Set the option text
for i = 1 to CONST_LIST_SIZE
arrTimezone(i, 2) = L_TIMEZONES_TEXT(i)
'Set the option Ids, which are used by the test team
arrTimezone(1, 0) = "PareID_Enewetak"
arrTimezone(2, 0) = "PareID_MidwayIland"
arrTimezone(3, 0) = "PareID_Hawaii"
arrTimezone(4, 0) = "PareID_Alaska"
arrTimezone(5, 0) = "PareID_Pacific"
arrTimezone(6, 0) = "PareID_Arizona"
arrTimezone(7, 0) = "PareID_Mountain"
arrTimezone(8, 0) = "PareID_America"
arrTimezone(9, 0) = "PareID_CentralUS"
arrTimezone(10, 0) = "PareID_Mexico"
arrTimezone(11, 0) = "PareID_Saskatchewan"
arrTimezone(12, 0) = "PareID_Bogota"
arrTimezone(13, 0) = "PareID_EasternUS"
arrTimezone(14, 0) = "PareID_Indiana"
arrTimezone(15, 0) = "PareID_Atlantic"
arrTimezone(16, 0) = "PareID_Caracas"
arrTimezone(17, 0) = "PareID_PacificStandard"
arrTimezone(18, 0) = "PareID_Newfoundland"
arrTimezone(19, 0) = "PareID_Brasilia"
arrTimezone(20, 0) = "PareID_BuenosAires"
arrTimezone(21, 0) = "PareID_Greenland"
arrTimezone(22, 0) = "PareID_MidAtlantic"
arrTimezone(23, 0) = "PareID_Azores"
arrTimezone(24, 0) = "PareID_Cape"
arrTimezone(25, 0) = "PareID_Casablanca"
arrTimezone(26, 0) = "PareID_Greenwich"
arrTimezone(27, 0) = "PareID_Amsterdam"
arrTimezone(28, 0) = "PareID_Belgrade"
arrTimezone(29, 0) = "PareID_Brussels"
arrTimezone(30, 0) = "PareID_Sarajevo"
arrTimezone(31, 0) = "PareID_CenAfrica"
arrTimezone(32, 0) = "PareID_Athens"
arrTimezone(33, 0) = "PareID_Bucharest"
arrTimezone(34, 0) = "PareID_Cairo"
arrTimezone(35, 0) = "PareID_Harare"
arrTimezone(36, 0) = "PareID_Helsinki"
arrTimezone(37, 0) = "PareID_Israel"
arrTimezone(38, 0) = "PareID_Baghdad"
arrTimezone(39, 0) = "PareID_Kuwait"
arrTimezone(40, 0) = "PareID_Moscow"
arrTimezone(41, 0) = "PareID_Nairobi"
arrTimezone(42, 0) = "PareID_Tehran"
arrTimezone(43, 0) = "PareID_AbuDhabi"
arrTimezone(44, 0) = "PareID_Baku"
arrTimezone(45, 0) = "PareID_Kabul"
arrTimezone(46, 0) = "PareID_Ekaterinburg"
arrTimezone(47, 0) = "PareID_Islamabad"
arrTimezone(48, 0) = "PareID_Bombay"
arrTimezone(49, 0) = "PareID_Nepal"
arrTimezone(50, 0) = "PareID_Novosibirsk"
arrTimezone(51, 0) = "PareID_Almaty"
arrTimezone(52, 0) = "PareID_Colombo"
arrTimezone(53, 0) = "PareID_Myanmar"
arrTimezone(54, 0) = "PareID_Bangkok"
arrTimezone(55, 0) = "PareID_Krasnoyarsk"
arrTimezone(56, 0) = "PareID_Beijing"
arrTimezone(57, 0) = "PareID_Irkutsk"
arrTimezone(58, 0) = "PareID_Singapore"
arrTimezone(59, 0) = "PareID_Perth"
arrTimezone(60, 0) = "PareID_Taipei"
arrTimezone(61, 0) = "PareID_Osaka"
arrTimezone(62, 0) = "PareID_Seoul"
arrTimezone(63, 0) = "PareID_Yakutsk"
arrTimezone(64, 0) = "PareID_Adelaide"
arrTimezone(65, 0) = "PareID_Darwin"
arrTimezone(66, 0) = "PareID_Brisbane"
arrTimezone(67, 0) = "PareID_Canberra"
arrTimezone(68, 0) = "PareID_Guam"
arrTimezone(69, 0) = "PareID_Hobart"
arrTimezone(70, 0) = "PareID_Vladivostok"
arrTimezone(71, 0) = "PareID_Magadan"
arrTimezone(72, 0) = "PareID_Auckland"
arrTimezone(73, 0) = "PareID_Fiji"
arrTimezone(74, 0) = "PareID_Nuku"
'Set the Option values based on the registry value
arrTimezone(1, 1) = GetTimezoneValueFromRegistry(objRegService, "Dateline Standard Time") & "#0"
arrTimezone(2, 1) = GetTimezoneValueFromRegistry(objRegService, "Samoa Standard Time") & "#0"
arrTimezone(3, 1) = GetTimezoneValueFromRegistry(objRegService, "Hawaiian Standard Time") & "#0"
arrTimezone(4, 1) = GetTimezoneValueFromRegistry(objRegService, "Alaskan Standard Time") & "#1"
arrTimezone(5, 1) = GetTimezoneValueFromRegistry(objRegService, "Pacific Standard Time") & "#1"
arrTimezone(6, 1) = GetTimezoneValueFromRegistry(objRegService, "US Mountain Standard Time") & "#0"
arrTimezone(7, 1) = GetTimezoneValueFromRegistry(objRegService, "Mountain Standard Time") & "#1"
arrTimezone(8, 1) = GetTimezoneValueFromRegistry(objRegService, "Central America Standard Time") & "#0"
arrTimezone(9, 1) = GetTimezoneValueFromRegistry(objRegService, "Central Standard Time") & "#1"
arrTimezone(10, 1) = GetTimezoneValueFromRegistry(objRegService, "Mexico Standard Time") & "#1"
arrTimezone(11, 1) = GetTimezoneValueFromRegistry(objRegService, "Canada Central Standard Time") & "#0"
arrTimezone(12, 1) = GetTimezoneValueFromRegistry(objRegService, "SA Pacific Standard Time") & "#0"
arrTimezone(13, 1) = GetTimezoneValueFromRegistry(objRegService, "Eastern Standard Time") & "#1"
arrTimezone(14, 1) = GetTimezoneValueFromRegistry(objRegService, "US Eastern Standard Time") & "#0"
arrTimezone(15, 1) = GetTimezoneValueFromRegistry(objRegService, "Atlantic Standard Time") & "#1"
arrTimezone(16, 1) = GetTimezoneValueFromRegistry(objRegService, "SA Western Standard Time") & "#0"
arrTimezone(17, 1) = GetTimezoneValueFromRegistry(objRegService, "Pacific SA Standard Time") & "#1"
arrTimezone(18, 1) = GetTimezoneValueFromRegistry(objRegService, "Newfoundland Standard Time") & "#1"
arrTimezone(19, 1) = GetTimezoneValueFromRegistry(objRegService, "E. South America Standard Time") & "#1"
arrTimezone(20, 1) = GetTimezoneValueFromRegistry(objRegService, "SA Eastern Standard Time") & "#0"
arrTimezone(21, 1) = GetTimezoneValueFromRegistry(objRegService, "Greenland Standard Time") & "#1"
arrTimezone(22, 1) = GetTimezoneValueFromRegistry(objRegService, "Mid-Atlantic Standard Time") & "#1"
arrTimezone(23, 1) = GetTimezoneValueFromRegistry(objRegService, "Azores Standard Time") & "#1"
arrTimezone(24, 1) = GetTimezoneValueFromRegistry(objRegService, "Cape Verde Standard Time") & "#0"
arrTimezone(25, 1) = GetTimezoneValueFromRegistry(objRegService, "Greenwich Standard Time") & "#0"
arrTimezone(26, 1) = GetTimezoneValueFromRegistry(objRegService, "GMT Standard Time") & "#1"
arrTimezone(27, 1) = GetTimezoneValueFromRegistry(objRegService, "W. Europe Standard Time") & "#1"
arrTimezone(28, 1) = GetTimezoneValueFromRegistry(objRegService, "Central Europe Standard Time") & "#1"
arrTimezone(29, 1) = GetTimezoneValueFromRegistry(objRegService, "Romance Standard Time") & "#1"
arrTimezone(30, 1) = GetTimezoneValueFromRegistry(objRegService, "Central European Standard Time") & "#1"
arrTimezone(31, 1) = GetTimezoneValueFromRegistry(objRegService, "W. Central Africa Standard Time") & "#0"
arrTimezone(32, 1) = GetTimezoneValueFromRegistry(objRegService, "GTB Standard Time") & "#1"
arrTimezone(33, 1) = GetTimezoneValueFromRegistry(objRegService, "E. Europe Standard Time") & "#1"
arrTimezone(34, 1) = GetTimezoneValueFromRegistry(objRegService, "Egypt Standard Time") & "#1"
arrTimezone(35, 1) = GetTimezoneValueFromRegistry(objRegService, "South Africa Standard Time") & "#0"
arrTimezone(36, 1) = GetTimezoneValueFromRegistry(objRegService, "FLE Standard Time") & "#1"
arrTimezone(37, 1) = GetTimezoneValueFromRegistry(objRegService, "Israel Standard Time") & "#0"
arrTimezone(38, 1) = GetTimezoneValueFromRegistry(objRegService, "Arabic Standard Time") & "#1"
arrTimezone(39, 1) = GetTimezoneValueFromRegistry(objRegService, "Arab Standard Time") & "#0"
arrTimezone(40, 1) = GetTimezoneValueFromRegistry(objRegService, "Russian Standard Time") & "#1"
arrTimezone(41, 1) = GetTimezoneValueFromRegistry(objRegService, "E. Africa Standard Time") & "#0"
arrTimezone(42, 1) = GetTimezoneValueFromRegistry(objRegService, "Iran Standard Time") & "#1"
arrTimezone(43, 1) = GetTimezoneValueFromRegistry(objRegService, "Arabian Standard Time") & "#0"
arrTimezone(44, 1) = GetTimezoneValueFromRegistry(objRegService, "Caucasus Standard Time") & "#1"
arrTimezone(45, 1) = GetTimezoneValueFromRegistry(objRegService, "Afghanistan Standard Time") & "#0"
arrTimezone(46, 1) = GetTimezoneValueFromRegistry(objRegService, "Ekaterinburg Standard Time") & "#1"
arrTimezone(47, 1) = GetTimezoneValueFromRegistry(objRegService, "West Asia Standard Time") & "#0"
arrTimezone(48, 1) = GetTimezoneValueFromRegistry(objRegService, "India Standard Time") & "#0"
arrTimezone(49, 1) = GetTimezoneValueFromRegistry(objRegService, "Nepal Standard Time") & "#0"
arrTimezone(50, 1) = GetTimezoneValueFromRegistry(objRegService, "N. Central Asia Standard Time") & "#1"
arrTimezone(51, 1) = GetTimezoneValueFromRegistry(objRegService, "Central Asia Standard Time") & "#0"
arrTimezone(52, 1) = GetTimezoneValueFromRegistry(objRegService, "Sri Lanka Standard Time") & "#0"
arrTimezone(53, 1) = GetTimezoneValueFromRegistry(objRegService, "Myanmar Standard Time") & "#0"
arrTimezone(54, 1) = GetTimezoneValueFromRegistry(objRegService, "SE Asia Standard Time") & "#0"
arrTimezone(55, 1) = GetTimezoneValueFromRegistry(objRegService, "North Asia Standard Time") & "#1"
arrTimezone(56, 1) = GetTimezoneValueFromRegistry(objRegService, "China Standard Time") & "#0"
arrTimezone(57, 1) = GetTimezoneValueFromRegistry(objRegService, "North Asia East Standard Time") & "#1"
arrTimezone(58, 1) = GetTimezoneValueFromRegistry(objRegService, "Singapore Standard Time") & "#0"
arrTimezone(59, 1) = GetTimezoneValueFromRegistry(objRegService, "W. Australia Standard Time") & "#0"
arrTimezone(60, 1) = GetTimezoneValueFromRegistry(objRegService, "Taipei Standard Time") & "#0"
arrTimezone(61, 1) = GetTimezoneValueFromRegistry(objRegService, "Tokyo Standard Time") & "#0"
arrTimezone(62, 1) = GetTimezoneValueFromRegistry(objRegService, "Korea Standard Time") & "#0"
arrTimezone(63, 1) = GetTimezoneValueFromRegistry(objRegService, "Yakutsk Standard Time") & "#1"
arrTimezone(64, 1) = GetTimezoneValueFromRegistry(objRegService, "Cen. Australia Standard Time") & "#1"
arrTimezone(65, 1) = GetTimezoneValueFromRegistry(objRegService, "AUS Central Standard Time") & "#0"
arrTimezone(66, 1) = GetTimezoneValueFromRegistry(objRegService, "E. Australia Standard Time") & "#0"
arrTimezone(67, 1) = GetTimezoneValueFromRegistry(objRegService, "AUS Eastern Standard Time") & "#1"
arrTimezone(68, 1) = GetTimezoneValueFromRegistry(objRegService, "West Pacific Standard Time") & "#0"
arrTimezone(69, 1) = GetTimezoneValueFromRegistry(objRegService, "Tasmania Standard Time") & "#1"
arrTimezone(70, 1) = GetTimezoneValueFromRegistry(objRegService, "Vladivostok Standard Time") & "#1"
arrTimezone(71, 1) = GetTimezoneValueFromRegistry(objRegService, "Central Pacific Standard Time") & "#0"
arrTimezone(72, 1) = GetTimezoneValueFromRegistry(objRegService, "New Zealand Standard Time") & "#1"
arrTimezone(73, 1) = GetTimezoneValueFromRegistry(objRegService, "Fiji Standard Time") & "#0"
arrTimezone(74, 1) = GetTimezoneValueFromRegistry(objRegService, "Tonga Standard Time") & "#0"
'Render the select list
<select class="FormField" name="ZoneList" ID="ZoneList" size="1" onchange="ZoneChanged()">
for i = 1 to CONST_LIST_SIZE
<option id=<%=arrTimezone(i,0)%> value="<%=arrTimezone(i,1)%>"
' Check to see if the option is the selected one
If (1 = InStr(arrTimezone(i,1), g_sTimeZone)) Then %>
<% End If %> >
set objRegService = nothing
End Function
' Function : GetTimezoneValueFromRegistry
' Synopsis : Get the timezone value from the registry key
' Arguments: In-objRegService : registry service
' In-strKey : English name of the timezone
' Returns : registry key value of the timezone
Function GetTimezoneValueFromRegistry(objRegService, strName)
on error resume next
CONST CONST_TIMEZONEPATH = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Time Zones\"
GetTimezoneValueFromRegistry = GetRegKeyValue(objRegService, CONST_TIMEZONEPATH & strName, CONST_KEYNAME, CONST_STRING)
If Err.number <> 0 Then
GetTimezoneValueFromRegistry = ""
Exit Function
end if
End Function