Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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// apgtsmfc.cpp
// Equivalents of Global Afx MFC functions.
// Use the real MFC functions if you can.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "apgtsmfc.h"
#include "apgtsassert.h"
#include "CharConv.h"
#include <stdio.h> // Needed for sprintf
extern HANDLE ghModule;
// This is not the name of any MFC Afx function
// This loads a string from the resource file. It is here as a basis for CString::LoadString().
// INPUT nID - resource ID of a string resource?
// INPUT/OUTPUT lpszBuf - on input, points to a buffer. On output, that buffer contains ???
// INPUT nMaxBuf - size of lpszBuf
int AfxLoadString(UINT nID, LPTSTR lpszBuf, UINT nMaxBuf)
// convert integer value to a resource type compatible with Win32 resource-management
// fns. (used in place of a string containing the name of the resource.)
// >>> Why rightshift and add 1? (Ignore in V3.0 because this is if'd out, anyway)
int nLen = 0;
// Only works from the main module.
hInst = AfxGetResourceHandle();
if (::FindResource(hInst, lpszName, RT_STRING) != NULL)
nLen = ::LoadString(hInst, nID, lpszBuf, nMaxBuf);
return nLen;
// Return HINSTANCE handle where the default resources of the application are loaded.
HINSTANCE AfxGetResourceHandle()
return (HINSTANCE) ghModule;
#if 0
// We've removed this because we are not using string resources. If we revive
// string resources, we must revive this function.
// INPUT/OUTPUT &rString -  CString object (remember, not MFC CString). On return, will
// contain the resultant string after the substitution is performed.
// INPUT nIDS - resource ID of template string on which the substitution will be performed.
// INPUT *lpsz1 - In the MFC AfxFormatString1, a string that will replace the format
// characters "%1" in the template string. In our version, will perform only a single
// replacement & will replace '%' followed by _any_ character.
// Will be a mess if rString as pased in does not contain such an instance.
void AfxFormatString1(CString& rString, UINT nIDS, LPCTSTR lpsz1)
CString str;
int iInsert = str.Find('%', -1);
rString = str.Left(iInsert);
rString += lpsz1;
rString += str.Right(str.GetLength() - iInsert - 2);
#if 0
// We've removed this because we are not using string resources. If we revive
// string resources, we must revive this function.
// Like AfxFormatString1, but also has an input lpsz2 to replace the format characters "%2.
// In our version, will perform only a single replacement by lpsz1 and a single replacement
// by lpsz2, & rather than look for "%1" and "%2" will replace the first 2 instances of
// '%' followed by _any_ character.
// Will be a mess if rString as pased in does not contain 2 such instances.
void AfxFormatString2(CString& rString, UINT nIDS, LPCTSTR lpsz1,
LPCTSTR lpsz2)
int iFirst;
int iSecond;
CString str;
iFirst = str.Find('%', -1);
rString = str.Left(iFirst);
rString += lpsz1;
iSecond = str.Find(_T('%'), iFirst);
rString += str.Mid(iFirst + 2, iSecond - (iFirst + 2) );
rString += lpsz2;
rString += str.Right(str.GetLength() - iSecond - 2);
// Utilize this namespace for non-class related functions.
namespace APGTS_nmspace
// function of convenience - has nothing to do with MFC
bool GetServerVariable(CAbstractECB *pECB, LPCSTR var_name, CString& out)
char buf[256] = {0}; // 256 should cover all cases
DWORD size = sizeof(buf)/sizeof(buf[0]);
if (pECB->GetServerVariable(var_name, buf, &size))
out = (LPCTSTR)buf;
return true;
return false;
// >>> $MAINT - It would be preferable to use standardized encode-decoding logic rather
// than maintaining this custom code. RAB-19990921.
// V3.2
// Utility function to URL encode cookies.
// char, not TCHAR: cookie is always ASCII.
void CookieEncodeURL( CString& strURL )
CString strTemp;
int nURLpos;
char cCurByte;
for (nURLpos= 0; nURLpos < strURL.GetLength(); nURLpos++)
cCurByte= strURL[ nURLpos ];
if (isalnum( cCurByte ))
strTemp+= strURL.Mid( nURLpos, 1 );
else if (cCurByte == _T(' '))
strTemp+= _T("+");
else if ((cCurByte == _T('=')) || (cCurByte == _T('&'))) // Skip over name-pair delimiters.
strTemp+= strURL.Mid( nURLpos, 1 );
else if ((cCurByte == _T('+')) || (cCurByte == _T('%'))) // Skip over previously encoded characters.
strTemp+= strURL.Mid( nURLpos, 1 );
// Encode all other characters.
char szBuff[5];
sprintf( szBuff, _T("%%%02X"), (unsigned char) cCurByte );
strTemp+= szBuff;
strURL= strTemp;
// Utility function to URL decode cookies.
// char, not TCHAR: cookie is always ASCII.
void CookieDecodeURL( CString& strURL )
CString strTemp;
int nURLpos;
char cCurByte;
for (nURLpos= 0; nURLpos < strURL.GetLength(); nURLpos++)
cCurByte= strURL[ nURLpos ];
if (cCurByte == _T('+'))
strTemp+= _T(" ");
else if (cCurByte == _T('%'))
// Decode URL encoded characters.
char szBuff[3];
int nVal;
szBuff[ 0 ]= strURL[ ++nURLpos ];
szBuff[ 1 ]= strURL[ ++nURLpos ];
szBuff[ 2 ]= '\0';
sscanf( szBuff, "%02x", &nVal );
sprintf( szBuff, "%c", nVal );
strTemp+= szBuff;
strTemp+= strURL.Mid( nURLpos, 1 );
strURL= strTemp;