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// Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
// File: iuxml.h
// Description:
// Declaration of the CIUXml class
#ifndef __IUXML_H_
#define __IUXML_H_
#include <msxml.h>
// Bitmap of existence of all possible system info classes
extern const DWORD REGKEYS;
extern const DWORD PLATFORM;
extern const DWORD LOCALE;
extern const DWORD DEVICES;
// CIUXml
class CIUXml
virtual ~CIUXml();
// SafeCloseHandleNode()
// User can explicitly can this function to release a node for reuse when
// writing a xml doc.
void SafeCloseHandleNode(HANDLE_NODE& hNode);
// SafeFindCloseHandle()
// User can explicitly can this function to release a nodelist for reuse when
// reading a xml doc.
void SafeFindCloseHandle(HANDLE_NODELIST& hNodeList);
// GetDOMNodebyHandle()
// Retrieve the xml node with the given index of m_ppNodeArray
IXMLDOMNode* GetDOMNodebyHandle(HANDLE_NODE hNode);
// Handle to the heap of the calling process, used for HeapAlloc()
HANDLE m_hHeap;
// Length of the node array "m_ppNodeArray"
DWORD m_dwSizeNodeArray;
// Length of the nodelist array "m_ppNodeListArray"
DWORD m_dwSizeNodeListArray;
// InitNodeArray()
// Allocate or re-allocate memory for the node array "m_ppNodeArray"
HRESULT InitNodeArray(BOOL fRealloc = FALSE);
// InitNodeListArray()
// Allocate or re-allocate memory for the nodelist array "m_ppNodeListArray"
HRESULT InitNodeListArray(BOOL fRealloc = FALSE);
// GetNodeHandle()
// Look for the first un-used node from the "m_ppNodeArray" array,
// including the memory allocation, if needed.
HANDLE_NODE GetNodeHandle();
// GetNodeListHandle()
// Look for the first un-used nodelist from the "m_ppNodeListArray" array,
// including the memory allocation, if needed.
HANDLE_NODELIST GetNodeListHandle();
// This array is used to keep track of different nodes that can remain
// opened at the same time to write into; the index of the array will be
// returned to caller as a HANDLE_NODE to perform writing against.
IXMLDOMNode** m_ppNodeArray;
// This array is used to keep track of different nodelists that can remain
// opened at the same time to read from; the index of the array will be
// returned to caller as a HANDLE_NODELIST to perform reading against.
IXMLDOMNodeList** m_ppNodeListArray;
// FindFirstDOMNode()
// Retrieve the first xml node with the given tag name under the given parent node
HANDLE_NODELIST FindFirstDOMNode(IXMLDOMNode* pParentNode, BSTR bstrName, IXMLDOMNode** ppNode);
// FindFirstDOMNode()
// Retrieve the handle of first xml node with the given tag name under the given parent node
HANDLE_NODELIST FindFirstDOMNode(IXMLDOMNode* pParentNode, BSTR bstrName, HANDLE_NODE* phNode);
// FindFirstDOMNode()
// Retrieve the first xml node with the given tag name in the given xml doc
HANDLE_NODELIST FindFirstDOMNode(IXMLDOMDocument* pDoc, BSTR bstrName, IXMLDOMNode** ppNode);
// FindFirstDOMNode()
// Retrieve the handle of first xml node with the given tag name in the given xml doc
HANDLE_NODELIST FindFirstDOMNode(IXMLDOMDocument* pDoc, BSTR bstrName, HANDLE_NODE* phNode);
// FindNextDOMNode()
// Retrieve the next xml node with the given tag name under the given parent node
// FindNextDOMNode()
// Retrieve the handle of next xml node with the given tag name under the given parent node
// CreateDOMNodeWithHandle()
// Create an xml node of the given type
// Return: index of the node array "m_ppNodeArray"; or -1 if failure.
HANDLE_NODE CreateDOMNodeWithHandle(IXMLDOMDocument* pDoc, SHORT nType, BSTR bstrName, BSTR bstrNamespaceURI = NULL);
// CXmlSystemSpec
class CXmlSystemSpec : public CIUXml
// Constructor
// Create IXMLDOMDocument* for SystemSpec
// Destructor
// Release IXMLDOMDocument* for SystemSpec
// AddComputerSystem()
HRESULT AddComputerSystem(BSTR bstrManufacturer,
BSTR bstrModel,
BSTR bstrSupportSite = NULL,
INT iAdmin = -1,
INT iWUDisabled = -1,
INT iAUEnabled = -1,
// AddDriveSpace()
HRESULT AddDriveSpace(BSTR bstrDrive, INT iKBytes);
// AddReg()
HRESULT AddReg(BSTR bstrProvider);
// AddPlatform()
HRESULT AddPlatform(BSTR bstrName);
// AddProcessor()
HRESULT AddProcessor(BSTR bstrProcessor);
// AddVersion()
HRESULT AddVersion(INT iMajor = -1,
INT iMinor = -1,
INT iBuild = -1,
INT iSPMajor = -1,
INT iSPMinor = -1,
BSTR bstrTimeStamp = NULL);
// AddSuite()
HRESULT AddSuite(BSTR bstrSuite);
// AddProductType()
HRESULT AddProductType(BSTR bstrProductType);
// AddLocale()
// We need to pass back a handle to differentiate different <locale> node
HRESULT AddLocale(BSTR bstrContext, HANDLE_NODE* phNodeLocale);
// AddLanguage()
HRESULT AddLanguage(HANDLE_NODE hNodeLocale, BSTR bstrLocale);
// AddDevice()
// We need to pass back a handle to differentiate different <device> node
HRESULT AddDevice(BSTR bstrDeviceInstance,
INT iIsPrinter,
BSTR bstrProvider,
BSTR bstrMfgName,
BSTR bstrDriverName,
HANDLE_NODE* phNodeDevice);
// AddHWID()
BOOL fIsCompatible,
UINT iRank,
BSTR bstrDriverVer = NULL);
// GetSystemSpecBSTR()
HRESULT GetSystemSpecBSTR(BSTR *pbstrXmlSystemSpec);
IXMLDOMDocument* m_pDocSystemSpec;
IXMLDOMNode* m_pNodeSystemInfo;
IXMLDOMNode* m_pNodeComputerSystem;
IXMLDOMNode* m_pNodeRegKeysSW;
IXMLDOMNode* m_pNodePlatform;
IXMLDOMNode* m_pNodeDevices;
// CXmlSystemClass
class CXmlSystemClass : public CIUXml
// Constructor
// Create IXMLDOMDocument* for SystemInfoClasses
// Destructor
// Release IXMLDOMDocument* for SystemInfoClasses
// LoadXMLDocument()
// Load an XML Document from string
HRESULT LoadXMLDocument(BSTR bstrXml, BOOL fOfflineMode);
// GetClasses()
// Return the bitmap of existence of all possible system info classes
DWORD GetClasses();
IXMLDOMDocument* m_pDocSystemClass;
// CXmlCatalog
class CXmlCatalog : public CIUXml
// Constructor
// Create IXMLDOMDocument* for Catalog
// Destructor
// Release IXMLDOMDocument* for Catalog
// LoadXMLDocument()
// Load an XML Document from string
HRESULT LoadXMLDocument(BSTR bstrXml, BOOL fOfflineMode);
// GetItemCount()
// Gets a Count of How Many Items are in this Catalog
HRESULT GetItemCount(LONG *plItemCount);
// GetProviders()
// Find a list of <provider> node in catalog xml
IXMLDOMNodeList* GetProviders();
// GetFirstProvider()
// Find the first provider in catalog xml doc
HANDLE_NODELIST GetFirstProvider(HANDLE_NODE* phNodeProvider);
// GetNextProvider()
// Find the next provider in catalog xml doc
HRESULT GetNextProvider(HANDLE_NODELIST hNodeListProvider, HANDLE_NODE* phNodeProvider);
// GetFirstItem()
// Find the first item in provider (parent) node
// GetNextItem()
// Find the next item in provider (parent) node
// GetFirstItemDependency()
// Find the first dependency item in Item Dependencies node
HANDLE_NODELIST GetFirstItemDependency(HANDLE_NODE hNodeItem, HANDLE_NODE* phNodeItem);
// GetNextItem()
// Find the next dependency item in the Item Dependencies node
HRESULT GetNextItemDependency(HANDLE_NODELIST hNodeListItem, HANDLE_NODE* phNodeItem);
// CloseItemList()
// Release the item nodelist
void CloseItemList(HANDLE_NODELIST hNodeListItem);
// GetIdentity()
// Retrieve the unique name (identity) of the given provider or item
BSTR* pbstrName,
BSTR* pbstrPublisherName,
BSTR* pbstrGUID);
// GetIdentityStr()
// Retrieve the string that can be used to uniquely identify an item.
// This function defines the logic about what components can be used
// to define the uniqueness of an item based on the 3 parts of data from
// GetIdentity().
// The created string will be language neutral. That is, it can not
// ensure the uniqueness for two items having the same <identity> node
// except different only on <langauge> part inside <identity>
BSTR* pbstrUniqIdentifierString);
HRESULT GetIdentityStrForPing(HANDLE_NODE hNode,
BSTR* pbstrUniqIdentifierString);
// GetBSTRItemForCallback()
// Create an item node as the passed-in node, have child nodes identity and
// platform (anything uniquely idenitify this item) then output this
// item node data as string, then delete the crated node
HRESULT GetBSTRItemForCallback(HANDLE_NODE hItem, BSTR* pbstrXmlItemForCallback);
// IsPrinterDriver()
// Retrieves from the Catalog whether this Item is a Printer Driver
BOOL IsPrinterDriver(HANDLE_NODE hNode);
// GetDriverInfo()
// Retrieves the Driver Information from the Catalog for this Item. Returns
// the Display Name and HWID for this driver - This is passed to the CDM
// installer
BSTR* pbstrHWID,
BSTR* pbstrDisplayName);
// GetPrinterDriverInfo()
// Retrieves the Printer Driver Information from the Catalog for this Item.
// Returns the DriverName and the Architecture - This is passed to the CDM
// installer
HRESULT GetPrinterDriverInfo(HANDLE_NODE hNode,
BSTR* pbstrDriverName,
BSTR* pbstrHWID,
BSTR* pbstrManufacturer,
BSTR* pbstrProvider);
// GetDriverInfoEx()
// Combines functionality of IsPrinterDriver, GetDriverInfo, and
// GetPrinterDriverInfo plus retreives MfgName and DriverProvider.
// Used by FindMatchingDriver()
// If SUCCEEDES pbstrHWID, pbstrDriverVer, and pbstrDisplayName
// are always returned.
// If SUCCEEDES && *pFIsPrinter == TRUE then pbstrDriverName,
// pbstrDriverProvider, and pbstrMfgName are returned.
// Currently pbstrArchitecture is never returned.
HRESULT CXmlCatalog::GetDriverInfoEx(HANDLE_NODE hNode,
BOOL* pfIsPrinter,
BSTR* pbstrHWID,
BSTR* pbstrDriverVer,
BSTR* pbstrDisplayName,
BSTR* pbstrDriverName,
BSTR* pbstrDriverProvider,
BSTR* pbstrMfgName,
BSTR* pbstrArchitecture);
// GetItemFirstPlatformStr()
// The input node pointer points to an item node has <platform> as its child.
// This function will retrieve the first <platform> node from this item node and
// convert the data inside <platform> into a string that can be used to
// uniquely identify a platform.
HRESULT GetItemFirstPlatformStr(HANDLE_NODE hNodeItem,
BSTR* pbstrPlatform);
// GetItemAllPlatformStr()
// The input node pointer points to an item node that has <platform> node(s).
// This function will retrieve every <platform> node from this item node and
// convert the data inside <platform> into a string that can be used to
// uniquely identify a platform.
HRESULT GetItemAllPlatformStr(HANDLE_NODE hNodeItem,
BSTR** ppbPlatforms, UINT* pnPlatformCount);
// GetItemFirstLanguageStr()
// The input node pointer points to a node has <identity> as its child.
// This function will retrieve the first <language> node from <identity>
// node
HRESULT GetItemFirstLanguageStr(HANDLE_NODE hNodeItem,
BSTR* pbstrLanguage);
// GetItemAllLanguageStr()
// The input node pointer points to a node has <identity> as its child.
// This function will retrieve every <language> node from <identity> node and
// convert the data into an BSTR array to return.
HRESULT GetItemAllLanguageStr(HANDLE_NODE hNodeItem,
BSTR** ppbstrLanguage, UINT* pnLangCount);
// GetItemFirstCodeBase()
// Find the first codebase (path) of the given item
BSTR* pbstrCodeBase,
BSTR* pbstrName,
BSTR* pbstrCRC,
BOOL* pfPatchAvailable,
LONG* plSize);
// GetItemNextCodeBase()
// Find the next codebase (path) of the given item
HRESULT GetItemNextCodeBase(HANDLE_NODELIST hNodeListCodeBase,
BSTR* pbstrCodeBase,
BSTR* pbstrName,
BSTR* pbstrCRC,
BOOL* pfPatchAvailable,
LONG* plSize);
// GetItemInstallInfo()
// Retrieve the installation information of the given item
HRESULT GetItemInstallInfo(HANDLE_NODE hNodeItem,
BSTR* pbstrInstallerType,
BOOL* pfExclusive,
BOOL* pfReboot,
LONG* plNumCommands);
// GetItemInstallCommand()
// Find the installation command type, command and switches of the given item
HRESULT GetItemInstallCommand(HANDLE_NODE hNodeItem,
INT iOrder,
BSTR* pbstrCommandType,
BSTR* pbstrCommand,
BSTR* pbstrSwitches,
BSTR* pbstrInfSection);
// CloseItem()
// Release the item node
void CloseItem(HANDLE_NODE hNodeItem);
// GetTotalEstimatedSize()
// Get the Total Estimated Download Size of all Items based on Codebase Size
HRESULT GetTotalEstimatedSize(LONG *plTotalSize);
// FindItemByIdentity()
// Finds an Item in the Catalog that Matches the Supplied Identity
HRESULT FindItemByIdentity(IXMLDOMNode* pNodeIdentity, HANDLE_NODE* phNodeItem);
/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// IfSameIdentity()
// Return TRUE if the two <identity> nodes are identical. Return FALSE otherwise.
BOOL IfSameIdentity(IXMLDOMNode* pNodeIdentity1, IXMLDOMNode* pNodeIdentity2);
// GetItemLanguage()
// Get the Language Entity from the Item Identity
HRESULT GetItemLanguage(HANDLE_NODE hNodeItem, BSTR* pbstrLanguage);
// GetCorpItemPlatformStr()
// Get the Simplified Platform String for an Item (uses the first available platform element)
HRESULT GetCorpItemPlatformStr(HANDLE_NODE hNodeItem, BSTR* pbstrPlatformStr);
IXMLDOMDocument* m_pDocCatalog;
// helper functions
// get data from a version node and convert them into a string with
// format:
// VersionStr = <Version>[,<SvcPackVer>[,<timeStamp>]]
// <Version> = <Major>[.<Minor>[.<Build>]]
// <SvcPackVer> = <Major>[.<minor>]
// Assumption:
// pszVersion points to a buffer LARGE ENOUGH to store
// any legal version number.
HRESULT getVersionStr(IXMLDOMNode* pVersionNode, LPTSTR pszVersion);
HRESULT getVersionStrWithoutSvcPack(IXMLDOMNode* pVersionNode, LPTSTR pszVersion);
// GetItemPlatformStr()
// The input node pointer points to a <platform> node.
// This function will retrieve the data from this <platform> node and
// convert the data into a string that can be used to
// uniquely identify a platform.
HRESULT GetPlatformStr(IXMLDOMNode* pNodePlatform, BSTR* pbstrPlatform);
HRESULT GetPlatformStrForPing(IXMLDOMNode* pNodePlatform, BSTR* pbstrPlatform);
// CXmlItems
class CXmlItems : public CIUXml
// Constructor
// Create IXMLDOMDocument* for Items; this is for write only
// Constructor
// Create IXMLDOMDocument* for Items; take TRUE for read, FALSE for write
CXmlItems(BOOL fRead);
// Destructor
// Release IXMLDOMDocument* for Items
// GetItemsDocumentPtr()
// Retrieve the items XML Document node
inline IXMLDOMDocument* GetItemsDocumentPtr() { return m_pDocItems; };
// Clear()
// Reset IXMLDOMDocument* for Items
void Clear();
// LoadXMLDocument()
// Load an XML Document from string
HRESULT LoadXMLDocument(BSTR bstrXml);
// LoadXMLDocumentFile()
// Load an XML Document from the specified file
HRESULT LoadXMLDocumentFile(BSTR bstrFilePath);
// SaveXMLDocument()
// Save an XML Document to the specified location
HRESULT SaveXMLDocument(BSTR bstrFilePath);
// AddGlobalErrorCodeIfNoItems()
// Add the errorCode attribute for <items> if there's no <itemStatus> child node
HANDLE_NODELIST AddGlobalErrorCodeIfNoItems(DWORD dwErrorCode);
// GetFirstItem()
// Find the first item in Items xml doc
// GetNextItem()
// Find the next item in Items xml doc
// CloseItemList()
// Release the item nodelist
void CloseItemList(HANDLE_NODELIST hNodeListItem);
// GetItemDownloadPath()
// Retrieve the download path of the given item
HRESULT GetItemDownloadPath(HANDLE_NODE hNodeItem, BSTR* pbstrDownloadPath);
// GetItemDownloadPath()
// Retrieve the download path of the given item in catalog
HRESULT GetItemDownloadPath(CXmlCatalog* pCatalog, HANDLE_NODE hNodeItem, BSTR* pbstrDownloadPath);
// CloseItem()
// Release the item node
void CloseItem(HANDLE_NODE hNodeItem);
// FindItem()
// Input:
// pNodeItem - the <itemStatus> node of the install items xml; we need
// to find the corresponding <itemStatus> node in the existing
// items xml with the identical <identity>, <platform> and
// <client> nodes.
// Output:
// phNodeItem - the handle we pass back to differentiate different
// <itemStatus> node in the existing items xml
HRESULT FindItem(IXMLDOMNode* pNodeItem, HANDLE_NODE* phNodeItem, BOOL fIdentityOnly = FALSE);
// FindItem()
// Input:
// pCatalog - the pointer to the CXmlCatalog object
// hNodeItem - the handle of the <item> node of the catalog xml; we need
// to find the corresponding <itemStatus> node in the existing
// items xml with the identical <identity>, <platform> and
// <client> nodes.
// Output:
// phNodeItem - the handle we pass back to differentiate different
// <itemStatus> node in items xml
HRESULT FindItem(CXmlCatalog* pCatalog, HANDLE_NODE hNodeItem, HANDLE_NODE* phNodeItem);
// MergeItemDownloaded()
// Insert items with download history into existing history
HRESULT MergeItemDownloaded(CXmlItems *pHistoryDownload);
// UpdateItemInstalled()
// Update items with installation history in existing history
HRESULT UpdateItemInstalled(CXmlItems *pHistoryInstall);
// UpdateItemInstallStatus()
// Update the install status of the given item
HRESULT UpdateItemInstallStatus(HANDLE_NODE hNodeItem,
BSTR bstrValue,
INT iNeedsReboot = -1,
DWORD dwErrorCode = 0);
// AddItem()
// Input:
// pNodeItem - the <item> node of the catalog xml; we need to read
// <identity> node, <description> node and <platform> nodes
// from it and write to the items xml (insert in front).
// Output:
// phNodeItem - the handle we pass back to differentiate different
// <itemStatus> node in items xml
HRESULT AddItem(IXMLDOMNode* pNodeItem, HANDLE_NODE* phNodeItem);
// AddItem()
// Input:
// pCatalog - the pointer to the CXmlCatalog object
// hNodeItem - the handle of the <item> node of the catalog xml; we need
// to read <identity> node, <description> node and <platform>
// nodes from it and write to the items xml (insert in front).
// Output:
// phNodeItem - the handle we pass back to differentiate different
// <itemStatus> node in items xml
HRESULT AddItem(CXmlCatalog* pCatalog, HANDLE_NODE hNodeItem, HANDLE_NODE* phNodeItem);
// AddTimeStamp()
HRESULT AddTimeStamp(HANDLE_NODE hNodeItem);
// AddDetectResult()
HRESULT AddDetectResult(HANDLE_NODE hNodeItem,
INT iInstalled = -1,
INT iUpToDate = -1,
INT iNewerVersion = -1,
INT iExcluded = -1,
INT iForce = -1,
INT iComputerSystem = -1);
// AddDownloadStatus()
HRESULT AddDownloadStatus(HANDLE_NODE hNodeItem, BSTR bstrValue, DWORD dwErrorCode = 0);
// AddDownloadPath()
HRESULT AddDownloadPath(HANDLE_NODE hNodeItem, BSTR bstrDownloadPath);
// AddInstallStatus()
HRESULT AddInstallStatus(HANDLE_NODE hNodeItem, BSTR bstrValue, BOOL fNeedsReboot, DWORD dwErrorCode = 0);
// AddClientInfo()
HRESULT AddClientInfo(HANDLE_NODE hNodeItem, BSTR bstrClient);
// MigrateV3History()
// Migrate V3 History: Consumer history only.
HRESULT MigrateV3History(LPCTSTR pszHistoryFilePath);
// GetItemsBSTR()
HRESULT GetItemsBSTR(BSTR *pbstrXmlItems);
// GetFilteredHistoryBSTR()
HRESULT GetFilteredHistoryBSTR(BSTR bstrBeginDateTime,
BSTR bstrEndDateTime,
BSTR bstrClient,
BSTR *pbstrXmlHistory);
// Initialize XML DOC node pointers before writing
void Init();
/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// IfSameClientInfo()
// Return TRUE if the two <client> nodes are identical. Return FALSE otherwise.
BOOL IfSameClientInfo(IXMLDOMNode* pNodeClient1, IXMLDOMNode* pNodeClient2);
// IfSameIdentity()
// Return TRUE if the two <identity> nodes are identical. Return FALSE otherwise.
BOOL IfSameIdentity(IXMLDOMNode* pNodeIdentity1, IXMLDOMNode* pNodeIdentity2);
// IfSamePlatform()
// Return TRUE if the two <platform> nodes are identical. Return FALSE otherwise.
BOOL IfSamePlatform(IXMLDOMNode* pNodePlatform1, IXMLDOMNode* pNodePlatform2);
IXMLDOMDocument* m_pDocItems;
IXMLDOMNode* m_pNodeItems;
// CXmlClientInfo
class CXmlClientInfo
// load and parse and validate an XML document from string
HRESULT LoadXMLDocument(BSTR bstrXml, BOOL fOfflineMode);
// retrieve client name attribute
HRESULT GetClientName(BSTR* pbstrClientName);
inline IXMLDOMDocument* GetDocument() { return m_pDocClientInfo; }
IXMLDOMDocument* m_pDocClientInfo;
#endif //__IUXML_H_