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// Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
// File: MemUtil.CPP
// Author: Charles Ma, 10/13/2000
// Revision History:
// Description:
// Implement IU memory utility library
#include <windows.h>
#include <MemUtil.h>
// *******************************************************************************
// Implementation of class CSmartHeapMem
// *******************************************************************************
const size_t ArrayGrowChunk = 4;
// constructor
m_ArraySize = 0;
m_lppMems = NULL;
m_Heap = GetProcessHeap();
// desctructor
if (NULL != m_Heap)
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_ArraySize; i++)
if (NULL != m_lppMems[i])
HeapFree(m_Heap, 0, m_lppMems[i]);
HeapFree(m_Heap, 0, m_lppMems);
// allocate mem
LPVOID CSmartHeapMem::Alloc(size_t nBytes, DWORD dwFlags /*= HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY*/)
int iNdx;
DWORD dwBytes = (DWORD) nBytes;
DWORD dwCurrentFlag = dwFlags & (~HEAP_GENERATE_EXCEPTIONS |
if (NULL == m_Heap || 0x0 == dwBytes)
return NULL;
iNdx = GetUnusedArraySlot();
if (iNdx < 0 || NULL == m_Heap)
// out of mem
return NULL;
pMem = m_lppMems[iNdx] = HeapAlloc(m_Heap, dwCurrentFlag, dwBytes);
return pMem;
// reallocate mem
LPVOID CSmartHeapMem::ReAlloc(LPVOID lpMem, size_t nBytes, DWORD dwFlags)
DWORD dwBytes = (DWORD) nBytes;
DWORD dwCurrentFlag = dwFlags & (~HEAP_GENERATE_EXCEPTIONS |
int n;
if (0x0 == dwBytes || NULL == m_Heap)
return NULL;
n = FindIndex(lpMem);
if (n < 0)
return NULL;
pMem = HeapReAlloc(m_Heap, dwCurrentFlag, lpMem, dwBytes);
if (NULL != pMem)
m_lppMems[n] = pMem;
return pMem;
// return the size allocated
size_t CSmartHeapMem::Size(LPVOID lpMem)
if (NULL == m_Heap) return 0;
return HeapSize(m_Heap, 0, lpMem);
void CSmartHeapMem::FreeAllocatedMem(LPVOID lpMem)
int n = FindIndex(lpMem);
if (n < 0 || NULL == m_Heap)
HeapFree(m_Heap, 0, lpMem);
m_lppMems[n] = NULL;
// get first empty slot from mem pointer array
// expand array if needed
int CSmartHeapMem::GetUnusedArraySlot()
int iNdx = -1;
LPVOID lpCurrent;
LPVOID lpTemp;
if (0 == m_ArraySize)
if (NULL == (m_lppMems = (LPVOID*)HeapAlloc(
ArrayGrowChunk * sizeof(LPVOID))))
return -1;
m_ArraySize = ArrayGrowChunk;
while (true)
for (i = 0; i < m_ArraySize; i++)
if (NULL == m_lppMems[i])
return i;
// if come to here, we didn't find an empty slot
if (NULL == (lpTemp = HeapReAlloc(
(m_ArraySize + ArrayGrowChunk) * sizeof(LPVOID))))
// when fail, original mem buffer pointed by m_lppMems untouched,
// we we simply return -1 to signal caller that no more free slots.
return -1;
// when success, the mem pointers previously stored in m_lppMems already
// been copied to lpTemp, and lppMems was freed.
// assign the newly allocated mems to m_lppMems in success case
m_lppMems = (LPVOID *) lpTemp;
m_ArraySize += ArrayGrowChunk;
// go back to loop again
// based on mem pointer, find index
int CSmartHeapMem::FindIndex(LPVOID pMem)
if (NULL == pMem) return -1;
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_ArraySize; i++)
if (pMem == m_lppMems[i]) return (int)i;
return -1;
// *******************************************************************************
// Other memory related functions
// *******************************************************************************
// implemenation of CRT memcpy() function
LPVOID MyMemCpy(LPVOID dest, const LPVOID src, size_t nBytes)
LPBYTE lpDest = (LPBYTE)dest;
LPBYTE lpSrc = (LPBYTE)src;
if (NULL == src || NULL == dest || src == dest)
return dest;
while (nBytes-- > 0)
*lpDest++ = *lpSrc++;
return dest;
// allocate heap mem and copy
LPVOID HeapAllocCopy(LPVOID src, size_t nBytes)
LPVOID pBuffer;
if (0 == nBytes)
return NULL;
pBuffer = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, nBytes);
if (NULL != pBuffer)
MyMemCpy(pBuffer, src, nBytes);
return pBuffer;