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//* Microsoft Windows **
//* Copyright(c) Microsoft Corp., 1994 **
// STRINGS.C - String literals for hard-coded strings
// 12/22/94 jeremys Created.
// 96/02/23 markdu Replaced RNAValidateEntryName with
// RASValidateEntryName
// 96/02/24 markdu Re-wrote the implementation of ENUM_MODEM to
// use RASEnumDevices() instead of RNAEnumDevices().
// Also removed RNAGetDeviceInfo().
// 96/02/24 markdu Re-wrote the implementation of ENUM_CONNECTOID to
// use RASEnumEntries() instead of RNAEnumConnEntries().
// 96/03/25 markdu Removed szDefAreaCode.
// 96/04/24 markdu NASH BUG 19289 Added /NOMSN command line flag
// 96/07/02 ChrisK Added A to Ras entry points for NT 4.0
#include "wizard.h"
#pragma data_seg(DATASEG_READONLY)
// registry strings
// "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Internet Settings"
static const TCHAR szRegPathInternetSettings[] = REGSTR_PATH_INTERNET_SETTINGS;
// "System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\VxD\\MSTCP"
static const TCHAR szTCPGlobalKeyName[] = REGSTR_PATH_VXD TEXT("\\MSTCP");
static const TCHAR szRegValRNAWizard[] = TEXT("wizard");
// "RemoteAccess"
static const TCHAR szRegPathRNAWizard[] = REGSTR_PATH_REMOTEACCESS;
static const TCHAR szRegValHostName[] = TEXT("HostName");
// "InternetProfile"
static const TCHAR szRegValInternetProfile[] = REGSTR_VAL_INTERNETPROFILE;
// "BackupInternetProfile"
static const TCHAR szRegValBkupInternetProfile[] = REGSTR_VAL_BKUPINTERNETPROFILE;
// "EnableAutodial"
static const TCHAR szRegValEnableAutodial[] = REGSTR_VAL_ENABLEAUTODIAL;
// "NoNetAutodial"
static const TCHAR szRegValNoNetAutodial[] = REGSTR_VAL_NONETAUTODIAL;
// "EnableSecurityCheck"
static const TCHAR szRegValEnableSecurityCheck[] = REGSTR_VAL_ENABLESECURITYCHECK;
// "AccessMedium"
static const TCHAR szRegValAccessMedium[] = REGSTR_VAL_ACCESSMEDIUM;
// "AccessType"
static const TCHAR szRegValAccessType[] = REGSTR_VAL_ACCESSTYPE;
static const TCHAR szRegValInstalledMSN105[] = TEXT("InstallData1");
static const TCHAR szRegPathWarningFlags[] = TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\MOS\\Connection");
static const TCHAR szRegValDisableDNSWarning[] = TEXT("NoDNSWarning");
// "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Setup\\OptionalComponents"
static const TCHAR szRegPathOptComponents[]=REGSTR_PATH_SETUP REGSTR_KEY_SETUP TEXT("\\OptionalComponents");
static const TCHAR szRegPathMSNetwork105[] = TEXT("MSNetwork105");
static const TCHAR szRegValInstalled[] = TEXT("Installed");
// //10/24/96 jmazner Normandy 6968
// //No longer neccessary thanks to Valdon's hooks for invoking ICW.
// 11/21/96 jmazner Normandy 11812
// oops, it _is_ neccessary, since if user downgrades from IE 4 to IE 3,
// ICW 1.1 needs to morph the IE 3 icon.
static const TCHAR szRegPathInternetIconCommand[] = TEXT("CLSID\\{FBF23B42-E3F0-101B-8488-00AA003E56F8}\\Shell\\Open\\Command");
static const TCHAR szRegPathIexploreAppPath[] = TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\App Paths\\IEXPLORE.EXE");
static const TCHAR szPathSubKey[] = TEXT("Path");
static const TCHAR szRegPathNameSpace[] = TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\Desktop\\NameSpace");
static const TCHAR szRegKeyInternetIcon[] = TEXT("{FBF23B42-E3F0-101B-8488-00AA003E56F8}");
// Athena Mail and News
static const TCHAR szRegPathMailApp[] = TEXT("CLSID\\{89292102-4755-11cf-9DC2-00AA006C2B84}\\InProcServer32");
static const TCHAR szRegPathNewsApp[] = TEXT("CLSID\\{89292103-4755-11cf-9DC2-00AA006C2B84}\\InProcServer32");
static const CHAR szSetDefaultMailHandler[] = "SetDefaultMailHandler";
static const CHAR szSetDefaultNewsHandler[] = "SetDefaultNewsHandler";
// ICW settings
static const TCHAR szICWShellNextFlag[] = TEXT("/shellnext ");
// reg keys under HKCR
static const TCHAR cszRegPathXInternetSignup[] = TEXT("x-internet-signup\\Shell\\Open\\command");
// reg keys under HKCU
static const TCHAR szRegPathICWSettings[] = TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\Internet Connection Wizard");
static const TCHAR szRegValICWCompleted[] = TEXT("Completed");
static const TCHAR szRegValShellNext[] = TEXT("ShellNext");
// reg keys under HKLM
static const TCHAR cszRegPathAppPaths[] = TEXT("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\App Paths");
static const TCHAR cszPath[] = TEXT("Path");
static const TCHAR cszInstallationDirectory[] = TEXT("InstallationDirectory");
// IEAK values
static const TCHAR szRegIEAKSettings[] = TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\IEAK");
static const TCHAR szREgIEAKNeededKey[] = TEXT("ISP Signup Required");
static const TCHAR szIEAKSignupFilename[] = TEXT("Signup\\Signup.htm");
// Smart start flag
static const TCHAR szICWSmartStartFlag[] = TEXT("/smartstart ");
static const TCHAR szFullICWFileName[] = TEXT("ICWCONN1.EXE");
static const TCHAR szManualICWFileName[] = TEXT("INETWIZ.EXE");
static const TCHAR szISignupICWFileName[] = TEXT("ISIGNUP.EXE");
// MAPI api function names
static const CHAR szMAPIInitialize[] = "MAPIInitialize";
static const CHAR szMAPIUninitialize[] = "MAPIUninitialize";
static const CHAR szMAPIAdminProfiles[] = "MAPIAdminProfiles";
static const CHAR szMAPIAllocateBuffer[] = "MAPIAllocateBuffer";
static const CHAR szMAPIFreeBuffer[] = "MAPIFreeBuffer";
static const CHAR szHrQueryAllRows[] = "HrQueryAllRows@24";
// RNA api function names
static const CHAR szRasValidateEntryNamePlain[] = "RasValidateEntryNameA";
#ifdef UNICODE
static const CHAR szRasGetCountryInfo[] = "RasGetCountryInfoW";
static const CHAR szRasEnumDevices[] = "RasEnumDevicesW";
static const CHAR szRasValidateEntryName[] = "RasValidateEntryNameW";
static const CHAR szRasGetErrorString[] = "RasGetErrorStringW";
static const CHAR szRasGetEntryDialParams[] = "RasGetEntryDialParamsW";
static const CHAR szRasSetEntryDialParams[] = "RasSetEntryDialParamsW";
static const CHAR szRasSetEntryProperties[] = "RasSetEntryPropertiesW";
static const CHAR szRasGetEntryProperties[] = "RasGetEntryPropertiesW";
static const CHAR szRasEnumEntries[] = "RasEnumEntriesW";
static const CHAR szRasSetCredentials[] = "RasSetCredentialsW";
#else // !UNICODE
static const CHAR szRasGetCountryInfo[] = "RasGetCountryInfoA";
static const CHAR szRasEnumDevices[] = "RasEnumDevicesA";
static const CHAR szRasValidateEntryName[] = "RasValidateEntryNameA";
static const CHAR szRasGetErrorString[] = "RasGetErrorStringA";
static const CHAR szRasGetEntryDialParams[] = "RasGetEntryDialParamsA";
static const CHAR szRasSetEntryDialParams[] = "RasSetEntryDialParamsA";
static const CHAR szRasSetEntryProperties[] = "RasSetEntryPropertiesA";
static const CHAR szRasGetEntryProperties[] = "RasGetEntryPropertiesA";
static const CHAR szRasEnumEntries[] = "RasEnumEntriesA";
static const CHAR szRasSetCredentials[] = "RasSetCredentialsA";
#endif // !UNICODE
// Config api function names
static const CHAR szDoGenInstall[] = "DoGenInstall";
static const CHAR szGetSETUPXErrorText[] = "GetSETUPXErrorText";
static const CHAR szIcfgSetInstallSourcePath[] = "IcfgSetInstallSourcePath";
static const CHAR szIcfgInstallInetComponents[] = "IcfgInstallInetComponents";
static const CHAR szIcfgNeedInetComponents[] = "IcfgNeedInetComponents";
static const CHAR szIcfgIsGlobalDNS[] = "IcfgIsGlobalDNS";
static const CHAR szIcfgRemoveGlobalDNS[] = "IcfgRemoveGlobalDNS";
static const CHAR szIcfgTurnOffFileSharing[] = "IcfgTurnOffFileSharing";
static const CHAR szIcfgIsFileSharingTurnedOn[] = "IcfgIsFileSharingTurnedOn";
static const CHAR szIcfgGetLastInstallErrorText[] = "IcfgGetLastInstallErrorText";
static const CHAR szIcfgStartServices[] = "IcfgStartServices";
// Available only on NT icfg32.dll
static const CHAR szIcfgNeedModem[] = "IcfgNeedModem";
static const CHAR szIcfgInstallModem[] = "IcfgInstallModem";
// misc strings
static const TCHAR sz0[] = TEXT("0");
static const TCHAR sz1[] = TEXT("1");
static const TCHAR szNull[] = TEXT("");
static const TCHAR szSlash[] = TEXT("\\");
static const TCHAR szNOREBOOT[] = TEXT("/NOREBOOT");
static const TCHAR szUNINSTALL[] = TEXT("/UNINSTALL");
static const TCHAR szNOMSN[] = TEXT("/NOMSN");
static const TCHAR szFmtAppendIntToString[] = TEXT("%s %d");
static const TCHAR szDefaultAreaCode[] = TEXT("555");
static const TCHAR szNOIMN[] = TEXT("/NOIMN");
#pragma data_seg()