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// This is a part of the ActiveX Template Library.
// Copyright (C) 1996 Microsoft Corporation
// All rights reserved.
// This source code is only intended as a supplement to the
// ActiveX Template Library Reference and related
// electronic documentation provided with the library.
// See these sources for detailed information regarding the
// ActiveX Template Library product.
#ifndef __ATLBASE_H__
#define __ATLBASE_H__
#ifndef __cplusplus
#error ATL requires C++ compilation (use a .cpp suffix)
#ifdef _UNICODE
#ifndef UNICODE
#define UNICODE // UNICODE is used by Windows headers
#ifdef UNICODE
#ifndef _UNICODE
#define _UNICODE // _UNICODE is used by C-runtime/MFC headers
#ifdef _DEBUG
#ifndef DEBUG
#define DEBUG
#ifdef UNIX
#pragma warning(disable: 4201) // nameless unions are part of C++
#pragma warning(disable: 4127) // constant expression
#pragma warning(disable: 4512) // can't generate assignment operator (so what?)
#pragma warning(disable: 4514) // unreferenced inlines are common
#pragma warning(disable: 4103) // pragma pack
#pragma warning(disable: 4702) // unreachable code
#pragma warning(disable: 4237) // bool
#pragma warning(disable: 4710) // function couldn't be inlined
#pragma warning(disable: 4711) // function 'function' selected for inline expansion
#pragma warning(disable: 4355) // 'this' : used in base member initializer list
#include <windows.h>
#include <winnls.h>
#include <ole2.h>
#include <ddraw.h>
// Warning: if you define the above symbol, you will have
// to provide your own definition of the _ASSERTE(x) macro
// in order to compile ATL
#include <crtdbg.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <olectl.h>
#include <winreg.h>
#define _ATL_PACKING 8
#pragma pack(push, _ATL_PACKING)
#if defined (_CPPUNWIND) & (defined(_ATL_EXCEPTIONS) | defined(_AFX))
#define ATLTRY(x) try{x;} catch(...) {}
#define ATLTRY(x) x;
#ifdef _DEBUG
void _cdecl AtlTrace(LPCTSTR lpszFormat, ...);
#define ATLTRACE AtlTrace
#define ATLTRACENOTIMPL(funcname) AtlTrace(_T("%s not implemented.\n"), funcname); return E_NOTIMPL
inline void _cdecl AtlTrace(LPCTSTR , ...){}
#define ATLTRACE 1 ? (void)0 : AtlTrace
#define ATLTRACENOTIMPL(funcname) return E_NOTIMPL
#endif //_DEBUG
// Master version numbers
#define _ATL 1 // ActiveX Template Library
#define _ATL_VER 0x0110 // ActiveX Template Library version 1.10
// Win32 libraries
#pragma comment(lib, "kernel32.lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "user32.lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "ole32.lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "oleaut32.lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "olepro32.lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "uuid.lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "advapi32.lib")
#endif // _ATL_NO_FORCE_LIBS
// Threading Model Support
class CComCriticalSection
void Lock() {EnterCriticalSection(&m_sec);}
void Unlock() {LeaveCriticalSection(&m_sec);}
void Init() {InitializeCriticalSection(&m_sec);}
void Term() {DeleteCriticalSection(&m_sec);}
class CComAutoCriticalSection
void Lock() {EnterCriticalSection(&m_sec);}
void Unlock() {LeaveCriticalSection(&m_sec);}
CComAutoCriticalSection() {InitializeCriticalSection(&m_sec);}
~CComAutoCriticalSection() {DeleteCriticalSection(&m_sec);}
class CComFakeCriticalSection
void Lock() {}
void Unlock() {}
void Init() {}
void Term() {}
class CComMultiThreadModel
static ULONG WINAPI Increment(LPLONG p) {return InterlockedIncrement(p);}
static ULONG WINAPI Decrement(LPLONG p) {return InterlockedDecrement(p);}
typedef CComAutoCriticalSection AutoCriticalSection;
typedef CComCriticalSection CriticalSection;
class CComSingleThreadModel
static ULONG WINAPI Increment(LPLONG p) {return ++(*p);}
static ULONG WINAPI Decrement(LPLONG p) {return --(*p);}
typedef CComFakeCriticalSection AutoCriticalSection;
typedef CComFakeCriticalSection CriticalSection;
typedef CComSingleThreadModel CComObjectThreadModel;
typedef CComSingleThreadModel CComGlobalsThreadModel;
typedef CComSingleThreadModel CComObjectThreadModel;
typedef CComMultiThreadModel CComGlobalsThreadModel;
typedef CComMultiThreadModel CComObjectThreadModel;
typedef CComMultiThreadModel CComGlobalsThreadModel;
// CComModule
struct _ATL_OBJMAP_ENTRY; // fwd decl
class CComModule
// Operations
void Term();
LONG Lock() {return CComGlobalsThreadModel::Increment(&m_nLockCnt);}
LONG Unlock() {return CComGlobalsThreadModel::Decrement(&m_nLockCnt);}
LONG GetLockCount() {return m_nLockCnt;}
HINSTANCE GetModuleInstance() {return m_hInst;}
HINSTANCE GetResourceInstance() {return m_hInst;}
HINSTANCE GetTypeLibInstance() {return m_hInst;}
HINSTANCE GetRegistryResourceInstance() {return m_hInst;}
// Registry support (helpers)
HRESULT RegisterTypeLib(LPCTSTR lpszIndex = NULL);
HRESULT RegisterServer(BOOL bRegTypeLib = FALSE);
HRESULT UnregisterServer();
// Resource-based Registration
HRESULT WINAPI UpdateRegistryFromResource(LPCTSTR lpszRes, BOOL bRegister,
struct _ATL_REGMAP_ENTRY* pMapEntries = NULL);
HRESULT WINAPI UpdateRegistryFromResource(UINT nResID, BOOL bRegister,
struct _ATL_REGMAP_ENTRY* pMapEntries = NULL);
// Statically linking to Registry Ponent
HRESULT WINAPI UpdateRegistryFromResourceS(UINT nResID, BOOL bRegister,
struct _ATL_REGMAP_ENTRY* pMapEntries = NULL);
HRESULT WINAPI UpdateRegistryFromResourceS(LPCTSTR lpszRes, BOOL bRegister,
struct _ATL_REGMAP_ENTRY* pMapEntries = NULL);
// Standard Registration
HRESULT WINAPI UpdateRegistryClass(const CLSID& clsid, LPCTSTR lpszProgID,
LPCTSTR lpszVerIndProgID, UINT nDescID, DWORD dwFlags, BOOL bRegister);
HRESULT WINAPI RegisterClassHelper(const CLSID& clsid, LPCTSTR lpszProgID,
LPCTSTR lpszVerIndProgID, UINT nDescID, DWORD dwFlags);
HRESULT WINAPI UnregisterClassHelper(const CLSID& clsid, LPCTSTR lpszProgID,
LPCTSTR lpszVerIndProgID);
// Register/Revoke All Class Factories with the OS (EXE only)
HRESULT RegisterClassObjects(DWORD dwClsContext, DWORD dwFlags);
HRESULT RevokeClassObjects();
// Obtain a Class Factory (DLL only)
HRESULT GetClassObject(REFCLSID rclsid, REFIID riid,
LPVOID* ppv);
// Attributes
LONG m_nLockCnt;
HANDLE m_hHeap;
CComGlobalsThreadModel::CriticalSection m_csTypeInfoHolder;
CComGlobalsThreadModel::CriticalSection m_csObjMap;
// CRegKey
class CRegKey
// Attributes
operator HKEY() const;
HKEY m_hKey;
// Operations
LONG SetValue(DWORD dwValue, LPCTSTR lpszValueName);
LONG QueryValue(DWORD& dwValue, LPCTSTR lpszValueName);
LONG SetValue(LPCTSTR lpszValue, LPCTSTR lpszValueName = NULL);
LONG SetKeyValue(LPCTSTR lpszKeyName, LPCTSTR lpszValue, LPCTSTR lpszValueName = NULL);
static LONG WINAPI SetValue(HKEY hKeyParent, LPCTSTR lpszKeyName,
LPCTSTR lpszValue, LPCTSTR lpszValueName = NULL);
LONG Create(HKEY hKeyParent, LPCTSTR lpszKeyName,
LPDWORD lpdwDisposition = NULL);
LONG Open(HKEY hKeyParent, LPCTSTR lpszKeyName,
LONG Close();
HKEY Detach();
void Attach(HKEY hKey);
LONG DeleteSubKey(LPCTSTR lpszSubKey);
LONG RecurseDeleteKey(LPCTSTR lpszKey);
LONG DeleteValue(LPCTSTR lpszValue);
inline CRegKey::CRegKey()
{m_hKey = NULL;}
inline CRegKey::~CRegKey()
inline CRegKey::operator HKEY() const
{return m_hKey;}
inline LONG CRegKey::SetValue(DWORD dwValue, LPCTSTR lpszValueName)
_ASSERTE(m_hKey != NULL);
return RegSetValueEx(m_hKey, lpszValueName, NULL, REG_DWORD,
(BYTE * const)&dwValue, sizeof(DWORD));
inline HRESULT CRegKey::SetValue(LPCTSTR lpszValue, LPCTSTR lpszValueName)
_ASSERTE(lpszValue != NULL);
_ASSERTE(m_hKey != NULL);
return RegSetValueEx(m_hKey, lpszValueName, NULL, REG_SZ,
(BYTE * const)lpszValue, (lstrlen(lpszValue)+1)*sizeof(TCHAR));
inline HKEY CRegKey::Detach()
HKEY hKey = m_hKey;
m_hKey = NULL;
return hKey;
inline void CRegKey::Attach(HKEY hKey)
_ASSERTE(m_hKey == NULL);
m_hKey = hKey;
inline LONG CRegKey::DeleteSubKey(LPCTSTR lpszSubKey)
_ASSERTE(m_hKey != NULL);
return RegDeleteKey(m_hKey, lpszSubKey);
inline LONG CRegKey::DeleteValue(LPCTSTR lpszValue)
_ASSERTE(m_hKey != NULL);
return RegDeleteValue(m_hKey, (LPTSTR)lpszValue);
// Make sure MFC's afxconv.h hasn't already been loaded to do this
#ifndef _DEBUG
#define USES_CONVERSION int _convert; _convert
#define USES_CONVERSION int _convert = 0
// Global UNICODE<>ANSI translation helpers
inline LPWSTR WINAPI AtlA2WHelper(LPWSTR lpw, LPCSTR lpa, int nChars)
_ASSERTE(lpa != NULL);
_ASSERTE(lpw != NULL);
// verify that no illegal character present
// since lpw was allocated based on the size of lpa
// don't worry about the number of chars
lpw[0] = '\0';
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, lpa, -1, lpw, nChars);
return lpw;
inline LPSTR WINAPI AtlW2AHelper(LPSTR lpa, LPCWSTR lpw, int nChars)
_ASSERTE(lpw != NULL);
_ASSERTE(lpa != NULL);
// verify that no illegal character present
// since lpa was allocated based on the size of lpw
// don't worry about the number of chars
lpa[0] = '\0';
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, lpw, -1, lpa, nChars, NULL, NULL);
return lpa;
#define A2W(lpa) (\
((LPCSTR)lpa == NULL) ? NULL : (\
_convert = (lstrlenA(lpa)+1),\
AtlA2WHelper((LPWSTR) alloca(_convert*2), lpa, _convert)))
#define W2A(lpw) (\
((LPCWSTR)lpw == NULL) ? NULL : (\
_convert = (lstrlenW(lpw)+1)*2,\
AtlW2AHelper((LPSTR) alloca(_convert), lpw, _convert)))
#define A2CW(lpa) ((LPCWSTR)A2W(lpa))
#define W2CA(lpw) ((LPCSTR)W2A(lpw))
#if defined(_UNICODE)
// in these cases the default (TCHAR) is the same as OLECHAR
inline size_t ocslen(LPCOLESTR x) { return lstrlenW(x); }
inline OLECHAR* ocscpy(LPOLESTR dest, LPCOLESTR src) { return lstrcpyW(dest, src); }
inline LPOLESTR CharNextO(LPCOLESTR lp) {return CharNextW(lp);}
inline LPCOLESTR T2COLE(LPCTSTR lp) { return lp; }
inline LPCTSTR OLE2CT(LPCOLESTR lp) { return lp; }
inline LPOLESTR T2OLE(LPTSTR lp) { return lp; }
inline LPTSTR OLE2T(LPOLESTR lp) { return lp; }
#elif defined(OLE2ANSI)
// in these cases the default (TCHAR) is the same as OLECHAR
inline size_t ocslen(LPCOLESTR x) { return lstrlen(x); }
inline OLECHAR* ocscpy(LPOLESTR dest, LPCOLESTR src) { return lstrcpy(dest, src); }
inline LPOLESTR CharNextO(LPCOLESTR lp) {return CharNext(lp);}
inline LPCOLESTR T2COLE(LPCTSTR lp) { return lp; }
inline LPCTSTR OLE2CT(LPCOLESTR lp) { return lp; }
inline LPOLESTR T2OLE(LPTSTR lp) { return lp; }
inline LPTSTR OLE2T(LPOLESTR lp) { return lp; }
inline size_t ocslen(LPCOLESTR x) { return lstrlenW(x); }
//lstrcpyW doesn't work on Win95, so we do this
inline OLECHAR* ocscpy(LPOLESTR dest, LPCOLESTR src)
{return (LPOLESTR) memcpy(dest, src, (lstrlenW(src)+1)*sizeof(WCHAR));}
//CharNextW doesn't work on Win95 so we use this
inline LPOLESTR CharNextO(LPCOLESTR lp) {return (LPOLESTR)(lp+1);}
#define T2COLE(lpa) A2CW(lpa)
#define T2OLE(lpa) A2W(lpa)
#define OLE2CT(lpo) W2CA(lpo)
#define OLE2T(lpo) W2A(lpo)
#ifdef OLE2ANSI
inline LPOLESTR A2OLE(LPSTR lp) { return lp;}
inline LPSTR OLE2A(LPOLESTR lp) { return lp;}
#define W2OLE W2A
#define OLE2W A2W
inline LPCOLESTR A2COLE(LPCSTR lp) { return lp;}
inline LPCSTR OLE2CA(LPCOLESTR lp) { return lp;}
#define W2COLE W2CA
#define OLE2CW A2CW
inline LPOLESTR W2OLE(LPWSTR lp) { return lp; }
inline LPWSTR OLE2W(LPOLESTR lp) { return lp; }
#define A2OLE A2W
#define OLE2A W2A
inline LPCOLESTR W2COLE(LPCWSTR lp) { return lp; }
inline LPCWSTR OLE2CW(LPCOLESTR lp) { return lp; }
#define A2COLE A2CW
#define OLE2CA W2CA
#ifdef _UNICODE
#define T2A W2A
#define A2T A2W
inline LPWSTR T2W(LPTSTR lp) { return lp; }
inline LPTSTR W2T(LPWSTR lp) { return lp; }
#define T2CA W2CA
#define A2CT A2CW
inline LPCWSTR T2CW(LPCTSTR lp) { return lp; }
inline LPCTSTR W2CT(LPCWSTR lp) { return lp; }
#define T2W A2W
#define W2T W2A
inline LPSTR T2A(LPTSTR lp) { return lp; }
inline LPTSTR A2T(LPSTR lp) { return lp; }
#define T2CW A2CW
#define W2CT W2CA
inline LPCSTR T2CA(LPCTSTR lp) { return lp; }
inline LPCTSTR A2CT(LPCSTR lp) { return lp; }
#ifndef _ATL_NO_OLEAUT
inline BSTR OLE2BSTR(LPCOLESTR lp) {return ::SysAllocString(lp);}
#if defined(_UNICODE)
// in these cases the default (TCHAR) is the same as OLECHAR
inline BSTR T2BSTR(LPCTSTR lp) {return ::SysAllocString(lp);}
inline BSTR A2BSTR(LPCSTR lp) {USES_CONVERSION; return ::SysAllocString(A2COLE(lp));}
inline BSTR W2BSTR(LPCWSTR lp) {return ::SysAllocString(lp);}
#elif defined(OLE2ANSI)
// in these cases the default (TCHAR) is the same as OLECHAR
inline BSTR T2BSTR(LPCTSTR lp) {return ::SysAllocString(lp);}
inline BSTR A2BSTR(LPCSTR lp) {return ::SysAllocString(lp);}
inline BSTR W2BSTR(LPCWSTR lp) {USES_CONVERSION; return ::SysAllocString(W2COLE(lp));}
inline BSTR T2BSTR(LPCTSTR lp) {USES_CONVERSION; return ::SysAllocString(T2COLE(lp));}
inline BSTR A2BSTR(LPCSTR lp) {USES_CONVERSION; return ::SysAllocString(A2COLE(lp));}
inline BSTR W2BSTR(LPCWSTR lp) {return ::SysAllocString(lp);}
#endif // !_ATL_NO_OLEAUT
#pragma pack(pop)
#endif // __ATLBASE_H__