Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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1422 lines
42 KiB

// Ruler
// 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
/* */
/* The standard layout. */
/* */
/* The standard layout for 'cpp' files in this code is as */
/* follows: */
/* */
/* 1. Include files. */
/* 2. Constants local to the class. */
/* 3. Data structures local to the class. */
/* 4. Data initializations. */
/* 5. Static functions. */
/* 6. Class functions. */
/* */
/* The constructor is typically the first function, class */
/* member functions appear in alphabetical order with the */
/* destructor appearing at the end of the file. Any section */
/* or function this is not required is simply omitted. */
/* */
#include "HeapPCH.hpp"
#include "Cache.hpp"
#include "Find.hpp"
#include "Heap.hpp"
#include "New.hpp"
/* */
/* Constants local to the class. */
/* */
/* The constants supplied here control the size of the hash */
/* table and other related features. */
/* */
CONST SBIT32 MinHash = 1024;
CONST SBIT32 MinHashSpace = (100/25);
CONST SBIT32 MinLookAside = 128;
CONST BIT32 NoAddressMask = ((BIT32) -1);
CONST SBIT32 NoCacheEntry = -1;
/* */
/* Class constructor. */
/* */
/* Create the hash table and initialize it ready for use. The */
/* configuration information supplied from the parameters needs */
/* to be carefully checked as it has come indirectly from the */
/* user and may be bogus. */
/* */
SBIT32 NewMaxHash,
SBIT32 NewMaxLookAside,
SBIT32 NewFindThreshold,
BOOLEAN NewPublic,
BOOLEAN NewResize,
ROCKALL_BACK_END *NewRockallBackEnd,
THREAD_SAFE *NewThreadSafe
REGISTER SBIT32 AlignMask = (NewRockallBackEnd -> NaturalSize()-1);
// We need to make sure that the size of the hash table
// makes sense. The hash table size needs to be a reasonable
// size (say 1k or larger) and a power of 2 (so we don't need
// to do any divides).
PowerOfTwo( (AlignMask+1) )
(NewFindThreshold >= 0 )
(NewMaxHash >= MinHash)
(ConvertDivideToShift( NewMaxHash,& HashMask ))
(NewMaxLookAside >= MinLookAside)
(ConvertDivideToShift( NewMaxLookAside,& LookAsideMask ))
REGISTER SBIT32 HashSize = (NewMaxHash * sizeof(LIST));
REGISTER SBIT32 LookAsideSize = (NewMaxLookAside * sizeof(LOOK_ASIDE));
REGISTER SBIT32 TotalSize = (HashSize + LookAsideSize);
// Set up the hash table.
MaxHash = NewMaxHash;
HashShift = (32-HashMask);
HashMask = ((1 << HashMask)-1);
Public = NewPublic;
Resize = NewResize;
// Set up the lookaside table.
MaxLookAside = NewMaxLookAside;
MaxAddressMask = NoAddressMask;
MinAddressMask = NoAddressMask;
LookAsideActions = 0;
LookAsideShift = (32-LookAsideMask);
LookAsideMask = ((1 << LookAsideMask)-1);
LookAsideThreshold = NewFindThreshold;
RockallBackEnd = NewRockallBackEnd;
ThreadSafe = NewThreadSafe;
// Create some space for the find table and the
// look aside table.
Hash =
((LIST*) RockallBackEnd -> NewArea
LookAside = ((LOOK_ASIDE*) & Hash[ MaxHash ]);
// If the memory allocation request for the hash
// table fails we are doomed. If it works we need
// to call the constructor for each linked list
// head node.
if ( Hash != ((LIST*) AllocationFailure) )
// Call the constructor for each hash table
// linked list header.
for ( Count=0;Count < NewMaxHash;Count ++ )
{ PLACEMENT_NEW( & Hash[ Count ],LIST ); }
// Zero the look aside structures. We need
// to do this to ensure they do not match a
// valid allocation address later.
for ( Count=0;Count < MaxLookAside;Count ++ )
REGISTER LOOK_ASIDE *Current = & LookAside[ Count ];
Current -> Address = ((VOID*) NoCacheEntry);
Current -> Page = ((PAGE*) NoCacheEntry);
Current -> Version = ((SBIT32) NoCacheEntry);
// Zero the statistics information.
Fills = 0;
Hits = 0;
MaxPages = 0;
MaxTests = 0;
Misses = 0;
Scans = 0;
Tests = 0;
Used = 0;
{ Failure( "Create hash fails in constructor for FIND" ); }
{ Failure( "Hash table size in constructor for FIND" ); }
/* */
/* Delete a memory allocation. */
/* */
/* We need to delete a particular memory allocation. All */
/* we have is an address. We use this to find the largest */
/* allocation page this address is contained in and then */
/* navigate through the sub-divisions of this page until we */
/* find the allocation we need to delete. */
/* */
BOOLEAN FIND::Delete( VOID *Address,CACHE *ParentCache )
// If we need to be thread safe then claim a sharable lock
// on the hash table to stop it being changed under our feet.
// Lets try the lookaside table. There is a pretty
// good chance that we will have the details we need
// already in the cache. If not we need to find it
// the hard way. During the process we add the mapping
// into the lookaside for next time.
Update =
! FindLookAside
((VOID*) (((LONG) Address) & ~MinAddressMask)),
& Page
// Find the allocation page and get the details of entry.
// We do this by finding the parent of the top cache.
// We know that this is the global root and will find
// the correct page even if it is on another heap (as
// long as the find table is globally shared).
Page = (ParentCache -> FindParentPage( Address,this ));
if ( Page != ((PAGE*) NULL) )
{ Page = (Page -> FindPage( Address,NULL,this,True )); }
// We may have failed to find the address. If so
// we simply fail the call. If not we put the deleted
// element back in the associated cache.
if ( Page != ((PAGE*) NULL) )
REGISTER CACHE *Cache = (Page -> GetCache());
REGISTER SBIT32 Original = (Page -> GetVersion());
// Prefetch the class data if we are running a
// Pentium III or better with locks. We do this
// because prefetching hot SMP data structures
// really helps. However, if the structures are
// not shared (i.e. no locks) then it is worthless
// overhead.
if ( ThreadSafe )
{ Prefetch.Nta( ((CHAR*) Cache),sizeof(CACHE) ); }
// Release the lock if we claimed it earlier and
// update the lookaside if needed.
if ( Update )
{ ReleaseFindShareLockAndUpdate( Address,Page,Original ); }
{ ReleaseFindShareLock(); }
// We have found the associated page description
// so pass the delete request along to the cache
// and get out of here.
return (Cache -> Delete( Address,Page,Original ));
// Release the lock if we claimed it earlier.
return False;
/* */
/* Delete an item from the find table. */
/* */
/* We need to delete page from the find list. We expect */
/* this to take quite a while as multiple threads can be */
/* using this class at the same time. */
/* */
VOID FIND::DeleteFromFindList( PAGE *Page )
REGISTER VOID *Address = (Page -> GetAddress());
// Claim an exclusive lock so we can update the
// hash and lookaside as needed.
// Delete the page from the hash table.
if ( ! Public )
{ Page -> DeleteFromPrivateFindList( FindHashHead( Address ) ); }
{ Page -> DeleteFromPublicFindList( FindHashHead( Address ) ); }
// When we create very small heaps (i.e. a heap
// where only 20-30 allocations are requested)
// the various caches become a problem as they
// tend to front load work. So we allow a limit
// to be set before which we run with caches
// disabled.
if ( LookAsideActions >= LookAsideThreshold )
REGISTER CACHE *Cache = (Page -> GetCache());
REGISTER SBIT32 Stride = (Cache -> GetAllocationSize());
// We are about look up various look aside entries
// and delete any that are stale. We need to do
// this for every lookaside slot that relates to
// the page. If the allocation size is smaller
// than the lookaside slot size we can save some
// iterations by increasing the stride size.
if ( Stride <= ((SBIT32) MinAddressMask) )
{ Stride = ((SBIT32) (MinAddressMask+1)); }
// Whenever we delete an entry from the hash table
// the lookaside is potentially corrupt. So we
// need to delete any look aside entries relating
// to this page.
for ( Count=0;Count < Cache -> GetPageSize();Count += Stride )
((VOID*) ((((LONG) Address) + Count) & ~MinAddressMask));
(FindLookAsideHead( Segment ));
// Delete the look aside entry if it is stale.
if ( Segment == Current -> Address )
Current -> Address = ((VOID*) NoCacheEntry);
Current -> Page = ((PAGE*) NoCacheEntry);
Current -> Version = ((SBIT32) NoCacheEntry);
// Update the statistics.
Used --;
// Release the lock if we claimed it earlier.
/* */
/* Details of a memory allocation. */
/* */
/* We need to the details of a particular memory allocation. */
/* All we have is an address. We use this to find the largest */
/* allocation page this address is contained in and then */
/* navigate through the sub-divisions of this page until we */
/* find the allocation. */
/* */
VOID *Address,
CACHE *ParentCache,
SBIT32 *Size
// If we need to be thread safe then claim a sharable lock
// on the hash table to stop it being changed under our feet.
// Lets try the lookaside table. There is a pretty
// good chance that we will have the deatils we need
// already in the cache. If not we need to find it
// the hard way. During the process we add the mapping
// into the lookaside for next time.
Update =
! FindLookAside
((VOID*) (((LONG) Address) & ~MinAddressMask)),
& Page
// Find the allocation page and get the details of entry.
// We do this by finding the parent of the top cache.
// We know that this is the global root and will find
// the correct page even if it is on another heap (as
// long as the find table is globally shared).
Page = (ParentCache -> FindParentPage( Address,this ));
if ( Page != ((PAGE*) NULL) )
{ Page = (Page -> FindPage( Address,Details,this,True )); }
// We may need to provide the all the details of the
// allocation for some reason.
if ( Details != NULL )
{ Page = (Page -> FindPage( Address,Details,this,True )); }
// We may have failed to find the address. If so
// we simply fail the call. If not we extract the
// information we want.
if ( Result = (Page != ((PAGE*) NULL)) )
// Compute the size. We would normally expect
// this to be the cache size. However, there
// are some weird pages that sometimes have
// other sizes.
(*Size) = (Page -> ActualSize());
// Release the lock if we claimed it earlier and
// update the lookaside if needed.
if ( (Update) && (Result) )
{ ReleaseFindShareLockAndUpdate( Address,Page,Page -> GetVersion() ); }
{ ReleaseFindShareLock(); }
return Result;
/* */
/* Find in the look aside. */
/* */
/* We need to find a particular page in the look aside. So we */
/* try a simple look up (no lists or chains). */
/* */
BOOLEAN FIND::FindLookAside( VOID *Address,PAGE **Page )
// When we create very small heaps (i.e. a heap
// where only 20-30 allocations are requested)
// the various caches become a problem as they
// tend to front load work. So we allow a limit
// to be set before which we run with caches
// disabled.
if ( LookAsideActions >= LookAsideThreshold )
REGISTER LOOK_ASIDE *Current = FindLookAsideHead( Address );
// We have hashed to a lookaside slot. Maybe
// it contains what we want or maybe not.
if ( Address == Current -> Address )
if ( Current -> Version == (Current -> Page -> GetVersion()) )
// We hit the lookaside and the
// contents are valid.
(*Page) = (Current -> Page);
// Update the statistics.
Hits ++;
return True;
{ Failure( "Deleted page in FindLookAside" ); }
// We update number of times we tried to
// use the lookaside and it was disabled.
// After a while this will lead to the
// lookaside being enabled.
LookAsideActions ++;
// We missed the lookaside so update the
// statistics to reflect our misfortune.
Misses ++;
return False;
/* */
/* Find a page. */
/* */
/* We need to find a particular page in the hash table. So we */
/* scan along the associated linked list looking for a match. */
/* */
PAGE *FIND::FindPage( VOID *Address,CACHE *ParentCache )
REGISTER SBIT32 Cycles = 0;
// There are two find lists. There is the
// private find list and the public find list.
// We choose which one to walk along.
if ( ! Public )
// Find the associated hash bucket and then walk
// along the linked list for this looking for
// the correct page description.
Page = PAGE::FirstInPrivateFindList( FindHashHead( Address ) );
! Page -> EndOfPrivateFindList();
Page = Page -> NextInPrivateFindList()
// Count the number of iterations in when we
// are recording statistics so we can calculate
// the average chain length.
Cycles ++;
// We can identify the the target page by two key
// characteristics. These are the start address and
// the parent page. Although we may have sub-divided
// a page into various chunks each chunk will have
// a different parent (although its start address
// may sometimes be the same).
(Address == (Page -> GetAddress()))
(ParentCache == (Page -> GetParentPage()))
// We have found the target page. So return it
// to the caller.
if ( Page -> ValidPage() )
Result = Page;
{ Failure( "Deleted page in FindPage" ); }
return Page;
// Find the associated hash bucket and then walk
// along the linked list for this looking for
// the correct page description.
Page = PAGE::FirstInPublicFindList( FindHashHead( Address ) );
! Page -> EndOfPublicFindList();
Page = Page -> NextInPublicFindList()
// Count the number of iterations in when we
// are recording statistics so we can calculate
// the average chain length.
Cycles ++;
// We can identify the the target page by two key
// characteristics. These are the start address and
// the parent page. Although we may have sub-divided
// a page into various chunks each chunk will have
// a different parent (although its start address
// may sometimes be the same).
(Address == (Page -> GetAddress()))
(ParentCache == (Page -> GetParentPage()))
// We have found the target page. So return it
// to the caller.
if ( Page -> ValidPage() )
Result = Page;
{ Failure( "Deleted page in FindPage" ); }
return Page;
// When we are in statistics mode we need to update the
// information so we can output it at the end of the
// run.
if ( MaxTests < Cycles )
{ MaxTests = Cycles; }
Tests += Cycles;
Scans ++;
return Result;
return NULL;
/* */
/* Insert an item into the find table. */
/* */
/* We need to insert a new page into the find table. We expect */
/* this to take quite a while as multiple threads can be using */
/* this class at the same time. */
/* */
VOID FIND::InsertInFindList( PAGE *Page )
REGISTER VOID *Address = (Page -> GetAddress());
// Claim an exclusive lock so we can update the
// find table and lookaside as needed.
// Insert a new page into the find table.
if ( ! Public )
{ Page -> InsertInPrivateFindList( FindHashHead( Address ) ); }
{ Page -> InsertInPublicFindList( FindHashHead( Address ) ); }
// When we create very small heaps (i.e. a heap
// where only 20-30 allocations are requested)
// the various caches become a problem as they
// tend to front load work. So we allow a limit
// to be set before which we run with caches
// disabled.
if ( LookAsideActions >= LookAsideThreshold )
REGISTER CACHE *Cache = (Page -> GetCache());
REGISTER SBIT32 Stride = (Cache -> GetAllocationSize());
// We are about look up various lookaside entries
// and update any that are stale. We need to do
// this for every lookaside slot that relates to
// the page. If the allocation size is smaller
// than the lookaside slot size we can save some
// iterations by increasing the stride size.
if ( Stride <= ((SBIT32) MinAddressMask) )
{ Stride = ((SBIT32) (MinAddressMask+1)); }
// Whenever we add an entry from the find table
// the lookaside is potentially corrupt. So we
// need to update any lookaside entries relating
// to the page.
for ( Count=0;Count < Cache -> GetPageSize();Count += Stride )
((VOID*) ((((LONG) Address) + Count) & ~MinAddressMask));
(FindLookAsideHead( Segment ));
// Add the new page to the lookaside as we
// expect it to get hit pretty soon one way
// or another.
Current -> Address = Segment;
Current -> Page = Page;
Current -> Version = Page -> GetVersion();
// Update the statistics and resize the find
// table if it is over capacity.
if ( ((++ Used) + (MaxHash / MinHashSpace)) > MaxHash )
{ ResizeHashTable(); }
if ( Used > MaxPages )
{ MaxPages = Used; }
// Release the lock if we claimed it earlier.
/* */
/* A known area. */
/* */
/* We have an address and don't have a clue which heap */
/* owns the space. Here we take a look at the address */
/* and figure out if it is known to the current heap. */
/* */
BOOLEAN FIND::KnownArea( VOID *Address,CACHE *ParentCache )
// If we need to be thread safe then claim a sharable lock
// on the hash table to stop it being changed under our feet.
// Find out if the address belongs to this heap
// or any other heap of which we are aware (i.e.
// when single image is active).
Page = (ParentCache -> FindParentPage( Address,this ));
// Release the lock if we claimed it earlier.
return (Page != ((PAGE*) NULL));
/* */
/* Release a shared lock and update. */
/* */
/* We have been asked to insert a page into the lookaside. */
/* We assume the caller already has a share lock which we */
/* release when we are finished. */
/* */
VOID FIND::ReleaseFindShareLockAndUpdate
VOID *Address,
PAGE *Page,
SBIT32 Version
// When we create very small heaps (i.e. a heap
// where only 20-30 allocations are requested)
// the various caches become a problem as they
// tend to front load work. So we allow a limit
// to be set before which we run with caches
// disabled.
if ( LookAsideActions >= LookAsideThreshold )
// Claim an exclusive lock so we can update the
// lookaside as needed.
if ( Page -> ValidPage() )
if ( Version == (Page -> GetVersion()) )
REGISTER LONG Base = (((LONG) Address) & ~MinAddressMask);
REGISTER VOID *Segment = ((VOID*) Base);
REGISTER LOOK_ASIDE *Current = FindLookAsideHead( Segment );
// Overwrite any existing information.
Current -> Address = Segment;
Current -> Page = Page;
Current -> Version = Page -> GetVersion();
// Update the statistics.
Fills ++;
{ Failure( "Deleted page in ReleaseFindShareLockAndUpdate" ); }
// Release the lock if we claimed it earlier.
// Release the lock if we claimed it earlier.
/* */
/* Resize the find table. */
/* */
/* We need to grow the hash table as it appears to be a little */
/* small given the number of pages that have been created. */
/* */
VOID FIND::ResizeHashTable( VOID )
AUTO SBIT32 NewHashMask;
AUTO SBIT32 NewLookAsideMask;
// When we need to resize the hash table it is a
// straight race. The first thread to claim the
// lock gets to do the work. Everyone else just
// exits.
if ( (Resize) && (Spinlock.ClaimLock(0)) )
REGISTER SBIT32 AlignMask = (RockallBackEnd -> NaturalSize()-1);
REGISTER SBIT32 NewMaxHash = (MaxHash * ExpandStore);
REGISTER SBIT32 NewMaxLookAside = (MaxLookAside * ExpandStore);
REGISTER SBIT32 NewHashSize = (NewMaxHash * sizeof(LIST));
REGISTER SBIT32 NewLookAsideSize = (NewMaxLookAside * sizeof(LOOK_ASIDE));
REGISTER SBIT32 NewTotalSize = (NewHashSize + NewLookAsideSize);
REGISTER SBIT32 HashSize = (MaxHash * sizeof(LIST));
REGISTER SBIT32 LookAsideSize = (MaxLookAside * sizeof(LOOK_ASIDE));
REGISTER SBIT32 TotalSize = (HashSize + LookAsideSize);
// It is actually possible for a thread to get
// delayed for so long that it thinks the hash
// table still needs to be resized long after the
// work has been completed. Additionally, we want
// to make sure that all the new values are sane.
PowerOfTwo( (AlignMask+1) )
(NewMaxHash > 0)
(ConvertDivideToShift( NewMaxHash,& NewHashMask ))
(NewMaxLookAside > 0)
(ConvertDivideToShift( NewMaxLookAside,& NewLookAsideMask ))
((Used + (MaxHash / MinHashSpace)) > MaxHash)
// We have been picked as the victim who
// needs to resize the hash table. We are
// going to call the external allocator
// to get more memory. As we know this is
// likely to to nail us we drop the lock to
// allow other threads to continue.
// We know that allocating a new table and
// initializing it is going to take ages.
// Well at least everyone else gets to carry
// on in the mean time.
NewHash =
((LIST*) RockallBackEnd -> NewArea
NewLookAside =
((LOOK_ASIDE*) & NewHash[ NewMaxHash ]);
// If the memory allocation request for the hash
// table fails we exit and try again later.
if ( NewHash != ((LIST*) AllocationFailure) )
// Call the constructor for each hash table
// linked list header.
for ( Count=0;Count < NewMaxHash;Count ++ )
{ PLACEMENT_NEW( & NewHash[ Count ],LIST ); }
// Zero the look aside structure.
for ( Count=0;Count < NewMaxLookAside;Count ++ )
REGISTER LOOK_ASIDE *Current = & NewLookAside[ Count ];
Current -> Address = ((VOID*) NoCacheEntry);
Current -> Page = ((PAGE*) NoCacheEntry);
Current -> Version = ((SBIT32) NoCacheEntry);
// Claim an exclusive lock so we can resize
// the hash table.
// If we have allocated the new find table
// we can now rehash the existing entries.
// If not we are out of here.
if ( NewHash != ((LIST*) AllocationFailure) )
REGISTER SBIT32 MaxOldHash = MaxHash;
REGISTER LIST *OldHash = Hash;
// Update the control information
// for the new hash table.
MaxHash = NewMaxHash;
HashShift = (32-NewHashMask);
HashMask = ((1 << NewHashMask)-1);
MaxLookAside = NewMaxLookAside;
LookAsideShift = (32-NewLookAsideMask);
LookAsideMask = ((1 << NewLookAsideMask)-1);
Hash = NewHash;
LookAside = NewLookAside;
// Delete all the existing records
// from the old hash table and insert
// them into the new hash table.
for ( Count=0;Count < MaxOldHash;Count ++ )
REGISTER LIST *Current = & OldHash[ Count ];
// There are two find lists. There
// is the private find list and the
// public find list. We choose which
// one to walk along.
if ( ! Public )
// Walk along each hash bucket
// deleting the records and inserting
// them into the new hash table.
while ( ! Current -> EndOfList() )
(PAGE::FirstInPrivateFindList( Current ));
(Page -> GetAddress());
(FindHashHead( Address ));
// Delele from the old find list
// and add into the new find
// list.
Page -> DeleteFromPrivateFindList( Current );
Page -> InsertInPrivateFindList( HeadOfList );
// Walk along each hash bucket
// deleting the records and inserting
// them into the new hash table.
while ( ! Current -> EndOfList() )
(PAGE::FirstInPublicFindList( Current ));
(Page -> GetAddress());
(FindHashHead( Address ));
// Delele from the old find list
// and add into the new find
// list.
Page -> DeleteFromPublicFindList( Current );
Page -> InsertInPublicFindList( HeadOfList );
// Time to do more operating system work
// so lets drop the lock again.
// Delete all the list heads and return the
// original allocation to the operating system.
for ( Count=0;Count < MaxOldHash;Count ++ )
{ PLACEMENT_DELETE( & OldHash[ Count ],LIST ); }
// Deallocate the old extent.
RockallBackEnd -> DeleteArea
((VOID*) OldHash),
// We are finished so reclaim the lock
// so we can exit.
{ Resize = False; }
/* */
/* Update the find table. */
/* */
/* We need to update the find table with certain information */
/* to ensure it is used correctly and consistently. */
/* */
VOID FIND::UpdateFind( BIT32 NewMaxAddressMask,BIT32 NewMinAddressMask )
// When we have a single heap image all the 'TopCache' sizes
// must be the same.
(MaxAddressMask == NoAddressMask)
(MaxAddressMask == NewMaxAddressMask)
// If we need to be thread safe then claim a sharable lock
// on the hash table to stop it being changed under our feet.
// Update the max address mask if it is not the current
// value but yet consistent.
MaxAddressMask = NewMaxAddressMask;
// Update the address mask is the new heap has a smaller
// parent than all of the other heaps.
if ( MinAddressMask > NewMinAddressMask )
{ MinAddressMask = NewMinAddressMask; }
// Release the lock if we claimed it earlier.
{ Failure( "Different 'TopCache' sizes with 'SingleImage'" ); }
/* */
/* Walk the heap. */
/* */
/* We have been asked to walk the heap. It is hard to know */
/* whay anybody might want to do this given the rest of the */
/* functionality available. Nonetheless, we just do what is */
/* required to keep everyone happy. */
/* */
BOOLEAN *Active,
VOID **Address,
CACHE *ParentCache,
SBIT32 *Size
REGISTER VOID *Memory = (*Address);
// If we need to be thread safe then claim a sharable lock
// on the hash table to stop it being changed under our feet.
// When the address is null we need to set up the heap
// walk. In all other cases we just extract the next
// allocation in the list.
if ( Memory != NULL )
// Lets try the lookaside table. There is a pretty
// good chance that we will have the details we need
// already in the cache. If not we need to find it
// the hard way. During the process we add the mapping
// into the lookaside for next time.
Update =
! FindLookAside
((VOID*) (((LONG) Memory) & ~MinAddressMask)),
& Page
// Find the allocation page and get the details of entry.
// We do this by finding the parent of the top cache.
// We know that this is the global root and will find
// the correct page even if it is on another heap (as
// long as the find table is globally shared).
Page = (ParentCache -> FindParentPage( Memory,this ));
// We now compute all the details relating to the address
// so we can find any subsequent allocation.
if ( Page != ((PAGE*) NULL) )
{ Page = (Page -> FindPage( Memory,& Details,this,True )); }
// We may have failed to find the address .If so
// we simply fail the call. If not we find the next
// allocation in the heap.
if ( Result = ((Page != ((PAGE*) NULL)) && (Details.Found)) )
// We need to walk the heap to get te details
// of the next allocation.
if ( Result = (Page -> Walk( & Details,this )) )
REGISTER BIT32 AllocationBit =
((*Details.VectorWord) & Details.AllocationMask);
(*Active) = (AllocationBit != 0);
(*Address) = Details.Address;
(*Size) = (Details.Page -> ActualSize());
// If we are considering putting something
// in the lookaside lets make sure that
// we will get to hit the cache entry at
// least once. If not lets forget putting
// it in the cache.
if ( Update )
Update =
(((LONG) Memory) & ~MinAddressMask)
(((LONG) Details.Address) & ~MinAddressMask)
// We start a heap walk by setting the initial
// address to the value null.
Details.Address = NULL;
Details.Cache = ParentCache;
Details.Page = NULL;
Page = NULL;
Update = False;
// We walk the heap to get te details of the
// first heap allocation.
if ( Result = (Page -> Walk( & Details,this )) )
REGISTER BIT32 AllocationBit =
((*Details.VectorWord) & Details.AllocationMask);
(*Active) = (AllocationBit != 0);
(*Address) = Details.Address;
(*Size) = (Details.Page -> ActualSize());
// Release the lock if we claimed it earlier and
// update the lookaside if needed.
if ( (Update) && (Result) )
{ ReleaseFindShareLockAndUpdate( Memory,Page,Page -> GetVersion() ); }
{ ReleaseFindShareLock(); }
return Result;
/* */
/* Class destructor. */
/* */
/* Delete the hash table and release all the associated memory. */
/* */
REGISTER SBIT32 HashSize = (MaxHash * sizeof(LIST));
REGISTER SBIT32 LookAsideSize = (MaxLookAside * sizeof(LOOK_ASIDE));
REGISTER SBIT32 TotalSize = (HashSize + LookAsideSize);
// Call the destructor for each hash table
// linked list header.
for ( Count=0;Count < MaxHash;Count ++ )
{ PLACEMENT_DELETE( & Hash[ Count ],LIST ); }
// Deallocate the area.
RockallBackEnd -> DeleteArea
((VOID*) Hash),