Leaked source code of windows server 2003
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

196 lines
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#include "StdAfx.h"
#include "uiutils.h"
// UIUtils implementation
Displays a message box just like the default one but get's the text from the resources
int UIUtils::MessageBox( HWND hwndParen, UINT nTextID, UINT nTitleID, UINT nType )
CString strText;
CString strTitle;
VERIFY( strText.LoadString( nTextID ) );
VERIFY( strTitle.LoadString( nTitleID ) );
return ::MessageBox( hwndParen, strText, strTitle, nType );
Loads filter string for GetOpen[Save]FileName API from the resources
The string in the resources contains '|' instead of zero chars. This function will
replace the '|' chars with zero
bool UIUtils::LoadOFNFilterFromRes( UINT nResID, CString& rstrFilter )
_ASSERT( nResID != 0 );
if ( rstrFilter.LoadString( nResID ) )
int nLength = rstrFilter.GetLength();
LPWSTR wszBuffer = rstrFilter.GetBuffer( nLength );
while( *wszBuffer != L'\0' )
if ( *wszBuffer == L'|' )
*wszBuffer = L'\0';
rstrFilter.ReleaseBuffer( nLength );
return true;
return false;
Compacts a path to fit a control's width. Cimilar to PathSetDlgItemPath but can be used with list boxes
as well. Use nCorrection to change the default width ( for example pass the width of the vert scrollbar )
void UIUtils::PathCompatCtrlWidth( HWND hwndCtrl, LPWSTR wszPath, int nCorrection /*=0*/ )
_ASSERT( hwndCtrl != NULL );
_ASSERT( wszPath != NULL );
HDC hDC = ::GetDC( hwndCtrl );
RECT rect = { 0 };
HFONT fontOld = NULL;
::GetClientRect( hwndCtrl, &rect );
// We must select the control font in the DC for the API to properly calc the text width
fontOld = SelectFont( hDC, GetWindowFont( hwndCtrl ) );
// Substract some pixels, as the API formats the text slightly wider then it should be
VERIFY( ::PathCompactPathW( hDC, wszPath, rect.right - rect.left - 6 - nCorrection ) );
SelectFont( hDC, fontOld );
::ReleaseDC( hwndCtrl, hDC );
Similar to the PathCompactCtrlWidth, but for general strings
The string is truncated to fit the control width and "..." as added to the end of it
Use nCorrection to correct the control width for which the calculations will be made
void UIUtils::TrimTextToCtrl( HWND hwndCtrl, LPWSTR wszText, int nCorrection /*= 0*/ )
_ASSERT( hwndCtrl != NULL );
_ASSERT( wszText != NULL );
HDC hDC = ::GetDC( hwndCtrl );
RECT rect = { 0 };
HFONT fontOld = NULL;
SIZE sizeText = { 0 };
::GetClientRect( hwndCtrl, &rect );
int nWidth = ( rect.right - rect.left ) - nCorrection;
int nStrLen = ::wcslen( wszText );
fontOld = SelectFont( hDC, GetWindowFont( hwndCtrl ) );
VERIFY( ::GetTextExtentPoint32( hDC, wszText, nStrLen, &sizeText ) );
if ( sizeText.cx > nWidth )
// Calc the average width of a symbol and terminate the string
int nPixPerSymb = sizeText.cx / nStrLen;
nStrLen = min( nStrLen, ( nWidth ) / nPixPerSymb );
wszText[ nStrLen - 1 ] = L'\0';
::wcscat( wszText, L"..." );
nStrLen += 3;
// Adjust the string removing one symbol at a time
// Make the string one symbol shorter
// Make the last non '.' symbol a '.' symbol and make the whole string one char less long
wszText[ nStrLen - 4 ] = L'.';
wszText[ nStrLen - 1 ] = L'\0';
VERIFY( ::GetTextExtentPoint32( hDC, wszText, nStrLen, &sizeText ) );
}while( sizeText.cx > nWidth );
SelectFont( hDC, fontOld );
::ReleaseDC( hwndCtrl, hDC );
void UIUtils::ShowCOMError( HWND hwndParent, UINT nTextID, UINT nTitleID, HRESULT hr )
_ASSERT( FAILED( hr ) );
CString strText;
CString strTitle;
VERIFY( strTitle.LoadString( nTitleID ) );
// Try to get the string from the system
if ( E_FAIL != E_FAIL )
const int MaxErrorBuff = 512;
WCHAR wszText[ MaxErrorBuff ] = L"";
NULL ) != 0 );
strText.Format( nTextID, wszText );
IErrorInfoPtr spErrorInfo;
CComBSTR bstrError;
VERIFY( SUCCEEDED( ::GetErrorInfo( 0, &spErrorInfo ) ) );
VERIFY( SUCCEEDED( spErrorInfo->GetDescription( &bstrError ) ) );
strText.Format( nTextID, bstrError.m_str );
::MessageBox( hwndParent, strText, strTitle, MB_OK | MB_ICONWARNING );