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Microsoft Denali
Microsoft Confidential.
Copyright 1996 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
Component: Hit Object
File: Hitobj.h
Owner: PramodD
This is the Hit Object header file.
#ifndef HITOBJ_H
#define HITOBJ_H
#include "Compcol.h"
#include "Sessmgr.h"
#include "Applmgr.h"
#include "Context.h"
#include "aspresource.h"
#include "exec.h"
#include "glob.h"
#include "memcls.h"
#include "gip.h"
#include "txnsup.h"
#define SESSIONID_LEN 24
// HitObj type
#define EHitType DWORD
#define ehtUnInitedRequest 0x00000000
#define ehtBrowserRequest 0x00000001
#define ehtSessionCleanup 0x00000002
#define ehtApplicationCleanup 0x00000004
// Execution status (result)
#define EExecStatus DWORD
#define eExecFailed 0x00000000
#define eExecSucceeded 0x00000001
#define eExecTimedOut 0x00000002
// Current execution state
#define EEventState DWORD
#define eEventNone 0x00000000
#define eEventAppOnStart 0x00000001
#define eEventSesOnStart 0x00000002
#define eEventAppOnEnd 0x00000004
#define eEventSesOnEnd 0x00000008
// Global interface table
extern IGlobalInterfaceTable *g_pGIT;
extern LONG g_nRequestsHung;
C H i t O b j
The Hit Manager runs in the context of an IIS thread.
It packages up a request, calls Viper async. and
on callback executes the request
class CHitObj
// Flags and other bit-fields
DWORD m_fInited : 1; // Are we initialized?
DWORD m_fRunGlobalAsa : 1; // Should we run global.asa
DWORD m_fStartSession : 1; // New session
DWORD m_fNewCookie : 1; // Is New session cookie?
DWORD m_fStartApplication : 1; // New application
DWORD m_fClientCodeDebug : 1; // Client code debug enabled?
DWORD m_fApplnOnStartFailed : 1; // Application_OnStart failed
DWORD m_fCompilationFailed : 1; // Script Compilation error?
DWORD m_fExecuting : 1; // Currently inside Viper callback
DWORD m_fHideRequestAndResponseIntrinsics : 1; // TRUE while instrinsics are hidden
DWORD m_fHideSessionIntrinsic : 1; // TRUE if session intrinsic's hidden
DWORD m_fDoneWithSession : 1; // TRUE after DONE_WITH_SESSION
DWORD m_fRejected : 1; // TRUE if rejected (not posted)
DWORD m_f449Done : 1; // 449 processing done for this request
DWORD m_fInTransferOnError : 1; // doing transfer on error (to break infinite)
DWORD m_fSecure : 1; // Secure Connection
EHitType m_ehtType : 4; // Type of the request
EExecStatus m_eExecStatus : 4; // Error Status // for Perf Counter only
EEventState m_eEventState : 4; // Current Event
CompScope m_ecsActivityScope : 4; // Which activity running this request?
LONG m_fRequestTimedout; // true if request exceeded its timeout
// Intrinsics set from inside HitObj
CSession *m_pSession;
CAppln *m_pAppln;
CResponse *m_pResponse;
CRequest *m_pRequest;
CServer *m_pServer;
CASPObjectContext *m_pASPObjectContext;
// IsapiReqInfo
CIsapiReqInfo *m_pIReq;
// Intrinsics set from outside HitObj (to be ref. counted)
IUnknown *m_punkScriptingNamespace;
// Component collection of extrinsic objects
CComponentCollection *m_pPageCompCol;
CPageComponentManager *m_pPageObjMgr;
// Impersonation handle
HANDLE m_hImpersonate;
// Viper page-level activity (if no session)
CViperActivity *m_pActivity;
// Current session info
char m_szSessionCookie[SESSIONID_LEN+4]; // +4 to keep DWORD boundary
CSessionId m_SessionId;
// Context object (for OnStartPage)
CScriptingContext * m_pScriptingContext;
// Misc
long m_nScriptTimeout; // Maximum number of seconds script should run
UINT m_uCodePage; // RunTime CodePage
LCID m_lcid; // RunTime LCID
ActiveEngineInfo *m_pEngineInfo; // List of active engines for this hit objext
IDispatch *m_pdispTypeLibWrapper; // Page-level typelib wrapper
DWORD m_dwtTimestamp; // Timestamp for wait time and perf calcs
// Used to reffer to the current template during the compilation
TCHAR *m_szCurrTemplatePhysPath;
TCHAR *m_szCurrTemplateVirtPath;
// ASP Error object
IASPError *m_pASPError;
// Store a pointer to the associated template so as to avoid redundant
// FindTemplate calls.
CTemplate *m_pTemplate;
// Private interfaces
HRESULT ParseCookiesForSessionIdAndFlags();
// Request rejection logic
HRESULT RejectBrowserRequestWhenNeeded(DWORD dwtQueueWaitTime, BOOL *pfRejected);
// Public Interfaces
virtual ~CHitObj();
static HRESULT NewBrowserRequest(CIsapiReqInfo *pIReq,
BOOL *pfRejected = NULL,
BOOL *pfCompleted = NULL,
int *piErrorId = NULL);
HRESULT BrowserRequestInit(CIsapiReqInfo *pIReq, int * dwId);
HRESULT AssignApplnToBrowserRequest(BOOL *pfApplnRestarting);
HRESULT AssignSessionToBrowserRequest(BOOL *pfNewSession, BOOL *pfNewCookie, int *pErrorId);
HRESULT DetachBrowserRequestFromSession();
HRESULT ReassignAbandonedSession();
void SessionCleanupInit(CSession *pSession);
void ApplicationCleanupInit(CAppln *pAppln);
BOOL SendHeader(const char *szStatus);
BOOL SendError(const char *szError);
TCHAR* GetSzAppPhysicalPath(void);
void ApplnOnStartFailed();
void SessionOnStartFailed();
void SessionOnStartInvoked();
void SessionOnEndPresent();
void SetEventState(EEventState eEvent);
EEventState EventState();
// Report server error without response object
HRESULT ReportServerError(UINT ErrorId);
// Component Collection Interfaces
HRESULT InitComponentProcessing();
HRESULT StopComponentProcessing();
HRESULT GetPageComponentCollection(CComponentCollection **ppCollection);
HRESULT GetSessionComponentCollection(CComponentCollection **ppCollection);
HRESULT GetApplnComponentCollection(CComponentCollection **ppCollection);
HRESULT AddComponent(CompType type, const CLSID &clsid, CompScope scope,
CompModel model, LPWSTR pwszName = NULL,
IUnknown *pUnk = NULL);
HRESULT GetComponent(CompScope scope, LPWSTR pwszName, DWORD cbName,
CComponentObject **ppObj);
HRESULT GetIntrinsic(LPWSTR pwszName, DWORD cbName, IUnknown **ppUnk);
HRESULT CreateComponent(const CLSID &clsid, IDispatch **ppDisp);
HRESULT SetPropertyComponent(CompScope scope, LPWSTR pwszName,
VARIANT *pVariant);
HRESULT GetPropertyComponent(CompScope scope, LPWSTR pwszName,
CComponentObject **ppObj);
// Viper Integration
CViperActivity *PActivity();
CViperActivity *PCurrentActivity();
HRESULT SetActivity(CViperActivity *pActivity);
HRESULT PostViperAsyncCall();
HRESULT ViperAsyncCallback(BOOL *pfRePosted);
// Execute / Transfer
HRESULT ExecuteChildRequest(BOOL fTransfer, TCHAR *szTemplate, TCHAR *szVirtTemplate);
HRESULT GetASPError(IASPError **ppASPError);
inline void SetASPError(IASPError *pASPError);
inline BOOL FHasASPError();
// inline functions
CIsapiReqInfo *PIReq();
HANDLE HImpersonate();
CResponse * PResponse();
CRequest * PRequest();
CServer * PServer();
CAppln * PAppln();
CSession * PSession();
CASPObjectContext *PASPObjectContext();
CASPObjectContext *SetASPObjectContext(CASPObjectContext *);
CPageComponentManager * PPageComponentManager();
BOOL FIsBrowserRequest() const;
BOOL FIsSessionCleanupRequest() const;
BOOL FIsApplnCleanupRequest() const;
BOOL FIsValidRequestType() const;
const char * PSzNewSessionCookie() const;
DWORD SessionId() const;
CScriptingContext * PScriptingContextGet();
BOOL FStartApplication();
BOOL FStartSession();
BOOL FNewCookie();
BOOL FObjectTag(IDispatch * pDispatch);
BOOL FHasSession();
BOOL FClientCodeDebug();
BOOL FDoneWithSession();
BOOL FExecuting();
void SetFExecuting(BOOL fValue);
BOOL F449Done();
BOOL FInTransferOnError();
BOOL FSecure();
void SetScriptTimeout(long nScriptTimeout);
long GetScriptTimeout();
void SetExecStatus(EExecStatus status);
EExecStatus ExecStatus();
void SetActiveEngineInfo(ActiveEngineInfo *);
void SetCompilationFailed();
void SetDoneWithSession();
void Set449Done();
void SetInTransferOnError();
void SetRequestTimedout();
TCHAR * GlobalAspPath();
HRESULT SetCodePage(UINT uCodePage); // Proxy function, CodePage is stored in m_pSession
UINT GetCodePage(); // same as above
HRESULT SetLCID(LCID lcid); // Proxy function, LCID is stored in m_pSession
LCID GetLCID(); // same as above
CAppConfig * QueryAppConfig();
TCHAR * PSzCurrTemplatePhysPath();
TCHAR * PSzCurrTemplateVirtPath();
DWORD DWInstanceID();
CTemplate *GetTemplate();
void SetTemplate(CTemplate *);
// Instead of add/remove to/from component collection use these:
void HideRequestAndResponseIntrinsics();
void UnHideRequestAndResponseIntrinsics();
BOOL FRequestAndResponseIntrinsicsHidden();
void AddScriptingNamespace(IUnknown *punkNamespace);
void RemoveScriptingNamespace();
// Typelib wrapper support
IDispatch *PTypeLibWrapper();
void SetTypeLibWrapper(IDispatch *pdisp);
// Timestamp manipulation
void UpdateTimestamp();
DWORD ElapsedTimeSinceTimestamp();
#ifdef DBG
virtual void AssertValid() const;
virtual void AssertValid() const {}
// Cache on per-class basis
CHitObj inlines
inline CIsapiReqInfo *CHitObj::PIReq()
return m_pIReq;
inline BOOL CHitObj::FIsBrowserRequest() const
return (m_ehtType == ehtBrowserRequest);
inline BOOL CHitObj::FIsSessionCleanupRequest() const
return (m_ehtType == ehtSessionCleanup);
inline BOOL CHitObj::FIsApplnCleanupRequest() const
return (m_ehtType == ehtApplicationCleanup);
inline BOOL CHitObj::FIsValidRequestType() const
return (FIsBrowserRequest() ||
FIsSessionCleanupRequest() ||
inline HANDLE CHitObj::HImpersonate()
return m_hImpersonate;
inline DWORD CHitObj::SessionId() const
return m_SessionId.m_dwId;
inline const char *CHitObj::PSzNewSessionCookie() const
return (m_fNewCookie ? m_szSessionCookie : NULL);
inline BOOL CHitObj::FStartApplication()
return m_fStartApplication;
inline BOOL CHitObj::FStartSession()
return m_fStartSession;
inline BOOL CHitObj::FNewCookie()
return m_fNewCookie;
inline BOOL CHitObj::FHasSession()
return (m_pSession != NULL && !m_fHideSessionIntrinsic);
inline BOOL CHitObj::FClientCodeDebug()
return m_fClientCodeDebug;
inline BOOL CHitObj::FDoneWithSession()
return m_fDoneWithSession;
inline BOOL CHitObj::FExecuting()
return m_fExecuting;
inline void CHitObj::SetFExecuting(BOOL fValue)
m_fExecuting = fValue;
inline BOOL CHitObj::F449Done()
return m_f449Done;
inline BOOL CHitObj::FInTransferOnError()
return m_fInTransferOnError;
inline BOOL CHitObj::FSecure()
return m_fSecure;
inline void CHitObj::SessionOnStartFailed()
inline void CHitObj::ApplnOnStartFailed()
m_fApplnOnStartFailed = TRUE;
if (m_pSession)
inline void CHitObj::SessionOnStartInvoked()
inline void CHitObj::SessionOnEndPresent()
inline DWORD CHitObj::DWInstanceID()
return (m_pIReq) ? m_pIReq->QueryInstanceId() : 0;
inline CViperActivity *CHitObj::PActivity()
return m_pActivity;
inline CScriptingContext *CHitObj::PScriptingContextGet()
return m_pScriptingContext;
inline CResponse *CHitObj::PResponse()
return m_pResponse;
inline CRequest *CHitObj::PRequest()
return m_pRequest;
inline CServer *CHitObj::PServer()
return m_pServer;
inline CAppln *CHitObj::PAppln()
return m_pAppln;
inline CSession *CHitObj::PSession()
return m_pSession;
inline CASPObjectContext *CHitObj::PASPObjectContext()
return m_pASPObjectContext;
inline CASPObjectContext *CHitObj::SetASPObjectContext(CASPObjectContext *pContext)
CASPObjectContext *pPoppedContext = m_pASPObjectContext;
m_pASPObjectContext = pContext;
return pPoppedContext;
inline CPageComponentManager *CHitObj::PPageComponentManager()
return m_pPageObjMgr;
inline TCHAR *CHitObj::GlobalAspPath()
if ( m_fRunGlobalAsa )
return m_pAppln->GetGlobalAsa();
return NULL;
inline void CHitObj::SetScriptTimeout(long nScriptTimeout)
m_nScriptTimeout = nScriptTimeout;
inline long CHitObj::GetScriptTimeout()
return m_nScriptTimeout;
inline void CHitObj::SetExecStatus(EExecStatus status)
m_eExecStatus = status;
inline EExecStatus CHitObj::ExecStatus()
return m_eExecStatus;
inline EEventState CHitObj::EventState()
return m_eEventState;
inline void CHitObj::SetEventState(EEventState eState)
m_eEventState = eState;
inline CAppConfig * CHitObj::QueryAppConfig(void)
return m_pAppln->QueryAppConfig();
inline UINT CHitObj::GetCodePage(void)
return m_uCodePage == 0 ? GetACP() : m_uCodePage;
inline LCID CHitObj::GetLCID()
return m_lcid;
inline VOID CHitObj::SetActiveEngineInfo(ActiveEngineInfo *pActiveEngineInfo)
m_pEngineInfo = pActiveEngineInfo;
inline void CHitObj::SetCompilationFailed()
m_fCompilationFailed = TRUE;
inline void CHitObj::SetDoneWithSession()
m_fDoneWithSession = TRUE;
inline void CHitObj::Set449Done()
m_f449Done = TRUE;
inline void CHitObj::SetInTransferOnError()
m_fInTransferOnError = TRUE;
inline void CHitObj::SetRequestTimedout()
LONG fPrev = InterlockedExchange(&m_fRequestTimedout, 1);
if (fPrev == 0) {
inline void CHitObj::HideRequestAndResponseIntrinsics()
m_fHideRequestAndResponseIntrinsics = TRUE;
inline void CHitObj::UnHideRequestAndResponseIntrinsics()
m_fHideRequestAndResponseIntrinsics = FALSE;
inline BOOL CHitObj::FRequestAndResponseIntrinsicsHidden()
return m_fHideRequestAndResponseIntrinsics;
inline void CHitObj::AddScriptingNamespace(IUnknown *punkNamespace)
Assert(m_punkScriptingNamespace == NULL);
m_punkScriptingNamespace = punkNamespace;
inline void CHitObj::RemoveScriptingNamespace()
if (m_punkScriptingNamespace)
m_punkScriptingNamespace = NULL;
inline IDispatch *CHitObj::PTypeLibWrapper()
return m_pdispTypeLibWrapper;
inline void CHitObj::SetTypeLibWrapper(IDispatch *pdisp)
if (m_pdispTypeLibWrapper)
m_pdispTypeLibWrapper = pdisp;
if (m_pdispTypeLibWrapper)
inline void CHitObj::UpdateTimestamp()
m_dwtTimestamp = GetTickCount();
inline DWORD CHitObj::ElapsedTimeSinceTimestamp()
DWORD dwt = GetTickCount();
if (dwt >= m_dwtTimestamp)
return (dwt - m_dwtTimestamp);
return ((0xffffffff - m_dwtTimestamp) + dwt);
inline TCHAR *CHitObj::PSzCurrTemplatePhysPath()
if (m_szCurrTemplatePhysPath != NULL)
return m_szCurrTemplatePhysPath;
else if (m_pIReq != NULL)
return m_pIReq->QueryPszPathTranslated();
return NULL;
inline TCHAR *CHitObj::PSzCurrTemplateVirtPath()
if (m_szCurrTemplateVirtPath != NULL)
return m_szCurrTemplateVirtPath;
else if (m_pIReq != NULL)
return m_pIReq->QueryPszPathInfo();
return NULL;
inline void CHitObj::SetASPError(IASPError *pASPError)
if (m_pASPError)
m_pASPError = pASPError; // passed addref'd
inline BOOL CHitObj::FHasASPError()
return (m_pASPError != NULL);
inline CTemplate *CHitObj::GetTemplate()
return m_pTemplate;
inline void CHitObj::SetTemplate(CTemplate *pTemplate)
m_pTemplate = pTemplate;
extern DWORD g_nBrowserRequests;
extern DWORD g_nSessionCleanupRequests;
extern DWORD g_nApplnCleanupRequests;
# include <locks.h>
extern CSmallSpinLock g_lockRequestStats;
extern DWORD g_dwQueueDebugThreshold;
extern DWORD g_fSendScriptlessOnAtqThread;
extern LONG g_cRequests;
extern LONG g_cScriptlessRequests;
extern LONG g_cHttpExtensionsExecuting;
extern LONG g_cConcurrentScriptlessRequests;
extern LONG g_cMaxConcurrentScriptlessRequests;
extern LONGLONG g_nSumConcurrentScriptlessRequests;
extern LONGLONG g_nSumExecTimeScriptlessRequests;
extern LONG g_nAvgConcurrentScriptlessRequests;
extern LONG g_nAvgExecTimeScriptlessRequests;
#endif // SCRIPT_STATS
#endif // HITOBJ_H