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// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1996 - 1997.
// File: mylog.cxx
// Contents:
// Classes:
// Functions:
// Coupling:
// Notes:
// History: 10-15-1996 ericne Created
#include "pch.cxx"
#include <time.h>
#include "clog.hxx"
#include "mydebug.hxx"
// These functions are the same regardless of whether NO_NTLOG is defined or not
// Member: CLog::Log
// Synopsis: Log a message. This function creates a va_list object and calls
// the appropriate method to send the message to the log file
// Arguments: [dwStyle] -- Style of this message
// [szFileName] -- Name of source file containing this call
// [iLine] -- Line number of this method call
// [szFormat] -- Format string of message
// [ ... ] -- Variable argument list
// Returns: TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise
// History: 10-17-1996 ericne Created
// Notes:
BOOL CLog::Log( DWORD dwStyle, // Flags to be applied to this message
LPTSTR szFileName, // Name of file containing function call
int iLine, // Line number of function call
LPCTSTR szFormat, // Format of the message
... ) // other arguments
va_list va;
va_start( va, szFormat );
fRetVal = vLog( dwStyle, szFileName, iLine, szFormat, va );
va_end( va );
return( fRetVal );
} //CLog::Log
void CLog::Disable()
m_fEnabled = FALSE;
void CLog::Enable()
m_fEnabled = TRUE;
void CLog::SetThreshold( DWORD dwThreshold )
m_dwThreshold = dwThreshold;
// If NO_NTLOG is defined ...
#ifdef NO_NTLOG
#include "memsnap.hxx"
// Don't re-order this list!
LPCTSTR szMessageLevel[ cMessageLevels ] = { _T("ABORT"),
_T("") };
// Member: ::CLog
// Synopsis:
// Arguments: (none)
// Returns:
// History: 10-16-1996 ericne Created
// Notes:
CLog::CLog( )
: m_pLogFile( NULL ),
m_dwLogStyle( 0 ),
m_fEnabled( TRUE ),
m_dwThreshold( dwThresholdMask )
InitializeCriticalSection( &m_CriticalSection );
for( int iLoop = 0; iLoop < cMessageLevels; iLoop++ )
m_ulNbrMessages[ iLoop ] = ( ULONG ) 0;
} //::CLog
// Member: ::~CLog
// Synopsis:
// Arguments: (none)
// Returns:
// History: 10-16-1996 ericne Created
// Notes:
CLog::~CLog( )
struct tm *newtime;
time_t aclock;
if( m_fEnabled && NULL != m_pLogFile )
// Put a blank line between the stats and the memory snapshot
_ftprintf( m_pLogFile, _T("\n****\n") );
// Display a snapshot of the memory
memsnap( m_pLogFile );
// Get time in seconds
time( &aclock );
// Convert time to struct
newtime = localtime( &aclock );
// Display the time of completion
_ftprintf( m_pLogFile, _T("\n**** LOG TERMINATED %s\n"),
_tasctime( newtime ) );
// Close the file stream
if( NULL != m_pLogFile && stdout != m_pLogFile )
fclose( m_pLogFile );
m_pLogFile = NULL;
// Delete the critical section
DeleteCriticalSection( &m_CriticalSection );
} //::~CLog
// Member: ::InitLog
// Synopsis:
// Arguments: [szFileName] --
// [dwStyle] --
// Returns:
// History: 10-16-1996 ericne Created
// Notes:
BOOL CLog::InitLog( LPCTSTR szFileName, DWORD dwStyle )
LPCTSTR szMode = _T("w");
struct tm *newtime;
time_t aclock;
// If the log has been initialized already, don't reinitialize it
if( NULL != m_pLogFile )
return( FALSE );
m_dwLogStyle = dwStyle;
// If the file name is null, send output to stdout
if( NULL == szFileName )
m_pLogFile = stdout;
m_pLogFile = _tfopen( szFileName, szMode );
// If the log file failed to open, return FALSE
if( NULL == m_pLogFile )
_RPT1( _CRT_WARN, "CLog::InitLog - Unable to open log file %s\n",
( szFileName ? szFileName : _T("<standard output") ) );
return( FALSE );
// Get time in seconds
time( &aclock );
// Convert time to struct
newtime = localtime( &aclock );
// Display a rudimentary header
_ftprintf( m_pLogFile, _T("**** LOG INITIATED : %s"),
_tasctime( newtime ) );
_ftprintf( m_pLogFile, _T("**** LAST COMPILED : %s %s\n"),
_T(__DATE__), _T(__TIME__) );
_ftprintf( m_pLogFile, _T("**** COMMAND LINE : %s\n"),
GetCommandLine( ) );
_ftprintf( m_pLogFile, _T("\n") );
// Display a snapshot of the memory
memsnap( m_pLogFile );
// Print a blank line
_ftprintf( m_pLogFile, _T("\n****\n") );
return( TRUE );
} //::InitLog
// Member: CLog::AddParticipant
// Synopsis:
// Arguments: (none)
// Returns:
// History: 2-05-1997 ericne Created
// Notes:
BOOL CLog::AddParticipant()
if( NULL == m_pLogFile )
return( FALSE );
return( TRUE );
} //CLog::AddParticipant
// Member: CLog::RemoveParticipant
// Synopsis:
// Arguments: (none)
// Returns:
// History: 2-05-1997 ericne Created
// Notes:
BOOL CLog::RemoveParticipant()
if( NULL == m_pLogFile )
return( FALSE );
return( TRUE );
} //CLog::RemoveParticipant
// Member: ::Log
// Synopsis:
// Arguments: [dwStyle] --
// [szFile] --
// [iLine] --
// [szFormat] --
// Returns:
// History: 10-16-1996 ericne Created
// Notes:
BOOL CLog::vLog( DWORD dwStyle, // Flags to be applied to this message
LPTSTR szFileName, // Name of file containing function call
int iLine, // Line number of function call
LPCTSTR szFormat, // Format of the message to be logged
va_list va ) // other arguments
int iLoop = 0; // Loop counter
BOOL fIsLegalTestType = FALSE; // Flag to determine output style
DWORD dwBitMask = 1L; // Used to isolate flags in dwStyle
TCHAR szMessage[ MaxLogLineLength ]; // Formatted message
BOOL fSuccessful = TRUE; // Return value
// If the log has been disabled, return
if( ! m_fEnabled )
return( TRUE );
// If the log has not been initialized, return FALSE
if( NULL == m_pLogFile )
return( FALSE );
// If the style exceeds the threshold, don't log this message
if( m_dwThreshold < ( dwStyle & dwThresholdMask ) )
return( TRUE );
// Try-finally block ensures that the critical section will be released
// Acquire critical section
EnterCriticalSection( &m_CriticalSection );
// If dwStyle is TLS_BREAK, call DebugBreak
if( dwStyle & TLS_BREAK )
DebugBreak( );
// If the current dwStyle does not have a displayable type, return
if( ! ( dwStyle & m_dwLogStyle & dwMessageTypesMask ) )
if( -1 == _vsntprintf( szMessage, MaxLogLineLength, szFormat, va ) )
// BUGBUG The actual message length excees the maximum length per
// line. Just display MaxLogLineLength characters.
// Display the current thread id
if( 0 > _ftprintf( m_pLogFile, _T("%d.%d : "),
GetCurrentProcessId(), GetCurrentThreadId() ) )
fSuccessful = FALSE;
// Display the test types that should be applied to this message
for( iLoop = 0, dwBitMask = 1L;
iLoop < cMessageLevels;
iLoop++, dwBitMask <<= 1L )
// Display the type of test this is
if( dwStyle & m_dwLogStyle & dwTestTypesMask & dwBitMask )
if( 0 > _ftprintf( m_pLogFile, _T("+%s"),
szMessageLevel[ iLoop ] ) )
fSuccessful = FALSE;
++m_ulNbrMessages[ iLoop ];
fIsLegalTestType = TRUE;
// If this is an illegal test type, display the Filename and Line number
if( ! fIsLegalTestType )
if( 0 > _ftprintf( m_pLogFile, _T("+FILE : %s +LINE : %d"),
szFileName, iLine ) )
fSuccessful = FALSE;
// Display the type of this message (PASS, SEV1, etc..)
for( iLoop = 0, dwBitMask = 1L;
iLoop < cMessageLevels && fIsLegalTestType;
iLoop++, dwBitMask <<= 1L )
// Display the type of message this is
if( dwStyle & m_dwLogStyle & dwMessageTypesMask & dwBitMask )
if( 0 > _ftprintf( m_pLogFile, _T("+%s"),
szMessageLevel[ iLoop ] ) )
fSuccessful = FALSE;
++m_ulNbrMessages[ iLoop ];
if( 0 > _ftprintf( m_pLogFile, _T(" \t%s\n"), szMessage ) )
fSuccessful = FALSE;
} // __try
// Release ownership of critical section
LeaveCriticalSection( &m_CriticalSection );
return( fSuccessful );
} //::Log
// Member: CLog::ReportStats
// Synopsis:
// Arguments: (none)
// Returns:
// History: 10-18-1996 ericne Created
// Notes:
void CLog::ReportStats( )
// Total tests is number of tests plus number of variations
ULONG ulNbrTests = 0;
if( ! m_fEnabled || NULL == m_pLogFile )
EnterCriticalSection( &m_CriticalSection );
ulNbrTests = m_ulNbrMessages[ 0 ] + m_ulNbrMessages[ 1 ] +
m_ulNbrMessages[ 2 ] + m_ulNbrMessages[ 3 ] +
m_ulNbrMessages[ 4 ] + m_ulNbrMessages[ 5 ] +
m_ulNbrMessages[ 10 ];
_ftprintf( m_pLogFile, _T("\n") );
_ftprintf( m_pLogFile, _T("LOG REPORT---------------------------\n") );
_ftprintf( m_pLogFile, _T(" Total Tests : %5d\n"), ulNbrTests );
_ftprintf( m_pLogFile, _T("-------------------------------------\n") );
_ftprintf( m_pLogFile, _T(" Tests Passed %5d %3d%%\n"),
m_ulNbrMessages[ 5 ],
(ulNbrTests ? m_ulNbrMessages[ 5 ] * 100 / ulNbrTests : 0 ) );
_ftprintf( m_pLogFile, _T(" Tests Warned %5d %3d%%\n"),
m_ulNbrMessages[ 4 ],
(ulNbrTests ? m_ulNbrMessages[ 4 ] * 100 / ulNbrTests : 0 ) );
_ftprintf( m_pLogFile, _T(" Tests Failed SEV3 %5d %3d%%\n"),
m_ulNbrMessages[ 3 ],
(ulNbrTests ? m_ulNbrMessages[ 3 ] * 100 / ulNbrTests : 0 ) );
_ftprintf( m_pLogFile, _T(" Tests Failed SEV2 %5d %3d%%\n"),
m_ulNbrMessages[ 2 ],
(ulNbrTests ? m_ulNbrMessages[ 2 ] * 100 / ulNbrTests : 0 ) );
_ftprintf( m_pLogFile, _T(" Tests Failed SEV1 %5d %3d%%\n"),
m_ulNbrMessages[ 1 ],
(ulNbrTests ? m_ulNbrMessages[ 1 ] * 100 / ulNbrTests : 0 ) );
_ftprintf( m_pLogFile, _T(" Tests Blocked %5d %3d%%\n"),
m_ulNbrMessages[ 11 ],
(ulNbrTests ? m_ulNbrMessages[ 11 ] * 100 / ulNbrTests : 0 ));
_ftprintf( m_pLogFile, _T(" Tests Aborted %5d %3d%%\n"),
m_ulNbrMessages[ 0 ],
(ulNbrTests ? m_ulNbrMessages[ 0 ] * 100 / ulNbrTests : 0 ) );
_ftprintf( m_pLogFile, _T("-------------------------------------\n") );
} // __try
LeaveCriticalSection( &m_CriticalSection );
} //CLog::ReportStats
// NO_NTLOG has not been defined. OK to use NTLOG mechanism
#else // NO_NTLOG has not been defined
// Member: ::CLog
// Synopsis:
// Arguments: (none)
// Returns:
// History: 10-15-1996 ericne Created
// Notes:
CLog::CLog( )
: m_hLog( NULL ),
m_fEnabled( TRUE ),
m_dwThreshold( dwThresholdMask )
} //::CLog
// Member: ::~CLog
// Synopsis:
// Arguments: (none)
// Returns:
// History: 10-15-1996 ericne Created
// Notes:
if( NULL != m_hLog )
if( ! tlDestroyLog( m_hLog ) )
_RPT0( _CRT_WARN, "CLog::~CLog : tlDestroyLog failed.\n" );
m_hLog = NULL;
} //::~CLog
// Member: CLog::ReportStats
// Synopsis:
// Arguments: (none)
// Returns:
// History: 2-06-1997 ericne Created
// Notes:
void CLog::ReportStats( )
if( ! m_fEnabled || NULL == m_hLog )
tlReportStats( m_hLog );
} //CLog::ReportStats
// Member: ::InitLog
// Synopsis: used ntlog!tlCreateLog and tlAddParticipant to initialize the
// log flie
// Arguments: [szFileName] -- namme of the log file
// [dwStyle] -- Style of the log file
// Returns: TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise
// History: 10-15-1996 ericne Created
// Notes:
BOOL CLog::InitLog( LPCTSTR szFileName, DWORD dwStyle )
// If the file name is null, log to the monitor
DWORD dwMonitor = ( szFileName ? 0L : TLS_MONITOR );
// If the log has been initialized already, return FASLE
if( NULL != m_hLog )
return( FALSE );
// Create the log
m_hLog = tlCreateLog( szFileName, dwStyle | dwMonitor );
// See if the file was opened correctly
if( NULL == m_hLog )
_RPT1( _CRT_WARN, "CLog::InitLog - Could not open log file %s\n",
( szFileName ? szFileName : _T("<standard output>") ) );
return( FALSE );
return( TRUE );
} //::InitLog
// Member: CLog::AddParticipant
// Synopsis:
// Arguments: (none)
// Returns:
// History: 2-05-1997 ericne Created
// Notes:
BOOL CLog::AddParticipant()
// If m_hLog is NULL, the log has not been created
if( NULL == m_hLog )
return( FALSE );
// Add a participant
return( tlAddParticipant( m_hLog, ( DWORD )0, ( int )0 ) );
} //CLog::AddParticipant
// Member: CLog::RemoveParticipant
// Synopsis:
// Arguments: (none)
// Returns:
// History: 2-05-1997 ericne Created
// Notes:
BOOL CLog::RemoveParticipant()
// Bad call if m_hLog is NULL
if( NULL == m_hLog )
return( FALSE );
return( tlRemoveParticipant( m_hLog ) );
} //CLog::RemoveParticipant
// Member: CLog::vLog
// Synopsis: Uses ntlog!tlLog to send a message to the log file
// Arguments: [dwStyle] -- style of message
// [szFileName] -- name of file containing the function call
// [iLine] -- line number of function call
// [szFormat] -- format string
// [va] -- variable argument list
// Returns: TRUE if successful, false otherwise
// History: 1-15-1997 ericne Created
// Notes:
BOOL CLog::vLog( DWORD dwStyle, // Flags to be applied to this message
LPTSTR szFileName, // Name of file containing function call
int iLine, // Line number of function call
LPCTSTR szFormat, // Format of the message
va_list va ) // other arguments
TCHAR szMessage[ MaxLogLineLength ];
BOOL fReturnValue = TRUE;
if( ! m_fEnabled )
return( TRUE );
if( NULL == m_hLog )
return( FALSE );
// If the style exceeds the threshold, don't log this message
if( m_dwThreshold < ( dwStyle & dwThresholdMask ) )
return( TRUE );
if( -1 == _vsntprintf( szMessage, MaxLogLineLength, szFormat, va ) )
// Only display the first MaxLogLineLength characters of this message
return( tlLog( m_hLog, dwStyle, szFileName, iLine, szMessage ) );
} //CLog::Log