Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1996 - 1997.
// File: pidtable.hxx
// Contents: Property to PROPID mapping table for downlevel content
// index. Stored persistently in the files CiPT0000.00?.
// Classes: CPidLookupEntry
// CPidLookupTable
// SPidLookupTableHeader
// History: 02 Jan 1996 AlanW Created
#pragma once
#include <prcstob.hxx>
class CFullPropSpec;
class CiStorage;
// Class: CPidLookupEntry
// Purpose: CPidLookup table entries.
// History: 02 Jan 1996 AlanW Created
// Notes:
#include <pshpack8.h> // pack(8), and round size to 32 bytes
class CPidLookupEntry
BOOL IsEqual( const CFullPropSpec & rProp,
const WCHAR * pchStringBase = 0) const;
BOOL IsFree() { return _pid == 0; }
// Member variable access
void SetPropSet( GUID const & guidPropSet ) { _guid = guidPropSet; }
GUID const & GetPropSet() const { return _guid; }
void SetPropertyNameOffset( ULONG iString ) {
_eType = 0;
_iString = iString; }
void SetPropertyPropid( PROPID pidProperty ) {
_eType = 1;
_propid = pidProperty; }
ULONG GetPropertyNameOffset() const { return _iString; }
PROPID GetPropertyPropid() const { return _propid; }
BOOL IsPropertyName() const { return _eType == 0; }
BOOL IsPropertyPropid() const { return _eType == 1; }
void SetPid(PROPID Pid) { _pid = Pid; }
PROPID Pid() const { return _pid; }
GUID _guid;
ULONG _eType;
union {
ULONG _propid;
ULONG _iString;
PROPID _pid;
#include <poppack.h>
class PSaveProgressTracker;
// Class: CPidLookupTable
// Purpose: Persistent property spec. to PROPID mapping table for
// downlevel content index.
// History: 02 Jan 1996 AlanW Created
// Notes:
class CPidLookupTable
CPidLookupTable ( );
~CPidLookupTable ();
void Init( ULONG cEntries );
BOOL Init( PRcovStorageObj * pObj );
void MakeBackupCopy( PRcovStorageObj & dstObj, PSaveProgressTracker & tracker );
void Empty();
BOOL FindPropid( const CFullPropSpec & rProp,
PROPID & rPid,
BOOL fAddToTable = TRUE );
BOOL EnumerateProperty( CFullPropSpec & ps, unsigned & iBmk );
struct SPidLookupTableHeader {
CHAR Signature[8]; // "PIDTABLE"
ULONG cbRecord; // size of file records
ULONG cHash; // number of hash table entries
ULONG cEntries; // nunber of hash entries in use
PROPID NextPropid; // next PROPID to be allocated
ULONG Size() const { return _Header.cHash; }
ULONG Entries() const { return _Header.cEntries; }
ULONG Hash( const CPidLookupEntry & rProp );
ULONG Hash( const CFullPropSpec & rProp );
ULONG HashString( const WCHAR * pwszStr );
BOOL LookUp( const CFullPropSpec & Prop, ULONG &riTable );
void StoreInTable( const CPidLookupEntry & Prop );
ULONG AddEntry( const CFullPropSpec & Prop );
void GrowAndRehash( ULONG Count );
void GrowStringSpace( ULONG cbNewString );
BOOL IsFull( ) const { return ! (Entries() < Size()); }
PROPID NextPropid() const { return _Header.NextPropid; }
ULONG GrowSize() const;
SPidLookupTableHeader _Header;
CPidLookupEntry * _pTable; // the hash table
WCHAR * _pchStringBase; // pointer to string memory
ULONG _cbStrings; // size of string memory
ULONG _cbStringUsed; // size of used string memory
CMutexSem _mutex;
#if ! defined(UNIT_TEST)
XPtr<PRcovStorageObj> _xrsoPidTable; // The persistent storage itself
#else // defined(UNIT_TEST)
void SetFillFactor(ULONG iFill) {
_iFillFactor = iFill;
_maxEntries = (Size() * iFill) / 100; }
void SetNextPropid(PROPID Next) { _Header.NextPropid = Next; }
void Print( void );
#endif // defined(UNIT_TEST)
#if (DBG == 1)
ULONG _cMaxChainLen;
ULONG _cTotalSearches;
ULONG _cTotalLength;
ULONG _iFillFactor;
#endif // (DBG == 1)
ULONG _maxEntries; // max # of hash table entries
// Method: CPidLookupEntry::IsEqual, public
// Synopsis: Compare a hash table entry with a propspec
// Arguments: [rProp] - the property to be compared
// [pchStringBase] - the base address for string-named properties
// in the CPidLookupEntry
// Returns: BOOL - TRUE if the entry is equivalent to the property
// Notes: For string named properties, the input strings are assumed
// to be mapped to lower case.
inline BOOL CPidLookupEntry::IsEqual(
const CFullPropSpec & rProp,
const WCHAR * pchStringBase) const
if (rProp.IsPropertyPropid())
return IsPropertyPropid() &&
rProp.GetPropertyPropid() == _propid &&
rProp.GetPropSet() == _guid;
if (! IsPropertyName() || rProp.GetPropSet() != _guid)
return FALSE;
const WCHAR * pwszProp = rProp.GetPropertyName();
unsigned cbPropName = (wcslen(pwszProp) + 1) * sizeof (WCHAR);
return RtlEqualMemory( pwszProp, _iString + pchStringBase, cbPropName );