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// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997 - 2000.
// File: lgplist.cxx
// Contents: Index server wide local/global property list class.
// History: 05 May 1997 Alanw Created
// 27 Aug 1997 KrishnaN Moved from ixsso to querylib
#include <pch.cxx>
#pragma hdrstop
// Include Files
#include <cidebug.hxx>
#include <dynstack.hxx>
#include <funypath.hxx>
#include <dblink.hxx>
#include <imprsnat.hxx>
// class declaration
CStaticPropertyList GlobalStaticList;
CPropListFile * CLocalGlobalPropertyList::_pGlobalPropListFile = 0;
CStaticMutexSem g_mtxFilePropList; // regulates access to the global file prop list.
CRegChangeEvent CGlobalPropFileRefresher::_regChangeEvent( wcsRegCommonAdminTree, TRUE );
WCHAR CGlobalPropFileRefresher::_wcsFileName[];
FILETIME CGlobalPropFileRefresher::_ftFile;
DWORD CGlobalPropFileRefresher::_dwLastCheckMoment;
BOOL CGlobalPropFileRefresher::_fInited = FALSE;
HKEY CGlobalPropFileRefresher::_hKey;
LONG CGlobalPropFileRefresher::_lRegReturn;
CGlobalPropFileRefresher gRefresher;
// Member: CDefColumnRegEntry::CDefColumnRegEntry, public
// Synopsis: Constructor for registry param object
// Arguments: [pwcName] - 0 or name of the catalog from the registry
// History: 12-Oct-96 dlee Created
// set default
wcscpy( _awcDefaultColumnFile, L"" );
} //CDefColumnRegEntry
// Member: CDefColumnRegEntry::Refresh, public
// Synopsis: Reads the values from the registry
// History: 12-Oct-96 dlee Added header, reorganized
void CDefColumnRegEntry::Refresh( BOOL fUseDefaultsOnFailure )
// Query the registry.
CRegAccess regAdmin( RTL_REGISTRY_CONTROL, wcsRegCommonAdmin );
XPtrST<WCHAR> xRegValue(regAdmin.Read(wcsDefaultColumnFile, L""));
wcsncpy( _awcDefaultColumnFile, xRegValue.GetPointer(), MAX_PATH );
CATCH (CException, e)
// Only store defaults when told to do so -- the params
// are still in good shape at this point and are more
// accurate than the default settings.
if ( fUseDefaultsOnFailure )
wcscpy( _awcDefaultColumnFile, L"" );
} //Refresh
// Member: CPropListFile::CPropListFile
// Synopsis: Constructor of a property list from a file
// Arguments: [pDefaultList] -- The default property list
// [fDynamicRefresh] -- True, if list should be dynamically
// refreshed when file changes.
// [pwcPropFile] -- The property file. If this is null,
// use the registry.
// [ulCodePage] -- Codepage to interpret the property list.
// Notes:
// History: 08 Sep 1997 KrishnaN Created
CPropListFile::CPropListFile( CEmptyPropertyList *pDefaultList,
BOOL fDynamicRefresh,
WCHAR const * pwcPropFile,
ULONG ulCodePage ) :
CCombinedPropertyList(pDefaultList, ulCodePage),
_scError( S_OK ),
_iErrorLine( 0 ),
_xErrorFile( 0 ),
_ulCodePage( ulCodePage ),
_fDynamicRefresh( fDynamicRefresh ),
_dwLastCheckMoment( GetTickCount() )
if (pwcPropFile)
WCHAR wszFile[MAX_PATH+1];
_RegParams.GetDefaultColumnFile( wszFile, MAX_PATH );
// Member: CPropListFile::Load - public
// Synopsis: Loads the file into the property list.
// Arguments: [pwszFile] -- File name for property definitions
// History: 06 May 1997 AlanW Created
void CPropListFile::Load(WCHAR const * const pwszFile )
if (0 == pwszFile || 0 == *pwszFile)
CImpersonateSystem impersonateSystem;
// prevent multiple loads at the same time
CLock lock(_mtx);
// Erase any previous error settings.
_scError = S_OK;
_iErrorLine = 0;
SCODE sc = GetLastWriteTime(pwszFile, _ftFile);
if (S_OK == sc)
// ParseNameFile should not throw exceptions.
sc = ParseNameFile( pwszFile );
if (FAILED(sc))
qutilDebugOut(( DEB_WARN, "Can't open column file named %ws\n", pwszFile ));
_scError = sc;
_iErrorLine = 0;
if (0 == _xErrorFile.GetPointer())
WCHAR * pwcErrorFile = new WCHAR[wcslen(pwszFile)+1];
wcscpy(pwcErrorFile, pwszFile);
_xErrorFile.Set( pwcErrorFile );
// Member: CPropListFile::IsMapUpToDate - public
// Synopsis: Determines if the file is still vaid, or if it has
// changed since it was last read.
// History: 06 May 1997 AlanW Created
SCODE CPropListFile::IsMapUpToDate()
// Has the file been modified since last loaded?
SCODE sc = GetLastWriteTime(_xFileName.GetPointer(), ft);
if (FAILED(sc))
return E_HANDLE;
if ( (_ftFile.dwLowDateTime == ft.dwLowDateTime) &&
(_ftFile.dwHighDateTime == ft.dwHighDateTime) )
return S_OK;
return S_FALSE;
// Method: CPropListFile::GetLastWriteTime, static
// Purpose: Gets the last change time of the file specified
// Arguments: [wcsFileName] - name of file to get last write time of
// [ftLastWrite] - on return, last mod. time of file
// Returns: SCODE - S_OK if successful.
// History: 96/Jan/23 DwightKr Created
// 96/Mar/13 DwightKr Changed to use GetFileAttributesEx()
SCODE CPropListFile::GetLastWriteTime( WCHAR const * wcsFileName,
FILETIME & ftLastWrite )
if ( 0 == wcsFileName )
if ( !GetFileAttributesEx( wcsFileName, GetFileExInfoStandard, &ffData ) )
ULONG error = GetLastError();
qutilDebugOut(( DEB_IERROR,
"Unable to GetFileAttributesEx(%ws) GetLastError=0x%x\n",
error ));
return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(error);
ftLastWrite = ffData.ftLastWriteTime;
return S_OK;
// Member: CPropListfile::ParseNameFile, public
// Synopsis: Parses the given file name and creates a list of 'friendly
// name' to CDbColId equivalences.
// Arguments: szFileName -- name of the file to parse
// History: 17-May-94 t-jeffc Created.
SCODE CPropListFile::ParseNameFile( WCHAR const * wcsFileName )
int iLength;
BOOL fRememberFileName = FALSE;
if( wcsFileName == 0 )
// use the last specified property file
if( !_xFileName.IsNull() )
wcsFileName = _xFileName.GetPointer();
iLength = wcslen( wcsFileName ) + 1;
// make a copy of the file name
iLength = wcslen( wcsFileName ) + 1;
_xFileName.Set( new WCHAR[ iLength ] );
memcpy( _xFileName.GetPointer(), wcsFileName, iLength * sizeof WCHAR );
CSFile pfile( OpenFileFromPath( wcsFileName ) );
if( pfile == 0 )
// Process a line at a time, skip ahead until we find the [Names]
// or [Query] section and process lines within that section only.
BOOL fNameSection = FALSE;
SCODE sc = S_OK;
int iLine = 0;
for( ;; )
// line buffers
char szLine[ MAX_LINE_LENGTH ];
if( !fgets( szLine, MAX_LINE_LENGTH, pfile ) )
if( feof( pfile ) )
THROW( CPListException( QPLIST_E_READ_ERROR, iLine ) );
// Skip ahead until we find a [Names] section
if ( *szLine == '[' )
if ( _strnicmp(szLine, "[Names]", 7) == 0 )
fNameSection = TRUE;
fNameSection = FALSE;
else if ( *szLine == '#' )
if ( fNameSection )
if( MultiByteToWideChar( _ulCodePage,
== 0 )
THROW( CException() );
CQueryScanner scanner( wcsLine, FALSE );
XPtr<CPropEntry> propentry;
CPropertyList::ParseOneLine( scanner, iLine, propentry );
if (propentry.GetPointer())
AddEntry( propentry.GetPointer(), iLine );
CATCH( CPListException, e )
qutilDebugOut(( DEB_WARN,
"Plist exception %08x caught parsing default column file at line %d. Line ignored.\n",
e.GetErrorCode(), e.GetLine() ));
sc = _scError = e.GetErrorCode();
_iErrorLine = e.GetLine();
fRememberFileName = TRUE;
AND_CATCH ( CException, e )
qutilDebugOut(( DEB_WARN,
"Exception caught parsing default column file %08x\n",
e.GetErrorCode() ));
sc = _scError = e.GetErrorCode();
fRememberFileName = TRUE;
if (fRememberFileName && 0 == _xErrorFile.GetPointer())
fRememberFileName = FALSE;
WCHAR * pwcErrorFile = new WCHAR[wcslen(wcsFileName)+1];
wcscpy(pwcErrorFile, wcsFileName);
_xErrorFile.Set( pwcErrorFile );
return sc;
// Member: CPropListfile::CheckError, public
// Synopsis: Checks if there was an error in the parsing of the file.
// Arguments: iLine -- error line number returned here.
// ppFile -- file name returned here. can be 0 if not needed.
// History: 17-Sep-97 KrishnaN Created.
SCODE CPropListFile::CheckError( ULONG & iLine, WCHAR ** ppFile )
iLine = _iErrorLine;
if (ppFile)
*ppFile = _xErrorFile.GetPointer();
return _scError;
// Member: CPropListfile::Refresh, private
// Synopsis: Reloads the property list if prop. file has been modified.
// History: 15-Sep-97 KrishnaN Created.
void CPropListFile::Refresh()
if (!_fDynamicRefresh)
// Don't check more than once in a few seconds
if (abs(GetTickCount() - _dwLastCheckMoment) < REFRESH_INTERVAL)
_dwLastCheckMoment = GetTickCount();
if (S_OK != IsMapUpToDate())
// Reload.
// Member: CCombinedPropertyList::Find, public
// Synopsis: Attempt to find an entry in the list.
// Arguments: wcsName -- friendly property name to find
// Returns a pointer to the CPropEntry if found, 0 otherwise.
// History: 17-May-94 t-jeffc Created.
// 28-Aug-97 KrishnaN modified.
CPropEntry const * CCombinedPropertyList::Find( WCHAR const * wcsName )
if( 0 == wcsName )
return 0;
// First look in the default list, and if not found, look
// in the overrides.
CPropEntry const * ppentry = _xDefaultList->Find(wcsName);
if (ppentry)
return ppentry;
return (_xOverrideList.GetPointer() ? _xOverrideList->Find(wcsName) : 0);
// Member: CCombinedPropertyList::Next, public
// Synopsis: Gets the next property during an enumeration
// Returns: The next property entry or 0 for end of enumeration
// History: 21-Jul-97 dlee Moved from .hxx and added header
CPropEntry const * CCombinedPropertyList::Next()
// First look in the static list, and if not found, look in the overrides.
CPropEntry const *pEntry = 0;
if (!_fOverrides)
pEntry = _xDefaultList->Next();
if (pEntry)
return pEntry;
_fOverrides = TRUE;
return (_xOverrideList.GetPointer() ? _xOverrideList->Next() : 0);
} //Next
// Member: CCombinedPropertyList::InitIterator, public
// Synopsis: Initialize the iterator
// History: 29-Aug-97 KrishnaN Created
void CCombinedPropertyList::InitIterator()
// causes the default list to be iterated before the overrides
_fOverrides = FALSE;
// Initialize the iterators of the two lists
if (_xOverrideList.GetPointer())
} //InitIterator
// Member: CCombinedPropertyList::AddEntry, private
// Synopsis: Adds a CPropEntry to the overriding list. Verifies that the name
// isn't already in the default list or the overriding list.
// Arguments: ppentryNew -- pointer to the CPropEntry to add
// iLine -- line number we're parsing
// History: 11-Sep-97 KrishnaN Created.
void CCombinedPropertyList::AddEntry( CPropEntry * ppentryNew, int iLine )
// protect _xOverrideList
CLock lock(_mtxAdd);
if (0 == _xOverrideList.GetPointer())
_xOverrideList.Set(new CPropertyList(_ulCodePage));
// We do not allow entries in the override list that have the same name
// as the default list.
if( _xDefaultList->Find( ppentryNew->GetName() ) ||
_xOverrideList->Find( ppentryNew->GetName() ) )
THROW( CPListException( QPLIST_E_DUPLICATE, iLine ) );
_xOverrideList->AddEntry(ppentryNew, iLine);
// Member: CCombinedPropertyList::ClearList, public
// Synopsis: Frees the memory used by the list.
// History: 11-Sep-97 KrishnaN Created.
void CCombinedPropertyList::ClearList()
// protect _xOverrideList
CLock lock(_mtxAdd);
// Just free it now. It will be created, if necessary,
// on AddEntry().
// Member: CCombinedPropertyList::SetDefaultList, public
// Synopsis: Sets the default list.
// Arguments: pDefaultList -- The list to set as default list.
// History: 11-Sep-97 KrishnaN Created.
void CCombinedPropertyList::SetDefaultList(CEmptyPropertyList *pDefaultList)
// Jettison any existing property list
// Member: CCombinedPropertyList::GetCount, public
// Synopsis: Returns cardinality of list.
// History: 11-Sep-97 KrishnaN Created.
ULONG CCombinedPropertyList::GetCount()
ULONG ulTotal = _xDefaultList->GetCount();
if (_xOverrideList.GetPointer())
ulTotal += _xOverrideList->GetCount();
return ulTotal;
// Member: CCombinedPropertyList::GetAllEntries, public
// Synopsis: Returns cardinality of list.
// History: 11-Sep-97 KrishnaN Created.
SCODE CCombinedPropertyList::GetAllEntries(CPropEntry **ppPropEntries,
ULONG ulMaxCount)
ULONG ulSize = _xDefaultList->GetCount();
// get the first set of entries from the default list
SCODE sc = _xDefaultList->GetAllEntries(ppPropEntries, min(ulSize, ulMaxCount));
// get the remaining entries from the override list
if (S_OK == sc && ulMaxCount > ulSize && _xOverrideList.GetPointer())
sc = _xOverrideList->GetAllEntries(ppPropEntries+ulSize, ulMaxCount-ulSize);
return sc;
// Member: CLocalGlobalPropertyList::CLocalGlobalPropertyList
// Synopsis: Constructor of a overridable file based property list.
// The file name will always be obtained through the registry.
// Arguments: [ulCodePage] -- Codepage to interpret the property list.
// Notes:
// History: 08 Sep 1997 KrishnaN Created
CLocalGlobalPropertyList::CLocalGlobalPropertyList( ULONG ulCodePage ) :
_ulCodePage( ulCodePage ),
_dwLastCheckMoment( GetTickCount() ),
XInterface<CPropListFile> xPropListFile(GetGlobalPropListFile());
// Member: CLocalGlobalPropertyList::CLocalGlobalPropertyList
// Synopsis: Constructor of a overridable file based property list.
// The file name will always be obtained through the registry.
// Arguments: [pDefaultList] -- The default property list
// [fDynamicRefresh] -- True, if list should be dynamically
// refreshed when file changes.
// [pwcPropFile] -- The property file. If this is null,
// use the registry.
// [ulCodePage] -- Codepage to interpret the property list.
// Notes: This constructor is used by clients who use their own file based
// list instead of using the registry based file.
// History: 08 Sep 1997 KrishnaN Created
(CEmptyPropertyList *pDefaultList,
BOOL fDynamicRefresh,
WCHAR const * pwcsPropFile,
ULONG ulCodePage) :
_ulCodePage( ulCodePage ),
_dwLastCheckMoment( GetTickCount() ),
XInterface<CPropListFile> xPropListFile(
new CPropListFile(pDefaultList,
// Member: CLocalGlobalPropertyList::IsMapUpToDate - public
// Synopsis: Determines if the file is still valid, or if it has
// changed since it was last read.
// History: 06 May 1997 AlanW Created
SCODE CLocalGlobalPropertyList::IsMapUpToDate()
ULONG cchRequired = _RegParams.GetDefaultColumnFile( 0, 0 );
WCHAR wszFile[MAX_PATH + 1];
wszFile[0] = 0;
if ( 0 != cchRequired )
_RegParams.GetDefaultColumnFile( wszFile, MAX_PATH );
// If the current file and the one in the registry are not the same,
// we are outdated.
if (0 != _wcsicmp(_xFileName.GetPointer(), wszFile))
return S_FALSE;
// The filelist takes care of file modifications, so ask it
// directly if it is up to date.
return GetDefaultList().IsMapUpToDate();
// Member: CLocalGlobalPropertyList::CheckError, public
// Synopsis: Checks if there was an error in the parsing of the file.
// Arguments: iLine -- error line number returned here.
// ppFile -- file name returned here. can be 0 if not needed.
// History: 17-Sep-97 KrishnaN Created.
SCODE CLocalGlobalPropertyList::CheckError( ULONG & iLine, WCHAR ** ppFile )
return ((CPropListFile &)GetDefaultList()).CheckError(iLine, ppFile);
// Member: CLocalGlobalPropertyList::Load - public
// Synopsis: Loads the file into the property list.
// Arguments: [pwszFile] -- File name for property definitions
// History: 19 Sep 1997 KrishnaN Created
void CLocalGlobalPropertyList::Load(WCHAR const * const pwszFile )
((CPropListFile &)GetDefaultList()).Load(pwszFile);
// Miscellaneous
CStaticPropertyList * GetGlobalStaticPropertyList()
return &GlobalStaticList;
// Return an AddRef'd global prop file list. The caller will release
// when done using the global prop file list.
CPropListFile * GetGlobalPropListFile()
CImpersonateSystem impersonateSystem;
CLock lock(g_mtxFilePropList);
if (!CLocalGlobalPropertyList::_pGlobalPropListFile)
// The global property list will be controlled by CLocalGlobalPropertyList, so
// we disable its ability to refresh dynamically.
CLocalGlobalPropertyList::_pGlobalPropListFile =
new CPropListFile(GetGlobalStaticPropertyList(), FALSE);
// If the refresher replaces the global property list, that would
// AddRef the newly created global proplist, so we should not AddREf
// again. If DoIt fails, no need to AddRef.
if (!gRefresher.DoIt())
return CLocalGlobalPropertyList::_pGlobalPropListFile;
// Member: CreateNewGlobalPropFileList - public
// Synopsis: Creates a new global file based property list.
// History: 15-Sep-1997 KrishnaN Created
// Notes: This function replaces the global property file list so that newer
// clients asking for the list will get an updated list (if the file has
// been modified or replaced.)
void CreateNewGlobalPropFileList(WCHAR CONST *wcsFileName)
CLock lock(g_mtxFilePropList);
// The global property list will be controlled by CLocalGlobalPropertyList, so
// we disable its ability to refresh dynamically.
CLocalGlobalPropertyList::_pGlobalPropListFile =
new CPropListFile(GetGlobalStaticPropertyList(),
// Member: CGlobalPropFileRefresher::DoIt - public
// Synopsis: Creates a new global file based property list if necessary.
// Returns: True if refresh happened. False otherwise.
// History: 15-Sep-1997 KrishnaN Created
// Notes: This function monitors the registry and the file so the list
// can be updated if the underlying property file changes.
BOOL CGlobalPropFileRefresher::DoIt()
// We don't need to lock this because currently it is only
// being called after obtaining a lock elsewhere. If that
// changes, then a lock may be needed here.
// Don't check more than once in a few seconds
if (abs(GetTickCount() - _dwLastCheckMoment) < REFRESH_INTERVAL)
return FALSE;
CImpersonateSystem impersonateSystem;
if (!_fInited)
BOOL fRefresh = FALSE;
_dwLastCheckMoment = GetTickCount();
// First check the registry, then check the file itself
ULONG res = WaitForSingleObject( _regChangeEvent.GetEventHandle(), 0 );
if (WAIT_OBJECT_0 == res)
// the registry changed, but the value may not have. check that.
// Are the file names the same?
if (0 != _wcsicmp(wszFile, _wcsFileName))
wcscpy(_wcsFileName, wszFile);
fRefresh = TRUE;
if (! fRefresh)
if ((_ftFile.dwLowDateTime != ft.dwLowDateTime) ||
(_ftFile.dwHighDateTime != ft.dwHighDateTime) )
_ftFile = ft;
fRefresh = TRUE;
if (fRefresh)
// refresh
return fRefresh;
// Member: CGlobalPropFileRefresher::Init - public
// Synopsis: Initializes this class.
// Returns: Nothing. Can throw.
// History: 15-Sep-1997 KrishnaN Created
void CGlobalPropFileRefresher::Init()
_lRegReturn = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, // Root
0, // Reserved
KEY_READ, // Access
&_hKey); // Handle
_fInited = TRUE;