Leaked source code of windows server 2003
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

440 lines
8.9 KiB

using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections;
using System.Xml.Serialization;
using UDDI;
using UDDI.Diagnostics;
using UDDI.Replication;
namespace UDDI.Web
/// <summary>
/// Summary description for oepratorsearchcontrols.
/// </summary>
[ XmlRoot( "changeRecordCache" ) ]
public class ChangeRecordsSessionCache
public ChangeRecordsSessionCache()
private string key;//=Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
[ XmlAttribute( "key" ) ]
public string Key
get{ return key; }
set{ key=value; }
private FindChangeRecordsHelper findCache;
[ XmlElement( "findChangeRecordCache" ) ]
public FindChangeRecordsHelper FindCache
if( null==findCache )
findCache = new FindChangeRecordsHelper();
return findCache;
private GetChangeRecords getCache;
[ XmlElement( "getChangeRecordCache" ) ]
public GetChangeRecords GetCache
get{ return getCache; }
set{ getCache = (GetChangeRecords)value; }
private ChangeRecordDetail changes;
public ChangeRecordDetail Changes
get{ return changes; }
private ChangeRecordVectorCollection changelist;
public ChangeRecordVectorCollection ChangeList
get{ return changelist; }
public void GetChanges()
if( null!=GetCache )
changes = GetCache.Get();
public void FindChanges()
public void SaveCache()
// Serialize the data into a stream.
XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer( this.GetType() );
StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
serializer.Serialize( writer, this );
// Write the cache object to the database.
SqlStoredProcedureAccessor sp = new SqlStoredProcedureAccessor( "UI_setSessionCache" );
sp.Parameters.Add( "@PUID", SqlDbType.NVarChar );
sp.Parameters.Add( "@cacheValue", SqlDbType.NText );
sp.Parameters.Add( "@context", SqlDbType.NVarChar );
sp.Parameters.SetString( "@PUID",Key );
sp.Parameters.SetString( "@cacheValue",writer.ToString() );
sp.Parameters.SetString( "@context","ReplicationServer" );
public static ChangeRecordsSessionCache RetrieveCache( string key )
ChangeRecordsSessionCache session = RetrieveCacheFromDB( key );
return session;
protected static ChangeRecordsSessionCache RetrieveCacheFromDB( string key )
// Retrieve the cache object from the database.
string data = "";
SqlStoredProcedureAccessor sp = new SqlStoredProcedureAccessor( "UI_getSessionCache" );
sp.Parameters.Add( "@PUID", SqlDbType.NVarChar );
sp.Parameters.Add( "@context", SqlDbType.NVarChar );
sp.Parameters.SetString( "@PUID" , key );
sp.Parameters.SetString("@context" , "ReplicationServer" );
data = (string)sp.ExecuteScalar();
// Deserialize into a cache object.
ChangeRecordsSessionCache cache = null;
if( !Utility.StringEmpty( data ) )
XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer( typeof( ChangeRecordsSessionCache ) );
StringReader reader = new StringReader( data );
cache = (ChangeRecordsSessionCache)serializer.Deserialize( reader );
cache.Key = key;
return cache;
[XmlRoot( "findChangeRecordCache" )]
public class FindChangeRecordsHelper
public FindChangeRecordsHelper()
[ XmlAttribute( "startUSN" ) ]
protected long StartUSN;
[ XmlAttribute( "endUSN" ) ]
protected long EndUSN;
[ XmlAttribute( "maxRows" ) ]
protected long MaxRows;
[ XmlAttribute( "operatorID" ) ]
protected string OperatorNodeID;
private FindFilterCollection filters;
[ XmlArray( "filters" ), XmlArrayItem( "filter" ) ]
public FindFilterCollection Filters
get{ return filters; }
set{ filters=(FindFilterCollection)value; }
public ChangeRecordCollection GetChangeRecords( )
ChangeRecordCollection crc = new ChangeRecordCollection();
return crc;
[ XmlRoot( "filters" ) ]
public class FindFilterCollection : CollectionBase
public FindFilter this[ int index ]
get{ return (FindFilter)this.List[ index ]; }
set{ this.List[ index] = value; }
public FindFilter Add( string field, FilterOperator oper, string val )
return this.Add( field,
( (this.Count > 0) ? FilterConjuctionOperator.And : FilterConjuctionOperator.None ) );
public FindFilter Add( string field, FilterOperator oper, string val, FilterConjuctionOperator conj )
return this.Add( new FindFilter( field,oper, val, conj ) );
public FindFilter Add( FindFilter filter )
this.List.Add( filter );
return filter;
public void Remove( int index )
this.List.RemoveAt( index );
public void Remove( FindFilter filter )
this.List.Remove( filter );
public FindFilter Insert( int index, FindFilter filter )
this.List.Insert( index, filter );
return filter;
public string GetFullFilterString()
string fullstring = "";
foreach( FindFilter filter in this )
fullstring += filter.GetFilterString();
return fullstring;
[ XmlRoot( "filter" ) ]
public class FindFilter
public FindFilter( string field, FilterOperator oper, string val, FilterConjuctionOperator conj )
this.fieldname = field;
this.filteroperator = oper;
this.filtervalue = val;
this.conjuction = conj;
[ XmlAttribute( "conjuction" ) ]
protected FilterConjuctionOperator conjuction;
public FilterConjuctionOperator Conjuction
get{ return conjuction; }
[ XmlAttribute( "fieldName" ) ]
protected string fieldname;
public string FieldName
get{ return fieldname; }
[ XmlAttribute( "operator" ) ]
protected FilterOperator filteroperator;
public FilterOperator Operator
get{ return filteroperator; }
[ XmlText ]
protected string filtervalue;
public string FilterValue
get{ return filtervalue; }
protected bool Validate()
return ( IsValidFieldName() &&
IsValidOperator() &&
IsValidValue() );
bool IsValidOperator()
return true;
bool IsValidValue()
return true;
bool IsValidFieldName()
return true;
// TODO: Maybe make this a readonly property instead
// and genarte the this string in the ctor.
public string GetFilterString()
string filter = "";
if( Validate() )
//if it is a valid filter, then fill the string.
//set the fielname
filter = this.FieldName + " ";
//set the operator
//set the value
filter += GetFilterValueString();
//set the conjuction operator
filter += GetFilterConjuctionString();
return filter;
protected string GetFilterConjuctionString()
string conj = "";
switch( this.Conjuction )
case FilterConjuctionOperator.And:
conj = " AND ";
case FilterConjuctionOperator.AndNot:
conj = " AND NOT ";
case FilterConjuctionOperator.Or:
conj = " OR ";
case FilterConjuctionOperator.OrNot:
conj = " OR NOT ";
return conj;
protected string GetFilterValueString()
string val = "'";
if( FilterOperator.Contains==this.Operator )
val += "*" + this.FilterValue + "*";
val += this.FilterValue ;
val += "'";
return val;
protected string GetFilterOperatorString()
switch( this.Operator )
case FilterOperator.EqualTo:
return " = ";
case FilterOperator.NotEqualTo:
return " <> ";
case FilterOperator.LessThan:
return " < ";
case FilterOperator.GreaterThan:
return " > ";
case FilterOperator.Contains:
return " LIKE ";
return "";
public enum FilterOperator
[ XmlEnum( "equalTo" ) ]
[ XmlEnum( "notEqualTo" ) ]
[ XmlEnum( "greaterThan" ) ]
[ XmlEnum( "lessThan" ) ]
[ XmlEnum( "contains" ) ]
public enum FilterConjuctionOperator
[ XmlEnum( "" ) ]
[ XmlEnum( "and" ) ]
[ XmlEnum( "andNot" ) ]
[ XmlEnum( "or" ) ]
[ XmlEnum( "orNot" ) ]