You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
253 lines
5.9 KiB
253 lines
5.9 KiB
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// Category Node
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Localization.GetString( "HEADING_CATEGORIZATION" ),
"../images/tmodels.gif" );
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nodeCategorization.Tooltip = Localization.GetString( "TOOLTIP_COORDINATE_CATSCHEMES" );
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Localization.GetString( "HEADING_STATISTICS" ),
"../images/tmodels.gif" );
nodeStatistics.OnClick = "TreeNode_OnSelect( [[node]], '../admin/statistics.aspx?frames=true' )";
nodeStatistics.Tooltip = Localization.GetString( "TOOLTIP_COORDINATE_STATISTICS" );
if( key=="_statistics" )
if( UDDI.Context.User.IsAdministrator )
// Data Import Node
TreeNode nodeDataImport = nodeCoordinate.Nodes.Add(
Localization.GetString( "HEADING_TAXONOMY" ),
"../images/tmodels.gif" );
nodeDataImport.OnClick = "TreeNode_OnSelect( [[node]], '../admin/taxonomy.aspx?frames=true' )";
nodeDataImport.Tooltip = Localization.GetString( "TOOLTIP_COORDINATE_DATA_IMPORT" );
if( key=="_dataimport" )
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SelectNode( selectedNode );
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ViewGoto( url, popupArgs )
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ViewGoto( "../admin/impersonate.aspx?frames=true&cancel=true", null );
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SelectNode( node );
ViewGoto( url, null );