Leaked source code of windows server 2003
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

164 lines
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// Copyright (c) 1999 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Implementation of ExprBlock.
#include "stdinc.h"
#include "engexpr.h"
HRESULT hr = InfixToPostfix();
if (FAILED(hr))
// clean up the working stack
while (!m_stack.empty())
return hr;
return S_OK;
int Precedence(Token t)
case TOKEN_op_pow: return 10;
case TOKEN_sub: return 9; // unary - (negation)
case TOKEN_op_mult: return 8;
case TOKEN_op_div: return 7;
case TOKEN_op_mod: return 6;
case TOKEN_op_plus:
case TOKEN_op_minus: return 5;
case TOKEN_op_lt:
case TOKEN_op_leq:
case TOKEN_op_gt:
case TOKEN_op_geq:
case TOKEN_op_eq:
case TOKEN_op_neq:
case TOKEN_is: return 4;
case TOKEN_op_not: return 3;
case TOKEN_and: return 2;
case TOKEN_or: return 1;
case TOKEN_lparen: return 0;
return 12;
// Infix to postfix conversion is performed by a single scan of the infix expression blocks.
// A stack is used to hold some of the blocks before they eventually are appended to the postfix expression.
// The algorithm follows the following rules:
// * If the current item is an value it is immediately appended.
// * If the current item is an operator, pop and append each operator on the stack until one is encountered that:
// - has lower precedence than the current operator OR
// - is a left paren OR
// - is a unary operator and the current item is also unary
// Once done with this popping, push the current item onto the stack.
// * If the current item is a left paren, push it onto the stack.
// * If the current item is a right paren, pop and append all the operators until the matching left paren is found.
// Discard the left and right paren as parens are not needed in postfix.
// * After scanning all items of the input, pop and append any operators that remain on the stack.
// Before working with this code, try out a few expressions on paper to see how this works.
ExprBlocks::index iLast = m_e.Next();
assert(iLast > 0);
for (ExprBlocks::index i = 0; i < iLast; ++i)
const ExprBlock &b = m_e[i];
if (b.k == ExprBlock::_val || b.k == ExprBlock::_call)
// this is an operand -- send it directly to the postfix output
hr = m_eblocks.Add(b);
if (FAILED(hr))
return hr;
if (b.op == TOKEN_rparen)
// pop whatever's left until the matching lparen
for (;;)
if (m_stack.empty())
return E_FAIL;
ExprBlock bPop = m_stack.top();
if (bPop.op == TOKEN_lparen)
hr = m_eblocks.Add(bPop);
if (FAILED(hr))
return hr;
else if (b.op != TOKEN_lparen)
// Pop all operators of lower precedence off the stack. (This won't pass a left paren because its precedence is set to 0.)
// Exception: don't pop a unary operator if the new one is also unary.
int iNewPrecidence = Precedence(b.op);
bool fNewUnary = b.op == TOKEN_sub || b.op == TOKEN_op_not;
while (!m_stack.empty()) // note that there's a break inside the loop as well
ExprBlock bPop = m_stack.top();
if (Precedence(bPop.op) < iNewPrecidence)
if (fNewUnary && (bPop.op == TOKEN_sub || bPop.op == TOKEN_op_not))
hr = m_eblocks.Add(bPop);
if (FAILED(hr))
return hr;
// now push the new operator onto the stack
hr = m_stack.push(b);
if (FAILED(hr))
return hr;
while (!m_stack.empty())
ExprBlock bPop = m_stack.top();
if (bPop.op == TOKEN_lparen)
return E_FAIL;
hr = m_eblocks.Add(bPop);
if (FAILED(hr))
return hr;
// Add the teminating (_end) block
hr = m_eblocks.Add(ExprBlock(ExprBlock::cons_end()));
if (FAILED(hr))
return hr;
return S_OK;