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* *
* Copyright (C) 1992, Silicon Graphics, Inc. *
* *
* These coded instructions, statements, and computer programs contain *
* unpublished proprietary information of Silicon Graphics, Inc., and *
* are protected by Federal copyright law. They may not be disclosed *
* to third parties or copied or duplicated in any form, in whole or *
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* subdivider.c++ - $Revision: 1.3 $
* Derrick Burns - 1991
#include "glimport.h"
#include "myassert.h"
#include "mystdio.h"
#include "subdivid.h"
#include "arc.h"
#include "bezierar.h"
#include "bin.h"
#include "renderhi.h"
#include "backend.h"
#include "mapdesc.h"
#include "quilt.h"
#include "patchlis.h"
#include "patch.h"
#include "nurbscon.h"
#include "trimpool.h"
#include "simplema.h"
* Subdivider - construct a subdivider
Subdivider::Subdivider( Renderhints& r, Backend& b )
: arcpool( sizeof( Arc), 1, "arcpool" ),
bezierarcpool( sizeof( BezierArc ), 1, "Bezarcpool" ),
pwlarcpool( sizeof( PwlArc ), 1, "Pwlarcpool" ),
renderhints( r ),
arctessellator( trimvertexpool, pwlarcpool ),
backend( b ),
slicer( b )
Subdivider::setJumpbuffer( JumpBuffer *j )
jumpbuffer = j;
* clear - reset all state after possible error condition
Subdivider::clear( void )
* ~Subdivider - destroy a subdivider
Subdivider::~Subdivider( void )
* addArc - add a bezier arc to a trim loop and to a bin
Subdivider::addArc( REAL *cpts, Quilt *quilt, long _nuid )
BezierArc *bezierArc = new(bezierarcpool) BezierArc;
Arc *jarc = new(arcpool) Arc( arc_none, _nuid );
jarc->pwlArc = 0;
jarc->bezierArc = bezierArc;
bezierArc->order = quilt->qspec->order;
bezierArc->stride = quilt->qspec->stride;
bezierArc->mapdesc = quilt->mapdesc;
bezierArc->cpts = cpts;
initialbin.addarc( jarc );
pjarc = jarc->append( pjarc );
* addArc - add a pwl arc to a trim loop and to a bin
Subdivider::addArc( int npts, TrimVertex *pts, long _nuid )
Arc *jarc = new(arcpool) Arc( arc_none, _nuid );
jarc->pwlArc = new(pwlarcpool) PwlArc( npts, pts );
initialbin.addarc( jarc );
pjarc = jarc->append( pjarc );
Subdivider::beginQuilts( void )
qlist = 0;
Subdivider::addQuilt( Quilt *quilt )
quilt->next = qlist;
qlist = quilt;
* drawSurfaces - main entry point for surface tessellation
Subdivider::drawSurfaces( long nuid )
renderhints.init( );
if (qlist == NULL) return;
for( Quilt *q = qlist; q; q = q->next ) {
if( q->isCulled( ) == CULL_TRIVIAL_REJECT ) {
freejarcs( initialbin );
REAL from[2], to[2];
qlist->getRange( from, to, spbrkpts, tpbrkpts );
if( ! initialbin.isnonempty() ) {
makeBorderTrim( from, to );
} else {
REAL rate[2];
qlist->findRates( spbrkpts, tpbrkpts, rate );
if( decompose( initialbin, min(rate[0], rate[1]) ) )
mylongjmp( jumpbuffer, 31 );
backend.bgnsurf( renderhints.wiretris, renderhints.wirequads, nuid );
subdivideInS( initialbin );
Subdivider::subdivideInS( Bin& source )
if( renderhints.display_method == N_OUTLINE_PARAM ) {
outline( source );
freejarcs( source );
} else {
splitInS( source, spbrkpts.start, spbrkpts.end );
* splitInS - split a patch and a bin by an isoparametric line
Subdivider::splitInS( Bin& source, int start, int end )
if( source.isnonempty() ) {
if( start != end ) {
int i = start + (end - start) / 2;
Bin left, right;
split( source, left, right, 0, spbrkpts.pts[i] );
splitInS( left, start, i );
splitInS( right, i+1, end );
} else {
if( start == spbrkpts.start || start == spbrkpts.end ) {
freejarcs( source );
} else if( renderhints.display_method == N_OUTLINE_PARAM_S ) {
outline( source );
freejarcs( source );
} else {
s_index = start;
splitInT( source, tpbrkpts.start, tpbrkpts.end );
* splitInT - split a patch and a bin by an isoparametric line
Subdivider::splitInT( Bin& source, int start, int end )
if( source.isnonempty() ) {
if( start != end ) {
int i = start + (end - start) / 2;
Bin left, right;
split( source, left, right, 1, tpbrkpts.pts[i] );
splitInT( left, start, i );
splitInT( right, i+1, end );
} else {
if( start == tpbrkpts.start || start == tpbrkpts.end ) {
freejarcs( source );
} else if( renderhints.display_method == N_OUTLINE_PARAM_ST ) {
outline( source );
freejarcs( source );
} else {
t_index = start;
REAL pta[2], ptb[2];
pta[0] = spbrkpts.pts[s_index-1];
pta[1] = tpbrkpts.pts[t_index-1];
ptb[0] = spbrkpts.pts[s_index];
ptb[1] = tpbrkpts.pts[t_index];
qlist->downloadAll( pta, ptb, backend );
Patchlist patchlist( qlist, pta, ptb );
samplingSplit( source, patchlist, renderhints.maxsubdivisions, 0 );
* samplingSplit - recursively subdivide patch, cull check each subpatch
Bin& source,
Patchlist& patchlist,
int subdivisions,
int param )
if( ! source.isnonempty() ) return;
if( patchlist.cullCheck() == CULL_TRIVIAL_REJECT ) {
freejarcs( source );
if( renderhints.display_method == N_OUTLINE_PATCH ) {
tessellation( source, patchlist );
outline( source );
freejarcs( source );
tessellation( source, patchlist );
if( patchlist.needsSamplingSubdivision() && (subdivisions > 0) ) {
if( ! patchlist.needsSubdivision( 0 ) )
param = 1;
else if( ! patchlist.needsSubdivision( 1 ) )
param = 0;
param = 1 - param;
Bin left, right;
REAL mid = ( patchlist.pspec[param].range[0] +
patchlist.pspec[param].range[1] ) * 0.5;
split( source, left, right, param, mid );
Patchlist subpatchlist( patchlist, param, mid );
samplingSplit( left, subpatchlist, subdivisions-1, param );
samplingSplit( right, patchlist, subdivisions-1, param );
} else {
nonSamplingSplit( source, patchlist, subdivisions, param );
Bin& source,
Patchlist& patchlist,
int subdivisions,
int param )
if( patchlist.needsNonSamplingSubdivision() && (subdivisions > 0) ) {
param = 1 - param;
Bin left, right;
REAL mid = ( patchlist.pspec[param].range[0] +
patchlist.pspec[param].range[1] ) * 0.5;
split( source, left, right, param, mid );
Patchlist subpatchlist( patchlist, param, mid );
if( left.isnonempty() )
if( subpatchlist.cullCheck() == CULL_TRIVIAL_REJECT )
freejarcs( left );
nonSamplingSplit( left, subpatchlist, subdivisions-1, param );
if( right.isnonempty() )
if( patchlist.cullCheck() == CULL_TRIVIAL_REJECT )
freejarcs( right );
nonSamplingSplit( right, patchlist, subdivisions-1, param );
} else {
// make bbox calls
backend.patch( patchlist.pspec[0].range[0], patchlist.pspec[0].range[1],
patchlist.pspec[1].range[0], patchlist.pspec[1].range[1] );
if( renderhints.display_method == N_OUTLINE_SUBDIV ) {
outline( source );
freejarcs( source );
} else {
findIrregularS( source );
monosplitInS( source, smbrkpts.start, smbrkpts.end );
* tessellation - set tessellation of interior and boundary of patch
Subdivider::tessellation( Bin& bin, Patchlist &patchlist )
// tessellate unsampled trim curves
tessellate( bin, patchlist.pspec[1].sidestep[1], patchlist.pspec[0].sidestep[1],
patchlist.pspec[1].sidestep[0], patchlist.pspec[0].sidestep[0] );
// set interior sampling rates
slicer.setstriptessellation( patchlist.pspec[0].stepsize, patchlist.pspec[1].stepsize );
// set boundary sampling rates
stepsizes[0] = patchlist.pspec[1].stepsize;
stepsizes[1] = patchlist.pspec[0].stepsize;
stepsizes[2] = patchlist.pspec[1].stepsize;
stepsizes[3] = patchlist.pspec[0].stepsize;
* monosplitInS - split a patch and a bin by an isoparametric line
Subdivider::monosplitInS( Bin& source, int start, int end )
if( source.isnonempty() ) {
if( start != end ) {
int i = start + (end - start) / 2;
Bin left, right;
split( source, left, right, 0, smbrkpts.pts[i] );
monosplitInS( left, start, i );
monosplitInS( right, i+1, end );
} else {
if( renderhints.display_method == N_OUTLINE_SUBDIV_S ) {
outline( source );
freejarcs( source );
} else {
findIrregularT( source );
monosplitInT( source, tmbrkpts.start, tmbrkpts.end );
* monosplitInT - split a patch and a bin by an isoparametric line
Subdivider::monosplitInT( Bin& source, int start, int end )
if( source.isnonempty() ) {
if( start != end ) {
int i = start + (end - start) / 2;
Bin left, right;
split( source, left, right, 1, tmbrkpts.pts[i] );
monosplitInT( left, start, i );
monosplitInT( right, i+1, end );
} else {
if( renderhints.display_method == N_OUTLINE_SUBDIV_ST ) {
outline( source );
freejarcs( source );
} else {
render( source );
freejarcs( source );
* findIrregularS - determine points of non-monotonicity is s direction
Subdivider::findIrregularS( Bin& bin )
assert( bin.firstarc()->check() != 0 );
smbrkpts.grow( bin.numarcs() );
for( Arc_ptr jarc=bin.firstarc(); jarc; jarc=bin.nextarc() ) {
REAL *a = jarc->prev->tail();
REAL *b = jarc->tail();
REAL *c = jarc->head();
if( b[1] == a[1] && b[1] == c[1] ) continue;
if( b[1] <= a[1] && b[1] <= c[1] ) {
if( ! ccwTurn_tr( jarc->prev, jarc ) )
smbrkpts.add( b[0] );
} else if( b[1] >= a[1] && b[1] >= c[1] ) {
if( ! ccwTurn_tl( jarc->prev, jarc ) )
smbrkpts.add( b[0] );
* findIrregularT - determine points of non-monotonicity in t direction
* where one arc is parallel to the s axis.
Subdivider::findIrregularT( Bin& bin )
assert( bin.firstarc()->check() != 0 );
tmbrkpts.grow( bin.numarcs() );
for( Arc_ptr jarc=bin.firstarc(); jarc; jarc=bin.nextarc() ) {
REAL *a = jarc->prev->tail();
REAL *b = jarc->tail();
REAL *c = jarc->head();
if( b[0] == a[0] && b[0] == c[0] ) continue;
if( b[0] <= a[0] && b[0] <= c[0] ) {
if( a[1] != b[1] && b[1] != c[1] ) continue;
if( ! ccwTurn_sr( jarc->prev, jarc ) )
tmbrkpts.add( b[1] );
} else if ( b[0] >= a[0] && b[0] >= c[0] ) {
if( a[1] != b[1] && b[1] != c[1] ) continue;
if( ! ccwTurn_sl( jarc->prev, jarc ) )
tmbrkpts.add( b[1] );
tmbrkpts.filter( );
* makeBorderTrim - if no user input trimming data then create
* a trimming curve around the boundaries of the Quilt. The curve consists of
* four Jordan arcs, one for each side of the Quilt, connected, of course,
* head to tail.
Subdivider::makeBorderTrim( const REAL *from, const REAL *to )
REAL smin = from[0];
REAL smax = to[0];
REAL tmin = from[1];
REAL tmax = to[1];
pjarc = 0;
Arc_ptr jarc = new(arcpool) Arc( arc_bottom, 0 );
arctessellator.bezier( jarc, smin, smax, tmin, tmin );
initialbin.addarc( jarc );
pjarc = jarc->append( pjarc );
jarc = new(arcpool) Arc( arc_right, 0 );
arctessellator.bezier( jarc, smax, smax, tmin, tmax );
initialbin.addarc( jarc );
pjarc = jarc->append( pjarc );
jarc = new(arcpool) Arc( arc_top, 0 );
arctessellator.bezier( jarc, smax, smin, tmax, tmax );
initialbin.addarc( jarc );
pjarc = jarc->append( pjarc );
jarc = new(arcpool) Arc( arc_left, 0 );
arctessellator.bezier( jarc, smin, smin, tmax, tmin );
initialbin.addarc( jarc );
jarc->append( pjarc );
assert( jarc->check() != 0 );
* render - renders all monotone regions in a bin and frees the bin
Subdivider::render( Bin& bin )
#ifdef N_ISOLINE_S
slicer.setisolines( ( renderhints.display_method == N_ISOLINE_S ) ? 1 : 0 );
slicer.setisolines( 0 );
for( Arc_ptr jarc=bin.firstarc(); jarc; jarc=bin.nextarc() ) {
if( jarc->ismarked() ) {
assert( jarc->check( ) != 0 );
Arc_ptr jarchead = jarc;
do {
jarc = jarc->next;
} while (jarc != jarchead);
slicer.slice( jarc );
* outline - render the trimmed patch by outlining the boundary
Subdivider::outline( Bin& bin )
for( Arc_ptr jarc=bin.firstarc(); jarc; jarc=bin.nextarc() ) {
if( jarc->ismarked() ) {
assert( jarc->check( ) != 0 );
Arc_ptr jarchead = jarc;
do {
slicer.outline( jarc );
jarc = jarc->prev;
} while (jarc != jarchead);
* freejarcs - free all arcs in a bin
Subdivider::freejarcs( Bin& bin )
bin.adopt(); /* XXX - should not be necessary */
Arc_ptr jarc;
while( jarc = bin.removearc() ) {
if( jarc->pwlArc ) jarc->pwlArc->deleteMe( pwlarcpool ); jarc->pwlArc = 0;
if( jarc->bezierArc) jarc->bezierArc->deleteMe( bezierarcpool ); jarc->bezierArc = 0;
jarc->deleteMe( arcpool );
* tessellate - tessellate all Bezier arcs in a bin
* 1) only accepts linear Bezier arcs as input
* 2) the Bezier arcs are stored in the pwlArc structure
* 3) only vertical or horizontal lines work
* -- should
* 1) represent Bezier arcs in BezierArc structure
* (this requires a multitude of changes to the code)
* 2) accept high degree Bezier arcs (hard)
* 3) map the curve onto the surface to determine tessellation
* 4) work for curves of arbitrary geometry
Subdivider::tessellate( Bin& bin, REAL rrate, REAL trate, REAL lrate, REAL brate )
for( Arc_ptr jarc=bin.firstarc(); jarc; jarc=bin.nextarc() ) {
if( jarc->isbezier( ) ) {
assert( jarc->pwlArc->npts == 2 );
TrimVertex *pts = jarc->pwlArc->pts;
REAL s1 = pts[0].param[0];
REAL t1 = pts[0].param[1];
REAL s2 = pts[1].param[0];
REAL t2 = pts[1].param[1];
jarc->pwlArc->deleteMe( pwlarcpool ); jarc->pwlArc = 0;
switch( jarc->getside() ) {
case arc_left:
assert( s1 == s2 );
arctessellator.pwl_left( jarc, s1, t1, t2, lrate );
case arc_right:
assert( s1 == s2 );
arctessellator.pwl_right( jarc, s1, t1, t2, rrate );
case arc_top:
assert( t1 == t2 );
arctessellator.pwl_top( jarc, t1, s1, s2, trate );
case arc_bottom:
assert( t1 == t2 );
arctessellator.pwl_bottom( jarc, t1, s1, s2, brate );
case arc_none:
#ifndef NT
(void) abort();
assert( ! jarc->isbezier() );
assert( jarc->check() != 0 );