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Source File: Model Data.CPP
Implementation of the code for handling GPC format data
Copyright (c) 1997 by Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Resreved.
A Pretty Penny Enterprises Production
Change History:
02-19-97 [email protected] Created it
#include "StdAfx.h"
#include "ProjNode.H"
#include "CodePage.H"
#include "Resource.H"
#include "GPDFile.H"
#include "utility.H"
#include "minidev.h"
COldMiniDriverData class
This class is tasked with representing the GPC data. It will begin life as
a stub, although it could become more functional, later.
This is a private worker function. It takes a pointer to a null-terminated
list of WORD font IDs, with the nasty complication that the first two
elements of the list represent the endpoints of a range. It mashes these
into a passed word map (of which we only use the indices).
static void ExtractList(PWORD pw, CMapWordToDWord& cmw2d) {
for (WORD w = *pw++; w && w < *pw; w++)
cmw2d[w] = 0;
if (!w)
return; // The whole list was empty
while (*pw) // We start at the endpoint (which we haven't mapped yet)
cmw2d[*pw++] = 0;
// The m_csoaFonts array has some duplicate entries in it because of GPC
// entries that reference multiple printer models. We must zap those
// duplicate entries so the data won't be deleted twice in the CSafeObArray
// destructor. That would cause an AV.
for (unsigned u = 0 ; u < m_csoaFonts.GetSize() ; u++) {
if (GetSplitCode(u) != NoSplit)
m_csoaFonts.SetAt(u, NULL) ;
} ;
This member function loads the mini-driver's GPC file, and extracts the
number of models, the CTT IDs, and the model name IDs.
BOOL COldMiniDriverData::Load(CFile& cfImage) {
struct sGPCHeaderEntry {
WORD m_wOffset, m_wcbItem, m_wcItems;
struct sMaster {
WORD m_wX, m_wY;
struct sPrinterModelData {
WORD m_wcbSize;
WORD m_widName; // Stringtable id for model name.
WORD m_wfGeneral; // TODO: Define enums
WORD m_wfCurves; // TODO: Define enums
WORD m_wfLines; // TODO: Define enums
WORD m_wfPolygons; // TODO: Define enums
WORD m_wfText; // TODO: Define enums
WORD m_wfClipping; // TODO: Define enums
WORD m_wfRaster;; // TODO: Define enums
WORD m_wfLandscapeText; // TODO: Define enums
WORD m_wLeftMargin; // Left-hand unprintable area
WORD m_wMaximumWidth; // Of physica page
sMaster m_smMaximum, m_smMinimum; // Max min page sizes
WORD m_widDefaultFont;
WORD m_wLookAhead;
WORD m_wMaxFontsPerPage;
WORD m_wcCartridges;
WORD m_widDefaultCTT;
enum {PortraitFonts, LandscapeFonts, Resolution, PaperSize,
PaperQuality, PaperSource, PaperDestination, TextQuality,
Compression, FontCartridge, Color, MemoryConfiguration};
WORD m_awofIndexLists[12]; // Uses the preceding enum
WORD m_awIndices[16]; // Ditto
WORD m_awVer3IndexLists[5]; // Ditto
WORD m_wofDefaults; // List of defaults for index lists
WORD m_wReserved;
DWORD m_dwidICMManufactirer, m_dwidICMModel;
DWORD m_adwReserved[8];
struct sGPCFileHeader {
WORD m_widGPC; // 0x7F00 or it isn't valid.
WORD m_wVersion; // Final version is 3, there was a V2
sMaster m_smMasterdpi;
DWORD m_dwoHeap; // The GPC data is maintained in one
DWORD m_dwcbFile; // Total GPC Image size, heap and all
enum {Default, PCL4, CAPSL, PPDS, TTY, DBCS};
WORD m_wTechnology; // Use the preceding enum
enum {PrivateHelp = 1, OneDraftFont};
WORD m_wfGeneral; // Again, use the preceding enum
char m_acReserved[10];
WORD m_wcHeaderItems; // Number of valid header entries
enum {ModelData, Resolution, PaperSize, PaperQuality, PaperSource,
PaperDestination, TextQuality, Compression, FontCartridge,
PageControl, CursorMovement, FontSimulation, DeviceColor,
RectangleFill, DownloadInfo, VectorPage, Carousel, PenInfo,
LineInfo, BrushInfo, VectorOutput, PolyVectorOutput,
VectorSupport, ImageControl, PrintDensity, ColorTracking,
MaximumDefined = 30};
sGPCHeaderEntry m_asgpche[MaximumDefined];
struct sFontCartridge {
WORD m_wSize; // = 12
WORD m_widCartridge; // In the string table
WORD m_wofPortraitList;
WORD m_wofLandscapeList;
WORD m_wfGeneral;
WORD m_wReserved;
// In case we get called more than once, dump any old info...
cfImage.Read(m_cbaImage.GetData(), cfImage.GetLength());
sGPCFileHeader *psgfh = (sGPCFileHeader *) Image();
if (psgfh -> m_widGPC != 0x7F00 || psgfh -> m_wVersion > 0x3ff)
return FALSE;
// Suck out the printer model data we care about- eventually, this may
// be all of it
for (unsigned u = 0;
u < psgfh -> m_asgpche[sGPCFileHeader::ModelData].m_wcItems;
u++) {
sPrinterModelData& spmd = *(sPrinterModelData *) (Image() +
psgfh -> m_asgpche[sGPCFileHeader::ModelData].m_wOffset +
psgfh -> m_asgpche[sGPCFileHeader::ModelData].m_wcbItem * u);
// Build the font list- I use a CMapWordToOb to handle the duplicate
// screening
CMapWordToDWord& cmw2dThis = * (new CMapWordToDWord);
// Extract the portrait resident fonts
if (spmd.m_awofIndexLists[sPrinterModelData::PortraitFonts])
ExtractList((PWORD) (Image() + psgfh -> m_dwoHeap +
// Extract the landscape resident fonts
if (spmd.m_awofIndexLists[sPrinterModelData::LandscapeFonts])
ExtractList((PWORD) (Image() + psgfh -> m_dwoHeap +
// Extract the cartridge fonts
if (spmd.m_awofIndexLists[sPrinterModelData::FontCartridge]) {
PWORD pw = (PWORD) (Image() + psgfh -> m_dwoHeap +
// RAID 102890- Cartridge font index is 1-based, not 0-based
while (*pw) {
sFontCartridge* psfc = (sFontCartridge *) (Image() + psgfh ->
m_asgpche[sGPCFileHeader::FontCartridge].m_wOffset +
psgfh ->
m_asgpche[sGPCFileHeader::FontCartridge].m_wcbItem *
(-1 + *pw++));
// END RAID 102890
// Portrait
if (psfc -> m_wofPortraitList)
ExtractList((PWORD) (Image() + psgfh -> m_dwoHeap +
psfc -> m_wofPortraitList), cmw2dThis);
// Landscape
if (psfc -> m_wofLandscapeList)
ExtractList((PWORD) (Image() + psgfh -> m_dwoHeap +
psfc -> m_wofLandscapeList), cmw2dThis);
// Save the map in the font structure
return TRUE;
The Load() function has loaded information about each GPC entry into this
class' member variables. The problem is that there are some GPC entries
that are used to manage multiple models. This routine is used to "split"
the data for these entries into single model "sections". Actually, what
happens is that new member variables entries are allocated for each model
and the GPC entry's data is copied into them. Next, a flag is set to
mark this copy.
bool COldMiniDriverData::SplitMultiGPCs(CStringTable& cstdriversstrings)
// Make sure the data arrays are the same size.
ASSERT(m_cwaidModel.GetSize() == m_cwaidCTT.GetSize()) ;
ASSERT(m_cwaidModel.GetSize() == (int) m_csoaFonts.GetSize()) ;
// Size the split codes array and split models names array to the current
// number of GPC entries.
m_cuaSplitCodes.SetSize(m_cwaidModel.GetSize()) ;
m_csaSplitNames.SetSize(m_cwaidModel.GetSize()) ;
// Declare the variables needed for the processing in the following loops.
unsigned u, u2 ; // Looping/indexing variables
int nloc ; // Location of "%" in model name
CString csentryname ;
int nlen ; // Length of csentryname/csmodelname
// Loop through each GPC entry...
for (u = 0 ; u < ModelCount(); u++) {
// If the GPC entry's model name contains no percent signs, the entry
// only references one model. Note this and continue.
csentryname = cstdriversstrings[ModelName(u)] ;
if ((nloc = csentryname.Find(_T('%'))) == -1) {
SetSplitCode(u, NoSplit) ;
continue ;
} ;
// The entry references multiple models. Mark the entry as the first
// one and save its correct single model name.
SetSplitCode(u, FirstSplit) ;
m_csaSplitNames[u] = csentryname.Left(nloc) ;
// Copy the entry's data into new elements of the data arrays. One
// new set of data elements are allocated for each additional model
// referenced by the entry.
nlen = csentryname.GetLength() ;
for (u2 = u + 1 ; nloc != -1 ; u2++, u++) {
m_cwaidModel.InsertAt(u2, m_cwaidModel[u]) ;
m_cwaidCTT.InsertAt(u2, m_cwaidCTT[u]) ;
m_csoaFonts.InsertAt(u2, m_csoaFonts[u]) ;
InsertSplitCode(u2, OtherSplit) ;
// Look for the next percent sign in the entry's name. (Make sure
// we don't reference passed the end of the string while doing
// this.)
if (nloc + 2 < nlen) {
csentryname = csentryname.Mid(nloc + 1) ;
nlen = csentryname.GetLength() ;
nloc = csentryname.Find(_T('%')) ;
} else
break ;
// Save the model name for the new entry.
if (nloc == -1)
m_csaSplitNames.InsertAt(u2, csentryname) ;
m_csaSplitNames[u] = csentryname.Left(nloc) ;
} ;
} ;
// All went well so...
return true ;
COldMiniDriverData::FontMap(unsigned u)
This member returns the map which shows which fonts are used by the given
CMapWordToDWord& COldMiniDriverData::FontMap(unsigned u) const {
return *(CMapWordToDWord *) m_csoaFonts[u];
This records the fact that model nn must translate instances of font ID xxx
to font ID y.
void COldMiniDriverData::NoteTranslation(unsigned uModel, unsigned uidOld,
unsigned uidNew) {
FontMap(uModel)[(WORD)uidOld] = uidNew;
CModelData class
This class encapsulates the GPD file. It will start life as a big
CStringArray, but as the editor gets more sophisticated, it may gain
additional members to speed processing and/or manipulation of the data.
IMPLEMENT_SERIAL(CModelData, CProjectNode, 0)
This static member function is a callback for the rich edit control. It
receives a pointer to the CModelData in question, and calls its Fill from
buffer member function.
DWORD dwthis Pointer to the CModelData in question
LPBYTE lpb Pointer to the buffer to fill
LONG lcb Number of bytes to read
LONG *plcb Number of bytes actually read is saved here
TRUE (failure) if class instance pointer is NULL. Otherwise, whatever
Fill() returns.
DWORD CALLBACK CModelData::FillViewer(DWORD_PTR dwthis, LPBYTE lpb, LONG lcb,
LONG *plcb) {
if (!dwthis)
return TRUE;
CModelData* pcmd = (CModelData *) dwthis;
return pcmd -> Fill(lpb, lcb, plcb);
This is a stream callback for moving data from the edit control to the GPD
class. It receives a pointer to the CModelData being updated, and calls its
UpdateFrom buffer member function to do the rest of the work
DWORD CALLBACK CModelData::FromViewer(DWORD_PTR dwthis, LPBYTE lpb, LONG lcb,
LONG *plcb) {
if (!dwthis)
return TRUE; // Stop the madness
CModelData* pcmd = (CModelData *) dwthis;
return pcmd -> UpdateFrom(lpb, lcb, plcb);
CModelData::Fill(LPBYTE lpb, LONG lcb, LONG *plcb)
This private method fills a buffer from the GPD contents in CString form.
An internal buffer is used to handle partially moved strings.
DWORD CModelData::Fill(LPBYTE lpb, LONG lcb, LONG *plcb) {
int iTotalLines = (int)m_csaGPD.GetSize(); // Get the # of lines in the GPD
// If the temp buffer is empty and the next line to read is greater than
// the number of lines in the GPD, the REC has been loaded. We're done.
if (!m_cbaBuffer.GetSize() && m_iLine >= iTotalLines) {
*plcb = 0;
return 0;
unsigned ucb = (unsigned) lcb; // Number of bytes still wanted
union {
LPTSTR lpstr;
LPBYTE lpbThis;
// First, empty anything buffered previously
lpbThis = lpb;
// If there is data left over from a line partially loaded into the REC
// before..
if (m_cbaBuffer.GetSize())
// ...If the partial line will fit into the REC buffer, copy it
// into the buffer, update variables to indicate this, and continue.
if ((unsigned) m_cbaBuffer.GetSize() <= ucb) {
memcpy(lpbThis, m_cbaBuffer.GetData(), (size_t)m_cbaBuffer.GetSize());
ucb -= (unsigned)m_cbaBuffer.GetSize();
lpbThis += m_cbaBuffer.GetSize();
// ...If the partial line won't fit in the REC buffer, copy the
// portion of it that will fit into the REC buffer, remove those bytes
// from the line buffer, and return because nothing more can be loaded.
} else {
memcpy(lpbThis, m_cbaBuffer.GetData(), ucb);
m_cbaBuffer.RemoveAt(0, ucb);
*plcb = lcb;
return 0;
// Line by line, copy as much data as possible into the REC's buffer.
for (; ucb && m_iLine < iTotalLines; m_iLine++) {
// Get the next GPD line and add CR LF to it.
CString csLine = m_csaGPD[m_iLine];
csLine += _TEXT("\r\n");
// If the entire line will fit into the REC's buffer, copy it in. Then
// update all pointers, counters, etc and then check the next line.
if ((csLine.GetLength()) * sizeof(TCHAR) <= ucb) {
memcpy(lpbThis, (LPCTSTR) csLine,
sizeof(TCHAR) * csLine.GetLength());
ucb -= sizeof(TCHAR) * csLine.GetLength();
lpstr += csLine.GetLength();
// If this point is reached, the current line will not fit in the REC's
// buffer so first copy the line into the temp buffer. Then copy the
// portion of the line that will fit into the REC's buffer. Last,
// update the buffers, pointers, and counters.
m_cbaBuffer.SetSize(sizeof(TCHAR) * csLine.GetLength());
memcpy(m_cbaBuffer.GetData(), (LPCTSTR) csLine,
sizeof(TCHAR) * csLine.GetLength());
memcpy(lpbThis, m_cbaBuffer.GetData(), ucb);
m_cbaBuffer.RemoveAt(0, ucb);
ucb = 0;
// Save the number of bytes load and return 0 to indicate success.
*plcb = lcb - ucb;
return 0;
CModelData::UpdateFrom(LPBYTE lpb, LONG lcb, LONG* plcb)
This is a private member- an overload which adds the contents of the given
buffer to the GPD CStringArray, by parsing it into strings. A private buffer
member is used to hold partial strings between calls.
DWORD CModelData::UpdateFrom(LPBYTE lpb, LONG lcb, LONG* plcb) {
// Copy the buffer to a byte buffer and null-terminate
m_cbaBuffer.SetSize(1 + lcb);
memcpy(m_cbaBuffer.GetData(), lpb, lcb);
m_cbaBuffer.SetAt(-1 + m_cbaBuffer.GetSize(), 0);
// Convert to string and append to any buffered data.
CString csWork(m_cbaBuffer.GetData());
CString csEnd(_T("\r\x1A")); // These get dumped
m_csBuffer += csWork;
// Add any complete strings to the GPD contents.
csWork = m_csBuffer.SpanExcluding(_T("\n"));
while (csWork.GetLength() != m_csBuffer.GetLength()) {
m_csBuffer = m_csBuffer.Mid(csWork.GetLength() + 1);
// Remove any trailing whitespace.
// Add the string sans any leading control characters
// While we're here, remove any leading control characters from buffer
m_csBuffer =
csWork = m_csBuffer.SpanExcluding(_T("\n"));
// The leftover data (if any) may be used later...
*plcb = lcb;
return 0;
This method identifies the line numbers for each warning comment, error
comment, and any other sort of comment, so they can later be syntax colored.
Constructs an empty CModelData object- includes building the Menu table
CModelData::CModelData() {
m_pcmdt = NULL;
// Build the context menu control
// Initialize the variables needed for workspace completeness and tidiness
// checking.
m_bTCUpdateNeeded = false ;
m_pnUFMRCIDs = m_pnStringRCIDs = NULL ;
m_nNumUFMsInGPD = m_nNumStringsInGPD = 0 ;
m_pvRawData = NULL ;
Free, unload, and delete the data used for completeness and tidiness checks.
extern "C" void UnloadRawBinaryData(PVOID pRawData) ;
// If the GPD has been parsed...
if (m_pvRawData) {
// Free the parsed data
UnloadRawBinaryData(m_pvRawData) ;
// Delete the parsed data file
try {
CString cs ;
cs = FilePath() + FileTitle() + _T(".BUD") ;
DeleteFile(cs) ;
catch (CException *pce) {
// Delete each of the resource lists that exist
if (m_pnUFMRCIDs)
delete m_pnUFMRCIDs ;
if (m_pnStringRCIDs)
delete m_pnStringRCIDs ;
} ;
CModelData::Load(CStdioFile csiofGPD)
This overload loads the GPD from a text file directly.
BOOL CModelData::Load(CStdioFile& csiofGPD)
CString csWork; // Used to read the GPD file's contents
// Initialize the string array used to hold the GPD file's contents
// Load the GPD into the string array one line at a time.
while (csiofGPD.ReadString(csWork)) {
csWork.TrimRight(); // Cut off the trailing line stuff
// Set the correct name and path when necessary. The rename checks may
// fail since the file is opened elsewhere (possibly with sharing
// conflicts), so disable them while the name is set.
if (FileTitle().IsEmpty()) {
// All went well so...
return TRUE;
This overload loads the GPD file from the disk using the stored name and path
BOOL CModelData::Load()
// There is nothing to load if no file has been associated with this
// instance of CModelData.
if (FileTitle().IsEmpty())
return FALSE;
// Open the GPD file and call another load routine to finish the work.
try {
CStdioFile csiofGPD(FileName(),
CFile::modeRead | CFile::shareDenyWrite);
return Load(csiofGPD);
catch (CException *pce) {
pce -> ReportError();
pce -> Delete();
return FALSE;
This method sends the GPD file to the disk. Since GPD infromation can be
easily edited with an external editor, this avoids replication and
consistency issues.
BOOL CModelData::Store(LPCTSTR lpstrPath) {
int n = (int)m_csaGPD.GetSize() ;
CString cs = m_csaGPD[0] ;
// Write the GPD file to the target location, with the traditional CR/LF
// separators. If the given name is NULL, use the stored one.
try {
CStdioFile csiofGPD(lpstrPath ? lpstrPath :
FileName(), CFile::modeCreate | CFile::modeWrite |
CFile::shareExclusive | CFile::typeBinary);
for (int i = 0; i < m_csaGPD.GetSize(); i++)
csiofGPD.WriteString(m_csaGPD[i] + _T("\r\n"));
catch (CException *pce) {
pce -> ReportError();
pce -> Delete();
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
Backup the original contents of the GPD to file called "BKUP_GPD" before
calling Store() to save the file.
Return TRUE if the backup and storing succeed. Otherwise, return FALSE.
BOOL CModelData::BkupStore()
// Build the backup file's filespec
CString csbkfspec = m_cfn.Path() ;
if (csbkfspec[csbkfspec.GetLength() - 1] != _T('\\'))
csbkfspec += _T("\\") ;
csbkfspec += _T("BKUP_GPD") ;
// raid 9730 : bug caused by "Read-Only"
CFileStatus rStatus;
CFile::GetStatus(FileName(), rStatus);
// Back up the file.
try {
if (rStatus.m_attribute & 0x01 || !CopyFile(FileName(), csbkfspec, FALSE)) {//end raid
csbkfspec.Format(IDS_GPDBackupFailed, FileTitleExt()) ;
if (AfxMessageBox(csbkfspec, MB_YESNO + MB_ICONQUESTION) == IDNO)
return FALSE ;
} ;
catch (CException *pce) {
pce->ReportError() ;
pce->Delete() ;
return FALSE ;
} ;
// Now do a normal store operation.
return (Store()) ;
Copy the file "BKUP_GPD" to the GPD file to restore the GPD's original
contents. If the restore operation is successful, delete the backup file.
Return nonzero if this succeeds. Otherwise, return FALSE.
BOOL CModelData::Restore()
// Build the backup file's filespec
CString csbkfspec = m_cfn.Path() ;
if (csbkfspec[csbkfspec.GetLength() - 1] != _T('\\'))
csbkfspec += _T("\\") ;
csbkfspec += _T("BKUP_GPD") ;
// Restore the file.
try {
if (CopyFile(csbkfspec, FileName(), FALSE)) {
DeleteFile(csbkfspec) ;
return TRUE ;
} else
return FALSE ;
catch (CException *pce) {
pce->ReportError() ;
pce->Delete() ;
return FALSE ;
} ;
This method is responsible for parsing the GPD file and collecting the
resulting errors.
The initial implementation will be a bit bizarre, because the GPD parser
isn't stable, and converting it so it would work well for ma and then staying
on top of the changes just doesn't make sense.
extern "C" BOOL BcreateGPDbinary(LPCWSTR lpstrFile, DWORD dwVerbosity);
// The parser hook
extern "C" PVOID LoadRawBinaryData(LPCWSTR lpstrFile) ;
extern "C" PVOID InitBinaryData(PVOID pv, PVOID pv2, PVOID pv3) ;
extern "C" void FreeBinaryData(PVOID pInfoHdr);
extern "C" void UseLog(FILE *pfLog);
//extern "C" DWORD gdwVerbosity ;
BOOL CModelData::Parse(int nerrorlevel)
// Step 0: Set the error level. This is 0 by default.
// Step 1: Establish the correct directory for the parser, and
// bang together a couple of file names
CString csCurrent ;
GetCurrentDirectory(MAX_PATH + 1, csCurrent.GetBuffer(MAX_PATH + 1));
// Step 2: Fake out the error logging interface so it actually tosses
// them all into a CString Array for us, the invoke the parser.
// Step 3: Convert the file name to Unicode so we don't have to tweak the
// parser code.
CString csFile = FileTitle() + _T(".GPD");
CByteArray cbaIn;
CWordArray cwaOut;
cbaIn.SetSize(csFile.GetLength() + 1);
lstrcpy((LPSTR) cbaIn.GetData(), csFile);
CCodePageInformation ccpi;
ccpi.Convert(cbaIn, cwaOut, GetACP());
if (BcreateGPDbinary((PWSTR)cwaOut.GetData(), nerrorlevel)) {
PVOID pRawData ;
PVOID pInfoHdr ;
pRawData = LoadRawBinaryData((PWSTR)cwaOut.GetData());
pInfoHdr = InitBinaryData(pRawData, NULL, NULL);
if (pRawData && pInfoHdr)
if (pRawData)
UnloadRawBinaryData(pRawData) ;
DeleteFile(FileTitle() + _T(".Bud"));
// Finally, clean up the mess by restoring the original working
// directory and turn off logging.
EndLog() ;
return TRUE;
This removes the given error from the log.
void CModelData::RemoveError(unsigned u) {
if (u >= Errors())
CModelData::Fill(CRichEditCtrl& crec)
This overload fills the gven rich edit control with the GPD contents, either
as currently cached in memory, or stored on the disk.
void CModelData::Fill(CRichEditCtrl& crec)
// Prepare to load the rich edit control (REC) with the GPD data
EDITSTREAM es = {(DWORD_PTR) this, 0, FillViewer};
m_iLine = 0;
// If the GPD is not in memory yet, read it in before loading the REC.
if (!m_csaGPD.GetSize())
// Load the GPD into the REC.
crec.StreamIn(SF_TEXT, es);
CModelData::UpdateFrom(CRichEditCtrl& crec)
This overloaded member function discards the current GPD cache and refills
it from the given edit control.
void CModelData::UpdateFrom(CRichEditCtrl& crec) {
EDITSTREAM es = {(DWORD_PTR) this, 0, FromViewer};
m_csBuffer.Empty(); // Just in case...
crec.StreamOut(SF_TEXT, es);
This member function launches an editing view for the GPD Data.
CMDIChildWnd* CModelData::CreateEditor()
// Create a new document class instance for the new editor
CGPDContainer* pcgpdcMe=
new CGPDContainer(this, FileName());
// Read in the GPD
// Make up a cool title
pcgpdcMe -> SetTitle(m_pcbnWorkspace -> Name() + _T(": ") + Name());
// Build a frame for the editor and attach the doc class to it
CMDIChildWnd *pcmcwNew = (CMDIChildWnd *) m_pcmdt ->
CreateNewFrame(pcgpdcMe, NULL);
// Update the new frame/view
if (pcmcwNew) {
m_pcmdt -> InitialUpdateFrame(pcmcwNew, pcgpdcMe, TRUE);
m_pcmdt -> AddDocument(pcgpdcMe);
// Return the new frame pointer
return pcmcwNew;
This method walks one step up the tree and passes the call to the import
method for the fixed node which owns us.
void CModelData::Import() {
((CBasicNode *) m_pctcOwner ->
GetItemData(m_pctcOwner -> GetParentItem(m_hti))) -> Import();
Stores the image, as we need it stored.
void CModelData::Serialize(CArchive& car) {
//TRACE("\n%s has %d strings:\n", Name(), m_csaConvertLog.GetSize()) ;
//for (int n = 0 ; n < m_csaConvertLog.GetSize() ; n++)
// TRACE(" %d: %s\n", n, m_csaConvertLog[n]) ;
This routine will make sure that the specified resource ID list is up to
date. There are several steps that must be taken to accomplish this goal:
1. Free/invalidate old resource lists and related information if the GPD
has changed.
2. Parse the GPD and load its data if this is needed.
3. If step 2 is taken or the requested resource list is unitialized, get
that data.
//#define RESLISTSIZE 16 // Initial resource list size
// Declarations for the GPD Parser routine that will get resource ID lists.
extern "C" BOOL GetGPDResourceIDs(LPINT lpiresarray, int numelts, LPINT lpicount,
BOOL brestype, PVOID prawdata) ;
bool CModelData::UpdateResIDs(bool bufmids)
//TRACE("gdwVerbosity = %d\n", gdwVerbosity) ;
// If the GPD has changed so the resource data needs to be updated...
if (m_bTCUpdateNeeded) {
if (m_pvRawData) { // Free the old preparsed data if there is any
UnloadRawBinaryData(m_pvRawData) ;
m_pvRawData = NULL ;
} ;
if (m_pnUFMRCIDs) { // Free the old UFM RC ID list if there is one
delete m_pnUFMRCIDs ;
m_nNumUFMsInGPD = 0 ;
} ;
if (m_pnStringRCIDs) { // Free the old string RC ID list if there is one
delete m_pnStringRCIDs ;
m_pnStringRCIDs = NULL ;
m_nNumStringsInGPD = 0 ;
} ;
m_bTCUpdateNeeded = false ;
} ;
// Parse and load the GPD data if this is needed. If either of these steps
// fail, return false because the resource list cannot be updated.
if (!m_pvRawData) {
try {
WCHAR wstrfilename[MAX_PATH] ;
CString cs ;
cs = FileName() ;
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, FileName(), -1, wstrfilename, MAX_PATH) ;
//gdwVerbosity = 4 ;
if (!BcreateGPDbinary(wstrfilename, 0))
return false ;
if ((m_pvRawData = LoadRawBinaryData(wstrfilename)) == NULL)
return false ;
catch (CException *pce) {
pce->ReportError() ;
pce->Delete() ;
return false ;
} ;
// If the requested resource list is already up to date, just return true.
if ((bufmids && m_pnUFMRCIDs) || (!bufmids && m_pnStringRCIDs))
return true ;
// Allocate space for the resource list
int* pn = NULL ;
int ncnt = -1 ;
//pn = new int[RESLISTSIZE + 2] ;
// Try to get the requested resource ID list. If this fails because the
// array used to hold the IDs isn't big enough, reallocate the array and
// try to get the IDs again. If this fails again, generate a hard error.
GetGPDResourceIDs(pn, 0, &ncnt, bufmids, m_pvRawData) ;
pn = new int[ncnt + 2] ;
VERIFY(GetGPDResourceIDs(pn, ncnt, &ncnt, bufmids, m_pvRawData)) ;
//if (GetGPDResourceIDs(pn, RESLISTSIZE, &ncnt, bufmids, m_pvRawData)) {
// delete pn ;
// pn = new int[ncnt + 2] ;
// VERIFY(!GetGPDResourceIDs(pn, ncnt, &ncnt, bufmids, m_pvRawData)) ;
//} ;
// Update the specific resource ID variables based with the info collected
// above.
if (bufmids) {
m_pnUFMRCIDs = pn ;
m_nNumUFMsInGPD = ncnt ;
} else {
m_pnStringRCIDs = pn ;
m_nNumStringsInGPD = ncnt ;
} ;
// All went well so...
return true ;
//RAID 17897
Get the value of keyword in Gpd file,
Arguments :
csFileName ; file path of gpd file
csKeyword : section name such as *GpdFileVersion: , *ModleName:
Return :
Success : return section value (string)
Failue : return csFileName : file path as it come
CString CModelData::GetKeywordValue(CString csfile, CString csKeyword)
CFile cf;
CString csModel,csline;
int offset;
CStringArray csaData;
if(!LoadFile(csfile,csaData)){ // call global function in minidev.h(which is include for this fucntion)
CString csErr;
csErr.Format(IDS_InvalidFilename, csfile);
return csfile;
for(int i=0; i<csaData.GetSize();i++){
csline = csaData[i];
if(-1 ==(offset=csline.Find(csKeyword)))
csModel = csline.Mid(offset+csKeyword.GetLength());
return csModel.Mid(csModel.Find(_T('"'))+1,csModel.ReverseFind(_T('"'))
+ - csModel.Find(_T('"')) - 1 ); // cancel : "
return csfile;
Set the keyword value
csfile ; target file gpd file name
csKeyword : target keyword ex) *GPDFilename
csValue : value of keyworkd ex)*GPDFilename= g;\nt\dirver\mm.gpd
void CModelData::SetKeywordValue(CString csfile, CString csKeyword, CString csValue,bool bSource)
CFile cf;
int offset;
CString csline;
CStringArray csaData;
CString csErr;
csErr.Format(IDS_InvalidFilename, csfile);
for(int i=0; i<csaData.GetSize();i++){
csline = csaData[i];
if(-1 ==(offset=csline.Find(csKeyword)))
if(bSource )
csline = csKeyword + _T("=") + csValue ;
csline = csKeyword +_T(": ")+ _T('"') + csValue + _T('"');
csaData[i]= csline;
return ;
CGPDContainer class implementation
This class is a document class which contains one GPD file and its assorted
control mechanisms
// This version of the constructor is called when the GPD Editor is started
// from the Workspace View.
CGPDContainer::CGPDContainer(CModelData *pcmd, CString csPath)
m_bEmbedded = TRUE ; // Called from Workspace View
m_pcmd = pcmd;
SetPathName(csPath, FALSE);
m_pcmd -> NoteOwner(*this);
// This version of the constructor is called when the GPD Editor is started
// from the File Open command.
m_bEmbedded = FALSE; // Called from File Open menu
m_pcmd = new CModelData;
m_pcmd -> NoteOwner(*this);
We just pass it back to the default handler. Could mean this one can be
BOOL CGPDContainer::OnNewDocument() {
return CDocument::OnNewDocument();
If this wasn't created from the workspace, then zap the data!
CGPDContainer::~CGPDContainer() {
if (!m_bEmbedded && m_pcmd)
delete m_pcmd;
// NOTE - the ClassWizard will add and remove mapping macros here.
// CGPDContainer diagnostics
#ifdef _DEBUG
void CGPDContainer::AssertValid() const {
void CGPDContainer::Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const {
#endif //_DEBUG
// CGPDContainer serialization
void CGPDContainer::Serialize(CArchive& ar) {
if (ar.IsStoring()) {
// TODO: add storing code here
else {
// TODO: add loading code here
// CGPDContainer commands
First, make sure that the document is up to date. See CGPDViewer::OnUpdate()
for more information. Then, we bypass the normal serialization process, and
simple blast it to the drive.
BOOL CGPDContainer::OnSaveDocument(LPCTSTR lpszPathName)
UpdateAllViews(NULL, 0x4545, (CObject*) 0x4545) ;
return ModelData()->Store(lpszPathName) ;
Again, blow off serialization- if I haven't figured out how to read a text
file by now, I'm definitely in the wrong place.
BOOL CGPDContainer::OnOpenDocument(LPCTSTR lpszPathName) {
try {
CStdioFile csiofGPD(lpszPathName, CFile::modeRead |
CFile::shareDenyWrite | CFile::typeText);
return ModelData() -> Load(csiofGPD);
catch (CException *pce) {
pce -> ReportError();
pce -> Delete();
return FALSE;