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Header File: Model Data.H
This defines a C++ class that manipulates (or at lest initially, understands)
the GPC data file used in earlier versions of the Mini-Driver technology.
Copyright (c) 1997 by Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Resreved.
A Pretty Penny Enterprises Production
Change History:
02-19-97 [email protected] Created it
class CStringTable ;
class COldMiniDriverData { // comdd
CWordArray m_cwaidModel; // Model names of the printers
CWordArray m_cwaidCTT; // Default CTTs for each model
CByteArray m_cbaImage; // Image of the GPC file
CSafeObArray m_csoaFonts; // Font list per model as CWordArrays
CUIntArray m_cuaSplitCodes;// Contains multiple GPC codes. See
// SplitMultiGPCs() and SplitCodes.
CStringArray m_csaSplitNames; // Correct model names for split GPC entries
COldMiniDriverData() {}
~COldMiniDriverData() ;
BOOL Load(CFile& cfImage);
// Attributes
unsigned ModelCount() { return (unsigned) m_cwaidModel.GetSize(); }
WORD ModelName(unsigned u) const { return m_cwaidModel[u]; }
WORD DefaultCTT(unsigned u) const { return m_cwaidCTT[u]; }
CMapWordToDWord& FontMap(unsigned u) const;
PCSTR Image() const { return (PCSTR) m_cbaImage.GetData(); }
// The following codes are used to indicate if a GPC manages multiple
// printer models so its "name" must split into individual model names
// and its data copied into multiple GPCs.
enum SplitCodes {
NoSplit, // GPC represents one model so no splitting occurs
FirstSplit, // First model of a multiple model GPC
OtherSplit // One of the other models of a multiple model GPC
} ;
// Get, set or insert a model's split code
SplitCodes GetSplitCode(unsigned u) {
return ((SplitCodes) m_cuaSplitCodes[u]) ;
void SetSplitCode(unsigned u, SplitCodes sc) {
m_cuaSplitCodes[u] = (unsigned) sc ;
void InsertSplitCode(unsigned u, SplitCodes sc) {
m_cuaSplitCodes.InsertAt(u, (unsigned) sc) ;
// Get a split entry's correct model name
CString& SplitModelName(unsigned u) { return m_csaSplitNames[u] ; }
// Operations
void NoteTranslation(unsigned uModel, unsigned uFont,
unsigned uNewFont);
bool SplitMultiGPCs(CStringTable& cstdriversstrings) ;
CModelData class
This class handles the model data in GPD format.
class CModelData : public CProjectNode {
CStringArray m_csaGPD, m_csaConvertLog; // GPD and error log
// Private syntax checking support
void SetLog();
void EndLog();
// Private view support
CByteArray m_cbaBuffer; // Stream I/O buffer
CString m_csBuffer; // Stream I/O buffer (partial lines)
int m_iLine; // Currently GPD line number to load/store
static DWORD CALLBACK FillViewer(DWORD_PTR dwCookie, LPBYTE lpBuff, LONG lcb,
LONG *plcb);
static DWORD CALLBACK FromViewer(DWORD_PTR dwCookie, LPBYTE lpBuff, LONG lcb,
LONG *plcb);
DWORD Fill(LPBYTE lpBuff, LONG lcb, LONG *plcb);
DWORD UpdateFrom(LPBYTE lpBuff, LONG lcb, LONG *plcb);
// Workspace completeness and tidiness checking related variables
bool m_bTCUpdateNeeded ; // True iff IDs need to be updated
int* m_pnUFMRCIDs ; // Ptr to UFM RC IDs in the GPD
int m_nNumUFMsInGPD ; // Number if UFMs in the GPD
int* m_pnStringRCIDs ; // Ptr to string RC IDs in the GPD
int m_nNumStringsInGPD ;// Number if strings in the GPD
PVOID m_pvRawData ; // Ptr to GPD Parser data
void SetKeywordValue(CString csfile, CString csKeyword, CString csValue,bool bSource = false);
CString GetKeywordValue(CString csfile, CString csKeyword);
// Attributes
BOOL HasErrors() const { return !!m_csaConvertLog.GetSize(); }
unsigned Errors() const {
return (unsigned) m_csaConvertLog.GetSize();
const CString Error(unsigned u) const { return m_csaConvertLog[u]; }
const int LineCount() const { return (int)m_csaGPD.GetSize(); }
// Operations - Document support
BOOL Load(PCSTR pcstr, CString csResource, unsigned uidModel,
CMapWordToDWord& cmw2dFontMap, WORD wfGPDConvert);
BOOL Load(CStdioFile& csiofGPD);
BOOL Load();
BOOL Store(LPCTSTR lpstrPath = NULL);
BOOL BkupStore();
BOOL Restore();
void UpdateEditor() {
if (m_pcmcwEdit)
m_pcmcwEdit -> GetActiveDocument() -> UpdateAllViews(NULL);
// Operations- syntax and error checking support
BOOL Parse(int nerrorlevel = 0);
void RemoveError(unsigned u);
// View support- it's easier done from here
void Fill(CRichEditCtrl& crec);
void UpdateFrom(CRichEditCtrl& crec);
// Framework support operations
virtual CMDIChildWnd* CreateEditor();
virtual void Import();
virtual void Serialize(CArchive& car);
// Workspace completeness checking support routines
bool UpdateResIDs(bool bufmids) ;
int GetUFMRCID(unsigned urcidx) { return *(m_pnUFMRCIDs + urcidx) ; }
int GetStringRCID(unsigned urcidx) { return *(m_pnStringRCIDs + urcidx) ; }
unsigned NumUFMsInGPD() { return m_nNumUFMsInGPD ; }
unsigned NumStringsInGPD() { return m_nNumStringsInGPD ; }
CGPDContainer class
This class, derived from CDocument, contains the contents of a single GPD
file in a conatiner suitable for the MFC document/view architecture.
class CGPDContainer : public CDocument {
// TRUE iff the GPD Editor was started from the Workspace View. FALSE if
// the GPD Editor was started from the File Open command.
BOOL m_bEmbedded;
CModelData *m_pcmd;
CGPDContainer(); // protected constructor used by dynamic creation
// Attributes
CModelData* ModelData() { return m_pcmd; }
BOOL GetEmbedded() { return m_bEmbedded ; }
// Operations
// First a constructor for the Driver viewer to use to launch a GPD
// editor...
CGPDContainer(CModelData *pcmd, CString csPath);
void OnFileSave() { CDocument::OnFileSave(); }
void OnFileSaveAs() { CDocument::OnFileSaveAs(); }
// Overrides
// ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides
virtual void Serialize(CArchive& ar); // overridden for document i/o
virtual BOOL OnSaveDocument(LPCTSTR lpszPathName);
virtual BOOL OnOpenDocument(LPCTSTR lpszPathName);
virtual BOOL OnNewDocument();
// Implementation
virtual ~CGPDContainer();
#ifdef _DEBUG
virtual void AssertValid() const;
virtual void Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const;
// Generated message map functions
// NOTE - the ClassWizard will add and remove member functions here.