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Header File: Project Record.H
This defines the CProjectRecord class, which tracks and controls the progress
and content of a single project workspace in the studio.
Copyright (c) 1997 by Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
A Pretty Penny Enterprises Production.
Change History:
02-03-1997 [email protected] Created it
#if !defined(AFX_PROJREC_H__50303D0C_EKE1_11D2_AB62_00C04FA30E4A__INCLUDED_)
#define AFX_PROJREC_H__50303D0C_EKE1_11D2_AB62_00C04FA30E4A__INCLUDED_
#if defined(LONG_NAMES)
#include "Driver Resources.H"
#include "RCFile.H"
// MDT Workspace Versioning
// The MDT uses MFC's Serialization support to save and restore the state of a
// driver's workspace. This data is saved in an MDW file. The Serialization
// support is supposed to include versioning but it doesn't seem to be working
// so I have implemented my own versioning support for workspace files.
// A version stamp in the form of the following structure
// (plus related definitions) will be added to the beginning of each MDW file.
// The CProjectRecord::Serialize() will read and write the version stamp. The
// version info is saved in a member variable (m_mvMDWVersion) and the number
// is accessible via GetMDWVersion(). A version number of 0 is put into
// m_nMDWVersion if the an old MDW with no version is read. In this case, the
// workspace is marked as being dirty so that it can be updated later.
// The current version number is set by the value for MDW_CURRENT_VERSION.
// Version numbers are unsigned integers. Each time the version number is
// changed, an entry should be made in the following table describing the
// reason for the change.
// Version Date Description
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 0 02/01/98 Contains no version info. Should be the MDW
// version that has UFM and GTT RC IDs in it.
// 1 04/21/98 String table RC IDs were added to the MDW files.
// 2 10/08/98 Default code page number added to the MDW files.
// 3 09/15/98 RC file timestamp was added to the MDW file.
// 4 12/14/98 Resource DLL name changed from xxxxxRES.DLL to
// xxxxxxxx.DLL.
// 5 03/02/99 Driver file paths removed from the MDW file.
// 6 08/16/99 Changed the root of the driver files' subtree from
// NT5 to W2K so that the directory name matches the
// OS name.
// The version information below is used to determine what is in an MDW file
// and when to upgrade that file and other parts of a driver's workspace; most
// notably the RC file. Upgrade determination and work (or at least the code
// that manages the upgrading) are in CProjectRecord::OnOpenDocument(). See
// that member function for more information.
// Definitions for the current MDW version, each MDW version that has been
// used, the first upgradable version, and the default MDW version.
#define MDW_CURRENT_VERSION 7 // See table above for more info
#define MDW_VER_YES_FILE_PATHS 7 // Give .mdw file saving place flexibility. //raid 123448
#define MDW_VER_FILES_IN_W2K_TREE 6 // Driver files in W2K tree
#define MDW_VER_NO_FILE_PATHS 5 // Removed file paths from MDW file
#define MDW_VER_NEW_DLLNAME 4 // Ver # when resource DLL name changed
#define MDW_VER_RC_TIMESTAMP 3 // Ver # when RC file timestamp added
#define MDW_VER_DEFAULT_CPAGE 2 // Ver # when default code page added
#define MDW_VER_STRING_RCIDS 1 // Ver # when string IDs added
#define MDW_FIRST_UPGRADABLE_VER 1 // All vers >= to this can be upgraded
#define MDW_DEFAULT_VERSION 0 // Ver # when no ver info in MDW file
#define VERTAGLEN 12 // Length of the version tag
#define VERTAGSTR "EKE MDW VER" // Version tag string
typedef struct mdwversioninfo {
char acvertag[VERTAGLEN] ; // Used to identify version stamp
unsigned uvernum ; // Version number
enum {Win95 = 1, WinNT3x, WinNT40 = 4, Win2000 = 8, NotW2000 = 16};
class CProjectRecord : public CDocument {
CString m_csSourceRCFile, m_csRCName;
CString m_csW2000Path, m_csNT40Path, m_csNT3xPath, m_csWin95Path;
CString m_csProjFSpec ; // Location of project file.
// True iff the RC file should be rewritten whenever the project workspace
// file is saved.
BOOL m_bRCModifiedFlag ;
UINT m_ufTargets;
CDriverResources m_cdr; // A record of the RC file contents
// Enumerated flags for the project's status
enum {UniToolRun = 1, ConversionsDone = 2, NTGPCDone = 4};
UINT m_ufStatus;
MDWVERSION m_mvMDWVersion ; // MDW version information
virtual BOOL OnSaveDocument( LPCTSTR lpszPathName ) ;
// Last time RC file was changed by MDT.
CTime m_ctRCFileTimeStamp ;
// The next two variables are used to save the default code page number.
// Two variables are used because the Far East code pages are built into
// the MDT as resources so - in these cases - the Far East code pages'
// resource number (actually negative resource number) is needed too.
DWORD m_dwDefaultCodePage ; // Code page number / neg resource ID
DWORD m_dwDefaultCodePageNum ;// Code page number
protected: // create from serialization only
// Attributes
void SetRCModifiedFlag(BOOL bsetting) {m_bRCModifiedFlag = bsetting ; }
BOOL IsTargetEnabled(UINT ufTarget) const {
return m_ufTargets & ufTarget;
BOOL UniToolHasBeenRun() const { return m_ufStatus & UniToolRun; }
BOOL ConversionsComplete() const {
return m_ufStatus & ConversionsDone;
BOOL NTGPCCompleted() const { return m_ufStatus & NTGPCDone; }
CString SourceFile() const { return m_csSourceRCFile; }
CString DriverName() { return m_cdr.Name(); }
CString TargetPath(UINT ufTarget) const;
CString RCName(UINT ufTarget) const {
return TargetPath(ufTarget) + _TEXT("\\") + m_csRCName;
unsigned MapCount() const { return m_cdr.MapCount(); }
CGlyphMap& GlyphMap(unsigned u) { return m_cdr.GlyphTable(u); }
unsigned ModelCount() const { return m_cdr.Models(); }
CModelData& Model(unsigned u) { return m_cdr.Model(u); }
CString GetW2000Path() { return m_csW2000Path ; }
unsigned GetMDWVersion() { return m_mvMDWVersion.uvernum ; }
void SetMDWVersion(unsigned nver) { m_mvMDWVersion.uvernum = nver ; }
CStringTable* GetStrTable() { return m_cdr.GetStrTable() ; }
bool RCFileChanged() ;
bool GetRCFileTimeStamp(CTime& ct) ;
// See variable declarations for more info about these functions.
DWORD GetDefaultCodePage() { return m_dwDefaultCodePage ; }
DWORD GetDefaultCodePageNum() { return m_dwDefaultCodePageNum ; }
void SetDefaultCodePage(DWORD dwcp) { m_dwDefaultCodePage = dwcp ; }
void SetDefaultCodePageNum(DWORD dwcp) { m_dwDefaultCodePageNum = dwcp ; }
CString GetProjFSpec() { return m_csProjFSpec ; }
// Operations
void EnableTarget(UINT ufTarget, BOOL bOn = TRUE) {
UINT ufCurrent = m_ufTargets;
if (bOn)
m_ufTargets |= ufTarget;
m_ufTargets &= ~ufTarget;
if (ufCurrent == m_ufTargets)
if (ufTarget & (WinNT3x | WinNT40 | Win2000) ) { //raid 105917
m_ufStatus &=~(ConversionsDone | NTGPCDone);
void SetSourceRCFile(LPCTSTR lpstrSource);
BOOL LoadResources();
BOOL LoadFontData() { return m_cdr.LoadFontData(*this); }
// The next 3 functions support the GPD Selection feature in the Conversion
// Wizard.
BOOL GetGPDModelInfo(CStringArray* pcsamodels, CStringArray* pcsafiles) {
return m_cdr.GetGPDModelInfo(pcsamodels, pcsafiles) ;
int SaveVerGPDFNames(CStringArray& csafiles, bool bverifydata) {
return m_cdr.SaveVerGPDFNames(csafiles, bverifydata) ;
} ;
void GenerateGPDFileNames(CStringArray& csamodels, CStringArray& csafiles) {
m_cdr.GenerateGPDFileNames(csamodels, csafiles) ;
BOOL SetPath(UINT ufTarget, LPCTSTR lpstrNewPath);
BOOL BuildStructure(unsigned uVersion);
BOOL GenerateTargets(WORD wfGPDConvert);
void OldStuffDone() { m_ufStatus |= NTGPCDone; }
void Rename(LPCTSTR lpstrNewName) { m_cdr.Rename(lpstrNewName); }
void InitUI(CTreeCtrl *pctc) { m_cdr.Fill(pctc, *this); }
void GPDConversionCheck(BOOL bReportSuccess = FALSE);
// Conversion log file management routines
bool OpenConvLogFile(void) {
return m_cdr.OpenConvLogFile(m_csSourceRCFile) ;
void CloseConvLogFile(void) { m_cdr.CloseConvLogFile() ; }
CString GetConvLogFileName() const {return m_cdr.GetConvLogFileName() ; }
bool ThereAreConvErrors() {return m_cdr.ThereAreConvErrors() ; }
bool WorkspaceChecker(bool bclosing) {
return m_cdr.WorkspaceChecker(bclosing) ;
// Upgrade management routines.
bool UpdateRCFile() ;
bool UpdateDfltCodePage() ;
bool UpdateDrvSubtreeRootName() ;
// Overrides
// ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides
virtual BOOL OnNewDocument();
virtual void Serialize(CArchive& ar);
virtual BOOL OnOpenDocument(LPCTSTR lpszPathName);
virtual BOOL SaveModified();
// Implementation
CGlyphMap& GlyphTable(unsigned u) { return m_cdr.GlyphTable(u) ; } ;
BOOL CreateFromNew(CStringArray& csaUFMFiles,CStringArray& csaGTTFiles,CString& csGpdPath,CString& csModelName,CString& csResourceDll,CStringArray& csaRcid );
bool VerUpdateFilePaths(void);
virtual ~CProjectRecord();
#ifdef _DEBUG
virtual void AssertValid() const;
virtual void Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const;
// Generated message map functions
// NOTE - the ClassWizard will add and remove member functions here.
// DO NOT EDIT what you see in these blocks of generated code !
// CGetDefCodePage dialog
class CGetDefCodePage : public CDialog
// The next two variables are used to save the default code page number.
// Two variables are used because the Far East code pages are built into
// the MDT as resources so - in these cases - the Far East code pages'
// resource number (actually negative resource number) is needed too.
DWORD m_dwDefaultCodePage ; // Code page number / neg resource ID
DWORD m_dwDefaultCodePageNum ;// Code page number
// Construction
CGetDefCodePage(CWnd* pParent = NULL); // standard constructor
// Dialog Data
enum { IDD = IDD_UpgDefCPage };
CListBox m_clbCodePages;
// Overrides
// ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides
virtual void DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX); // DDX/DDV support
// Implementation
// See variable declarations for more info about these functions.
DWORD GetDefaultCodePage() { return m_dwDefaultCodePage ; }
DWORD GetDefaultCodePageNum() { return m_dwDefaultCodePageNum ; }
// Generated message map functions
virtual BOOL OnInitDialog();
virtual void OnOK();
#endif // !defined(AFX_PROJREC_H__50303D0C_EKE1_11D2_AB62_00C04FA30E4A__INCLUDED_)