Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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/*++ BUILD Version: 0001 // Increment this if a change has global effects
Copyright (c) 1991-1993 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This file contains the number and text of alert messages.
Ported LAN Manager 2.0
User Mode - Win32
This file is included by lmalert.h
Revision History:
22-July-1991 ritaw
Converted to NT style.
#ifndef _ALERTMSG_
#define _ALERTMSG_
// ALERT_BASE is the base of alert log codes.
#define ALERT_BASE 3000
// Entries between 3000-3050 are full. So, we created ALERT2_BASE
// for future expansion.
#define ALERT_Disk_Full (ALERT_BASE + 0)
* Drive %1 is nearly full. %2 bytes are available.
* Please warn users and delete unneeded files.
#define ALERT_ErrorLog (ALERT_BASE + 1)
* %1 errors were logged in the last %2 minutes.
* Please review the server's error log.
#define ALERT_NetIO (ALERT_BASE + 2)
* %1 network errors occurred in the last %2 minutes.
* Please review the server's error log. The server and/or
* network hardware may need service.
#define ALERT_Logon (ALERT_BASE + 3)
* There were %1 bad password attempts in the last %2 minutes.
* Please review the server's audit trail.
#define ALERT_Access (ALERT_BASE + 4)
* There were %1 access-denied errors in the last %2 minutes.
* Please review the server's audit trail.
#define ALERT_ErrorLogFull (ALERT_BASE + 6)
* The error log is full. No errors will be logged until
* the file is cleared or the limit is raised.
#define ALERT_ErrorLogFull_W (ALERT_BASE + 7)
* The error log is 80%% full.
#define ALERT_AuditLogFull (ALERT_BASE + 8)
* The audit log is full. No audit entries will be logged
* until the file is cleared or the limit is raised.
#define ALERT_AuditLogFull_W (ALERT_BASE + 9)
* The audit log is 80%% full.
#define ALERT_CloseBehindError (ALERT_BASE + 10)
* An error occurred closing file %1.
* Please check the file to make sure it is not corrupted.
#define ALERT_AdminClose (ALERT_BASE + 11)
* The administrator has closed %1.
#define ALERT_AccessShareSec (ALERT_BASE + 12)
* There were %1 access-denied errors in the last %2 minutes.
#define ALERT_PowerOut (ALERT_BASE + 20)
* A power failure was detected at %1. The server has been paused.
#define ALERT_PowerBack (ALERT_BASE + 21)
* Power has been restored at %1. The server is no longer paused.
#define ALERT_PowerShutdown (ALERT_BASE + 22)
* The UPS service is starting shut down at %1 due to low battery.
#define ALERT_CmdFileConfig (ALERT_BASE + 23)
* There is a problem with a configuration of user specified
* shut down command file. The UPS service started anyway.
#define ALERT_HotFix (ALERT_BASE + 25)
* A defective sector on drive %1 has been replaced (hotfixed).
* No data was lost. You should run CHKDSK soon to restore full
* performance and replenish the volume's spare sector pool.
* The hotfix occurred while processing a remote request.
#define ALERT_HardErr_Server (ALERT_BASE + 26)
* A disk error occurred on the HPFS volume in drive %1.
* The error occurred while processing a remote request.
#define ALERT_LocalSecFail1 (ALERT_BASE + 27)
* The user accounts database (NET.ACC) is corrupted. The local security
* system is replacing the corrupted NET.ACC with the backup
* made on %1 at %2.
* Any updates made to the database after this time are lost.
#define ALERT_LocalSecFail2 (ALERT_BASE + 28)
* The user accounts database (NET.ACC) is missing. The local
* security system is restoring the backup database
* made on %1 at %2.
* Any updates made to the database after this time are lost.
#define ALERT_LocalSecFail3 (ALERT_BASE + 29)
* Local security could not be started because the user accounts database
* (NET.ACC) was missing or corrupted, and no usable backup
* database was present.
#define ALERT_ReplCannotMasterDir (ALERT_BASE + 30)
*The server cannot export directory %1, to client %2.
* It is exported from another server.
#define ALERT_ReplUpdateError (ALERT_BASE + 31)
* The replication server could not update directory %2 from the source
* on %3 due to error %1.
#define ALERT_ReplLostMaster (ALERT_BASE + 32)
* Master %1 did not send an update notice for directory %2 at the expected
* time.
#define ALERT_AcctLimitExceeded (ALERT_BASE + 33)
* User %1 has exceeded account limitation %2 on server %3.
#define ALERT_NetlogonFailedPrimary (ALERT_BASE + 34)
* The primary domain controller for domain %1 failed.
#define ALERT_NetlogonAuthDCFail (ALERT_BASE + 35)
* Failed to authenticate with %2, a Windows NT or Windows 2000 Domain Controller for
* domain %1.
#define ALERT_ReplLogonFailed (ALERT_BASE + 36)
* The replicator attempted to log on at %2 as %1 and failed.
#define ALERT_Logon_Limit (ALERT_BASE + 37)
/* @I *LOGON HOURS %0 */
#define ALERT_ReplAccessDenied (ALERT_BASE + 38)
* Replicator could not access %2
* on %3 due to system error %1.
#define ALERT_ReplMaxFiles (ALERT_BASE + 39)
* Replicator limit for files in a directory has been exceeded.
#define ALERT_ReplMaxTreeDepth (ALERT_BASE + 40)
* Replicator limit for tree depth has been exceeded.
#define ALERT_ReplUserCurDir (ALERT_BASE + 41)
* The replicator cannot update directory %1. It has tree integrity
* and is the current directory for some process.
#define ALERT_ReplNetErr (ALERT_BASE + 42)
* Network error %1 occurred.
#define ALERT_ReplSysErr (ALERT_BASE + 45)
* System error %1 occurred.
#define ALERT_ReplUserLoged (ALERT_BASE + 46)
* Cannot log on. User is currently logged on and argument TRYUSER
* is set to NO.
#define ALERT_ReplBadImport (ALERT_BASE + 47)
* IMPORT path %1 cannot be found.
#define ALERT_ReplBadExport (ALERT_BASE + 48)
* EXPORT path %1 cannot be found.
#define ALERT_ReplDataChanged (ALERT_BASE + 49)
* Replicated data has changed in directory %1.
#define ALERT_ReplSignalFileErr (ALERT_BASE + 50)
* Replicator failed to update signal file in directory %2 due to
* %1 system error.
// IMPORTANT - (ALERT_BASE + 50) is equal to SERVICE_BASE.
// Do not add any errors beyond this point!!!
#define ALERT2_BASE 5500
#define ALERT_UpdateLogWarn (ALERT2_BASE + 0)
* The update log on %1 is over 80%% capacity. The primary
* domain controller %2 is not retrieving the updates.
#define ALERT_UpdateLogFull (ALERT2_BASE + 1)
* The update log on %1 is full, and no further updates
* can be added until the primary domain controller %2
* retrieves the updates.
#define ALERT_NetlogonTimeDifference (ALERT2_BASE + 2)
* The time difference with the primary domain controller %1
* exceeds the maximum allowed skew of %2 seconds.
#define ALERT_AccountLockout (ALERT2_BASE + 3)
* The account of user %1 has been locked out on %2
* due to %3 bad password attempts.
#define ALERT_ELF_LogFileNotOpened (ALERT2_BASE + 4)
* The %1 log file cannot be opened.
#define ALERT_ELF_LogFileCorrupt (ALERT2_BASE + 5)
* The %1 log file is corrupted and will be cleared.
#define ALERT_ELF_DefaultLogCorrupt (ALERT2_BASE + 6)
* The Application log file could not be opened. %1 will be used as the
* default log file.
#define ALERT_ELF_LogOverflow (ALERT2_BASE + 7)
* The %1 Log is full. If this is the first time you have seen this
* message, take the following steps:%n
* 1. Click Start, click Run, type "eventvwr", and then click OK.%n
* 2. Click %1, click the Action menu, click Clear All Events, and then click No.
* %n
* If this dialog reappears, contact your helpdesk or system administrator.
#define ALERT_NetlogonFullSync (ALERT2_BASE + 8)
* The security database full synchronization has been initiated by the server %1.
#define ALERT_SC_IsLastKnownGood (ALERT2_BASE + 9)
* Windows could not be started as configured.
* A previous working configuration was used instead.
#define ALERT_UnhandledException (ALERT2_BASE + 10)
* The exception 0x%1 occurred in the application %2 at location 0x%3.
#define ALERT_NetLogonMismatchSIDInMsg (ALERT2_BASE + 11)
* The servers %1 and %3 both claim to be an NT Domain Controller for
* the %2 domain. One of the servers should be removed from the
* domain because the servers have different security identifiers
* (SID).
#define ALERT_NetLogonDuplicatePDC (ALERT2_BASE + 12)
* The server %1 and %2 both claim to be the primary domain
* controller for the %3 domain. One of the servers should be
* demoted or removed from the domain.
#define ALERT_NetLogonUntrustedClient (ALERT2_BASE + 13)
* The computer %1 tried to connect to the server %2 using
* the trust relationship established by the %3 domain. However, the
* computer lost the correct security identifier (SID)
* when the domain was reconfigured. Reestablish the trust
* relationship.
#define ALERT_BugCheck (ALERT2_BASE + 14)
* The computer has rebooted from a bugcheck. The bugcheck was:
* %1.
* %2
* A full dump was not saved.
#define ALERT_BugCheckSaved (ALERT2_BASE + 15)
* The computer has rebooted from a bugcheck. The bugcheck was:
* %1.
* %2
* A dump was saved in: %3.
#define ALERT_NetLogonSidConflict (ALERT2_BASE + 16)
* The computer or domain %1 trusts domain %2. (This may be an indirect
* trust.) However, %1 and %2 have the same machine security identifier
* (SID). NT should be re-installed on either %1 or %2.
#define ALERT_NetLogonTrustNameBad (ALERT2_BASE + 17)
* The computer or domain %1 trusts domain %2. (This may be an indirect
* trust.) However, %2 is not a valid name for a trusted domain.
* The name of the trusted domain should be changed to a valid name.
#endif // ifdef _ALERTMSG_