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BugChecks and what to do about them:
Bugchecks with no descriptions are either checked builds
only or very rare. If you get one of these and a kernel
debugger is available do the following
!process 0 7
Please use following format for modifications in this file, it helps
the debugger to extract the description text from this file:
<BUGCODE> <value>
<ParamId1> - <text>
VALUES: - If parameter values are explained.
<paramId1-value> : <text>
<ParamId2> - <text>
<ParamId3> - <text>
<paramid4> - <text>
<paramId1-value> : <text>
<ParamId2> - <text>
VALUES: - If parameter values are explained.
<paramId2-value> : <text>
<ParamId3> - <text>
<paramid4> - <text>
DESCRIPTION - if more description text for bugcheck follows
This is a kernel internal error which can occur only on a checked build.
The most common reason to see such a bugcheck would occur when a
filesystem had a mismatched number of KeEnterCriticalRegion calls compared
to KeLeaveCriticalRegion calls. This check is made on exit from a system
1 - address of system function (system call)
2 - Thread->ApcStateIndex << 8 | Previous ApcStateIndex
3 - Thread->KernelApcDicable
4 - Previous KernelApcDisable
1 - memory referenced
2 - IRQL
3 - value 0 = read operation, 1 = write operation
4 - address which referenced memory
An attempt was made to access a pagable (or completely invalid) address at an
interrupt request level (IRQL) that is too high. This is usually
caused by drivers using improper addresses.
If a kernel debugger is available get the stack backtrace.
1 - Unexpected interrupt.
2 - Unknown floating point exception.
3 - The enabled and asserted status bits (see processor definition).
The pool is already corrupt at the time of the current request.
This may or may not be due to the caller.
The internal pool links must be walked to figure out a possible cause of
the problem, and then special pool applied to the suspect tags or the driver
verifier to a suspect driver.
1 -
3 : the pool freelist is corrupt.
Parameter 2 - the pool entry being checked.
Parameter 3 - the read back flink freelist value (should be the same as 2).
Parameter 4 - the read back blink freelist value (should be the same as 2).
5 : the adjacent pool block headers are corrupt.
Parameter 2 - One entry whose headers are not consistent.
Parameter 3 - (reserved)
Parameter 4 - Another entry whose headers are not consistent.
6 : the pool block header previous size is corrupt (too large).
Parameter 2 - One incorrectly calculated entry.
Parameter 3 - (reserved)
Parameter 4 - The bad entry that caused the miscalculation.
7 : the pool block header size is corrupt.
Parameter 2 - 0.
Parameter 3 - (reserved)
Parameter 4 - The bad pool entry.
8 : the pool block header size is corrupt.
Parameter 2 - 0.
Parameter 3 - (reserved)
Parameter 4 - The bad pool entry (should have nonzero size but doesn't).
9 : the pool block header size is corrupt (too large).
Parameter 2 - One incorrectly calculated entry.
Parameter 3 - (reserved)
Parameter 4 - The bad entry that caused the miscalculation.
0xA : a pool block header size is corrupt.
Parameter 2 - The pool entry we were looking for within the page.
Parameter 3 - (reserved)
Parameter 4 - The VA of the page that should have contained the pool entry.
1 - The subtype of the bugcheck:
0x1 : The fork clone block reference count is corrupt. Only occurs
on checked builds.
0x777 : The caller is unlocking a system cache address that is not
currently locked. (This address was either never mapped or
is being unlocked twice.)
0x778 : The system is using the very last system cache view address,
instead of preserving it.
0x780-781 : The PTEs mapping the argument system cache view have been
0x1000 : A caller of MmGetSystemAddressForMdl* tried to map a fully-
cached physical page as non-cached. This action would cause
a conflicting hardware translation buffer entry, and so it
was refused by the operating system. Since the caller
specified "bugcheck on failure" in the requesting MDL, the
system had no choice but to bugcheck in this instance.
0x1010 : The caller is unlocking a pageable section that is not
currently locked. (This section was either never locked or
is being unlocked twice.)
0x1234 : The caller is trying lock a nonexistent pageable section.
0x1235 : The caller is trying to protect an MDL with an invalid
0x3451 : The PTEs of an outswapped kernel thread stack are corrupt.
0x8888-8889 : Internal memory management structures are corrupt.
0x41283 : The working set index encoded in the PTE is corrupt.
0x41284 : A PTE or the working set list is corrupt.
0x41286 : The caller is trying to free an invalid pool address.
0x41785 : The working set list is corrupt.
0x61940 : A PDE has been unexpectedly invalidated.
Other : An unknown memory management error occurred.
# Any other values for parameter 1 must be individually examined.
1 - The exception code that was not handled
0x80000002: (STATUS_DATATYPE_MISALIGNMENT) An unaligned data reference was encountered.
The trap frame will supply additional information.
0x80000003: This means a hard coded breakpoint or assertion was hit, but this system was booted
/NODEBUG. This is not supposed to happen as developers should never have
hardcoded breakpoints in retail code, but ...
If this happens, make sure a debugger gets connected, and the
system is booted /DEBUG. This will let us see why this breakpoint is
2 - The address that the exception occurred at
3 - Parameter 0 of the exception
4 - Parameter 1 of the exception
This is a very common bugcheck. Usually the exception address pinpoints
the driver/function that caused the problem. Always note this address
as well as the link date of the driver/image that contains this address.
1 - The address of the APC found pending during exit.
2 - The thread's APC disable count
3 - The current IRQL
The key data item is the thread's APC disable count.
If this is non-zero, then this is the source of the problem.
The APC disable count is decremented each time a driver calls
KeEnterCriticalRegion, KeInitializeMutex, or FsRtlEnterFileSystem. The APC
disable count is incremented each time a driver calls KeLeaveCriticalRegion,
KeReleaseMutex, or FsRtlExitFileSystem. Since these calls should always be in
pairs, this value should be zero when a thread exits. A negative value
indicates that a driver has disabled APC calls without re-enabling them. A
positive value indicates that the reverse is true.
If you ever see this error, be very suspicious of all drivers installed on the
machine -- especially unusual or non-standard drivers. Third party file
system redirectors are especially suspicious since they do not generally
receive the heavy duty testing that NTFS, FAT, RDR, etc receive.
This current IRQL should also be 0. If it is not, that a driver's
cancelation routine can cause this bugcheck by returning at an elevated
IRQL. Always attempt to note what you were doing/closing at the
time of the crash, and note all of the installed drivers at the time of
the crash. This symptom is usually a severe bug in a third party
If you see FatExceptionFilter on the stack then the 2nd and 3rd
parameters are the exception record and context record. Do a .cxr
on the 3rd parameter and then kb to obtain a more informative stack
If you see NtfsExceptionFilter on the stack then the 2nd and 3rd
parameters are the exception record and context record. Do a .cxr
on the 3rd parameter and then kb to obtain a more informative stack
If you see CdExceptionFilter on the stack then the 2nd and 3rd
parameters are the exception record and context record. Do a .cxr
on the 3rd parameter and then kb to obtain a more informative stack
If you see RxExceptionFilter on the stack then the 2nd and 3rd parameters are the
exception record and context record. Do a .cxr on the 3rd parameter and then kb to
obtain a more informative stack trace.
The high 16 bits of the first parameter is the RDBSS bugcheck code, which is defined
as follows:
1 - Address of the IRP that was found to be inconsistent
An IRP was encountered that was in an inconsistent state; i.e., some field
or fields of the IRP were inconsistent w/the remaining state of the IRP.
An example would be an IRP that was being completed, but was still marked
as being queued to a driver's device queue. This bugcheck code is not
currently being used in the system, but exists for debugging purposes.
1 - Trap Frame
This error indicates that the kernel mode stack was overrun. This normally
occurs when a kernel-mode driver uses too much stack space. It can also
occur when serious data corruption occurs in the kernel.
This bugcheck is normally caused by a parity error in the system memory.
1 - Virtual address that caused the fault
2 - Physical address that caused the fault.
3 - Processor status register (PSR)
4 - Faulting instruction register (FIR)
This error can also be caused by a driver accessing a bad virtual
address whose backing physical address does not exist.
Attempt to set the stack pointer in the trap frame to a lower value than
the current stack pointer value. This would cause the kernel run with a
stack pointer pointing to stack which is no longer valid.
1 - New stack pointer
2 - Old stack pointer
3 - TrapFrame address
4 - 0
System init failed early on. A debugger is required to analyze this.
1 - NT status code that describes why the system initialization failed.
2 - (reserved)
See the comment for FAT_FILE_SYSTEM (0x23)
1 - Address of the IRP
A higher level driver has attempted to call a lower level driver through
the IoCallDriver() interface, but there are no more stack locations in the
packet, hence, the lower level driver would not be able to access its
parameters, as there are no parameters for it. This is a disasterous
situation, since the higher level driver "thinks" it has filled in the
parameters for the lower level driver (something it MUST do before it calls
it), but since there is no stack location for the latter driver, the former
has written off of the end of the packet. This means that some other memory
has probably been trashed at this point.
1 - Address of the device object
A device driver has attempted to delete one of its device objects from the
system but the reference count for that object was non-zero, meaning that
there are still outstanding references to the device. (The reference count
indicates the number of reasons why this device object cannot be deleted.)
This is a bug in the calling device driver.
The system has multiple processors, but they are asymmetric in relation
to one another. In order to be symmetric all processors must be of
the same type and level. For example, trying to mix a Pentium level
processor with an 80486 would cause this bugcheck.
1 - PTE Type (0 - system expansion, 1 nonpaged pool expansion)
2 - Requested size
3 - Total free system PTEs
4 - Total system PTEs
No System PTEs left. Usually caused by a driver not cleaning up
properly. If kernel debugger available get stack trace and
"!sysptes 3".
Set HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management\TrackPtes
to a DWORD 1 value and reboot. Then the system will save stack traces
so the guilty driver can be identified. There is no other way to find out
which driver is neglecting to clean up the I/Os.
A bugcheck DRIVER_USED_EXCESSIVE_PTES will then occur if the system runs out of
PTEs again and the offending driver's name will be printed.
A driver has called the IoBuildPartialMdl() function and passed it an MDL
to map part of a source MDL, but the target MDL is not large enough to map
the entire range of addresses requested. This is a driver bug. The source
and target MDLs, as well as the address range length to be mapped are the
arguments to the IoBuildPartialMdl() function, i.e.;
IN PMDL SourceMdl,
IN OUT PMDL TargetMdl,
IN PVOID VirtualAddress,
1 - size of the request that could not be satisfied
2 - number of pages used of nonpaged pool
3 - number of > PAGE_SIZE requests from nonpaged pool
4 - number of pages available
No component should ever ask for must-succeed pool as if there is none left,
the system crashes. Instead, components should ask for normal pool and
gracefully handle the scenario where the pool is temporarily empty. This
bugcheck definitely reveals a bug in the caller (use kb to identify the caller).
In addition, the fact that the pool is empty may be either a transient condition
or possibly a leak in another component (distinguish between the 2 cases by
following the directions below).
Type kb to show the calling stack.
Type !vm 1 to display total pool usage.
Then type !poolused 2 to display per-tag nonpaged pool usage.
Then type !poolused 4 to display per-tag paged pool usage.
The crash should be looked at by the tag owner that is consuming the most pool.
1 - Address of the IRP
A driver has requested that an IRP be completed (IoCompleteRequest()), but
the packet has already been completed. This is a tough bug to find because
the easiest case, a driver actually attempted to complete its own packet
twice, is generally not what happened. Rather, two separate drivers each
believe that they own the packet, and each attempts to complete it. The
first actually works, and the second fails. Tracking down which drivers
in the system actually did this is difficult, generally because the trails
of the first driver have been covered by the second. However, the driver
stack for the current request can be found by examining the DeviceObject
fields in each of the stack locations.
1 - Pointer to the IRP
2 - Cancel routine set by the driver.
This bugcheck indicates that an I/O Request Packet (IRP) that is to be
cancelled, has a cancel routine specified in it -- meaning that the packet
is in a state in which the packet can be cancelled -- however, the packet
no longer belongs to a driver, as it has entered I/O completion. This is
either a driver bug, or more than one driver is accessing the same packet,
which is not likely and much more difficult to find. The cancel routine
parameter will provide a clue as to which driver or stack is the culprit.
Returning to usermode from a system call at an IRQL > PASSIVE_LEVEL.
1 - Address of system function (system call routine)
2 - Current IRQL
3 - 0
4 - 0
If a hard error occurs during system booting before windows is up, and
the hard error is a real error, the system will blue screen crash.
Some common cases are:
x218 - This means a necessary registry hive file could not be
loaded. The obvious reason is if it is corrupt or missing.
In this case, either the Emergency Repair Disk or a
reinstall is required.
Some less obvious reasons are that the driver has corrupted
the registry data while loading into memory, or the memory
where the registry file was loaded is not actually memory.
x21a - This means that either winlogon, or csrss (windows) died
unexpectedly. The exit code tells more information. Usually
it is c0000005 meaning that an unhandled exception crashed
either of these processes.
x221 - This means that a driver is corrupt, or a system DLL was
detected to be corrupt.
Safeboot or boot an alternate OS (or reinstall)
and then make sure the on disk file that is listed as bad
matches the version on CD and replace if necessary. In some
cases, random corruption can mean that there is a hardware
problem in the I/O path to the file.
1 - Total number of dirty pages
2 - Number of dirty pages destined for the pagefile(s).
3 - Internal flags.
4 - Most recent modified write error status.
No free pages available to continue operations.
If kernel debugger available "!vm 3".
This bugcheck can occur for the following reasons:
1. A driver has blocked, deadlocking the modified or mapped
page writers. Examples of this include mutex deadlocks or
accesses to paged out memory in filesystem drivers, filter
drivers, etc. This indicates a driver bug.
If parameter 1 or 2 is large, then this is a possibility. Type
"!vm 3" in the kernel debugger.
2. The storage driver(s) are not processing requests. Examples
of this are stranded queues, non-responding drives, etc. This
indicates a driver bug.
If parameter 1 or 2 is large, then this is a possibility. Type
"!process 0 7" in the kernel debugger.
3. Not enough pool is available for the storage stack to write out
modified pages. This indicates a driver bug.
If parameter 3 is small, then this is a possibility. Type
"!vm" and "!poolused 2" in the kernel debugger.
4. A high priority realtime thread has starved the balance set
manager from trimming pages and/or starved the modified writer
from writing them out. This indicates a bug in the component
that created this thread.
This one is hard to determine, try "!ready"
5. All the processes have been trimmed to their minimums and all
modified pages written, but still no memory is available. The
freed memory must be stuck in transition pages with non-zero
reference counts - thus they cannot be put on the freelist.
A driver is neglecting to unlock the pages preventing the
reference counts from going to zero which would free the pages.
This may be due to transfers that never finish and the driver
never aborts or other driver bugs.
If parameter 4 is large, then this is a possibility. But it
is very hard to find the driver. Try "!process 0 1" and look
for any that have a lot of locked pages.
If the problem cannot be found, then try booting with /DEBUG and a kernel
debugger attached, so if it reproduces, a debug session can be initiated
to identify the cause.
1 -
1 : A list head was corrupt
2 - ListHead value which was corrupt
3 - number of pages available
4 - 0
2 : A list entry was corrupt
2 - entry in list being removed
3 - highest physical page number
4 - reference count of entry being removed
7 : A driver has unlocked a page more times than it locked it
2 - page frame number
3 - current share count
4 - 0
0x8F : The free or zeroed page listhead is corrupt
2 - new page
3 - old page
4 - 0
0x99 : A PTE or PFN is corrupt
2 - page frame number
3 - current page state
4 - 0
Typically caused by drivers passing bad memory descriptor lists (ie: calling
MmUnlockPages twice with the same list, etc). If a kernel debugger is
available get the stack trace.
1 - memory referenced.
2 - value 0 = read operation, 1 = write operation.
3 - If non-zero, the instruction address which referenced the bad memory
4 - (reserved)
Invalid system memory was referenced. This cannot be protected by try-except,
it must be protected by a Probe. Typically the address is just plain bad or it
is pointing at freed memory.
1 - (reserved)
2 - (reserved)
3 - depends on where Windows bugchecked, may be pointer to hive
4 - depends on where Windows bugchecked, may be return code of
HvCheckHive if the hive is corrupt.
Something has gone badly wrong with the registry. If a kernel debugger
is available, get a stack trace. It can also indicate that the registry got
an I/O error while trying to read one of its files, so it can be caused by
hardware problems or filesystem corruption.
It may occur due to a failure in a refresh operation, which is used only
in by the security system, and then only when resource limits are encountered.
The system was booted from a revived primary partition so
the hives say the mirror is ok, when in fact it is not.
The "real" image of the hives are on the shadow.
The user must boot from the shadow.
See the comment for FAT_FILE_SYSTEM (0x23)
386 - System failed because the processor is only a 386 or
compatible. The system requires a Pentium (or higher) compatible processor.
1 - (reserved)
2 - location selector
3 - NT status code
This means the registry couldn't allocate the pool needed to contain the
registry files. This should never happen, since it is early enough in
system initialization that there is always plenty of paged pool available.
Initialization of the I/O system failed for some reason. There is
very little information available. In general, setup really made
some bad decisions about the installation of the system, or the user has
reconfigured the system.
1 - Indicates the NT status code that caused the failure.
2 - (reserved)
1 - Indicates the NT status code that caused the failure.
The bugcheck code (SESSION1 - SESSION5) indicates the point during
initialization when the failure was detected.
1 - Indicates the NT status code that tripped Windows into thinking
that initialization failed.
The bugcheck code (SESSION1 - SESSION5) indicates the point during
initialization when the failure was detected.
1 - Indicates the NT status code that tripped Windows into thinking
that initialization failed.
The bugcheck code (SESSION1 - SESSION5) indicates the point during
initialization when the failure was detected.
1 - Indicates the NT status code that tripped Windows into thinking
that initialization failed.
The bugcheck code (SESSION1 - SESSION5) indicates the point during
initialization when the failure was detected.
1 - Indicates the NT status code that tripped Windows into thinking
that initialization failed.
The bugcheck code (SESSION1 - SESSION5) indicates the point during
initialization when the failure was detected.
Indicates that one of the core system hives cannot be linked in the
registry tree. The hive is valid, it was loaded OK. Examine the 2nd
bugcheck argument to see why the hive could not be linked in the
registry tree.
1 - 1
2 - Indicates the NT status code that tripped Windows into
thinking that it had failed to load the hive.
3 - Index of hive in hivelist
4 - Pointer to UNICODE_STRING containing filename of hive
This can be either SAM, SECURITY, SOFTWARE or DEFAULT. One common reason
for this to happen is if you are out of disk space on the system drive
(in which case param 2 is 0xC000017D - STATUS_NO_LOG_SPACE) or an attempt
to allocate pool has failed (in which case param 2 is 0xC000009A -
STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES). Other status codes must be individually
Can indicate that the SYSTEM hive loaded by the osloader/NTLDR
was corrupt. This is unlikely, since the osloader will check
a hive to make sure it isn't corrupt after loading it.
It can also indicate that some critical registry keys and values
are not present. (i.e. somebody used regedt32 to delete something
that they shouldn't have) Booting from LastKnownGood may fix
the problem, but if someone is persistent enough in mucking with
the registry they will need to reinstall or use the Emergency
Repair Disk.
1 - (reserved)
2 - (reserved)
3 - (reserved)
4 - usually the NT status code.
This will result if the SYSTEM hive file cannot be converted to a
mapped file. This usually happens if the system is out of pool and
we cannot reopen the hive.
1 - 1
2 - Indicates the NT status code that tripped Windows into
thinking that it had failed to convert the hive.
Normally you shouldn't see this as the conversion happens at early
during system initialization, so enough pool should be available.
1 - 0
2 - process address
3 - number of locked pages
4 - pointer to driver stacks (if enabled) or 0 if not.
Caused by a driver not cleaning up completely after an I/O. Set
HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management\TrackLockedPages
to a DWORD 1 value and reboot. Then the system will save stack traces
so the guilty driver can be identified. There is no other way to find out
which driver is neglecting to clean up the I/Os. When you enable this flag,
if the driver commits the error again you will see a different
bugcheck - DRIVER_LEFT_LOCKED_PAGES_IN_PROCESS (0xCB) - which can identify the
offending driver(s).
1 - status code
2 - i/o status code
3 - page file number
4 - offset into page file
1 - status code
0 : (page was retrieved from page cache)
2 - value found in stack where signature should be
3 - 0
4 - address of signature on kernel stack
1 : (page was retrieved from disk)
2 - value found in stack where signature should be
3 - 0
4 - address of signature on kernel stack
2 : (page was retrieved from disk, storage stack returned SUCCESS,
but the Status.Information != PAGE_SIZE)
2 - value found in stack where signature should be
3 - 0
4 - address of signature on kernel stack
The requested page of kernel data could not be read in. Caused by
bad block in paging file or disk controller error.
In the case when the first and second arguments are 0, the stack signature
in the kernel stack was not found. Again, bad hardware.
An I/O status of c000009c (STATUS_DEVICE_DATA_ERROR) or
C000016AL (STATUS_DISK_OPERATION_FAILED) normally indicates
the data could not be read from the disk due to a bad
block. Upon reboot autocheck willl run and attempt to map out the bad
sector. If the status is C0000185 (STATUS_IO_DEVICE_ERROR) and the paging
file is on a SCSI disk device, then the cabling and termination should be
checked. See the knowledge base article on SCSI termination.
1 - type of mismatch
The PRCB release levels mismatch. (something is out of date)
2 - Major PRCB level of ntoskrnl.exe
3 - Major PRCB level of hal.dll
The build types mismatch.
2 - Build type of ntoskrnl.exe
3 - Build type of hal.dll
Build type
0 = Free multiprocessor enabled build
1 = Checked multiprocessor enabled build
2 = Free uniprocessor build
The loader (ntldr) and hal versions mismatch.
2 - Size of the loader parameter extension
3 - MajorVersion of the loader parameter extension
4 - MinorVersion of the loader parameter extension
The HAL revision level and HAL configuration type does not match that
of the kernel or the machine type. This would probably happen if the
user has manually updated either ntoskrnl.exe or hal.dll and managed to
get a conflict.
You have an MP (multi-processor) Hal and a UP (uni-processor) Kernel,
or the reverse.
1 - lock type that was held (value 1,2,3, or PTE address)
2 - error status (normally i/o status code)
3 - current process (virtual address for lock type 3, or PTE)
4 - virtual address that could not be in-paged
The requested page of kernel data could not be read in. Typically caused by
a bad block in the paging file or disk controller error. Also see
If the error status is 0xC000000E, 0xC000009C, 0xC000009D or 0xC0000185,
it means the disk subsystem has experienced a failure.
If the error status is 0xC000009A, then it means the request failed because
a filesystem failed to make forward progress.
1 - Pointer to the device object or Unicode string of ARC name
During the initialization of the I/O system, it is possible that the driver
for the boot device failed to initialize the device that the system is
attempting to boot from, or it is possible for the file system that is
supposed to read that device to either fail its initialization or to simply
not recognize the data on the boot device as a file system structure that
it recognizes. In the former case, the argument (#1) is the address of a
Unicode string data structure that is the ARC name of the device from which
the boot was being attempted. In the latter case, the argument (#1) is the
address of the device object that could not be mounted.
If this is the initial setup of the system, then this error can occur if
the system was installed on an unsupported disk or SCSI controller. Note
that some controllers are supported only by drivers which are in the Windows
Driver Library (WDL) which requires the user to do a custom install. See
the Windows Driver Library for more information.
This error can also be caused by the installation of a new SCSI adapter or
disk controller or repartitioning the disk with the system partition. If
this is the case, on x86 systems the boot.ini file must be edited or on ARC
systems setup must be run. See the "Advanced Server System Administrator's
User Guide" for information on changing boot.ini.
If the argument is a pointer to an ARC name string, then the format of the
first two (and in this case only) longwords will be:
USHORT Length;
USHORT MaximumLength;
PWSTR Buffer;
That is, the first longword will contain something like 00800020 where 20
is the actual length of the Unicode string, and the next longword will
contain the address of buffer. This address will be in system space, so
the high order bit will be set.
If the argument is a pointer to a device object, then the format of the first
word will be:
That is, the first word will contain a 0003, where the Type code will ALWAYS
be 0003.
Note that this makes it immediately obvious whether the argument is a pointer
to an ARC name string or a device object, since a Unicode string can never
have an odd number of bytes, and a device object will always have a Type
code of 3.
This is the NDIS Driver Bugcheck for Windows Server 2003 and later.
For Windows 2000 and Windows XP, see 0xD2, BUGCODE_ID_DRIVER.
1 - NDIS BugCheck Code
1 : Driver called NdisMAllocateSharedMemory at raised IRQL
2 - A pointer to Miniport block. !ndiskd.miniport on
this pointer for more info.
3 - The length of the requested shared memory
4 - The current IRQL
2 : During a call to NdisMAllocateSharedMemory, NDIS detected
that a previously allocated shared memory page has been
2 - A pointer to Miniport block. !ndiskd.miniport on
this pointer for more info.
3 - The shared memory page that was corrupted.
4 - A pointer to a NDIS_WRAPPER_CONTEXT that keeps
track of shared memory allocations by the driver.
3 : A Driver called NdisMFreeSharedMemory(Async) with a shared
memory pointer that has already been freed.
2 - A pointer to Miniport block. !ndiskd.miniport on
this pointer for more info.
3 - The page that this shared was allocated from.
4 - The virtual address of the shared memory.
4 : [Only enabled on special instrumented NDIS.] AddDevice was
called with a driver that is not on the list of drivers
that are registered with NDIS.
2 - A pointer to NDIS_M_DRIVER_BLOCK.
3 - The driver object. (A pointer to DRIVER_OBJECT)
4 - Not used
5 : An Ethernet driver indicated receiving a packet using a
packet descriptor that is currently in use by protocol
stack. (Caught by checking stack packet location)
2 - A pointer to Miniport block. !ndiskd.miniport on
this pointer for more info.
3 - The packet descriptor used by the driver. Use
!ndiskd.pkt on this pointer for more info.
4 - A pointer to the packet array that contained this
packet descriptor. (not much of a use)
6 : An Ethernet driver indicated receiving a packet using a
packet descriptor that is currently in use by protocol
stack. (caught by checking packet reference count)
2 - A pointer to Miniport block. !ndiskd.miniport on
this pointer for more info.
3 - The packet descriptor used by the driver. Use
!ndiskd.pkt on this pointer for more info.
4 - A pointer to the packet array that contained this
packet descriptor. (not much of a use)
7 : A FDDI driver indicated receiving a packet using a packet
descriptor that is currently in use by protocol stack.
(caught by checking packet reference count)
2 - A pointer to Miniport block. !ndiskd.miniport on
this pointer for more info.
3 - The packet descriptor used by the driver. Use
!ndiskd.pkt on this pointer for more info.
4 - A pointer to the packet array that contained this
packet descriptor. (not much of a use)
8 : A Miniport did not deregister its interrupt during the halt
2 - A pointer to Miniport block. !ndiskd.miniport on
this pointer for more info.
4 - Not used.
9 : A Miniport halted without successfully canceling all its
2 - A pointer to Miniport block. !ndiskd.miniport on
this pointer for more info.
3 - A pointer to miniport's timer queue. type:
4 - Not used.
0xA : A miniport driver is getting unloaded prematurely.
2 - A pointer to NDIS_M_DRIVER_BLOCK.
3 - The driver object. (A pointer to DRIVER_OBJECT).
4 - The ref count for the miniport driver.
0xB : A Miniport failed initialization without deregistering
its interrupt.
2 - A pointer to Miniport block. !ndiskd.miniport on
this pointer for more info.
4 - Not used.
0xC : A Miniport failed initialization without successfully
canceling all its timers.
2 - A pointer to Miniport block. !ndiskd.miniport on
this pointer for more info.
3 - A pointer to miniport's timer queue. type:
4 - Not used.
0xD : A Miniport did not deregister its interrupt during the
halt process. (halt called from initialize routine after
miniport returned success from its initialize handler)
2 - A pointer to Miniport block. !ndiskd.miniport on
this pointer for more info.
4 - Not used.
0xE : A Miniport halted without successfully canceling all its
timers. (halt called from initialize routine after
miniport returned success from its initialize handler)
2 - A pointer to Miniport block. !ndiskd.miniport on
this pointer for more info.
3 - A pointer to miniport's timer queue. type:
4 - Not used.
0xF : A Miniport driver is calling NdisMResetComplete without
any pending reset request.
2 - A pointer to Miniport block. !ndiskd.miniport on
this pointer for more info.
3 - Reset status.
4 - AddressingReset BOOLEAN. (not much of a use).
0x10 : After resuming from a low power state, a Miniport failed
initialization without deregistering its interrupt.
2 - A pointer to Miniport block. !ndiskd.miniport on
this pointer for more info.
4 - Not used.
0x11 : After resuming from a low power state, a Miniport failed
initialization without successfully canceling all its
2 - A pointer to Miniport block. !ndiskd.miniport on
this pointer for more info.
3 - A pointer to miniport's timer queue. type:
4 - Not used.
0x12 : A miniport driver indicated receiving a packet using a
packet descriptor that is currently in use by protocol
stack. (caught by checking packet reference count)
2 - A pointer to Miniport block. !ndiskd.miniport on
this pointer for more info.
3 - The packet descriptor used by the driver. Use
!ndiskd.pkt on this pointer for more info.
4 - A pointer to the packet array that contained this
packet descriptor. (not much of a use)
0x13 : A Token-Ring miniport driver indicated receiving a
packet using a packet descriptor that is currently in
use by protocol stack. (caught by checking packet
reference count)
2 - A pointer to Miniport block. !ndiskd.miniport on
this pointer for more info.
3 - The packet descriptor used by the driver. Use
!ndiskd.pkt on this pointer for more info.
4 - A pointer to the packet array that contained this
packet descriptor. (not much of a use)
1 - Number of physical pages found
2 - Lowest physical page
3 - Highest physical page
4 - 0
Not enough memory to boot Windows.
1 - The exception code that was not handled
0x80000002: (STATUS_DATATYPE_MISALIGNMENT) An unaligned data reference was encountered.
The trap frame will supply additional information.
0x80000003: This means a hard coded breakpoint or assertion was hit, but this system was booted
/NODEBUG. This is not supposed to happen as developers should never have
hardcoded breakpoints in retail code, but ...
If this happens, make sure a debugger gets connected, and the
system is booted /DEBUG. This will let us see why this breakpoint is
2 - The address that the exception occurred at
3 - Exception Record Address
4 - Context Record Address
This is a very common bugcheck. Usually the exception address pinpoints
the driver/function that caused the problem. Always note this address
as well as the link date of the driver/image that contains this address.
1 - The exception code that was not handled
2 - The address that the exception occurred at
3 - Exception Record Address
4 - Context Record Address
This is a very common bugcheck. Usually the exception address pinpoints
the driver/function that caused the problem. Always note this address
as well as the link date of the driver/image that contains this address.
Some common problems are exception code 0x80000003. This means a hard
coded breakpoint or assertion was hit, but this system was booted
/NODEBUG. This is not supposed to happen as developers should never have
hardcoded breakpoints in retail code, but ...
If this happens, make sure a debugger gets connected, and the
system is booted /DEBUG. This will let us see why this breakpoint is
An exception code of 0x80000002 (STATUS_DATATYPE_MISALIGNMENT) indicates
that an unaligned data reference was encountered. The trap frame will
supply additional information.
This means a trap occurred in kernel mode, and it's a trap of a kind
that the kernel isn't allowed to have/catch (bound trap) or that
is always instant death (double fault). The first number in the
bugcheck parens is the number of the trap (8 = double fault, etc)
Consult an Intel x86 family manual to learn more about what these
traps are. Here is a *portion* of those codes:
1 - x86 trap number
If kv shows a taskGate
use .tss on the part before the colon, then kv.
Else if kv shows a trapframe
use .trap on that value
.trap on the appropriate frame will show where the trap was taken
(on x86, this will be the ebp that goes with the procedure KiTrap)
kb will then show the corrected stack.
This means a trap occurred in kernel mode, and it's a trap of a kind
that the kernel isn't allowed to have/catch (bound trap) or that
is always instant death (double fault). The first number in the
bugcheck parens is the number of the trap (8 = double fault, etc)
Consult an Intel x86 family manual to learn more about what these
traps are. Here is a *portion* of those codes:
1 - x86 trap number
If kv shows a taskGate
use .tss on the part before the colon, then kv.
Else if kv shows a trapframe
use .trap on that value
.trap on the appropriate frame will show where the trap was taken
(on x86, this will be the ebp that goes with the procedure KiTrap)
kb will then show the corrected stack.
This is typically due to a hardware malfunction. The hardware supplier should
be called.
(NOTE: Textmode setup no longer uses bugchecks to bail out of serious
error conditions. Therefore, you will never encounter a bugcheck 0x85.
All bugchecks have been replaced with friendlier and (where possible)
more descriptive error messages. Some of the former bugchecks, however,
have simply been replaced by our own bugcheck screen, and the codes for
these error conditions are the same as before. These are documented below.)
The first extended bugcheck field is a code indicating what the
problem is, and the other fields are used differently depending on
that value.
1 -
0: The oem hal font is not a valid .fon format file, and so setup
is unable to display text.
This indicates that vgaxxx.fon on the boot floppy or CD-ROM
is damaged.
1: Video initialization failed. NO LONGER A BUGCHECK CODE.
This error now has its own error screen, and the user is only
presented with the two relevant parameters detailed below.
This may indicate that the disk containing vga.sys
(or other video driver appropriate to the machine)
is damaged or that machine has video hardware that
Windows cannot communicate with.
3 - Status code from NT API call, if appropriate.
2 - What failed:
0 : NtCreateFile of \device\video0
3: Desired video mode not supported. This is indicative of
an internal setup error.
4: IOCTL_VIDEO_SET_CURRENT_MODE (unable to set video mode)
2: Out of memory. NO LONGER A BUGCHECK CODE.
This error now uses a more friendly error screen that works
regardless of how far along in setup Windows is.
3: Keyboard initialization failed. NO LONGER A BUGCHECK CODE.
There are now 2 error screens for the two different possible errors
that can occur here.
This may indicate that the disk containing the keyboard driver
(i8042prt.sys or kbdclass.sys) is damaged, or that the machine has
keyboard hardware Windows cannot communicate with.
It may also mean that the keyboard layout dll could not be loaded.
2 - What failed:
0: NtCreateFile of \device\KeyboardClass0 failed.
"Setup did not find a keyboard connected to your computer."
1: Unable to load keyboard layout dll.
"Setup could not load the keyboard layout file <filename>."
Indicates that the cd or floppy is missing a file (kbdus.dll
for us release, other layout dlls for localized ones).
4: Setup was unable to resolve the ARC device pathname of
the device from which setup was started. This is an internal
Setup error.
5: Partitioning sanity check failed. This indicates a bug in
a disk driver. The parameters are meaningful only to the setup
This message occurs during the boot process when the MBR checksum the system
calculates does not match the checksum passed in by the loader. This is usually
an indication of a virus. There are many forms of viruses and not all can be
detected. The newer ones usually can only be detected by a virus scanner that
has recently been upgraded. Boot a write-protected disk containing a virus
scanner and attempt to clean out the infection.
1 - Disk Signature from MBR.
2 - MBR checksum calculated by osloader.
3 - MBR checksum calculated by system.
1 - The exception code that was not handled
2 - The address that the exception occurred at
3 - Trap Frame
This is a very common bugcheck. Usually the exception address pinpoints
the driver/function that caused the problem. Always note this address
as well as the link date of the driver/image that contains this address.
Some common problems are exception code 0x80000003. This means a hard
coded breakpoint or assertion was hit, but this system was booted
/NODEBUG. This is not supposed to happen as developers should never have
hardcoded breakpoints in retail code, but ...
If this happens, make sure a debugger gets connected, and the
system is booted /DEBUG. This will let us see why this breakpoint is
An exception code of 0x80000002 (STATUS_DATATYPE_MISALIGNMENT) indicates
that an unaligned data reference was encountered. The trap frame will
supply additional information.
1 - The exception code that was not handled
2 - The address that the exception occurred at
3 - Trap Frame
This is a very common bugcheck. Usually the exception address pinpoints
the driver/function that caused the problem. Always note this address
as well as the link date of the driver/image that contains this address.
Some common problems are exception code 0x80000003. This means a hard
coded breakpoint or assertion was hit, but this system was booted
/NODEBUG. This is not supposed to happen as developers should never have
hardcoded breakpoints in retail code, but ...
If this happens, make sure a debugger gets connected, and the
system is booted /DEBUG. This will let us see why this breakpoint is
An exception code of 0x80000002 (STATUS_DATATYPE_MISALIGNMENT) indicates
that an unaligned data reference was encountered. The trap frame will
supply additional information.
This message occurs if phase 0 initialization of the kernel-mode Plug and
Play Manager failed.
This message occurs if phase 1 initialization of the kernel-mode Plug and
Play Manager failed. This is where most of the initialization is done,
including setting up the environment (registry, etc.) for drivers to
subsequently call during I/O init.
This message occurs if a UNIPROCESSOR only driver is loaded on a MultiProcessor
system with more than one active processor.
1 - The Base address of the driver.
This message occurs if kernel code (server, redirector, other driver, etc.)
attempts to close a handle that is not a valid handle.
1 - The handle that NtClose was called with.
2 -
0 : means a protected handle was closed.
1 : means an invalid handle was closed.
This message occurs when a thread exits while its kernel stack is
marked as not swapable
This message occurs when KeRemoveQueue removes a queue entry whose flink
or blink field is null. This is almost always called by code misusing
worker thread work items, but any queue misuse can cause this. The rule
is that an entry on a queue may only be inserted on the list once. When an
item is removed from a queue, it's flink field is set to NULL. This bugcheck
occurs when remove queue attempts to remove an entry, but the flink or blink
field is NULL. In order to debug this problem, you need to know the queue being
In an attempt to help identify the guilty driver, this bugcheck assumes the
queue is a worker queue (ExWorkerQueue) and prints the worker routine as
parameter 4 below.
1 - The address of the queue entry whose flink/blink field is NULL
2 - The address of the queue being references. Usually this is one
of the ExWorkerQueues.
3 - The base address of the ExWorkerQueue array. This will help determine
if the queue in question is an ExWorkerQueue and if so, the offset from
this parameter will isolate the queue.
4 - If this is an ExWorkerQueue (which it usually is), this is the address
of the worker routine that would have been called if the work item was
valid. This can be used to isolate the driver that is misusing the work
Your Windows System is an evaluation unit with an expiration date. The trial
period is over.
1 - The low order 32 bits of your installation date
2 - The high order 32 bits of your installation date
3 - The trial period in minutes
ExInitializeRegion or ExInterlockedExtendRegion was called with an invalid
set of parameters.
A violation of the software license agreement has occurred. This can be due to
either attempting to change the product type of an offline system, or an attempt
to change the trial period of an evaluation unit of Windows.
1 - Violation type
0 : means that offline product type changes were attempted
2 - if 1, product should be LanmanNT or ServerNT. If 0, should be WinNT
3 - partial serial number
4 - first two characters of product type from product options.
1 : means that offline changes to the nt evaluation unit time period
2 - registered evaluation time from source 1
3 - partial serial number
4 - registered evaluation time from alternate source
2 : means that the setup key could not be opened
2 - status code associated with the open failure
3 : The SetupType value from the setup key is missing so gui setup
mode could not be detected
2 - status code associated with the key lookup failure
4 : The SystemPrefix value from the setup key is missing
2 - status code associated with the key lookup failure
5 : means that offline changes were made to the number of licensed processors
2 - see setup code
3 - invalid value found in licensed processors
4 - officially licensed number of processors
6 : means that ProductOptions key could not be opened
2 - status code associated with the open failure
7 : means that ProductType value could not be read
2 - status code associated with the read failure
8 : means that Change Notify on ProductOptions failed
2 - status code associated with the change notify failure
9 : means that Change Notify on SystemPrefix failed
2 - status code associated with the change notify failure
0xA : An NTW system was converted to an NTS system
0xB : Reference of setup key failed
2 - status code associated with the change failure
0xC : Reference of product options key failed
2 - status code associated with the change failure
0xD : Open of ProductOptions in worker thread failed
2 - status code associated with the failure
0xF : Open of setup key failed
2 - status code associated with the failure
0x10 : Failure occurred in the setup key worker thread
2 - status code associated with the failure
3 - 0 means set value failed, 1 means change notify failed
0x11 : Failure occurred in the product options key worker thread
2 - status code associated with the failure
3 - 0 means set value failed, 1 means change notify failed
0x12 : Could not open the LicenseInfoSuites key for the suite
2 - status code associated with the failure
0x13 : Could not query the LicenseInfoSuites key for the suite
2 - status code associated with the failure
0x14 : Could not allocate memory
2 - size of memory alllocation
0x15 : Could not re-set the ConcurrentLimit value for the suite key
2 - status code associated with the failure
0x16 : Could not open the license key for a suite product
2 - status code associated with the failure
0x17 : Could not re-set the ConcurrentLimit value for a suite product
2 - status code associated with the failure
0x18 : Could not start the change notify for the LicenseInfoSuites
2 - status code associated with the open failure
0x19 : A suite is running on a system that must be pdc
0x20 : Failure occurred when enumerating the suites
2 - status code associated with the failure
If you see UdfExceptionFilter on the stack then the 2nd and 3rd
parameters are the exception record and context record. Do a .cxr
on the 3rd parameter and then kb to obtain a more helpful stack
A fatal Machine Check Exception has occurred.
KeBugCheckEx parameters;
x86 Processors
If the processor has ONLY MCE feature available (For example Intel
Pentium), the parameters are:
1 - Low 32 bits of P5_MC_TYPE MSR
2 - Address of MCA_EXCEPTION structure
3 - High 32 bits of P5_MC_ADDR MSR
4 - Low 32 bits of P5_MC_ADDR MSR
If the processor also has MCA feature available (For example Intel
Pentium Pro), the parameters are:
1 - Bank number
2 - Address of MCA_EXCEPTION structure
3 - High 32 bits of MCi_STATUS MSR for the MCA bank that had the error
4 - Low 32 bits of MCi_STATUS MSR for the MCA bank that had the error
IA64 Processors
1 - Bugcheck Type
SAL returned an error for SAL_GET_STATEINFO while processing MCA.
SAL returned an error for SAL_CLEAR_STATEINFO while processing MCA.
FW reported a fatal MCA.
SAL reported a recoverable MCA and we don't support currently
support recovery or SAL generated an MCA and then couldn't
produce an error record.
SAL returned an error for SAL_GET_STATEINFO while processing INIT event.
SAL returned an error for SAL_CLEAR_STATEINFO while processing INIT event.
Not used.
2 - Address of log
3 - Size of log
4 - Error code in the case of x_GET_STATEINFO or x_CLEAR_STATEINFO
One or more critical user mode components failed to satisfy a health check.
Hardware mechanisms such as watchdog timers can detect that basic kernel
services are not executing. However, resource starvation issues, including
memory leaks, lock contention, and scheduling priority misconfiguration,
may block critical user mode components without blocking DPCs or
draining the nonpaged pool.
Kernel components can extend watchdog timer functionality to user mode
by periodically monitoring critical applications. This bugcheck indicates
that a user mode health check failed in a manner such that graceful
shutdown is unlikely to succeed. It restores critical services by
rebooting and/or allowing application failover to other servers.
1 - Process that failed to satisfy a health check within the
configured timeout
2 - Health monitoring timeout (seconds)
A driver is causing an inconsistent power state.
1 - SubCode
1 : The device object is being freed which still has an
outstanding power request which it has not completed
2 - DeviceObject
2 : The device object completed the irp for the system power
state request, but failed to call PoStartNextPowerIrp
2 - Optional Target device's DEVICE_OBJECT
3 - DeviceObject
4 - Optional DriverObject
0x500 : The device object completed the irp for the system power
state request, but failed to call PoStartNextPowerIrp.
3 - Optional Target device's DEVICE_OBJECT
4 - DeviceObject
The power policy manager experienced a fatal error.
1 -
1 : Error Handling power IRP.
2 -
1 : A device has overrun its maximum number of reference counts.
3 - maximum number of references allowed.
2 : Too many inrush power irps have been queue.
3 - maximum number of pending irps allowed.
3 : Too many inrush power irps have been queue.
3 - maximum number of pending irps allowed.
4 : Too many inrush power irps have been queue.
3 - maximum number of pending irps allowed.
5 : Power IRP has been sent to a passive level deviceobject.
2 : (POP_INTERNAL) An internal failure has occurred while attempting to process
a power event. To debug this, dump the stack and look for the
function ntoskrnl!_PopInternalError. The first argument is
(error_code << 16) | __LINE__. If the caller is PopExceptionFilter, then
the first argument to this function is of type PEXCEPTION_POINTERS.
In the debugger, type 'dt nt!_EXCEPTION_POINTERS <argument>'.
Then type '.cxr <value of context record from the previous command>'.
All subsequent debugger commands will show you the actual
source of the error. Start with a stack trace by typing 'kb'.
3 : The checksum for a hibernation context page does not match.
2 - Expected checksum
3 - Actual checksum
4 - Linenumber of the failure.
4 : The checksum for a page about to be written to the hibernation file
does not match its expected checksum.
2 - Expected checksum
3 - Actual checksum
4 - Linenumber of the failure.
5 : An unknown shutdown code has been sent to the system shutdown handler.
7 : (POP_MISC) Unhandled exception. To debug this, dump the stack. Look
for the function ntoskrnl!PopExceptionFilter. The first
argument to this function is of type PEXCEPTION_POINTERS.
In the debugger, type 'dt nt!_EXCEPTION_POINTERS <argument>'.
Then type '.cxr <value of context record from the previous command>'.
All subsequent debugger commands will show you the actual
source of the error. Start with a stack trace by typing 'kb'.
8 : (POP_SYS) A fatal error has occured while processing a system power event.
2 -
0x100 : An unknown device type is being processed.
0x101 : Unhandled exception occured while processing a system power event.
3 - ExceptionPointer. To debug this, in the debugger type:
'dt nt!_EXCEPTION_POINTERS <argument>'. Then type:
'.cxr <value of context record from the previous command>'.
All subsequent debugger commands will show you the actual
source of the error. Start with a stack trace by typing 'kb'.
0x102 : Hibernation orking buffer size is not page aligned
0x103 : All working pages have failed to be accounted for during the hibernation process.
0x104 : An attempt was made to map internal hibernate memory while
the internal memory structures were locked.
0x105 : An attempt was made to map internal hibernate memory with
an unsupported memory type flag.
0x106 : A memory descriptor list was created during the hibernation process which
describes memory that is not paged-aligned.
3 - MDL
0x107 : A data mismatch has occurred in the internal hibernation data
0x108 : The disk subsystem failed to properly write part of the hibernation
0x109 : The checksum for the processor state data does not match its
expected checksum.
3 - Expected checksum
4 - Actual checksum
0x10A : The disk subsystem failed to properly write part of the hibernation
4 - NTSTATUS failure code
0x200 : An unknown device type is being checked for an idle state.
0x300 : An unknown status was returned from a battery power IRP.
4 - IRP
0x301 : The battery has entered an unknown state..
4 - IRP
0x400 : A device has overrun its maximum number of reference counts.
0x401 : Too many inrush power irps have been queue.
3 - Pending IRP list.
0x402 : Too many inrush power irps have been queue.
3 - Pending IRP list.
0x403 : Too many inrush power irps have been queue.
3 - Pending IRP list.
0x404 : Power IRP has been sent to a passive level deviceobject.
0x500 : An unknown status was returned from a thermal power IRP.
3 - IRP
The PCI Bus driver detected inconsistency
problems in its internal structures and could not continue.
On a system wake operation, various regions of memory may be CRCed to
guard against memory failures.
1 -
2 : Table page check failure
the page number in of the table page which failed
the page number with the failing page run index
3 - the index which failed to match the run (or zero)
3 : The checksum for the range of memory listed is incorrect
2 - starting physical page # of the range
3 - length (in pages) of the range
4 - the page number of the table page containing this run
The ACPI Driver detected an internal inconsistency. The inconsistency is
so severe that continuing to run would cause serious problems.
The ACPI driver calls this when the state is so inconsistent that proceeding
would actually be dangerous. The problem may or may not be a BIOS issue, but
there is no way to tell.
See the comment for FAT_FILE_SYSTEM (0x23)
The ACPI Bios in the system is not fully compliant with the ACPI specification.
The first value indicates where the incompatibility lies:
1 -
ACPI cannot find the SCI Interrupt vector in the resources handed
to it when ACPI is started.
2 - ACPI's deviceExtension
3 - ACPI's ResourceList
4 -
0 : No resource list found
1 : No IRQ resource found in list
ACPI could not process the resource list for the PCI root buses
2 - The ACPI Extension for the PCI bus.
3 -
0 : ACPI cannot convert the BIOS' resource list into the proper
format. This probably represents a flaw in the BIOS' list
encoding procedure.
4 - Pointer to the QUERY_RESOURCES irp
1 : ACPI cannot convert the BIOS' resource list into the proper
format. This probably represents a flaw in the BIOS' list
encoding procedure.
2 : ACPI found an empty resource list.
4 - 0
3 : ACPI could not find the current bus number in the CRS.
4 - Pointer to the PNP CRS descriptor
Other : Any other value is a pointer to the Resource List for PCI.
This indicates that there is an overlap between the list of
resources that PCI claims to decode and the list of memory
regions reported by the E820 BIOS interface.
4 - Pointer to the E820 Memory Table
ACPI tried to run a control method while creating device extensions
to represent the ACPI namespace, but this control method failed.
2 - The ACPI Object that was being run
3 - return value from the interpreter
4 - Name of the control method (in ULONG format)
ACPI evaluated a _PRW and expected to find an integer as a
package element.
2 - The ACPI Extension for which the _PRW belongs to
3 - Pointer to the method
4 - The DataType returned (see amli.h)
ACPI evaluated a _PRW and the package that came back failed to
contain at least 2 elements. The ACPI specification requires that
two elements to always be present in a _PRW.
2 - The ACPI Extension for which the _PRW belongs to
3 - Pointer to the _PRW
4 - Number of elements in the _PRW
ACPI tried to find a named object named, but could not find it.
2 - The ACPI Extension for which the _PRx belongs to
3 - Pointer to the _PRx
4 - Pointer to the name of the object to look for
ACPI evaluated a method and expected to receive a Buffer in return.
However, the method returned some other data type
2 - The ACPI Extension for which the method belongs to
3 - Pointer to the method
4 - The DataType returned (see amli.h)
ACPI evaluated a method and expected to receive an Integer in return.
However, the method returned some other data type
2 - The ACPI Extension for which the method belongs to
3 - Pointer to the method
4 - The DataType returned (see amli.h)
ACPI evaluated a method and expected to receive a Package in return.
However, the method returned some other data type
2 - The ACPI Extension for which the method belongs to
3 - Pointer to the method
4 - The DataType returned (see amli.h)
ACPI evaluated a method and expected to receive a String in return.
However, the method returned some other data type
2 - The ACPI Extension for which the method belongs to
3 - Pointer to the method
4 - The DataType returned (see amli.h)
ACPI cannot find the object referenced to by an _EJD string
2 - The ACPI Extension for which which the _EJD belongs to
3 - The status returned by the interpreter
4 - Name of the object ACPI is trying to find
ACPI provides faulty/insufficient information for dock support
2 - The ACPI Extension for which ACPI found a dock device
3 - Pointer to the _EJD method
4 -
0: Bios does not claim system is dockage
1: Duplicate device extensions for dock device
ACPI could not find a required method/object in the namespace
This is the bugcheck that is used if a vendor does not have an
_HID or _ADR present
2 - The ACPI Extension that ACPI needs the object for
3 - The (ULONG) name of the method ACPI looked for
4 -
0: Base Case
1: Conflict
ACPI could not find a requird method/object in the namespace for
a power resource (or entity other than a "device"). This is the
bugcheck used if a vendor does not have an _ON, _OFF, or _STA present
for a power resource
2 - The NS PowerResource that ACPI needs the object for
3 - The (ULONG) name of the method ACPI looked for
4 -
0: Base Case
ACPI could not parse the resource descriptor
2 - The current buffer that ACPI was parsing
3 - The buffer's tag
4 - The specified length of the buffer
ACPI could not map determine the system to device state mapping
2 - The ACPI Extension for which ACPI is trying to do the mapping
3 -
0 : The _PRx mapped back to a non-supported S-state
4 - The DEVICE_POWER_STATE (ie: x+1)
1 : ACPI cannot find a D-state to associate with the S-state
4 - The SYSTEM_POWER_STATE that is causing the problem
2 : The device claims to be able to wake the system when the
system is in this S-state, but the system doesn't actually
support this S-state.
4 - The SYSTEM_POWER_STATE that is causing the problem
The system could not enter ACPI mode
2 -
0 : System could not initialize AML interpreter
1 : System could not find RSDT
2 : System could not allocate critical driver structures
3 : System could not load RSDT
4 : System could not load DDBs
5 : System cannot connect Interrupt vector
6 : SCI_EN never becomes set in PM1 Control Register
7 : Table checksum is incorrect
3 - Pointer to the table that had a bad checksum
4 - Creator Revision
8 : Failed to load DDB
3 - Pointer to the table that ACPI failed to load
4 - Creator Revision
9 : Unsupported Firmware Version
3 - FADT Version
0xA : System could not find MADT
0xB : System could not find any valid Local SAPIC structures in
the MADT
ACPI could not parse the resource descriptor, the length exceeds
2 - The current buffer that ACPI was parsing
3 - The buffer's tag
4 - Pointer to a variable containing ULONGLONG length of the buffer
ACPI tried to evaluate the PIC control method and but failed
2 - InterruptModel (Integer)
3 - return value from interpreter
4 - Pointer to the PIC control method
ACPI tried to do interrupt routing, but failed
2 - Pointer to the device object
3 - Pointer to the parent of the device object
4 - Pointer to the PRT
ACPI could not find the link node referenced in a _PRT
(This code exists in Windows 2000, but is obsolete in XP)
2 - Pointer to the device object
3 - Pointer to the string name ACPI is looking for, but could not find.
4 - Pointer to the PRT. Dump this with !acpikd.nsobj <argument 4>
ACPI could not find a mapping in the _PRT package for a device
(This code exists in Windows 2000, but is obsolete in XP)
2 - Pointer to the device object
3 - The Device ID / Function Number. This DWORD is encoded
as follows: Bits 5:0 are the PCI Device Number, Bits 8:6 are
the PCI function number.
4 - Pointer to the PRT. Dump this with !acpikd.nsobj <argument 4>
ACPI found an entry in the _PRT for which the function ID isn't
all F's. The generic format for a _PRT entry is that the device
number is specified, but the function number isn't. If it isn't
done this way, then the machine vendor can introduce dangerous
(This code exists in Windows 2000, but is obsolete in XP)
2 - Pointer to the PRT object. Dump this with !acpikd.nsobj <argument 2>
3 - Pointer to the current PRT Element. This is an index into the PRT.
4 - The DeviceID/FunctionID of the element. This DWORD is
encoded. Bits 15:0 are the PCI Function Number.
Bits 31:16 are the PCI Device Number.
ACPI found a link node, but cannot disable it. Link nodes must
be disable to allow for reprogramming
2 - Pointer to the link node. This device is missing the _DIS method.
0x10007 :
The _PRT contained a reference to a vector not described in the
I/O APIC entries MAPIC table.
2 - The vector that couldn't be found
0x20000 :
The PM_TMR_BLK entry in the Fixed ACPI Description Table doesn't
point to a working ACPI timer block.
2 - The I/O port in the Fixed Table
This bug check covers a great variety of ACPI problems. If a kernel debugger
is attached, use "!analyze -v". This command will analyze the precise problem,
and display whatever information is most useful for debugging the specific
The kernel mode handle table detected an inconsistent handle table
entry state.
1 - session ID
2 - number of paged pool bytes that are leaking
3 - number of nonpaged pool bytes that are leaking
4 - total number of paged and nonpaged allocations that are leaking.
nonpaged allocations are in the upper half of this word,
paged allocations are in the lower half of this word.
Caused by a session driver not freeing its pool allocations prior to a
session unload. This indicates a bug in win32k.sys, atmfd.dll,
rdpdd.dll or a video driver.
The HAL was unable to obtain memory for a system critical requirement.
These allocations are made early in system initialization and such a
failure is not expected. It probably indicates some other critical error
such as pool corruption or massive consumption.
1 - Allocation size.
2 - 0
3 - Pointer to string containing file name.
4 - (reserved)
The system was not able to go into graphics mode because no display drivers
were able to start. This usually occurs if no video miniport drivers load
A wait operation, attach process, or yield was attempted from a DPC routine.
This is an illegal operation and the stack track will lead to the offending
code and original DPC routine.
1 - session ID
2 - number of mapped views that are leaking
3 - address of this session's mapped views table
4 - size of this session's mapped views table.
Caused by a session driver not unmapping its mapped views prior to a
session unload. This indicates a bug in win32k.sys, atmfd.dll,
rdpdd.dll or a video driver.
1 - the part of network initialization that failed
2 - the failure status
Caused if we are booting off the network, and a critical function fails during
IO initialization. Currently the codes for the first value are:
1 - updating the registry.
2 - starting the network stack - Windows sends IOCTLs to the redirector and
datagram receiver, then waits for the redirector to be ready. If it is not
ready within a certain period of time, initialization fails.
3 - failed sending the DHCP IOCTL to TCP - this is how Windows informs the
transport of its IP adress.
1 - the IP address, show as a hex DWORD. So an address aa.bb.cc.dd will
appear as 0xddccbbaa.
2 - the hardware address of the other machine.
3 - the hardware address of the other machine.
4 - the hardware address of the other machine. For Ethernet, a MAC address
of aa-bb-cc-dd-ee-ff will be indicated by the second parameter
containing 0xaabbccdd, the third parameter containing 0xeeff0000, and
the fourth parameter containing 0x00000000.
This indicates that when TCP/IP sent out an ARP for its IP address, it got
a response from another machine, indicating a duplicate IP address. When we
are booting off the network this is a fatal error.
The hibernated memory image does not match the current hardware configuration.
This bugcheck occurs when a system resumes from hibernate and discovers that the
hardware has been changed while the system was hibernated.
Note: This bug check no longer exists in any version of Windows.
1 - hardware that was invalid
1 : Number of installed processors is less than before the hibernation
2 - number of processors before hibernation
3 - number of processors after hibernation
An attempt was made to write to readonly memory. The guilty driver is on the
stack trace (and is typically the current instruction pointer).
1 - Virtual address for the attempted write.
2 - PTE contents.
3 - (reserved)
4 - (reserved)
When possible, the guilty driver's name (Unicode string) is printed on
the bugcheck screen and saved in KiBugCheckDriver.
This thread is attempting to acquire ownership of a mutex it already owns.
1 - Address of Mutex
2 - Thread
3 - 0
4 - (reserved)
Special pool has detected memory corruption. Typically the current thread's
stack backtrace will reveal the guilty party.
4 - subclass of driver violation.
0x20 : caller is trying to free pool which is not allocated
1 - address trying to free
2 - (reserved)
3 - 0.
0x21 : caller is trying to free a bad address
1 - address trying to free
2 - bytes requested
3 - bytes calculated
0x22 : caller is trying to free a bad address
1 - address trying to free
2 - bytes requested
3 - bytes calculated
0x23 : caller is freeing an address where nearby bytes within the same page have been corrupted
1 - address trying to free
2 - address where bits are corrupted
3 - (reserved)
0x24 : caller is freeing an address where bytes after the end of the allocation have been overwritten
1 - address trying to free
2 - address where bits are corrupted
3 - (reserved)
0x30 : caller is trying to allocate pool from an incorrect IRQL level
1 - current IRQL
2 - pool type
3 - number of bytes
0x31 : caller is trying to free pool from an incorrect IRQL level
1 - current IRQL
2 - pool type
3 - address trying to free
The current thread is making a bad pool request. Typically this is at a bad IRQL level or double freeing the same allocation, etc.
1 - type of pool violation the caller is guilty of.
0x0 : The caller is requesting a zero byte pool allocation.
Parameter 2 - zero.
Parameter 3 - the pool type being allocated.
Parameter 4 - the pool tag being used.
0x1 : Pool header has been corrupted
Parameter 2 - Pointer to pool header
Parameter 3 - First part of pool header contents
Parameter 4 - 0
0x2 : Pool header has been corrupted
Parameter 2 - Pointer to pool header
Parameter 3 - First part of pool header contents
Parameter 4 - 0
0x4 : Pool header has been corrupted
Parameter 2 - Pointer to pool header
Parameter 3 - First part of pool header contents
Parameter 4 - 0
0x6 : Attempt to free pool which was already freed
Parameter 2 - (reserved)
Parameter 3 - Pointer to pool header
Parameter 4 - Pool header contents
0x7 : Attempt to free pool which was already freed
Parameter 2 - (reserved)
Parameter 3 - Memory contents of the pool block
Parameter 4 - Pointer to pool header
0x8 : Attempt to allocate pool at invalid IRQL
Parameter 2 - Current IRQL
Parameter 3 - Pool type
Parameter 4 - Size of allocation
0x9 : Attempt to free pool at invalid IRQL
Parameter 2 - Current IRQL
Parameter 3 - Pool type
Parameter 4 - Address of pool
0xA : Attempt to free some other component's protected pool.
Parameter 2 - Address of pool
Parameter 3 - Allocator's tag
Parameter 4 - Tag being used in the attempted free.
0xB/0xC/0xD : Attempt to release quota on a corrupted pool allocation.
Parameter 2 - Address of pool
Parameter 3 - Pool allocation's tag
Parameter 4 - Quota process pointer (bad).
0x40 : Attempt to free usermode address to kernel pool
Parameter 2 - Starting address
Parameter 3 - Start of system address space
Parameter 4 - 0
0x41 : Attempt to free a non-allocated nonpaged pool address
Parameter 2 - Starting address
Parameter 3 - physical page frame
Parameter 4 - highest physical page frame
0x42 : Attempt to free a virtual address which was never in any pool
Parameter 2 - Address being freed.
Parameter 3 - 0
Parameter 4 - 0
0x43 : Attempt to free a virtual address which was never in any pool
Parameter 2 - Address being freed.
Parameter 3 - 0
Parameter 4 - 0
0x50 : Attempt to free a non-allocated paged pool address
Parameter 2 - Starting address
Parameter 3 - Start offset in pages from beginning of paged pool
Parameter 4 - Size in bytes of paged pool
0x60 : Attempt to free an invalid contiguous memory address (ie: caller of MmFreeContiguousMemory is passing a bad pointer).
Parameter 2 - Starting address
Parameter 3 - 0
Parameter 4 - 0
0x99 : Attempt to free pool with invalid address (or corruption in pool header)
Parameter 2 - Address being freed
Parameter 3 - 0
Parameter 4 - 0
0x9A : Attempt to allocate must-succeed pool (this pool type has been deprecated)
Parameter 2 - Pool type
Parameter 3 - Size of allocation in bytes
Parameter 4 - Allocation's pool tag
0x9B : Attempt to allocate pool with a tag of zero. This would make the pool untrackable and worse, corrupt the existing tag tables.
Parameter 2 - Pool type
Parameter 3 - Size of allocation in bytes
Parameter 4 - Caller's address.
0x9C : Attempt to allocate pool with a tag of BIG. This would make the pool untrackable and worse, corrupt the existing tag tables.
Parameter 2 - Pool type
Parameter 3 - Size of allocation in bytes
Parameter 4 - Caller's address.
A device driver attempting to corrupt the system has been caught. This is
because the driver was specified in the registry as being suspect (by the
administrator) and the kernel has enabled substantial checking of this driver.
If the driver attempts to corrupt the system, bugchecks 0xC4, 0xC1 and 0xA will
be among the most commonly seen crashes.
1 - subclass of driver violation.
0x00 : caller is trying to allocate zero bytes
2 - current IRQL
3 - pool type
4 - number of bytes
0x01 : caller is trying to allocate paged pool at DISPATCH_LEVEL or above
2 - current IRQL
3 - pool type
4 - number of bytes
0x02 : caller is trying to allocate nonpaged pool at an IRQL above DISPATCH_LEVEL
2 - current IRQL
3 - pool type
4 - number of bytes
0x03 : caller is trying to allocate more than one page of mustsucceed
pool, but one page is the maximum allowed by this API.
0x10 : caller is freeing a bad pool address
2 - bad pool address
0x11 : caller is trying to free paged pool at DISPATCH_LEVEL or above
2 - current IRQL
3 - pool type
4 - pool address
0x12 : caller is trying to free nonpaged pool at an IRQL above DISPATCH_LEVEL
2 - current IRQL
3 - pool type
4 - pool address
0x13 : the pool the caller is trying to free is already free.
2 - (reserved)
3 - pool header
4 - pool header contents
0x14 : the pool the caller is trying to free is already free.
2 - (reserved)
3 - pool header
4 - pool header contents
0x15 : the pool the caller is trying to free contains an active timer.
2 - timer entry
3 - pool type
4 - pool address being freed
0x16 : the pool the caller is trying to free is a bad address.
2 - line number
3 - pool address
4 - 0
0x17 : the pool the caller is trying to free contains an active ERESOURCE.
2 - resource entry
3 - pool type
4 - pool address being freed
0x30 : raising IRQL to an invalid level,
2 - current IRQL,
3 - new IRQL
0x31 : lowering IRQL to an invalid level,
2 - current IRQL,
3 - new IRQL
4 - 0 means the new IRQL is bad, 1 means the IRQL is invalid inside a DPC routine
0x32 : releasing a spinlock when not at DISPATCH_LEVEL.
2 - current IRQL,
3 - spinlock address
0x33 : acquiring a fast mutex when not at APC_LEVEL or below.
2 - current IRQL,
3 - fast mutex address
0x34 : releasing a fast mutex when not at APC_LEVEL.
2 - current IRQL,
3 - thread APC disable count
4 - fast mutex address
0x35 : kernel is releasing a spinlock when not at DISPATCH_LEVEL.
2 - current IRQL,
3 - spinlock address
4 - old irql.
0x36 : kernel is releasing a queued spinlock when not at DISPATCH_LEVEL.
2 - current IRQL,
3 - spinlock number,
4 - old irql.
0x37 : a resource is being acquired but APCs are not disabled.
2 - current IRQL,
3 - thread APC disable count,
4 - resource.
0x38 : a resource is being released but APCs are not disabled.
2 - current IRQL,
3 - thread APC disable count,
4 - resource.
0x39 : a mutex is being acquired unsafe, but irql is not APC_LEVEL on entry.
2 - current IRQL,
3 - thread APC disable count,
4 - mutex.
0x3A : a mutex is being released unsafe, but irql is not APC_LEVEL on entry.
2 - current IRQL,
3 - thread APC disable count,
4 - mutex.
0x3B : KeWaitXxx routine is being called at DISPATCH_LEVEL or higher.
2 - current irql,
3 - object to wait on,
4 - time out parameter.
0x3C : ObReferenceObjectByHandle is being called with a bad handle.
2 - bad handle passed in,
3 - object type,
4 - 0.
0x3D : ExAcquireResourceExclusive is being called with a bad (unaligned) resource.
2 - 0
3 - 0
4 - bad resource address passed in.
0x3E : KeLeaveCriticalRegion is being called for a thread that never entered a critical region.
2 - 0
3 - 0
4 - 0
0x3F : ObReferenceObject is being called on an object that has a reference count of zero or
ObDereferenceObject is being called on an object with a reference count of zero
2 - Object address
3 - new object reference count -1 = dereference case, 1 = reference case
4 - 0
0x40 : acquiring a spinlock when not at DISPATCH_LEVEL.
2 - current IRQL,
3 - spinlock address
0x41 : releasing a spinlock when not at DISPATCH_LEVEL.
2 - current IRQL,
3 - spinlock address
0x42 : acquiring a spinlock when caller is already above DISPATCH_LEVEL.
2 - current IRQL,
3 - spinlock address
0x51 : freeing memory where the caller has written past the end of the
allocation, overwriting our stored bytecount.
2 - base address of the allocation,
3 - corrupt address,
4 - charged bytes.
0x52 : freeing memory where the caller has written past the end of the
allocation, overwriting our stored virtual address.
2 - base address of the allocation,
3 - hash entry,
4 - charged bytes.
0x53 : freeing memory where the caller has written past the end of the
allocation, overwriting our stored virtual address.
2 - base address of the allocation,
3 - header,
4 - (reserved)
0x54 : freeing memory where the caller has written past the end of the
allocation, overwriting our stored virtual address.
2 - base address of the allocation,
3 - pool hash size,
4 - listindex.
0x59 : freeing memory where the caller has written past the end of the
allocation, overwriting our stored virtual address.
2 - base address of the allocation,
3 - listindex,
4 - (reserved)
0x60 : A driver has forgotten to free its pool allocations prior to unloading.
2 - paged bytes
3 - nonpaged bytes,
4 - total # of (paged+nonpaged) allocations that weren't freed.
To get the name of the driver at fault, type
dp ViBadDriver l1; dS @$p
Then type !verifier 3 drivername.sys for info on the allocations
that were leaked that caused the bugcheck.
0x61 : A driver is unloading and allocating memory (in another thread) at the same time.
2 - paged bytes
3 - nonpaged bytes,
4 - total # of (paged+nonpaged) allocations that weren't freed.
To get the name of the driver at fault, type
dp ViBadDriver l1; dS @$p
Then type !verifier 3 drivername.sys for info on the allocations
that were leaked that caused the bugcheck.
0x6F : MmProbeAndLockPages called on pages not in PFN database. This
is typically a driver calling this routine to lock its own
private dualport RAM. Not only is this not needed, it can also
corrupt memory on machines with noncontiguous physical RAM.
2 - MDL address
3 - physical page being locked
4 - highest physical page in the system
0x70 : MmProbeAndLockPages called when not at DISPATCH_LEVEL or below.
2 - current IRQL
3 - MDL address
4 - access mode
0x71 : MmProbeAndLockProcessPages called when not at DISPATCH_LEVEL or below.
2 - current IRQL
3 - MDL address
4 - process address
0x72 : MmProbeAndLockSelectedPages called when not at DISPATCH_LEVEL or below.
2 - current IRQL
3 - MDL address
4 - process address
0x73 : MmMapIoSpace called when not at DISPATCH_LEVEL or below.
2 - current IRQL
3 - low 32 bits of the physical address (full 64 on Win64)
4 - number of bytes
0x74 : MmMapLockedPages called when not at DISPATCH_LEVEL or below.
2 - current IRQL
3 - MDL address
4 - access mode
0x75 : MmMapLockedPages called when not at APC_LEVEL or below.
2 - current IRQL
3 - MDL address
4 - access mode
0x76 : MmMapLockedPagesSpecifyCache called when not at DISPATCH_LEVEL or below.
2 - current IRQL
3 - MDL address
4 - access mode
0x77 : MmMapLockedPagesSpecifyCache called when not at APC_LEVEL or below.
2 - current IRQL
3 - MDL address
4 - access mode
0x78 : MmUnlockPages called when not at DISPATCH_LEVEL or below.
2 - current IRQL
3 - MDL address
4 - 0
0x79 : MmUnmapLockedPages called when not at DISPATCH_LEVEL or below.
2 - current IRQL
3 - virtual address being unmapped
4 - MDL address
0x7A : MmUnmapLockedPages called when not at APC_LEVEL or below.
2 - current IRQL
3 - virtual address being unmapped
4 - MDL address
0x7B : MmUnmapIoSpace called when not at APC_LEVEL or below.
2 - current IRQL
3 - virtual address being unmapped
4 - number of bytes
0x7C : MmUnlockPages called with an MDL whose pages were never
successfully locked.
2 - MDL address
3 - MDL flags
4 - 0
0x7D : MmUnlockPages called with an MDL whose pages are from nonpaged
pool - these should never be unlocked.
2 - MDL address
3 - MDL flags
4 - 0
0x80 : KeSetEvent called when not at DISPATCH_LEVEL or below.
2 - current IRQL
3 - event address
4 - 0
0x81 : MmMapLockedPages called without MDL_MAPPING_CAN_FAIL
2 - MDL address
3 - MDL flags
4 - 0
0x82 : MmMapLockedPagesSpecifyCache called without MDL_MAPPING_CAN_FAIL
2 - MDL address
3 - MDL flags
4 - Whether to bugcheck on failure
0x83 : MmMapIoSpace called to map, but the caller hasn't locked down the MDL pages.
2 - Starting physical address to map.
3 - Number of bytes to map.
4 - The first page frame number that isn't locked down.
0x84 : MmMapIoSpace called to map, but the caller hasn't locked down the MDL pages.
2 - Starting physical address to map.
3 - Number of bytes to map.
4 - The first page frame number that is on the free list.
0x85 : MmMapLockedPages called to map, but the caller hasn't locked down the MDL pages.
2 - MDL address.
3 - Number of pages to map.
4 - The first page frame number that isn't locked down.
0x86 : MmMapLockedPages called to map, but the caller hasn't locked down the MDL pages.
2 - MDL address.
3 - Number of pages to map.
4 - The first page frame number that is on the free list.
0x87 : MmMapIoSpace called to map, but the caller's cachetype conflicts with an already existing mapping.
2 - Base physical page (shift left for physical address) of the existing (conflicting) mapping.
3 - Number of pages already mapped in the existing (conflicting) mapping.
4 - MEMORY_CACHING_TYPE of the existing (conflicting mapping).
0x88 : MmMapIoSpace called to map a physical range as noncached or writecombined, but the caller's physical range already has an existing cached mapping.
2 - Base physical page (shift left for physical address) of the requested mapping.
3 - Number of pages in the requested mapping.
4 - MEMORY_CACHING_TYPE of the requested mapping.
0x89 : An MDL is not marked as I/O but contains non-memory page addresses.
2 - MDL address.
3 - Pointer to the non-memory page in the MDL.
4 - The non-memory page number in the MDL.
0x8A : MmMapLockedPages* called to map a physical range as noncached or writecombined, but the caller's physical range already has an existing cached mapping.
2 - MDL address.
3 - Conflicting physical page (shift left for physical address) of the requested mapping.
4 - MEMORY_CACHING_TYPE of the requested mapping.
0x90 : A driver switched stacks. The current stack is neither a thread
stack nor a DPC stack. Typically the driver doing this should be
on the stack obtained from `kb' command.
0xA0 : A CRC error was detected on the sector (synchronously).
2 - Request Irp.
3 - Device object of the lower device.
4 - Sector number on which the CRC error was detected.
0xA1 : A CRC error was detected on the sector (asynchronously).
2 - *COPY* of original Irp (actual irp has been completed)
3 - Device object of the lower device.
4 - Sector number on which the CRC error was detected.
0xA2 : CRCDISK checksum copies don't match (possible paging error)
2 - Request Irp or copy.
3 - Device object of the lower device.
4 - Sector number on which the CRC error was detected.
Parameter 1 = 0x1000 .. 0x1020 - deadlock verifier error codes.
Typically the code is 0x1001 (deadlock detected) and you can
issue a '!deadlock' KD command to get more information.
1 - memory referenced
2 - IRQL
3 - value 0 = read operation, 1 = write operation
4 - address which referenced memory
An attempt was made to access a pagable (or completely invalid) address at an
interrupt request level (IRQL) that is too high. This is
caused by drivers that have corrupted the system pool. Run the driver
verifier against any new (or suspect) drivers, and if that doesn't turn up
the culprit, then use gflags to enable special pool.
1 - memory referenced
2 - value 0 = read operation, 1 = write operation
3 - previous mode.
4 - 4.
An attempt was made to access freed pool memory. The faulty component is
displayed in the current kernel stack.
A kernel timer or DPC was found in memory which must not contain such items.
Usually this is memory being freed. This is usually caused by a device driver
that has not cleaned up properly before freeing memory.
1 - What kind of object
0 Timer Object
1 DPC Object
2 DPC Routine
2 - Address of object
3 - Start of range being checked
4 - End of range being checked
The processor's IRQL is not what it should be at this time. This is
usually caused by a lower level routine changing IRQL for some period
and not restoring IRQL at the end of that period (eg acquires spinlock
but doesn't release it).
1 - (Current IRQL << 16) | (Expected IRQL << 8) | UniqueValue
if UniqueValue is 0 or 1
2 = APC->KernelRoutine
3 = APC
4 = APC->NormalRoutine
The IO manager has caught a misbehaving driver.
1 - Code that specifies the violation
1 : Invalid IRP passed to IoFreeIrp
2 - the IRP passed in , 3/4 - 0
2 : IRP still associated with a thread at IoFreeIrp
2 - the IRP passed in , 3/4 - 0
3 : Invalid IRP passed to IoCallDriver
2 - the IRP passed in , 3/4 - 0
4 : Invalid Device object passed to IoCallDriver
2 - the Device object , 3/4 - 0
5 : Irql not equal across call to the driver dispatch routine
2 - the device object associated with the offending driver
3 - the Irql before the call
4 - the Irql after the call
6 : IRP passed to IoCompleteRequest contains invalid status
2 - the status
3 - the IRP
4 - 0
7 : IRP passed to IoCompleteRequest still has cancel routine set
2 - the cancel routine pointer
3 - the IRP
4 - 0
8 : Call to IoBuildAsynchronousFsdRequest threw an exception
2 - the Device object
3 - the IRP major function
4 - the exception status
9 : Call to IoBuildDeviceIoControlRequest threw an exception
2 - the Device object
3 - the IoControlCode
4 - the exception status
0xA : Reinitialization of Device object timer
2 - the Device object , 3/4 - 0
0xB : Unused
0xC : Invalid IOSB in IRP at APC IopCompleteRequest (appears to be on
stack that was unwound)
2 - the IOSB pointer , 3/4 - 0
0xD : Invalid UserEvent in IRP at APC IopCompleteRequest (appears to
be on stack that was unwound)
2 - the UserEvent pointer , 3/4 - 0
0xE : Irql > DPC at IoCompleteRequest
2 - the current Irql
3 - the IRP
4 - 0
0xF : Driver sent an create request with fileobject that's been closed or had its open cancelled.
1 - Device Object to which the IRP is being sent
2 - Pointer to IRP
3 - Pointer to FileObject
0x200 : (Unknown) This code covers all unknown I/O Verification errors.
2 - The address in the driver's code where the error was detected.
3 - A pointer to the IRP.
4 - A pointer to the DeviceObject.
0x201 : (Fatal error) A device is deleting itself while there is another device
beneath it in the driver stack. This may be because the caller has forgotten to call
IoDetachDevice first, or the lower driver may have incorrectly deleted itself.
0x202 : (Fatal error) A driver has attempted to detach from a device object that
is not attached to anything. This may occur if detach was called twice on the same
device object. (Device object specified.)
0x203 : (Fatal error) A driver has called IoCallDriver without setting the
CancelRoutine in the IRP to NULL. (IRP specified.)
0x204 : (Fatal error) The caller has passed in NULL as a DeviceObject. This
is fatal. (IRP specified.)
0x205 : (Fatal error) The caller is forwarding an IRP that is currently queued beneath
it. The code handling IRPs returning STATUS_PENDING in this driver appears to be
broken. (IRP specified.)
0x206 : (Fatal error) The caller has incorrectly forwarded an IRP (control field
not zeroed). The driver should use IoCopyCurrentIrpStackLocationToNext or
IoSkipCurrentIrpStackLocation. (IRP specified.)
0x207 : (Fatal error) The caller has manually copied the stack and has inadvertently
copied the upper layer's completion routine. Please use
IoCopyCurrentIrpStackLocationToNext. (IRP specified.)
0x208 : (Fatal error) This IRP is about to run out of stack locations. Someone
may have forwarded this IRP from another stack. (IRP specified.)
0x209 : (Fatal error) The caller is completing an IRP that is currently queued
beneath it. The code handling IRPs returning STATUS_PENDING in this driver appears
to be broken. (IRP specified.)
0x20A : (Fatal error) The caller of IoFreeIrp is freeing an IRP that is still
in use. (Original IRP and IRP in use specified.)
0x20B : (Fatal error) The caller of IoFreeIrp is freeing an IRP that is still
in use. (IRP specified.)
0x20C : (Fatal error) The caller of IoFreeIrp is freeing an IRP that is still
queued against a thread. (IRP specified.)
0x20D : (Fatal error) The caller of IoInitializeIrp has passed an IRP that was
allocated with IoAllocateIrp. This is illegal and unnecessary, and has caused
a quota leak. Check the documentation for IoReuseIrp if this IRP is being recycled.
0x20E : (Non-fatal error) A PNP IRP has an invalid status. (Any PNP IRP must
have its status initialized to STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED.) (IRP specified.)
0x20F : (Non-fatal error) A Power IRP has an invalid status. (Any Power IRP
must have its status initialized to STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED.) (IRP specified.)
0x210 : (Non-fatal error) A WMI IRP has an invalid status. (Any WMI IRP must
have its status initialized to STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED.) (IRP specified.)
0x211 : (Non-fatal error) The caller has forwarded an IRP while skipping a device
object in the stack. The caller is probably sending IRPs to the PDO instead of
to the device returned by IoAttachDeviceToDeviceStack. (IRP specified.)
0x212 : (Non-fatal error) The caller has trashed or has not properly copied the
IRP's stack. (IRP specified.)
0x213 : (Non-fatal error) The caller has changed the status field of an IRP it
does not understand. (IRP specified.)
0x214 : (Non-fatal error) The caller has changed the information field of an
IRP it does not understand. (IRP specified.)
0x215 : (Non-fatal error) A non-successful non-STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED IRP status
for IRP_MJ_PNP is being passed down stack. (IRP specified.) Failed PNP IRPs
must be completed.
0x216 : (Non-fatal error) The previously-set IRP_MJ_PNP status has been converted
0x217 : (Non-fatal error) The driver has not handled a required IRP. The driver must
update the status of the IRP to indicate whether or not it has been handled.
(IRP specified.)
0x218 : (Non-fatal error) The driver has responded to an IRP that is reserved for
other device objects elsewhere in the stack. (IRP specified.)
0x219 : (Non-fatal error) A non-successful non-STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED IRP status for
IRP_MJ_POWER is being passed down stack. (IRP specified.) Failed POWER IRPs must be
0x21A : (Non-fatal error) The previously-set IRP_MJ_POWER status has been converted
0x21B : (Non-fatal error) A driver has returned a suspicious status. This is probably
due to an uninitialized variable bug in the driver. (IRP specified.)
0x21C : (Warning) The caller has copied the IRP stack but not set a completion routine.
This is inefficient -- use IoSkipCurrentIrpStackLocation instead. (IRP specified.)
0x21D : (Fatal error) An IRP dispatch handler has not properly detached from the
stack below it upon receiving a remove IRP. (DeviceObject, Dispatch
Routine, and IRP specified.)
0x21E : (Fatal error) An IRP dispatch handler has not properly deleted its device object
upon receiving a remove IRP. (DeviceObject, Dispatch Routine, and IRP specified.)
0x21F : (Non-fatal error) A driver has not filled out a dispatch routine for a required
IRP major function. (IRP specified.)
0x220 : (Non-fatal error) IRP_MJ_SYSTEM_CONTROL has been completed by someone other than
the ProviderId. This IRP should either have been completed earlier or should have
been passed down. (IRP specified, along with the DeviceObject where it was targeted.)
0x221 : (Fatal error) An IRP dispatch handler for a PDO has deleted its device object,
but the hardware has not been reported as missing in a bus relations query.
(DeviceObject, Dispatch Routine, and IRP specified.)
0x222 : (Fatal error) A Bus Filter's IRP dispatch handler has detached upon receiving
a remove IRP when the PDO is still alive. Bus Filters must clean up in
FastIoDetach callbacks. (DeviceObject, Dispatch Routine, and IRP specified.)
0x223 : (Fatal error) An IRP dispatch handler for a bus filter has deleted its device
object, but the PDO is still present. Bus filters must clean up in
FastIoDetach callbacks. (DeviceObject, Dispatch Routine, and IRP specified.)
0x224 : (Fatal error) An IRP dispatch handler has returned a status that is inconsistent
with the IRP's IoStatus.Status field. (Dispatch handler routine, IRP, IRP's
IoStatus.Status, and returned Status specified.)
0x225 : (Non-fatal error) An IRP dispatch handler has returned a status that is illegal
(0xFFFFFFFF). This is probably due to an uninitialized stack variable. To debug
this, execute an LN command on the specified address.
0x226 : (Fatal error) An IRP dispatch handler has returned without passing down or
completing this IRP, or someone forgot to return STATUS_PENDING. (IRP specified.)
0x227 : (Fatal error) An IRP completion routine is in pageable code. (This is never
permitted.) (Routine and IRP specified.)
0x228 : (Non-fatal error) A driver's completion routine has not marked the IRP pending if
the PendingReturned field was set in the IRP passed to it. This may cause the
OS to hang, especially if an error is returned by the stack. (Routine and IRP specified.)
0x229 : (Fatal error) A cancel routine has been set for an IRP that is currently being
processed by drivers lower in the stack, possibly stomping their cancel routine.
(Routine and IRP specified.)
0x22A : (Non-fatal error) The physical device object (PDO) has not responded to a
required IRP. (IRP specified.)
0x22B : (Non-fatal error) The physical device object (PDO) has forgotten to fill out the
device relation list with the PDO for the TargetDeviceRelation query. (IRP specified.)
0x22C : (Fatal error) The code implementing the TargetDeviceRelation query has not called
ObReferenceObject on the PDO. (IRP specified.)
0x22D : (Non-fatal error) The caller has completed a IRP_MJ_PNP it didn't understand
instead of passing it down. (IRP specified.)
0x22E : (Non-fatal error) The caller has completed a successful IRP_MJ_PNP instead of
passing it down. (IRP specified.)
0x22F : (Non-fatal error) The caller has completed an untouched IRP_MJ_PNP (instead of
passing the IRP down), or non-PDO has failed the IRP using illegal value of
0x230 : (Non-fatal error) The caller has completed an IRP_MJ_POWER it didn't understand
instead of passing it down. (IRP specified.)
0x231 : (Fatal error) The caller has completed a successful IRP_MJ_POWER instead of passing
it down. (IRP specified.)
0x232 : (Non-fatal error) The caller has completed an untouched IRP_MJ_POWER (instead of
passing the IRP down), or non-PDO has failed the IRP using illegal value of
0x233 : (Non-fatal error) The version field of the query capabilities structure in a query
capabilities IRP was not properly initialized. (IRP specified.)
0x234 : (Non-fatal error) The size field of the query capabilities structure in a query
capabilities IRP was not properly initialized. (IRP specified.)
0x235 : (Non-fatal error) The address field of the query capabilities structure in a query
capabilities IRP was not properly initialized to -1. (IRP specified.)
0x236 : (Non-fatal error) The UI Number field of the query capabilities structure in a
query capabilities IRP was not properly initialized to -1. (IRP specified.)
0x237 : (Fatal error) A driver has sent an IRP that is restricted for system use only. (IRP specified.)
0x238 : (Warning) The caller of IoInitializeIrp has passed an IRP that was allocated with
IoAllocateIrp. This is illegal, unnecessary, and negatively impacts performance in normal
use. Check the documentation for IoReuseIrp if this IRP is being recycled.
0x239 : (Warning) The caller of IoCompleteRequest is completing an IRP that has never
been forwarded via a call to IoCallDriver or PoCallDriver. This may be
a bug. (IRP specified.)
0x23A : (Fatal error) A driver has forwarded an IRP at an IRQL that is illegal for
this major code. (IRP specified.)
0x23B : (Non-fatal error) The caller has changed the status field of an IRP it does not
understand. (IRP specified.)
0x23C : (Fatal error) A driver has completed an IRP without setting the cancel
routine in the IRP to NULL. (IRP specified.)
0x23D : (Non-fatal error) A driver has returned STATUS_PENDING but did not mark the IRP
pending via a call to IoMarkIrpPending. (IRP specified.)
0x23E : (Non-fatal error) A driver has marked an IRP pending but didn't return
STATUS_PENDING. (IRP specified.)
0x23F : (Fatal error) A driver has not inherited the DO_POWER_PAGABLE bit from the
stack it has attached to. (DeviceObject specified.)
0x240 : (Fatal error) A driver is attempting to delete a device object that has already
been deleted via a prior call to IoDeleteDevice.
0x241 : (Fatal error) A driver has detached its device object during a surprise remove
IRP. (IRP and DeviceObject specified.)
0x242 : (Fatal error) A driver has deleted its device object during a surprise remove
IRP. (IRP and DeviceObject specified.)
0x243 : (Fatal error) A driver has failed to clear the DO_DEVICE_INITIALIZING flag at
the end of AddDevice. (DeviceObject specified.)
0x244 : (Fatal error) A driver has not copied either the DO_BUFFERED_IO or the
DO_DIRECT_IO flag from the device object it is attaching
to. (DeviceObject specified.)
0x245 : (Fatal error) A driver has set both the DO_BUFFERED_IO and the DO_DIRECT_IO
flags. These flags are mutually exclusive. (DeviceObject specified.)
0x246 : (Fatal error) A driver has failed to copy the DeviceType field from the device
object it is attaching to. (DeviceObject specified.)
0x247 : (Fatal error) A driver has failed an IRP that cannot legally be failed. (IRP specified.)
0x248 : (Fatal error) A driver has added a device object that is not a PDO to a device
relations query. (IRP and DeviceObject specified.)
0x249 : (Non-fatal error) A driver has enumerated two child PDOs that returned identical
Device IDs. (Both DeviceObjects specified.)
0x24A : (Fatal error) A driver has mistakenly called a file I/O function at an IRQL
other than PASSIVE_LEVEL.
0x24B : (Fatal error) A driver has succeeded IRP_MJ_PNP.IRP_MN_QUERY_DEVICE_RELATIONS(TargetRelations)
but did not properly fill out the request or forward the IRP to the underlying
hardware stack. (DeviceObject specified.)
0x24C : (Non-fatal error) A driver has returned STATUS_PENDING but did not mark the
IRP pending via a call to IoMarkIrpPending. (IRP specified.)
0x24D : (Fatal error) A driver has passed an invalid device object to a function that
requires a PDO. (DeviceObject specified.)
PnP encountered a severe error, either as a result of a problem in a driver or
a problem in PnP itself. The first argument describes the nature of the
problem, the second argument is the address of the PDO. The other arguments
vary depending on argument 1.
Argument 1 -
1 : Duplicate PDO
A specific instance of a driver has enumerated multiple PDOs with
identical device id and unique ids.
2 - Newly reported PDO.
3 - PDO of which it is a duplicate.
2 : Invalid PDO
An API which requires a PDO has been called with either an FDO,
a PDO which hasn't been initialized yet (returned to PnP in a
QueryDeviceRelation/BusRelations), or some random piece of
2 - Purported PDO.
3 - Driver object
3 : Invalid ID
An enumerator has returned an ID which contains illegal
characters or isn't properly terminated. IDs must only contain
characters in the range 0x20-7F inclusive with the exception of
0x2C (comma) which is illegal.
2 - PDO whose IDs were queried
3 - Address of ID buffer
4 - Type of ID
1 : DeviceID
2 : UniqueID
3 : HardwareIDs
4 : CompatibleIDs
4 : Invalid enumeration of deleted PDO
An enumerator has returned a PDO which it has previously deleted
using IoDeleteDevice.
5 : PDO freed while still linked in devnode tree.
The object manager reference count on a PDO dropped to zero
while the devnode was still linked in the tree. This usually
indicates that the driver is not adding a reference when
returning the PDO in a query IRP.
2 - PDO.
1 - The calling address in the driver that locked the pages or if the
IO manager locked the pages this points to the dispatch routine of
the top driver on the stack to which the IRP was sent.
2 - The caller of the calling address in the driver that locked the
pages. If the IO manager locked the pages this points to the device
object of the top driver on the stack to which the IRP was sent.
3 - A pointer to the MDL containing the locked pages.
4 - The number of locked pages.
Caused by a driver not cleaning up completely after an I/O.
When possible, the guilty driver's name (Unicode string) is printed on
the bugcheck screen and saved in KiBugCheckDriver.
1 - memory referenced
2 - value 0 = read operation, 1 = write operation
3 - if non-zero, the address which referenced memory.
4 - Mm internal code.
Memory was referenced after it was freed.
This cannot be protected by try-except.
When possible, the guilty driver's name (Unicode string) is printed on
the bugcheck screen and saved in KiBugCheckDriver.
1 - memory referenced
2 - value 0 = read operation, 1 = write operation
3 - if non-zero, the address which referenced memory.
4 - Mm internal code.
N bytes of memory was allocated and more than N bytes are being referenced.
This cannot be protected by try-except.
When possible, the guilty driver's name (Unicode string) is printed on
the bugcheck screen and saved in KiBugCheckDriver.
A driver unloaded without cancelling timers, DPCs, worker threads, etc.
The broken driver's name is displayed on the screen.
1 - memory referenced
2 - value 0 = read operation, 1 = write operation
3 - If non-zero, the instruction address which referenced the bad memory
4 - Mm internal code.
1 - memory referenced
2 - value 0 = read operation, 1 = write operation
3 - If non-zero, the instruction address which referenced the bad memory
4 - Mm internal code.
A driver has been incorrectly ported to Terminal Server. It is referencing
session space addresses from the system process context. Probably from
queueing an item to a system worker thread.
The broken driver's name is displayed on the screen.
1 - memory referenced
2 - IRQL
3 - value 0 = read operation, 1 = write operation
4 - address which referenced memory
An attempt was made to access a pagable (or completely invalid) address at an
interrupt request level (IRQL) that is too high. This is
caused by drivers that have corrupted the system pool. Run the driver
verifier against any new (or suspect) drivers, and if that doesn't turn up
the culprit, then use gflags to enable special pool. You can also set
HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management\ProtectNonPagedPool
to a DWORD 1 value and reboot. Then the system will unmap freed nonpaged pool,
preventing drivers (although not DMA-hardware) from corrupting the pool.
1 - memory referenced
2 - IRQL
3 - value 0 = read operation, 1 = write operation
4 - address which referenced memory
An attempt was made to access a pagable (or completely invalid) address at an
interrupt request level (IRQL) that is too high. This is usually
caused by drivers using improper addresses.
If kernel debugger is available get stack backtrace.
This is the NDIS Driver Bugcheck for Windows 2000 and Windows XP.
For Windows Server 2003 and later, see 0x7C, BUGCODE_NDIS_DRIVER.
The meaning of the bug check parameters cannot be determined by examining the
parameters alone. You must also examine the text of a DbgPrint message.
For details, see either the debugger documentation or the DDK documentation.
1 - memory referenced
2 - IRQL
3 - value 0 = read operation, 1 = write operation
4 - address which referenced memory
When possible, the guilty driver's name (Unicode string) is printed on
the bugcheck screen and saved in KiBugCheckDriver.
An attempt was made to access a pagable (or completely invalid) address at an
interrupt request level (IRQL) that is too high. This is usually
caused by drivers marking code or data as pagable when it should be
marked nonpaged.
If kernel debugger is available get stack backtrace.
A driver unloaded without cancelling lookaside lists, DPCs, worker threads, etc.
The broken driver's name is displayed on the screen.
1 - memory referenced
2 - IRQL
3 - value 0 = read operation, 1 = write operation
4 - address which referenced memory
When possible, the guilty driver's name (Unicode string) is printed on
the bugcheck screen and saved in KiBugCheckDriver.
An attempt was made to access the driver at raised IRQL after it unloaded.
If kernel debugger is available get stack backtrace.
1 - memory referenced
2 - value 0 = read operation, 1 = write operation
3 - if non-zero, the address which referenced memory.
4 - (reserved)
Memory was referenced after it was freed.
This cannot be protected by try-except.
When possible, the guilty driver's name (Unicode string) is printed on
the bugcheck screen and saved in KiBugCheckDriver.
1 - memory referenced
2 - value 0 = read operation, 1 = write operation
3 - if non-zero, the address which referenced memory.
4 - (reserved)
N bytes of memory was allocated and more than N bytes are being referenced.
This cannot be protected by try-except.
When possible, the guilty driver's name (Unicode string) is printed on
the bugcheck screen and saved in KiBugCheckDriver.
1 - virtual address to unmap.
2 - 1 if the view is being unmapped, 2 if the view is being committed.
3 - 0.
4 - 0.
A driver (usually win32k.sys, but can be determined from the stack trace for
certain) is trying to unmap an address that was not mapped.
1 - If non-null, the guilty driver's name (Unicode string).
2 - If parameter 1 non-null, the number of PTEs used by the guilty driver.
3 - Total free system PTEs
4 - Total system PTEs
No System PTEs left. Usually caused by a driver not cleaning up
properly. If non-null, Parameter 1 shows the name of the driver
who is consuming the most PTEs. The calling stack also shows the name of
the driver which bugchecked. Both drivers need to be fixed and/or the number
of PTEs increased.
When possible, the guilty driver's name (Unicode string) is printed on
the bugcheck screen and saved in KiBugCheckDriver.
1 - Type of error.
1 : The MDL is being inserted twice on the same process list.
2 - Address of internal lock tracking structure.
3 - Address of memory descriptor list.
4 - Number of pages locked for the current process.
2 : The MDL is being inserted twice on the systemwide list.
2 - Address of internal lock tracking structure.
3 - Address of memory descriptor list.
4 - Number of pages locked for the current process.
3 : The MDL was found twice in the process list when being freed.
2 - Address of first internal tracking structure found.
3 - Address of internal lock tracking structure.
4 - Address of memory descriptor list.
4 : The MDL was found in the systemwide list on free after it was removed.
2 - Address of internal lock tracking structure.
3 - Address of memory descriptor list.
4 - 0.
The stack trace identifies the guilty driver.
1 - Type of error.
1 : The PTE mapping being freed is a duplicate.
2 - Address of internal lock tracking structure.
3 - Address of memory descriptor list.
4 - Address of duplicate internal lock tracking structure.
2 : The number of PTE mappings being freed is incorrect.
2 - Address of internal lock tracking structure.
3 - Number of PTEs the system thinks should be freed.
4 - Number of PTEs the driver is requesting to free.
3 : The PTE mapping address being freed is incorrect.
2 - Address of first internal tracking structure found.
3 - The PTE address the system thinks should be freed.
4 - The PTE address the driver is requesting to free.
4 : The first page of the mapped MDL has changed since the MDL was mapped.
2 - Address of internal lock tracking structure.
3 - Page frame number the system thinks should be first in the MDL.
4 - Page frame number that is currently first in the MDL.
5 : The start virtual address in the MDL being freed has changed since
the MDL was mapped.
2 - Address of first internal tracking structure found.
3 - The virtual address the system thinks should be freed.
4 - The virtual address the driver is requesting to free.
6 : The MDL being freed was never (or is currently not) mapped.
2 - The MDL specified by the driver.
3 - The virtual address specified by the driver.
4 - The number of PTEs to free (specified by the driver).
7 : The PTE range is being double allocated.
2 - Starting PTE.
3 - Number of PTEs.
4 - Caller Id (system internal).
8 : The caller is asking to free an incorrect number of PTEs.
2 - Starting PTE.
3 - Number of PTEs the caller is freeing.
4 - Number of PTEs the system thinks should be freed.
9 : The caller is asking to free PTEs where one of them is not allocated.
2 - Starting PTE.
3 - Number of PTEs the caller is freeing.
4 - PTE index that the system thinks is already free.
0xA : The caller is asking to allocate 0 PTEs.
2 - Whether the driver requested "bugcheck on failure" in the MDL.
3 - Number of PTEs the caller is allocating.
4 - Type of PTE pool requested.
0xB : The PTE list is already corrupted at the time of this allocation.
The corrupt PTE is below the lowest possible PTE address.
2 - Corrupt PTE.
3 - Number of PTEs the caller is allocating.
4 - Type of PTE pool requested.
0xC : The PTE list is already corrupted at the time of this allocation.
The corrupt PTE is above the lowest possible PTE address.
2 - Corrupt PTE.
3 - Number of PTEs the caller is allocating.
4 - Type of PTE pool requested.
0xD : The caller is trying to free 0 PTEs.
2 - Starting PTE.
3 - Number of PTEs the caller is freeing.
4 - Type of PTE pool.
0xE : The caller is trying to free PTEs and the guard PTE has been overwritten.
2 - Starting PTE.
3 - Number of PTEs the caller is freeing.
4 - Type of PTE pool.
0xF : The caller is trying to free a bogus PTE.
The bogus PTE is below the lowest possible PTE address.
2 - Bogus PTE.
3 - Number of PTEs the caller is trying to free.
4 - Type of PTE pool being freed.
0x10 : The caller is trying to free a bogus PTE.
The bogus PTE is above the highest possible PTE address.
2 - Bogus PTE.
3 - Number of PTEs the caller is trying to free.
4 - Type of PTE pool being freed.
0x11 : The caller is trying to free a bogus PTE.
The bogus PTE is at the base of the PTE address space.
2 - Bogus PTE.
3 - Number of PTEs the caller is trying to free.
4 - Type of PTE pool being freed.
1 - memory referenced
2 - IRQL
3 - value 0 = read operation, 1 = write operation
4 - address which referenced memory
An attempt was made to access a pagable (or completely invalid) address at an
interrupt request level (IRQL) that is too high. This is
caused by drivers that have corrupted system PTEs. Set
HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management\TrackPtes
to a DWORD 3 value and reboot. Then the system will save stack traces and
perform validity checks so the guilty driver can be identified.
There is no other way to find out which driver did this. When you enable
this flag, if the driver commits the error again you will see a different
bugcheck - SYSTEM_PTE_MISUSE - and the stack trace will identify the offending
A driver accessed a stack address that lies below the stack pointer of the
stack's thread.
A driver corrupted pool memory used for holding pages destined for disk.
This was discovered by the memory manager when dereferencing the file.
A workitem forgot to disable impersonation before it completed.
1 - Worker Routine that caused this bugcheck.
2 - Parameter passed to this worker routine.
3 - Pointer to the Workitem.
Your computer (BIOS) has reported that a component in your system is too faulty
for Windows to be able to run.
You can determine which component is faulty by running the diagnostic disk or
tool that came with your computer.
If you do not have this tool, you must contact your system vendor and report
this error message to them. They will be able to assist you in correcting this
hardware problem, thereby allowing Windows to operate. Microsoft cannot assist
in the debugging of this problem -- only the hardware vendor can interpret the
bug check parameters and debug this error.
1 - address of worker routine (do ln on this to find guilty driver)
2 - IRQL returned at (should have been 0, but isn't).
3 - workitem parameter
4 - workitem address
The user manually initiated this crash dump.
A thread tried to release a resource it did not own.
1 - Address of resource
2 - Address of thread
3 - Address of owner table if there is one
A executive worker item was found in memory which must not contain such
items. Usually this is memory being freed. This is usually caused by
a device driver that has not cleaned up properly before freeing memory.
1 - Code position indicator
2 - Address of worker item
3 - Start of pool block
4 - End of pool block
An illegal DMA operation was attempted by a driver being verified.
1- Violation code.
0x03 : Double-freed DMA common buffer.
0x04 : Double-freed DMA adapter channel.
0x05 : Double-freed DMA map register.
0x06 : Double-freed DMA scatter-gather list.
0x0E : Buffer not locked. DMA transfer has been
attempted with a PAGED buffer.
0x0F : Boundary overrun. Driver or DMA hardware has
written outside of its allocation.
0x18 : Adapter already released. A DMA operation has been
attempted using an adapter that no longer exists.
0x19 : The driver passed a null DMA_ADAPTER value to a
HAL routine.
0x1B : The driver passed an address and an MDL to a HAL
routine, but this address is not contained in
this MDL.
0x1D : The driver attempted to map an address that was
already mapped.
While restoring the previously saved floating point state for a thread,
the state was found to be invalid. The first argument indicates which
validity check failed.
1 - indicates which validity check failed.
0 : Saved context flags field is invalid, either FLOAT_SAVE_VALID
is not set or some of the reserved bits are non-zero. Second
argument is the flags field.
1 : The current processor interrupt priority level (IRQL) is not
the same as when the floating point context was saved.
Second argument is saved IRQL, third is current IRQL.
2 : The saved context does not belong to the current thread.
Second argument is the saved address of the thread this
floating point context belongs to, third argument is the
current thread.
The fileobject passed to IoCancelFileOpen is invalid. It should have reference
of 1. The driver that called IoCancelFileOpen is at fault.
1 - FileObject passed to IoCancelFileOpen
2 - DeviceObject passed to IoCancelFileOpen
An executive worker thread is being terminated without having gone through
the worker thread rundown code. A stack trace should indicate the cause.
1 - The exiting ETHREAD.
The device driver is spinning in an infinite loop, most likely waiting for
hardware to become idle. This usually indicates problem with the hardware
itself or with the device driver programming the hardware incorrectly.
1 - Pointer to a stuck thread object. Do .thread then kb on it to find
the hung location.
2 - Pointer to a DEFERRED_WATCHDOG object.
3 - Pointer to offending driver name.
4 - Number of times this error occurred. If a debugger is attached,
this error is not always fatal -- see DESCRIPTION below. On the
blue screen, this will always equal 1.
If the kernel debugger is connected and running when watchdog detects a
timeout condition then DbgBreakPoint() will be called instead of KeBugCheckEx()
and detailed message including bugcheck arguments will be printed to the
debugger. This way we can identify an offending thread, set breakpoints in it,
and hit go to return to the spinning code to debug it further. Because
KeBugCheckEx() is not called the .bugcheck directive will not return bugcheck
information in this case. The arguments are already printed out to the kernel
debugger. You can also retrieve them from a global variable via
"dd watchdog!g_WdBugCheckData l5" (use dq on NT64).
On MP machines it is possible to hit a timeout when the spinning thread is
interrupted by hardware interrupt and ISR or DPC routine is running at the time
of the bugcheck (this is because the timeout's work item can be delivered and
handled on the second CPU and the same time). If this is the case you will have
to look deeper at the offending thread's stack (e.g. using dds) to determine
spinning code which caused the timeout to occur.
The device driver is spinning in an infinite loop, most likely waiting for
hardware to become idle. This usually indicates problem with the hardware
itself or with the device driver programming the hardware incorrectly.
1 - Pointer to a stuck thread object. Do .thread then kb on it to find
the hung location.
2 - Pointer to a DEFERRED_WATCHDOG object.
3 - Pointer to offending driver name.
4 - Number of times "intercepted" bugcheck 0xEA was hit (see notes).
If the kernel debugger is connected and running when watchdog detects a
timeout condition then DbgBreakPoint() will be called instead of KeBugCheckEx()
and detailed message including bugcheck arguments will be printed to the
debugger. This way we can identify an offending thread, set breakpoints in it,
and hit go to return to the spinning code to debug it further. Because
KeBugCheckEx() is not called the .bugcheck directive will not return bugcheck
information in this case. The arguments are already printed out to the kernel
debugger. You can also retrieve them from a global variable via
"dd watchdog!g_WdBugCheckData l5" (use dq on NT64).
On MP machines it is possible to hit a timeout when the spinning thread is
interrupted by hardware interrupt and ISR or DPC routine is running at the time
of the bugcheck (this is because the timeout's work item can be delivered and
handled on the second CPU and the same time). If this is the case you will have
to look deeper at the offending thread's stack (e.g. using dds) to determine
spinning code which caused the timeout to occur.
1 - Total number of dirty pages
2 - Number of dirty pages destined for the pagefile(s).
3 - Internal flags.
4 - Most recent modified write error status.
No free pages available to continue operations.
If kernel debugger available, type "!vm 3".
This bugcheck usually occurs for the following reasons:
1. A driver has blocked, deadlocking the modified or mapped
page writers. Examples of this include mutex deadlocks or
accesses to paged out memory in filesystem drivers, filter
drivers, etc. This indicates a driver bug.
If parameter 1 or 2 is large, then this is a possibility. Type
"!vm 3" in the kernel debugger.
2. The storage driver(s) are not processing requests. Examples
of this are stranded queues, non-responding drives, etc. This
indicates a driver bug.
If parameter 1 or 2 is large, then this is a possibility. Type
"!process 0 7" in the kernel debugger.
3. Not enough pool is available for the storage stack to write out
modified pages. This indicates a driver bug.
If parameter 3 is small, then this is a possibility. Type
"!vm" and "!poolused 2" in the kernel debugger.
1 - session ID
2 - number of special pool pages that are leaking
Caused by a session driver not freeing its pool allocations prior to a
session unload. This indicates a bug in win32k.sys, atmfd.dll,
rdpdd.dll or a video driver.
The IO subsystem attempted to mount the boot volume and it failed.
1 - Device object of the boot volume
2 - Status code from the filesystem on why it failed to mount the volume
A critical system process died
1 - Process object
1 - Error code:
1000 : Miniport passed bad params to ScsiPortInitialize
2 - First argument to ScsiPortInitialize
3 - Second argument to ScsiPortInitialize
1001 : Miniport stalled processor too long
2 - Delay in microseconds supplied by miniport
1002 : Miniport routine executed too long
2 - Address of routine that ran too long
3 - Address of miniport's HwDeviceExtension
4 - Duration of the routine in microseconds
1003 : Miniport completed a request multiple times
2 - Address of miniport's HwDeviceExtension
3 - Address of SRB of multiply completed request
1004 : Miniport has completed request with bad status
2 - Address of SRB
3 - Address of miniport's HwDeviceExtension
1005 : Miniport has asked for the next LU request while
an untagged request is active
2 - Address of miniport's HwDeviceExtension
3 - Address of logical unit extension
1006 : Miniport called ScsiportGetPhysicalAddress with a bad VA
2 - Address of miniport's HwDeviceExtension
3 - VA supplied by the miniport
1007 : Miniport had outstanding requests at the end of a bus reset period
2 - Address of adapter extension
3 - Address of miniport's HwDeviceExtension
The SCSI verifier has detected an error in a SCSI miniport driver being verified.
Note: This bug check no longer exists in any version of Windows.
1 - address of the ISR (or first ISR in the chain) connected to the storming interrupt vector
2 - ISR context value
3 - address of the interrupt object for the storming interrupt vector
4 - 0x1 if the ISR is not chained, 0x2 if the ISR is chained
This bugcheck will show up on the screen when the kernel
detects an interrupt "storm". An interrupt storm is defined as a level
triggered interrupt signal staying in the asserted state. This is fatal
to the system in the manner that the system will hard hang, or "bus lock".
This can happen because of the following:
- A piece of hardware does not release its interrupt signal after being told
to do so by the device driver
- A device driver does not instruct its hardware to release the interrupt
signal because it does not believe the interrupt was initiated from its
- A device driver claims the interrupt even though the interrupt was not
initiated from its hardware. Note that this can only occur when multiple
devices are sharing the same IRQ.
- The ELCR (edge level control register) is set incorrectly.
- Edge and Level interrupt triggered devices share an IRQ (e.g. COM port and
PCI SCSI controller).
All of these cases will instantly hard hang your system. Instead of hard
hanging the system, this bugcheck is initiated since in many cases it can
identify the culprit.
When the bugcheck occurs, the module containing the ISR (interrupt service
routine) of the storming IRQ is displayed on the screen. This is an
example of what you would see:
*** STOP: 0x000000F2 (0xFCA7C55C, 0x817B9B28, 0x817D2AA0, 0x00000002)
An interrupt storm has caused the system to hang.
*** Address FCA7C55C base at FCA72000, Datestamp 3A72BDEF - ACPI.sys
In the event the fourth parameter is a 0x00000001, the module pointed to
is very likely the culprit. Either the driver is broken, or the hardware
is malfunctioning.
In the event the fourth parameter is a 0x00000002, the module pointed to
is the first ISR in the chain, and is never guaranteed to be the culprit.
A user experiencing this bugcheck repeatedly should try to isolate the
problem by looking for devices that are on the same IRQ as the one for
which the module is a driver for (in this case, the same IRQ that ACPI
is using). In the future, we may be able to list all devices on a
chained ISR.
No free pages available to continue operations.
Because applications are not terminated and drivers are
not unloaded, they can continue to access pages even after
the modified writer has terminated. This can cause the
system to run out of pages since the pagefile(s) cannot be used.
1 - Total number of dirty pages
2 - Number of dirty pages destined for the pagefile(s).
3 - Internal flags.
4 - Most recent modified write error status.
A process or thread crucial to system operation has unexpectedly exited or been
Several processes and threads are necessary for the operation of the
system; when they are terminated (for any reason), the system can no
longer function.
1 - Terminating object type
3 : Process
6 : Thread
2 - Terminating object
3 - Process image file name
4 - Explanatory message (ascii)
The PCI driver detected an error in a device or BIOS being verified.
1 - Failure detected
1 : An active bridge was reprogrammed by the BIOS during a docking event
2 : The PMCSR register was not updated within the spec mandated time
3 : A driver has written to OS controlled portions of a PCI device's config space
A driver has overrun a stack-based buffer. This overrun could potentially
allow a malicious user to gain control of this machine.
A driver overran a stack-based buffer (or local variable) in a way that would
have overwritten the function's return address and jumped back to an arbitrary
address when the function returned. This is the classic "buffer overrun"
hacking attack and the system has been brought down to prevent a malicious user
from gaining complete control of it.
Do a kb to get a stack backtrace -- the last routine on the stack before the
buffer overrun handlers and bugcheck call is the one that overran its local
An initialization failure occurred while attempting to boot from the RAM disk.
1 - Action that failed
1 : No LoaderXIPRom descriptor was found in the loader memory list
2 : Unable to open the RAM disk driver (ramdisk.sys, \Device\Ramdisk)
4 : Unable to create GUID string from binary GUID
5 : Unable to create symbolic link pointing to RAM disk device
2 - NT status code
A driver returned STATUS_REPARSE to a Create request with no trailing names.
STATUS_REPARSE should be returned only for Create requests with trailing names
as that indicates the driver is supporting name spaces.
1 - Device object that was opened.
2 - Device object to which the Create IRP was issued.
3 - New name of the file (to be reparsed) (UNICODE string)
4 - Information returned by the driver for the Create IRP
The HTTP kernel driver (http.sys) reached a corrupted state and can not
1 - State identifier
1 : A work item is invalid. This will eventually result in
corruption of the thread pool and an access violation.
2 - Address of work item
3 - Name of file containing work item check, __FILE__
4 - Line number in file, __LINE__
Generic bugcode message.
An attempt was made to execute to non-executable memory. The guilty driver
is on the stack trace (and is typically the current instruction pointer).
1 - Virtual address for the attempted execute.
2 - PTE contents.
3 - (reserved)
4 - (reserved)
When possible, the guilty driver's name (Unicode string) is printed on
the bugcheck screen and saved in KiBugCheckDriver.
1 - Total number of dirty pages
2 - Number of nowrite dirty pages.
3 - Internal flags.
4 - Most recent modified write error status.
No free pages available to continue operations.
If kernel debugger available, type "!vm 3 and !memusage 1".
This bugcheck usually occurs because the component owning the
modified nowrite pages failed to write out these pages after
marking the relevant files as dont-write to memory management.
This indicates a driver bug.
1 - USB Bugcheck Code:
1 : INTERNAL_ERROR An internal error has occured in the USB stack
2 : BAD_URB The USB client driver has submitted a URB that is
still attached to another IRP still pending in the bus
2 - Address of pending IRP.
3 - Address of IRP passed in.
4 - Address URB that caused the error.
3 : MINIPORT_ERROR The USB miniport driver has generated a
bugcheck. This is usually in response to catastrophic
hardware failure.
4 : IRP_URB_DOUBLE_SUBMIT The caller has submitted an irp
that is already pending in the USB bus driver.
2 - Address of IRP
3 - Address of URB
USB Driver bugcheck, first parameter is USB bugcheck code.
The Winlogon process terminated unexpectedly.
The user manually initiated this crash dump.