Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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105 lines
2.4 KiB

@echo off
if defined _echo echo on
if defined verbose echo on
for %%a in (./ .- .) do if ".%1." == "%%a?." goto Usage
set Servers=barbkess_dev
REM Figure out the name of the directory to prop to on
REM each share.
REM If trying to re-prop, the command-line argument says
REM the name of the directory
if /i not "%1" == "" (
for %%a in ( %Servers% ) do (
if /i exist \\%%a\debuggers\%1\%Plat% (
set DirName=%1
goto :EndSetDirName
REM Get Directory name -- its the date followed by the time
REM This is the new name for the propagation direction
set CurDate=%date%
for /F "tokens=2,3,4 delims=/ " %%a in ("%CurDate%") do (
set DirName=%%a-%%b-%%c
set CurTime=%time%
for /F "tokens=1,2,3,4 delims=:^." %%a in ("%CurTime%") do (
set DirName=%DirName%-%%a-%%b-%%c-%%d
echo DirName=%DirName%
REM Prop the bits to each server
for %%a in ( %Servers% ) do (
REM First create the directory
set PropDir=\\%%a\debuggers\%DirName%\%Plat%
if /i exist "!PropDir!" (
echo ERROR: The directory %PropDir% already exists
goto errend
echo Creating !PropDir!
md !PropDir!
if not exist !PropDir! (
echo ERROR: Could not create !PropDir!
goto errend
xcopy /sc %_NTTREE%\dbg\dbg.msi !PropDir!
xcopy /sc %_NTTREE%\dbg\dbginstall.cmd !PropDir!
xcopy /sc %_NTTREE%\dbg\msizap.exe !PropDir!
REM xcopy /sec %_NTTREE%\cabs\dbg\files\sdk !PropDir!\sdk
REM xcopy /sec %_NTTREE%\cabs\dbg\files\ddk !PropDir!\ddk
md !PropDir!\bin
if not exist !PropDir!\bin (
echo ERROR: Cannot create !PropDir!\bin
goto errend
attrib +h !PropDir!\bin
xcopy /sc %_NTTREE%\cabs\dbg\files\bin !PropDir!\bin
xcopy /sc %_NTTREE%\cabs\dbg\files\pri !PropDir!\bin\w2001
echo DBGPROP: Finished
goto end
echo USAGE: dbgprop [^<Dir^>]
echo Props the debugger files to the release servers.
echo ^<Dir^> Directory name to prop to. If nothing
echo is entered, this will prop to a directory
echo whose name is the date followed by the time.
goto errend
goto :EOF
goto :EOF