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334 lines
80 KiB
334 lines
80 KiB
Dialog_ Control Type X Y Width Height Attributes Property Text Control_Next Help
s72 s50 s20 i2 i2 i2 i2 I4 S50 L0 S50 L50
1252 Control Dialog_ Control
ActionDialog ActionData Text 36 86 380 36 3 [DefaultFont]
ActionDialog ActionProgress95 ProgressBar 36 124 380 12 0 [DefaultFont]Progress done
ActionDialog ActionText Text 36 62 380 36 3 [DefaultFont]
ActionDialog AddRemoveText Text 20 6 320 12 65539 {\MsSansB8}Add/Remove Progress
ActionDialog AddRemoveText1 Text 36 18 250 24 65539 [DefaultFont]Setup will now update [ProductShortName].
ActionDialog Cancel PushButton 375 298 57 18 3 [ButtonFont]Cancel
ActionDialog Image Bitmap 0 0 450 44 1 Header.bmp
ActionDialog Line1 Line 0 44 450 4 1
ActionDialog Line2 Line 0 291 450 4 1
ActionDialog Next PushButton 310 298 57 18 1 [ButtonFont]&Next >
ActionDialog Previous PushButton 253 298 57 18 1 [ButtonFont]< &Back
ActionDialog Text Text 20 6 320 12 65539 {\MsSansB8}Installation Progress
ActionDialog Text1 Text 36 18 250 24 65539 [DefaultFont]Setup will now install [ProductShortName].
ActionDialog UninstallText Text 20 6 320 12 65539 {\MsSansB8}Uninstallation Progress
ActionDialog UninstallText1 Text 36 18 250 24 65539 [DefaultFont]The wizard is uninstalling [ProductShortName].
AdminInstallBrowse Cancel PushButton 278 215 57 18 3 [ButtonFont]Cancel Combo
AdminInstallBrowse Combo DirectoryCombo 65 10 150 80 458755 TARGETDIR List
AdminInstallBrowse ComboText Text 20 12 40 20 3 [DefaultFont]&Directory:
AdminInstallBrowse List DirectoryList 20 35 315 135 3 TARGETDIR Tail
AdminInstallBrowse NewFolder PushButton 265 10 30 18 3 [ButtonFont]&New Open Create new folder|
AdminInstallBrowse OK PushButton 210 215 57 18 3 [ButtonFont]&OK Cancel
AdminInstallBrowse Open PushButton 300 10 35 18 3 [ButtonFont]&Open OK Open folder|
AdminInstallBrowse Tail PathEdit 90 180 245 20 3 TARGETDIR Up
AdminInstallBrowse TailText Text 20 183 65 20 3 [DefaultFont]&Selected Path:
AdminInstallBrowse Up PushButton 225 10 35 18 3 [ButtonFont]&Up NewFolder Go to parent folder|
AdminInstallPoint Browse PushButton 285 74 57 18 3 [ButtonFont]B&rowse Cancel
AdminInstallPoint Cancel PushButton 300 243 57 18 3 [ButtonFont]Cancel Previous
AdminInstallPoint Edit PathEdit 36 74 242 19 3 TARGETDIR Browse
AdminInstallPoint EditQ Text 36 62 300 18 3 [DefaultFont]Net&work installation point: Edit
AdminInstallPoint Image Bitmap 0 0 450 44 1 Header.bmp
AdminInstallPoint Line1 Line 0 44 450 4 1
AdminInstallPoint Line2 Line 0 236 450 4 1
AdminInstallPoint Next PushButton 235 243 57 18 3 [ButtonFont]&Next > EditQ
AdminInstallPoint Previous PushButton 178 243 57 18 1 [ButtonFont]< &Back Next
AdminInstallPoint Text Text 20 6 245 12 65539 {\MsSansB8}Administration Installation
AdminInstallPoint Text1 Text 36 18 250 24 65539 [DefaultFont]Select the location where you want to place [ProductShortName] for network installation.
AlphaWarningDialog Cancel PushButton 375 298 57 18 3 [ButtonFont]Cancel Continue
AlphaWarningDialog Continue PushButton 310 298 57 18 3 [ButtonFont]Co&ntinue > Cancel
AlphaWarningDialog Help PushButton 17 298 57 18 3 [ButtonFont]&Help
AlphaWarningDialog Image Bitmap 17 14 100 255 1 Maingraphic.bmp
AlphaWarningDialog line1 Line 0 291 450 4 1
AlphaWarningDialog Text0 Text 135 14 219 36 65539 {\VerdanaB14}WARNING!
AlphaWarningDialog Text1 Text 135 50 294 90 65539 {\VerdanaB12}This version of the Microsoft Platform SDK supports only Win64(tm) porting on Alpha processors.
AlphaWarningDialog Text2 Text 135 115 294 90 65539 {\VerdanaB12}To target Win32(tm) development on Windows NT 4.0 for Alpha processors, use the Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 for Alpha (some technologies may also require Microsoft Platform SDK September 1999 edition.)
BrowseDialog Cancel PushButton 323 191 57 18 3 [ButtonFont]Cancel Combo
BrowseDialog Combo DirectoryCombo 75 8 255 80 983043 INSTDIR [ButtonFont] List
BrowseDialog ComboText Text 5 193 65 20 67 [DefaultFont]&Install to:
BrowseDialog FolderGroupBox GroupBox 5 2 65 180 0
BrowseDialog List DirectoryList 75 33 305 150 7 INSTDIR Tail
BrowseDialog NewFolder PushButton 360 8 20 18 1310723 NewFolder.bmp OK Create new folder|
BrowseDialog OK PushButton 261 191 57 18 3 [ButtonFont]&OK Cancel
BrowseDialog ProgramFiles PushButton 20 20 35 35 5767171 folder.ico
BrowseDialog ProgramFilesText Text 12 60 55 20 3 [DefaultFont]Program Files
BrowseDialog Tail PathEdit 75 190 181 20 3 INSTDIR [ButtonFont] Up
BrowseDialog Up PushButton 335 8 20 18 1310723 UpFolder.bmp NewFolder Go to parent folder|
Cancel No PushButton 137 126 57 18 3 [ButtonFont]&Resume Yes
Cancel Text Text 12 12 245 36 3 [DefaultFont]If you close the wizard now, [ProductShortName] will not be installed.
Cancel Text2 Text 12 50 245 25 3 [DefaultFont]You can run this wizard at a later time to complete the installation.
Cancel Text3 Text 12 78 245 25 3 [DefaultFont]To continue installing the tools, click Resume. To quit Setup, click Exit.
Cancel Yes PushButton 200 126 57 18 3 [ButtonFont]E&xit No
CancelX No PushButton 137 126 57 18 3 [ButtonFont]&Resume Yes
CancelX Text Text 12 12 245 36 3 [DefaultFont][ProductShortName] cannot be installed to the directory that you have chosen.
CancelX Text2 Text 12 50 245 25 3 [DefaultFont]Please change the install path to a non-system directory.
CancelX Text3 Text 12 78 245 25 3 [DefaultFont]To change the path and continue with the install, click Resume. To quit Setup, click Exit.
CancelX Yes PushButton 200 126 57 18 3 [ButtonFont]E&xit No
CustomCompleteDialog Cancel PushButton 375 298 57 18 3 [ButtonFont]Cancel SomethingElse
CustomCompleteDialog CustomText Text 33 110 400 45 2 [DefaultFont]Custom installation means you can choose what to install and is recommended for advanced users only.
CustomCompleteDialog Image Bitmap 0 0 450 44 1 Header.bmp
CustomCompleteDialog Line1 Line 0 44 450 4 1
CustomCompleteDialog Line2 Line 0 291 450 4 1
CustomCompleteDialog Next PushButton 310 298 57 18 3 [ButtonFont]&Next > Previous
CustomCompleteDialog Previous PushButton 253 298 57 18 3 [ButtonFont]< &Back Cancel
CustomCompleteDialog SomethingElse RadioButtonGroup 20 65 300 150 3 InstallMode Next
CustomCompleteDialog Text Text 20 6 320 12 65539 {\MsSansB8}Select an Installation Type
CustomCompleteDialog Text1 Text 36 18 300 24 65539 ProductName [DefaultFont]You can choose to install all or some of the tools.
CustomCompleteDialog TypicalText Text 33 80 400 15 2 [DefaultFont]Typical installation includes the documentation, the debuggers, debugging extensions, and the basic tools.
DiskCost List VolumeCostList 20 55 325 125 393219
DiskCost OK PushButton 280 210 57 18 3 [ButtonFont]&OK
DiskCost Text2 Text 20 10 305 40 3 [DefaultFont]The current selections require the following amount of disk space on the different volumes. A highlighted selection indicates that the volume does not have enough disk space available for the currently selected features.
ErrorDialog A PushButton 200 128 57 18 3 [ButtonFont]&Abort
ErrorDialog C PushButton 200 128 57 18 3 [ButtonFont]Cancel
ErrorDialog ErrorText Text 12 20 240 95 3 [DefaultFont]
ErrorDialog I PushButton 200 128 57 18 3 [ButtonFont]&Ignore
ErrorDialog N PushButton 200 128 57 18 3 [ButtonFont]&No
ErrorDialog O PushButton 200 128 57 18 3 [ButtonFont]&OK
ErrorDialog R PushButton 200 128 57 18 3 [ButtonFont]&Retry
ErrorDialog Y PushButton 200 128 57 18 3 [ButtonFont]&Yes
ExitDialog AddRemoveText Text 135 14 280 36 65539 {\VerdanaB12}Completing the [ProductShortName] Setup Wizard
ExitDialog AddRemoveText2 Text 135 50 294 24 65539 [DefaultFont]You have successfully updated [ProductShortName].
ExitDialog Cancel PushButton 375 298 57 18 1 [ButtonFont]Cancel
ExitDialog Image Bitmap 17 14 100 255 1 Maingraphic.bmp
ExitDialog Line Line 0 291 450 4 1
ExitDialog OK PushButton 310 298 57 18 3 [ButtonFont]&Finish
ExitDialog Previous PushButton 253 298 57 18 1 [ButtonFont]&< Back
ExitDialog Text Text 135 14 280 36 65539 {\VerdanaB12}Completing the [ProductShortName] Setup Wizard
ExitDialog Text2 Text 135 50 294 24 65539 [DefaultFont]You have successfully installed [ProductShortName].
ExitDialog Text3 Text 135 80 294 24 65539 [DefaultFont]To close this wizard, click Finish.
ExitDialog UninstallText Text 135 14 280 36 65539 {\VerdanaB12}Completing the [ProductShortName] Setup Wizard
ExitDialog UninstallText2 Text 135 50 294 24 65539 [DefaultFont]You have successfully uninstalled [ProductShortName].
FastMaintenanceDialog Cancel PushButton 300 243 57 18 3 [ButtonFont]Cancel Previous
FastMaintenanceDialog Image Bitmap 0 0 450 44 1 Header.bmp
FastMaintenanceDialog InstallNow PushButton 235 243 57 18 3 [ButtonFont]&Next > Cancel
FastMaintenanceDialog Line1 Line 0 44 450 4 1
FastMaintenanceDialog Line2 Line 0 291 450 4 1
FastMaintenanceDialog Previous PushButton 178 243 57 18 1 [ButtonFont]< &Back InstallNow
FastMaintenanceDialog Text Text 36 18 250 24 65539 ProductName [DefaultFont]Are you ready to install [ProductShortName]?
FastMaintenanceDialog Text1 Text 36 55 300 36 65539 ProductName [DefaultFont]Click Next to begin installing.
FastMaintenanceDialog Text2 Text 36 18 250 24 65539 [DefaultFont]Are you ready to complete your suspended installation?
FastMaintenanceDialog Text3 Text 20 6 265 12 65539 {\MsSansB8}Begin Installation
FatalError Continue PushButton 172 298 97 18 3 [ButtonFont]&Continue Later OK
FatalError Image Bitmap 17 14 100 255 1 Maingraphic.bmp
FatalError Line Line 0 291 450 4 1
FatalError OK PushButton 310 298 57 18 3 [ButtonFont]&OK Restore
FatalError Restore PushButton 105 298 87 18 3 [ButtonFont]&Restore Continue
FatalError Text Text 135 14 219 50 65539 {\VerdanaB12}Setup failed
FatalError Text1 Text 135 50 219 24 65539 [DefaultFont]The installation of [ProductShortName] ended prematurely because of an error.
FatalError Text2 Text 135 74 219 50 65539 [DefaultFont]Do you want to restore the system to its previous state, or do you want to continue the installation at a later time?
FilesInUse Exit PushButton 280 210 57 18 3 [ButtonFont]&Exit Retry
FilesInUse Ignore PushButton 215 210 57 18 3 [ButtonFont]&Ignore Exit
FilesInUse List ListBox 25 40 290 120 3 FileInUseProcess
FilesInUse Retry PushButton 158 210 57 18 3 [ButtonFont]&Retry Ignore
FilesInUse Text Text 25 10 290 30 3 [DefaultFont]The Setup Wizard has determined that the following programs are running. Please close them before continuing the installation of the [ProductShortName].
FirstInstallDialog Cancel PushButton 375 298 57 18 3 [ButtonFont]Cancel Next
FirstInstallDialog Help PushButton 17 298 57 18 3 [ButtonFont]&Help
FirstInstallDialog Image Bitmap 17 14 100 255 1 Maingraphic.bmp
FirstInstallDialog line1 Line 0 291 450 4 1
FirstInstallDialog Next PushButton 310 298 57 18 3 [ButtonFont]&Next > Cancel
FirstInstallDialog Previous PushButton 253 298 57 18 1 [ButtonFont]< &Back
FirstInstallDialog Text Text 135 14 290 36 65539 ProductName {\VerdanaB12}Welcome to the [ProductShortName] Setup Wizard
FirstInstallDialog Text1 Text 135 50 290 48 65539 [DefaultFont]This wizard helps you install [ProductShortName], version [ProductVersion].
FirstInstallDialog Text2 Text 135 70 290 36 65539 [DefaultFont]Before continuing with the wizard, please close all open programs.
FirstInstallDialog Text3 Text 135 90 290 36 65539 [DefaultFont]Note: To use [ProductShortName] Help and some of the debugging features, you must have Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 or later installed.
FirstInstallDialog Text4 Text 135 170 290 36 65539 [DefaultFont]
FirstInstallDialog Text5 Text 135 235 290 70 65539 [DefaultFont] To continue, click Next.
FirstReinstallDialog Cancel PushButton 375 298 57 18 3 [ButtonFont]Cancel Next
FirstReinstallDialog Image Bitmap 17 14 100 255 1 Maingraphic.bmp
FirstReinstallDialog line1 Line 0 291 450 4 1
FirstReinstallDialog Next PushButton 310 298 57 18 3 [ButtonFont]&Next > Cancel
FirstReinstallDialog Previous PushButton 253 298 57 18 1 [ButtonFont]< &Back
FirstReinstallDialog Text Text 135 14 290 60 65539 ProductName {\VerdanaB12}Welcome to the [ProductShortName] Setup Wizard
FirstReinstallDialog Text1 Text 135 50 290 24 65539 [DefaultFont]This wizard helps you either completely uninstall the [ProductShortName] or customize your current installation.
FirstReinstallDialog Text2 Text 135 88 290 36 65539 [DefaultFont]To continue, click Next.
FirstReinstallDialog Text3 Text 135 118 290 36 65539 [DefaultFont]
IdentityDialog Cancel PushButton 375 298 57 18 3 [ButtonFont]Cancel Previous
IdentityDialog Image Bitmap 0 0 450 44 1 Header.bmp
IdentityDialog Line1 Line 0 44 450 4 1
IdentityDialog Line2 Line 0 291 450 4 1
IdentityDialog NameE Edit 35 88 160 20 3 USERNAME {47} OrgQ
IdentityDialog NameQ Text 36 75 50 12 3 [DefaultFont]N&ame: NameE
IdentityDialog Next PushButton 310 298 57 18 3 [ButtonFont]&Next > NameQ
IdentityDialog OrgE Edit 35 133 160 20 3 COMPANYNAME {53} PIDQ
IdentityDialog OrgQ Text 36 120 50 18 3 [DefaultFont]&Organization: OrgE
IdentityDialog PIDE MaskedEdit 36 178 100 15 2 PIDKEY [PIDTemplate] Cancel
IdentityDialog PIDQ Text 36 165 50 20 2 [DefaultFont]&Product ID: PIDE
IdentityDialog Previous PushButton 253 298 57 18 3 [ButtonFont]< &Back Next
IdentityDialog Text Text 20 6 245 12 65539 {\MsSansB8}User Information
IdentityDialog Text1 Text 36 18 250 24 65539 [DefaultFont]Supply your user information.
IdentityDialog Text2 Text 36 55 375 24 65539 [DefaultFont]Enter your name and organization.
InstallLocation BLLocation Text 9 115 114 15 65539 [DefaultFont]Available disk space:
InstallLocation Browse PushButton 378 85 63 18 3 [ButtonFont]B&rowse... DiskSpace
InstallLocation Cancel PushButton 375 298 57 18 3 [ButtonFont]Cancel PathEditText
InstallLocation DiskSpace VolumeCostList 9 130 432 155 393219 {100}{83}{71}{71}{71} Next
InstallLocation Image Bitmap 0 0 450 44 1 Header.bmp
InstallLocation Line1 Line 0 44 450 4 1
InstallLocation Line2 Line 0 291 450 4 1
InstallLocation Next PushButton 310 298 57 18 3 [ButtonFont]&Next > Previous
InstallLocation PathEditText Text 9 50 350 15 65539 [DefaultFont]The available space on each disk is shown below. UserPathEdit
InstallLocation Previous PushButton 253 298 57 18 3 [ButtonFont]< &Back Cancel
InstallLocation Text Text 20 6 320 12 65539 {\MsSansB8}Select an Installation Location
InstallLocation Text1 Text 36 18 300 24 65539 ProductName [DefaultFont]You can decide where you want to install [ProductShortName].
InstallLocation Text2 Text 9 70 40 15 65539 [DefaultFont]&Path:
InstallLocation UserPathEdit PathEdit 9 85 350 17 3 INSTDIR [DefaultFont] Browse
LicenseDialog AcceptGroup1 RadioButtonGroup 127 265 265 25 3 Accept Next
LicenseDialog Cancel PushButton 375 298 57 18 3 [ButtonFont]Cancel License
LicenseDialog Image Bitmap 0 0 450 44 1 Header.bmp
LicenseDialog License ScrollableText 20 100 415 165 7 {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\uc1\deff0\stshfdbch11\stshfloch0\stshfhich0\stshfbi0\deflang1033\deflangfe1033{\fonttbl{\f0\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02020603050405020304}Times New Roman{\*\falt Times};}{\f3\froman\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose 05050102010706020507}Symbol;}{\f11\froman\fcharset128\fprq1{\*\panose 02020609040205080304}MS Mincho{\*\falt ?l?r ??\'81\'66c};}{\f35\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0604030504040204}Tahoma{\*\falt ?l?r ???????};}{\f39\froman\fcharset128\fprq1{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}@MS Mincho{\*\falt @MS Gothic};}{\f69\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02040602050305030304}Book Antiqua;}{\f139\froman\fcharset238\fprq2 Times New Roman CE{\*\falt Times};}{\f140\froman\fcharset204\fprq2 Times New Roman Cyr{\*\falt Times};}{\f142\froman\fcharset161\fprq2 Times New Roman Greek{\*\falt Times};}{\f143\froman\fcharset162\fprq2 Times New Roman Tur{\*\falt Times};}{\f144\froman\fcharset177\fprq2 Times New Roman (Hebrew){\*\falt Times};}{\f145\froman\fcharset178\fprq2 Times New Roman (Arabic){\*\falt Times};}{\f146\froman\fcharset186\fprq2 Times New Roman Baltic{\*\falt Times};}{\f147\froman\fcharset163\fprq2 Times New Roman (Vietnamese){\*\falt Times};}{\f489\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2 Tahoma CE{\*\falt ?l?r ???????};}{\f490\fswiss\fcharset204\fprq2 Tahoma Cyr{\*\falt ?l?r ???????};}{\f492\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2 Tahoma Greek{\*\falt ?l?r ???????};}{\f493\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2 Tahoma Tur{\*\falt ?l?r ???????};}{\f494\fswiss\fcharset177\fprq2 Tahoma (Hebrew){\*\falt ?l?r ???????};}{\f495\fswiss\fcharset178\fprq2 Tahoma (Arabic){\*\falt ?l?r ???????};}{\f496\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2 Tahoma Baltic{\*\falt ?l?r ???????};}{\f497\fswiss\fcharset163\fprq2 Tahoma (Vietnamese){\*\falt ?l?r ???????};}{\f498\fswiss\fcharset222\fprq2 Tahoma (Thai){\*\falt ?l?r ???????};}{\f829\froman\fcharset238\fprq2 Book Antiqua CE;}{\f830\froman\fcharset204\fprq2 Book Antiqua Cyr;}{\f832\froman\fcharset161\fprq2 Book Antiqua Greek;}{\f833\froman\fcharset162\fprq2 Book Antiqua Tur;}{\f836\froman\fcharset186\fprq2 Book Antiqua Baltic;}}{\colortbl;\red0\green0\blue0;\red0\green0\blue255;\red0\green255\blue255;\red0\green255\blue0;\red255\green0\blue255;\red255\green0\blue0;\red255\green255\blue0;\red255\green255\blue255;\red0\green0\blue128;\red0\green128\blue128;\red0\green128\blue0;\red128\green0\blue128;\red128\green0\blue0;\red128\green128\blue0;\red128\green128\blue128;\red192\green192\blue192;}{\stylesheet{\ql \li0\ri0\widctlpar\faauto\adjustright\rin0\lin0\itap0 \fs24\lang1033\langfe1041\loch\f0\hich\af0\dbch\af11\cgrid\langnp1033\langfenp1041 \snext0 Normal;}{\s1\ql \li1080\ri432\keepn\widctlpar\tx6840\faauto\outlinelevel0\adjustright\rin432\lin1080\itap0 \i\fs18\lang1033\langfe1041\loch\f0\hich\af0\dbch\af11\cgrid\langnp1033\langfenp1041 \sbasedon0 \snext0 heading 1;}{\s2\ql \li1080\ri630\keepn\widctlpar\tx6840\tx10080\faauto\outlinelevel1\adjustright\rin630\lin1080\itap0 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;}\listid-130}{\list\listtemplateid326797234\listsimple{\listlevel\levelnfc0\levelnfcn0\leveljc0\leveljcn0\levelfollow0\levelstartat1\levelspace0\levelindent0{\leveltext\'02\'00.;}{\levelnumbers\'01;}\fi-360\li720\jclisttab\tx720\lin720 }{\listname ;}\listid-129}{\list\listtemplateid-672871100\listsimple{\listlevel\levelnfc23\levelnfcn23\leveljc0\leveljcn0\levelfollow0\levelstartat1\levelspace0\levelindent0{\leveltext\'01\u-3913 ?;}{\levelnumbers;}\f3\fbias0 \fi-360\li1800\jclisttab\tx1800\lin1800 }{\listname ;}\listid-128}{\list\listtemplateid2105548092\listsimple{\listlevel\levelnfc23\levelnfcn23\leveljc0\leveljcn0\levelfollow0\levelstartat1\levelspace0\levelindent0{\leveltext\'01\u-3913 ?;}{\levelnumbers;}\f3\fbias0 \fi-360\li1440\jclisttab\tx1440\lin1440 }{\listname ;}\listid-127}{\list\listtemplateid-425701956\listsimple{\listlevel\levelnfc23\levelnfcn23\leveljc0\leveljcn0\levelfollow0\levelstartat1\levelspace0\levelindent0{\leveltext\'01\u-3913 ?;}{\levelnumbers;}\f3\fbias0 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;}\listid-119}}{\*\listoverridetable{\listoverride\listid-119\listoverridecount0\ls1}{\listoverride\listid-125\listoverridecount0\ls2}{\listoverride\listid-126\listoverridecount0\ls3}{\listoverride\listid-127\listoverridecount0\ls4}{\listoverride\listid-128\listoverridecount0\ls5}{\listoverride\listid-120\listoverridecount0\ls6}{\listoverride\listid-129\listoverridecount0\ls7}{\listoverride\listid-130\listoverridecount0\ls8}{\listoverride\listid-131\listoverridecount0\ls9}{\listoverride\listid-132\listoverridecount0\ls10}}{\*\revtbl {Unknown;}{Barbara L. Kess;}}{\*\rsidtbl \rsid268798\rsid1516606\rsid4092075\rsid11206868\rsid15950285\rsid16253116\rsid16538977}{\*\generator Microsoft Word 10.0.2930;}{\info{\title Microsoft BETA GROUP 21/1}{\author marysk}{\operator Barbara L. Kess}{\creatim\yr2002\mo3\dy4\hr18\min28}{\revtim\yr2002\mo3\dy4\hr18\min40}{\printim\yr2002\mo3\dy1\hr16\min30}{\version3}{\edmins4}{\nofpages5}{\nofwords2970}{\nofchars16934}{\*\company Microsoft Corp.}{\nofcharsws19865}{\vern16443}}{\*\userprops {\propname MTFooter}\proptype30{\staticval McCarthy T\'e9trault s.r.l. MTL_LAW #1080298 v. 2}{\propname MTFooterFileName}\proptype30{\staticval ::ODMA\'5cPCDOCS\'5cMTL_LAW\'5c1080298\'5c2}{\propname MTFooterOptions}\proptype30{\staticval 1.04,False,False,0,False}}\widowctrl\ftnbj\aenddoc\revisions\noxlattoyen\expshrtn\noultrlspc\dntblnsbdb\nospaceforul\hyphcaps0\formshade\horzdoc\dghspace120\dgvspace120\dghorigin1701\dgvorigin1984\dghshow0\dgvshow3\jcompress\viewkind4\viewscale190\viewzk2\pgbrdrhead\pgbrdrfoot\nolnhtadjtbl\rsidroot11206868 \fet0\sectd \linex0\endnhere\sectlinegrid360\sectdefaultcl\sftnbj {\footer \pard\plain \s21\qr \li0\ri0\widctlpar\tqc\tx4320\tqr\tx8640\faauto\adjustright\rin0\lin0\itap0\pararsid1516606 \i\fs18\cf1\lang4105\langfe1041\loch\af0\hich\af0\dbch\af11\cgrid\langnp4105\langfenp1041 {\insrsid11206868 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 page }{\field{\*\fldinst {\cs24\i0\cf0\lang1033\langfe1041\langnp1033\insrsid11206868 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 PAGE }}{\fldrslt {\cs24\i0\cf0\lang1024\langfe1024\noproof\langnp1033\insrsid4092075 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 5}}}{\insrsid11206868 \par }}{\*\pnseclvl1\pnucrm\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang {\pntxta .}}{\*\pnseclvl2\pnucltr\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang {\pntxta .}}{\*\pnseclvl3\pndec\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang {\pntxta .}}{\*\pnseclvl4\pnlcltr\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang {\pntxta )}}{\*\pnseclvl5\pndec\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang {\pntxtb (}{\pntxta )}}{\*\pnseclvl6\pnlcltr\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang {\pntxtb (}{\pntxta )}}{\*\pnseclvl7\pnlcrm\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang {\pntxtb (}{\pntxta )}}{\*\pnseclvl8\pnlcltr\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang {\pntxtb (}{\pntxta )}}{\*\pnseclvl9\pnlcrm\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang {\pntxtb (}{\pntxta )}}\pard\plain \qj \li0\ri0\sl240\slmult0\widctlpar\tx450\tx900\tx1350\tx1800\faauto\adjustright\rin0\lin0\itap0 \fs24\lang1033\langfe1041\loch\af0\hich\af0\dbch\af11\cgrid\langnp1033\langfenp1041 {\b\insrsid11206868 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 This is a legal agreem\hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 \hich\f0 ent (\'93\loch\f0 \hich\f0 Agreement\'94\loch\f0 \hich\f0 ) between you (either an individual or an entity), the end user (\'93\loch\f0 \hich\f0 Recipient\'94\loch\f0 \hich\f0 ), and Microsoft Corporation (\'93\loch\f0 \hich\f0 Microsoft\'94\loch\f0 ).}{\insrsid11206868 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 BY INSTALLING, COPYING OR OTHERWISE USING THE PRODUCT (AS DEFINED BELOW), YOU AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THIS AG\hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 REEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT, DO NOT INSTALL, COPY OR USE THE PRODUCT.\par }{\b\fs19\insrsid11206868 \par }\pard \qc \li0\ri0\sl240\slmult0\widctlpar\tx450\tx900\tx1350\tx1800\faauto\adjustright\rin0\lin0\itap0 {\b\fs19\insrsid11206868 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 MICROSOFT CORPORATION LICENSE AGREEMENT FOR BETA PRODUCTS}{\fs19\insrsid11206868 \par }\pard\plain \s3\qj \li0\ri0\sa120\keepn\widctlpar\tx450\tx900\tx1350\tx1800\faauto\outlinelevel2\adjustright\rin0\lin0\itap0 \b\fs22\cf1\lang1033\langfe1041\loch\af0\hich\af0\dbch\af11\cgrid\langnp1033\langfenp1041 {\insrsid11206868 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 Debugging Tools for Windows}{\fs19\insrsid11206868 \par }\pard\plain \s16\qj \li0\ri0\sa120\widctlpar\tx450\tx900\tx1350\tx1800\faauto\adjustright\rin0\lin0\itap0 \fs24\lang1033\langfe1041\loch\af0\hich\af0\dbch\af11\cgrid\langnp1033\langfenp1041 {\fs19\insrsid11206868\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 Accompanying this Agreement is a pre-release copy of the Microsoft }{\fs19\insrsid16253116\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 software }{\fs19\insrsid11206868\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 identified above, which may }{\fs19\insrsid16253116\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 also }{\fs19\insrsid11206868\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 \hich\f0 include related documentation and information (collectively the \'93}{\b\fs19\insrsid16253116\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 Software}{\fs19\insrsid11206868\charrsid16538977 \loch\af0\dbch\af11\hich\f0 \'94\loch\f0 ). The }{\fs19\insrsid16253116\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 Software }{\fs19\insrsid11206868\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 is protected by copyright laws and international copyrigh\hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 t treaties, as well as other intellectual property laws and treaties. }{\fs19\insrsid16253116\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 }{\fs19\insrsid11206868\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 The }{\fs19\insrsid16253116\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 Software }{\fs19\insrsid11206868\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 is licensed, not sold. \par }\pard\plain \qj \li0\ri0\sa120\widctlpar\tx450\tx900\tx1350\tx1800\faauto\adjustright\rin0\lin0\itap0 \fs24\lang1033\langfe1041\loch\af0\hich\af0\dbch\af11\cgrid\langnp1033\langfenp1041 {\fs19\insrsid11206868\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 1.\tab GRANT OF LICENSE. This Agreement grants Recipient the following rights provided that Recipient complies with all terms and conditions of this A\hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 greement: \par }\pard\plain \s16\qj \li0\ri0\sa120\widctlpar\tx450\tx900\tx1350\tx1800\faauto\adjustright\rin0\lin0\itap0 \fs24\lang1033\langfe1041\loch\af0\hich\af0\dbch\af11\cgrid\langnp1033\langfenp1041 {\fs19\insrsid11206868\charrsid16538977 \tab \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 (a)\tab Microsoft grants to Recipient a limited, non-exclusive, nontransferable, royalty-free license to install and use one copy of the executable code of the }{\fs19\insrsid16253116\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 Software}{\fs19\insrsid11206868\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 on a single CPU residing on Recipient\hich\f0 \rquote \loch\f0 s premises, solely to test the compatibil\hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 ity of Recipient\hich\f0 \rquote \loch\f0 s application or other product(s) which operate in conjunction with the }{\fs19\insrsid16253116\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 Software}{\fs19\insrsid11206868\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 and to evaluate the }{\fs19\insrsid16253116\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 Software}{\fs19\insrsid11206868\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 for the purpose of providing feedback thereon to Microsoft. All other rights are reserved to Microsoft. Recipient shall not ren\hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 t, lease, sell, sublicense, assign, or otherwise transfer any portion of the }{\fs19\insrsid16253116\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 Software}{\fs19\insrsid11206868\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 . Recipient may not reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble any portion of the }{\fs19\insrsid16253116\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 Software}{\fs19\insrsid11206868\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 , except and only to the extent that this limitation is expressly prohibited by \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 applicable law notwithstanding this limitation. \par \tab \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 (b)\tab Recipient agrees to provide reasonable feedback to Microsoft}{\fs19\insrsid16253116\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 regarding the Software}{\fs19\insrsid11206868\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 , including but not limited to usability, bug reports and test results}{\fs19\insrsid16253116\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 \hich\f0 (collectively, \'93}{\b\fs19\insrsid16253116\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 Feedback}{\fs19\insrsid16253116\charrsid16538977 \loch\af0\dbch\af11\hich\f0 \'94\loch\f0 )}{\fs19\insrsid11206868\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 .}{\fs19\insrsid16253116\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 }{\fs19\insrsid11206868\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 All bug reports, t\hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 est results and other feedback provided to Microsoft by Recipient shall be the property of Microsoft and may be used by Microsoft for any purpose. }{\fs19\insrsid16253116\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 Recipient}{\fs19\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid16253116\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 further agrees that: (i)\~Microsoft may freely use, disclose, reproduce, license, distribute and o\hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 \hich\f0 therwise commercialize the Feedback in any Microsoft product, technology, service, specification or other documentation (collectively, \'93}{\b\fs19\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid16253116\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 Microsoft Offerings}{\fs19\cf1\cgrid0\insrsid16253116\charrsid16538977 \loch\af0\dbch\af11\hich\f0 \'94\loch\f0 ), (ii)\~Recipient also grants third parties, without charge, only those patent rights necessary to e\hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 nable their products, technologies or services to use or interface with any specific parts of a Microsoft Offering that incorporate the Feedback; and (iii)\~Recipient will not give Microsoft Feedback subject to license terms that seek to require any Micros\hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 o\hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 ft Offering that incorporates or is derived from any Feedback, or other Microsoft intellectual property, to be licensed to or otherwise shared with any third party. }{\fs19\insrsid11206868\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 Due to the nature of the development work, Microsoft provides no assurance that any specif\hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 ic errors or discrepancies in the }{\fs19\insrsid16253116\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 Software}{\fs19\insrsid11206868\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 will be corrected.\par \tab \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 (c)\tab }{\fs19\insrsid16253116\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 Recipient may disclose the Software only to its employees who have a need to know in order to accomplish the purposes identified in Section 1(a), and such employees\hich\f0 \rquote \loch\f0 use of the Software sha\hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 ll take place solely at Recipient\hich\f0 \rquote \loch\f0 s site. Recipient will have executed appropriate written agreements with its employees sufficient to enable it to comply with the terms of this Agreement. \par }\pard \s16\qj \li0\ri0\sa120\widctlpar\tx450\tx900\tx1350\tx1800\faauto\adjustright\rin0\lin0\itap0\pararsid16253116 {\fs19\insrsid16253116\charrsid16538977 \tab \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 (d)\tab Recipient agrees that, for a period of up to six (6) months\hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 after commercial release of the Software, it will maintain a list of all employees who have had access hereunder to the Software or related information and provide such list to Microsoft upon Microsoft\hich\f0 \rquote \loch\f0 s request. \par \tab \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 (e)\tab }{\fs19\insrsid11206868\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 In the event Microsoft, in its sole discretion, elects to provide deliveries of }{\fs19\insrsid16253116\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 Software}{\fs19\insrsid11206868\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 to more than one individual employed by Recipient (if Recipient is not a single individual), each such recipient shall be entitled to exercise the rights granted in th\hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 is Agreement, and shall be bound by the terms and conditions herein.\par }\pard \s16\qj \li0\ri0\sa120\widctlpar\tx450\tx900\tx1350\tx1800\faauto\adjustright\rin0\lin0\itap0 {\fs19\insrsid11206868\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 2.\tab TERM OF AGREEMENT. The term of this Agreement shall commence on the date accepted by Recipient and shall continue until terminated by Microsoft in writing at any time, with or without \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 cause. This Agreement will terminate without notice upon the earlier of (i)\~commercial release of the Software or Hardware contained in the }{\fs19\insrsid16253116\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 Software}{\fs19\insrsid11206868\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 or (ii)\~one year after the last date Recipient receives the }{\fs19\insrsid16253116\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 Software}{\fs19\insrsid11206868\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 or any Update thereto, unless termina\hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 ted earlier by Microsoft. Upon the termination of this Agreement (or upon request by Microsoft), Recipient shall promptly return to Microsoft, or certify destruction of, all full or partial copies of the }{\fs19\insrsid16253116\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 Software}{\fs19\insrsid11206868\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 provided by Microsoft. The following Sect\hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 ions shall survive termination or expiration of this Agreement: Sections 1(b), }{\fs19\insrsid16253116\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 1(d), }{\fs19\insrsid11206868\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 6, 7, 8, 9}{\fs19\insrsid16253116\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 , and 10; and Section 5 with respect to any information that has not been made public by Microsoft as of the commercial release of the Software, provided that i\hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 \hich\f0 f the Software is a pre-release version of Microsoft Windows XP, Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional, or predecessor, successor, or replacement versions of such software (collectively, \'93}{\b\fs19\insrsid16253116\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 Desktop OS Product}{\fs19\insrsid16253116\charrsid16538977 \loch\af0\dbch\af11\hich\f0 \'94\loch\f0 ), Section 5 shall not survive longer than one year\hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 from receipt of the Software}{\fs19\insrsid11206868\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 .\par \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 3.\tab COST OF TESTING. There is no charge to Recipient for testing of the }{\fs19\insrsid16253116\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 Software}{\fs19\insrsid11206868\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 . Microsoft shall bear all direct freight expenses relating to the shipment of the }{\fs19\insrsid16253116\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 Software}{\fs19\insrsid11206868\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 to Recipient\hich\f0 \rquote \loch\f0 s place of business and Recipient will \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 pay any return freight expenses.\par \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 4.\tab PRODUCT MAINTENANCE/UPDATES. Microsoft is not obligated to provide maintenance, technical support or updates to Recipient for the }{\fs19\insrsid16253116\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 Software}{\fs19\insrsid11206868\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 provided to Recipient pursuant to this Agreement. However, Microsoft may, in it\hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 s sole discretion, provide further pre-release versions, technical support, updates and/or supplements of the }{\fs19\insrsid16253116\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 Software}{\fs19\insrsid11206868\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 \hich\f0 and/or related information (\'93}{\b\fs19\insrsid11206868\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 Updates}{\fs19\insrsid11206868\charrsid16538977 \loch\af0\dbch\af11\hich\f0 \'94\loch\f0 \hich\f0 ) to Recipient hereunder, in which case such Updates shall also be deemed to be included in the \'93}{\fs19\insrsid16253116\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 Software}{\fs19\insrsid11206868\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 \hich\f0 ,\'94\loch\f0 and therefore governed by this Agreement, unless other terms of use are provided by Microsoft with such Updates. In no event shall Microsoft be obligated to provide Recipient a copy of the commercial release version of the }{\fs19\insrsid16253116\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 Software}{\fs19\insrsid11206868\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 in connectio\hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 n with Recipient\hich\f0 \rquote \loch\f0 s participation in the testing program. Microsoft is not obligated to make the }{\fs19\insrsid16253116\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 Software}{\fs19\insrsid11206868\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 commercially available.\par }\pard \s16\qj \li0\ri0\sa120\widctlpar\tx450\tx900\tx1350\tx1800\faauto\adjustright\rin0\lin0\itap0\pararsid16253116 {\fs19\insrsid11206868\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 5.\tab }{\fs19\insrsid16253116\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 CONFIDENTIALITY. The Software, including its existence and features, and related information are proprietary and confident\hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 ial information to Microsoft and its suppliers. Recipient agrees not to disclose or provide the Software, documentation, or any related information (including the Software features or the results of use or testing) to any third party, for a period of one\hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 year following receipt of the Software (if the Software is a Desktop OS Product) or until commercial release of the Software, whichever occurs first; provided that thereafter, if the Software is not a Desktop OS Product, Recipient agrees not to disclose o\hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 r\hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 provide to any third party any information that has not been made public by Microsoft as of the commercial release of the applicable Software or Hardware. However, Recipient may disclose confidential information in accordance with judicial or other gove\hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 r\hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 nmental order, provided Recipient shall give Microsoft reasonable written notice prior to such disclosure and shall comply with any applicable protective order or equivalent. Further, Recipient shall not be liable to Microsoft for disclosure of informati\hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 o\hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 n which Recipient can prove (a)\~is already known to Recipient without an obligation to maintain the same as confidential; (b)\~becomes publicly known through no wrongful act of Recipient; (c)\~is rightfully received from a third party without breach of an o\hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 b\hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 ligation of confidentiality owed to Microsoft; or (d)\~is independently developed by Recipient. }{\f69\fs19\insrsid16253116\charrsid16538977 \par }{\fs19\insrsid16253116\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 6.\tab }{\fs19\insrsid11206868\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS. All title and intellectual property rights in and to the }{\fs19\insrsid16253116\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 Software}{\fs19\insrsid11206868\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 (including but not limited to any images, photographs, anima\hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 \hich\f0 tions, video, audio, music, text and \'93\loch\f0 \hich\f0 applets\'94\loch\f0 incorporated into the Software and any features incorporated into the Hardware), and any copies of the }{\fs19\insrsid16253116\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 Software}{\fs19\insrsid11206868\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 that Recipient is expressly permitted to make herein, are owned by Microsoft or its suppliers. A\hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 ll title and intellectual property rights in and to the content which may be accessed through use of the }{\fs19\insrsid16253116\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 Software}{\fs19\insrsid11206868\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 are the property of the respective content owner and may be protected by applicable copyright or other intellectual property laws and treaties\hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 . This Agreement grants Recipient no rights to use such content. If the }{\fs19\insrsid16253116\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 Software}{\fs19\insrsid11206868\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 contains documentation which is provided only in electronic form, Recipient may print one copy of such electronic documentation. Recipient may not copy the printed material\hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 s accompanying the }{\fs19\insrsid16253116\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 Software}{\fs19\insrsid11206868\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 . All rights not expressly granted are reserved by Microsoft. }{\f69\fs19\insrsid16253116\charrsid16538977 \par }{\fs19\insrsid16253116\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 7}{\fs19\insrsid11206868\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 .\tab DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES. THE PRODUCT IS DEEMED ACCEPTED BY RECIPIENT. THE PRODUCT CONTAINS PRE-RELEASE SOFTWARE AND/OR PRE-RELEASE HARDWARE AND MAY BE CHANGED \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 \hich\f0 SUBSTANTIALLY BEFORE COMMERCIAL RELEASE. TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, MICROSOFT AND ITS SUPPLIERS PROVIDE THE PRODUCT AND ANY (IF ANY) SUPPORT SERVICES RELATED TO THE PRODUCT (\'93}{\b\fs19\insrsid11206868\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 SUPPORT SERVICES}{\fs19\insrsid11206868\charrsid16538977 \loch\af0\dbch\af11\hich\f0 \'94\loch\f0 ) AS IS AND WITH ALL FAULTS, AND HEREBY\hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 DISCLAIM WITH RESPECT TO THE PRODUCT AND SUPPORT SERVICES ALL WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY (IF ANY) WARRANTIES, DUTIES OR CONDITIONS OF OR RELATED TO: MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 P\hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 ARTICULAR PURPOSE, LACK OF VIRUSES, ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS OF RESPONSES, RESULTS, WORKMANLIKE EFFORT AND LACK OF NEGLIGENCE. ALSO, THERE IS NO WARRANTY, DUTY OR CONDITION OF TITLE, QUIET ENJOYMENT, QUIET POSSESSION, CORRESPONDENCE TO DESCRIPTION OR NON\hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 -\hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 INFRINGEMENT. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY, OR ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THE PRODUCT AND ANY SUPPORT SERVICES, REMAINS WITH RECIPIENT. }{\f69\fs19\insrsid16253116\charrsid16538977 \par }\pard\plain \s15\qj \li0\ri0\widctlpar\tx450\tx900\tx1350\tx1800\faauto\adjustright\rin0\lin0\itap0 \b\fs19\lang1033\langfe1041\loch\af0\hich\af0\dbch\af11\cgrid\langnp1033\langfenp1041 {\b0\crauth1\crdate644031655\insrsid16253116\charrsid4092075 {\*\oldcprops \b\crauth1\crdate644031655\insrsid16253116\charrsid4092075 }\hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 8}{\b0\crauth1\crdate644031655\insrsid11206868\charrsid4092075 {\*\oldcprops \b\crauth1\crdate644031655\insrsid11206868\charrsid4092075 }\hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 .\tab EXCLUSION OF INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL AND CERTAIN OTHER DAMAGES. TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMIT\hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 TED BY APPLICABLE LAW, IN NO EVENT SHALL MICROSOFT OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT, PUNITIVE, CONSEQUENTIAL OR OTHER DAMAGES WHATSOEVER (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, DAMAGES FOR: LOSS OF PROFITS, LOSS OF CONFIDEN\hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 T\hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 IAL OR OTHER INFORMATION, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, PERSONAL INJURY, LOSS OF PRIVACY, FAILURE TO MEET ANY DUTY (INCLUDING OF GOOD FAITH OR OF REASONABLE CARE), NEGLIGENCE, AND ANY OTHER PECUNIARY OR OTHER LOSS WHATSOEVER) ARISING OUT OF OR IN ANY WAY RELATED\hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 TO THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THE PRODUCT OR SUPPORT SERVICES, THE PROVISION OF OR FAILURE TO PROVIDE SUPPORT SERVICES, OR OTHERWISE UNDER OR IN CONNECTION WITH ANY PROVISION OF THIS AGREEMENT, EVEN IN THE EVENT OF THE FAULT, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENC\hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 E\hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 ), STRICT LIABILITY, BREACH OF CONTRACT OR BREACH OF WARRANTY OF MICROSOFT OR ANY SUPPLIER, AND EVEN IF MICROSOFT OR ANY SUPPLIER HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. BECAUSE SOME STATES/JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITAT\hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 I\hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 ON OF LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES, THE ABOVE LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY TO RECIPIENT.\par \par }{\b0\crauth1\crdate644031655\insrsid16253116\charrsid4092075 {\*\oldcprops \b\crauth1\crdate644031655\insrsid16253116\charrsid4092075 }\hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 9}{\b0\crauth1\crdate644031655\insrsid11206868\charrsid4092075 {\*\oldcprops \b\crauth1\crdate644031655\insrsid11206868\charrsid4092075 }\hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 .\tab LIMITATION OF LIABILITY AND REMEDIES. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY DAMAGES THAT RECIPIENT MIGHT INCUR FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITAT\hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 ION, ALL DAMAGES REFERENCED ABOVE AND ALL DIRECT OR GENERAL DAMAGES), THE ENTIRE LIABILITY OF MICROSOFT AND ANY OF ITS SUPPLIERS UNDER ANY PROVISION OF THIS AGREEMENT AND RECIPIENT\hich\f0 \rquote \loch\f0 S EXCLUSIVE REMEDY FOR ALL OF THE FOREGOING SHALL BE LIMITED TO ACTUAL DAM\hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 A\hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 GES INCURRED BY YOU BASED ON REASONABLE RELIANCE UP TO THE GREATER OF THE AMOUNT ACTUALLY PAID BY RECIPIENT FOR THE PRODUCT OR FIVE DOLLARS (US$5.00). THE FOREGOING LIMITATIONS, EXCLUSIONS AND DISCLAIMERS (INCLUDING SECTIONS 7 AND 8 ABOVE) SHALL APPLY TO\hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, EVEN IF ANY REMEDY FAILS ITS ESSENTIAL PURPOSE.\par }\pard\plain \qj \li0\ri0\widctlpar\tx450\tx900\tx1350\tx1800\faauto\adjustright\rin0\lin0\itap0 \fs24\lang1033\langfe1041\loch\af0\hich\af0\dbch\af11\cgrid\langnp1033\langfenp1041 {\fs19\insrsid11206868\charrsid16538977 \par }\pard\plain \s16\qj \li0\ri0\sa120\widctlpar\tx450\tx900\tx1350\tx1800\faauto\adjustright\rin0\lin0\itap0 \fs24\lang1033\langfe1041\loch\af0\hich\af0\dbch\af11\cgrid\langnp1033\langfenp1041 {\fs19\insrsid16253116\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 10}{\fs19\insrsid11206868\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 .\tab GOVERNING LAW/JURISDICTION/ATTORNEYS\hich\f0 \rquote \loch\f0 FEES. If you acquired this }{\fs19\insrsid16253116\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 Software}{\fs19\insrsid11206868\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 in the United States, this Agreement shall be construed and controlled by the la\hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 ws of the State of Washington, and Recipient consents to exclusive jurisdiction and venue in the federal courts sitting in King County, Washington, unless no federal jurisdiction exists, in which case Recipient consents to exclusive jurisdiction and venue\hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 in the Superior Court of King County, Washington. If you acquired this }{\fs19\insrsid16253116\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 Software}{\fs19\insrsid11206868\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 in Canada, unless expressly prohibited by local law, this Agreement shall be construed and controlled by the laws in force in the Province of Ontario, Canada and recipient con\hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 sents to exclusive jurisdiction and venue in the federal and provincial courts sitting in Toronto, Ontario. If this }{\fs19\insrsid16253116\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 Software}{\fs19\insrsid11206868\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 was acquired outside of the United States or Canada, then local law may apply. Recipient waives all defenses of lack of personal \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 jurisdiction and forum non conveniens. Process may be served on either party in the manner authorized by applicable law or court rule. If either party employs attorneys to enforce any rights arising out of or relating to this Agreement, the prevailing p\hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 a\hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 rty shall be entitled to recover its reasonable attorneys' fees, costs and other expenses.\par \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 1}{\fs19\insrsid16253116\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 1}{\fs19\insrsid11206868\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 .\tab U.S. GOVERNMENT RIGHTS. All Software provided to the U.S. Government pursuant to solicitations issued on or after December 1, 1995 is provided with the rights an\hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 d restrictions described elsewhere herein. All Software provided to the U.S. Government pursuant to solicitations issued prior to December 1, 1995 is provided with RESTRICTED RIGHTS as provided for in FAR, 48 CFR 52.227-14 (JUNE 1987) or DFAR, 48 CFR 252\hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 .\hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 227-7013 (OCT 1988), as applicable.\par \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 1}{\fs19\insrsid16253116\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 2}{\fs19\insrsid11206868\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 .\tab EXPORT RESTRICTIONS}{\b\fs19\insrsid11206868\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 . }{\fs19\insrsid11206868\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 Recipient acknowledges that }{\fs19\insrsid16253116\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 Software}{\fs19\insrsid11206868\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 is of U.S. origin. Recipient agrees to comply with all applicable international and national laws that apply to the }{\fs19\insrsid16253116\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 Software}{\fs19\insrsid11206868\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 , including the U.S. Export Admin\hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 istration Regulations, as well as end-user, end-use and destination restrictions issued by U.S. and other governments. For additional information, see }{\fs19\cf1\insrsid11206868\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0}{\fs19\insrsid11206868\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 .\par }\pard\plain \qj \li0\ri0\sa120\widctlpar\tx450\tx900\tx1350\tx1800\faauto\adjustright\rin0\lin0\itap0 \fs24\lang1033\langfe1041\loch\af0\hich\af0\dbch\af11\cgrid\langnp1033\langfenp1041 {\fs19\insrsid11206868\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 1}{\fs19\insrsid16253116\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 3}{\fs19\insrsid11206868\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 .\tab NOTE ON JAVA SUPPORT. THE SOFTWARE MAY CONTAIN SUPPORT FOR PROGR\hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 AMS WRITTEN IN JAVA. JAVA TECHNOLOGY IS NOT FAULT TOLERANT AND IS NOT DESIGNED, MANUFACTURED, OR INTENDED FOR USE OR RESALE AS ONLINE CONTROL EQUIPMENT IN HAZARDOUS ENVIRONMENTS REQUIRING FAIL-SAFE PERFORMANCE, SUCH AS IN THE OPERATION OF NUCLEAR FACILITI\hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 E\hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 S, AIRCRAFT NAVIGATION OR COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS, AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL, DIRECT LIFE SUPPORT MACHINES, OR WEAPONS SYSTEMS, IN WHICH THE FAILURE OF JAVA TECHNOLOGY COULD LEAD DIRECTLY TO DEATH, PERSONAL INJURY, OR SEVERE PHYSICAL OR ENVIRONMENTAL DAMAGE. Sun \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 M\hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 icrosystems, Inc. has contractually obligated Microsoft to make this disclaimer.\par }\pard\plain \s16\qj \li0\ri0\sa120\widctlpar\tx450\tx900\tx1350\tx1800\faauto\adjustright\rin0\lin0\itap0 \fs24\lang1033\langfe1041\loch\af0\hich\af0\dbch\af11\cgrid\langnp1033\langfenp1041 {\fs19\insrsid11206868\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 1}{\fs19\insrsid16253116\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 4}{\fs19\insrsid11206868\charrsid16538977 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 .\tab ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Agreement constitutes the complete and exclusive agreement between Microsoft and Recipient with respect to the subject matter hereof, and supersede\hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 s all prior or contemporaneous oral or written communications, proposals, representations, understandings, or agreements not specifically incorporated herein. This Agreement may not be amended except in a writing duly signed by an authorized representati\hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 v\hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 e of Microsoft and Recipient.}{\fs19\lang3084\langfe1041\crauth1\crdate644031656\langnp3084\insrsid11206868\charrsid4092075 {\*\oldcprops \b\crauth1\crdate644031656\insrsid11206868\charrsid4092075 }\hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 Si vous avez acquis votre Produit Microsoft au Canada, les dispositions suivantes s\hich\f0 \rquote \loch\f0 appliquent\~:\par \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 \hich\f0 D\'c9\loch\f0 \hich\f0 N\'c9\loch\f0 \hich\f0 GATION DE GARANTIE. LE PRODUIT EST PR\'c9\loch\f0 \hich\f0 SUM\'c9\loch\f0 \hich\f0 ACCEPT\'c9\loch\f0 \hich\f0 PAR VOUS. LE PRODUIT CONTIENT UNE VERSION NON ENCORE COMMERCIALIS\'c9\loch\f0 E D'UN \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 \hich\f0 LOGICIEL ET/OU UNE VERSION NON ENCORE COMMERCIALIS\'c9\loch\f0 E D\hich\f0 \rquote \loch\f0 \hich\f0 UN MAT\'c9\loch\f0 \hich\f0 RIEL ET PEUT \'ca\loch\f0 \hich\f0 TRE SUBSTANTIELLEMENT MODIFI\'c9\loch\f0 AVANT SON LANCEMENT COMMERCIAL. DANS TOUTE LA MESURE PERMISE PAR LE DROIT APPLICABLE, MICROSOFT ET SES FOURNISSEURS FOURNISSENT LE PRODUIT ET, S\hich\f0 \rquote \loch\f0 IL \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 E\hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 N EST, LES SERVICES D\hich\f0 \rquote \loch\f0 \hich\f0 ASSISTANCE RELATIVEMENT AU PRODUIT (LES \'ab\~\loch\f0 SERVICES D\hich\f0 \rquote \loch\f0 ASSISTANCE\~\hich\f0 \'bb\loch\f0 \hich\f0 ) TELS QUELS ET AVEC TOUS LEURS D\'c9\loch\f0 \hich\f0 FAUTS, ET PAR LES PR\'c9\loch\f0 \hich\f0 SENTES, EXCLUENT, \'c0\loch\f0 L\hich\f0 \rquote \'c9\loch\f0 GARD DU PRODUIT ET DES SERVICES D\hich\f0 \rquote \loch\f0 ASSISTANCE, TOUTES GARANTIES ET CONDITIONS, QU\hich\f0 \rquote \loch\f0 ELLES SOI\hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 E\hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 \hich\f0 NT EXPRESSES, IMPLICITES OU L\'c9\loch\f0 \hich\f0 GALES, Y COMPRIS, MAIS SANS LIMITATION, TOUTES (SELON LE CAS) GARANTIES, OBLIGATIONS OU CONDITIONS DE QUALIT\'c9\loch\f0 MARCHANDE, D\hich\f0 \rquote \loch\f0 \hich\f0 ADAPTATION \'c0\loch\f0 UN USAGE PARTICULIER, D\hich\f0 \rquote \loch\f0 ABSENCE DE VIRUS, D\hich\f0 \rquote \loch\f0 EXACTITUDE OU D\hich\f0 \rquote \loch\f0 \hich\f0 INT\'c9\loch\f0 \hich\f0 GRALIT\'c9\loch\f0 \hich\f0 DES R\'c9\loch\f0 \hich\f0 PONSES, R\'c9\loch\f0 S\hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 U\hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 LTATS, EFFORTS TECHNIQUES ET PROFESSIONNELS ET D\hich\f0 \rquote \loch\f0 \hich\f0 ABSENCE DE N\'c9\loch\f0 GLIGENCE. DE PLUS, IL N\hich\f0 \rquote \loch\f0 \hich\f0 Y A AUCUNE GARANTIE, OBLIGATION OU CONDITION DE PROPRI\'c9\loch\f0 \hich\f0 T\'c9\loch\f0 \hich\f0 , DE JOUISSANCE PAISIBLE, DE POSSESSION PAISIBLE, DE CORRESPONDANCE \'c0\loch\f0 UNE DESCRIPTION OU D\hich\f0 \rquote \loch\f0 \hich\f0 ABSENCE DE CONTREFA\'c7\hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 O\hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 \hich\f0 N. VOUS SUPPORTEREZ TOUS LES RISQUES RELATIVEMENT \'c0\loch\f0 \hich\f0 LA QUALIT\'c9\loch\f0 \hich\f0 DU PRODUIT OU D\'c9\loch\f0 \hich\f0 COULANT DE SON UTILISATION OU DE SA PERFORMANCE ET CEUX D\'c9\loch\f0 COULANT DES SERVICES D\hich\f0 \rquote \loch\f0 ASSISTANCE (S\hich\f0 \rquote \loch\f0 IL Y A LIEU).\par \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 EXCLUSION DES DOMMAGES INDIRECTS, ACCESSOIRES ET AUTRES. DANS TOUT\hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 \hich\f0 E LA MESURE PERMISE PAR LE DROIT APPLICABLE, MICROSOFT OU SES FOURNISSEURS NE SONT EN AUCUN CAS RESPONSABLES DE TOUT DOMMAGE SP\'c9\loch\f0 CIAL, INDIRECT, PUNITIF OU ACCESSOIRE, OU DE TOUT AUTRE DOMMAGE QUEL QU\hich\f0 \rquote \loch\f0 IL SOIT (Y COMPRIS, MAIS SANS LIMITATION, LES DOMMAGES \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 E\hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 \hich\f0 NTRA\'ce\loch\f0 \hich\f0 N\'c9\loch\f0 \hich\f0 S PAR LA PERTE DE B\'c9\loch\f0 \hich\f0 N\'c9\loch\f0 FICES, LA PERTE D\hich\f0 \rquote \loch\f0 INFORMATION CONFIDENTIELLE OU D\hich\f0 \rquote \loch\f0 AUTRE INFORMATION, L\hich\f0 \rquote \loch\f0 \hich\f0 INTERRUPTION DES AFFAIRES, LES BLESSURES CORPORELLES, LA PERTE DE CONFIDENTIALIT\'c9\loch\f0 \hich\f0 , LE D\'c9\loch\f0 FAUT DE REMPLIR TOUTE OBLIGATION, Y COMPRIS LES OBLIGATIONS DE BONN\hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 E\hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 \hich\f0 FOI ET DE DILIGENCE RAISONNABLE, LA N\'c9\loch\f0 \hich\f0 GLIGENCE ET TOUTE AUTRE PERTE P\'c9\loch\f0 \hich\f0 CUNIAIRE OU AUTRE PERTE DE QUELQUE NATURE QUE CE SOIT) D\'c9\loch\f0 \hich\f0 COULANT DE, OU DE TOUTE AUTRE MANI\'c8\loch\f0 \hich\f0 RE LI\'c9\loch\f0 \hich\f0 S \'c0\loch\f0 L\hich\f0 \rquote \loch\f0 UTILISATION OU L\hich\f0 \rquote \loch\f0 \hich\f0 IMPOSSIBILIT\'c9\loch\f0 D\hich\f0 \rquote \loch\f0 UTILISER LE PRODUIT, LA PRESTATION OU LA NON-PR\hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 E\hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 STATION DES SERVICES D\hich\f0 \rquote \loch\f0 \hich\f0 ASSISTANCE OU AUTREMENT EN VERTU DE OU RELATIVEMENT \'c0\loch\f0 \hich\f0 TOUTE DISPOSITION DE CE CONTRAT, M\'ca\loch\f0 \hich\f0 ME EN CAS DE FAUTE, DE D\'c9\loch\f0 \hich\f0 LIT (Y COMPRIS LA N\'c9\loch\f0 \hich\f0 GLIGENCE), DE RESPONSABILIT\'c9\loch\f0 \hich\f0 STRICTE, DE MANQUEMENT \'c0\loch\f0 \hich\f0 UN CONTRAT OU DE MANQUEMENT \'c0\loch\f0 UNE GARANTIE D\hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 E\hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 MICROSOFT OU DE L\hich\f0 \rquote \loch\f0 \hich\f0 UN DE SES FOURNISSEURS, ET CE, M\'ca\loch\f0 ME SI MICROSOFT OU L\hich\f0 \rquote \loch\f0 \hich\f0 UN DE SES FOURNISSEURS A \'c9\loch\f0 \hich\f0 T\'c9\loch\f0 \hich\f0 AVIS\'c9\loch\f0 \hich\f0 DE LA POSSIBILIT\'c9\loch\f0 DE TELS DOMMAGES. PUISQUE CERTAINES JURIDICTIONS NE PERMETTENT PAS L\hich\f0 \rquote \loch\f0 \hich\f0 EXCLUSION OU LA LIMITATION DE RESPONSABILIT\'c9\loch\f0 POUR LES DOMMA\hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 G\hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 ES INDIRECTS OU ACCESSOIRES, LA LIMITATION CI-DESSUS PEUT NE PAS S\hich\f0 \rquote \loch\f0 \hich\f0 APPLIQUER \'c0\loch\f0 VOUS.\par \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 \hich\f0 LIMITATION DE RESPONSABILIT\'c9\loch\f0 \hich\f0 ET RECOURS. MALGR\'c9\loch\f0 TOUT DOMMAGE QUE VOUS POURRIEZ ENCOURIR POUR QUELQUE RAISON QUE CE SOIT (Y COMPRIS, MAIS SANS LIMITATION, TOUS LES DOMMAGE\hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 \hich\f0 S MENTIONN\'c9\loch\f0 \hich\f0 S CI-DESSUS ET TOUS LES DOMMAGES DIRECTS OU G\'c9\loch\f0 \hich\f0 N\'c9\loch\f0 \hich\f0 RAUX), LA SEULE RESPONSABILIT\'c9\loch\f0 \hich\f0 DE MICROSOFT ET DE SES FOURNISSEURS EN VERTU DE TOUTE DISPOSITION DU PR\'c9\loch\f0 \hich\f0 SENT CONTRAT ET VOTRE UNIQUE RECOURS EN REGARD DE CE QUI PR\'c9\loch\f0 \hich\f0 C\'c8\loch\f0 \hich\f0 DE SONT LIMIT\'c9\loch\f0 S AUX DOMMAGES QU\hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 E\hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 VOUS AVEZ SUBIS EN VOUS FONDANT SUR UNE CONFIANCE RAISONNABLE JUSQU\hich\f0 \rquote \loch\f0 \hich\f0 AU PLUS \'c9\loch\f0 \hich\f0 LEV\'c9\loch\f0 \hich\f0 DES MONTANTS SUIVANTS, SOIT LE MONTANT QUE VOUS AVEZ PAY\'c9\loch\f0 \hich\f0 POUR LE PRODUIT OU UN MONTANT \'c9\loch\f0 \hich\f0 QUIVALANT \'c0\loch\f0 CINQ DOLLARS U.S. (5,00 $ U.S.). LES LIMITATIONS, EXCLUSIONS ET RENONC\hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 I\hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 \hich\f0 ATIONS CI-DESSUS (Y COMPRIS CELLES CONTENUES DANS LES PARAGRAPHES QUI PR\'c9\loch\f0 \hich\f0 C\'c8\loch\f0 DENT) S\hich\f0 \rquote \loch\f0 \hich\f0 APPLIQUENT DANS TOUTE LA MESURE PERMISE PAR LE DROIT APPLICABLE, ET CE M\'ca\loch\f0 ME SI LEUR APPLICATION A POUR EFFET DE PRIVER UN RECOURS DE SON ESSENCE.\par }{\fs19\lang3084\langfe1041\langnp3084\insrsid11206868\charrsid4092075 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 \hich\f0 L\'c9\loch\f0 GISLATION APPLICABLE. Sau}{\fs19\lang3084\langfe1041\crauth1\crdate644031656\langnp3084\insrsid11206868\charrsid4092075 {\*\oldcprops \crauth1\crdate644031656\insrsid11206868\charrsid4092075 }\hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 f lorsqu\hich\f0 \rquote \loch\f0 \hich\f0 express\'e9\loch\f0 \hich\f0 ment prohib\'e9\loch\f0 \hich\f0 par la l\'e9\loch\f0 \hich\f0 gislation locale, le pr\'e9\loch\f0 \hich\f0 sent contrat est r\'e9\loch\f0 gi par les lois en vigueur dans la province d\hich\f0 \rquote \loch\f0 \hich\f0 Ontario, Canada. Pour tout diff\'e9\loch\f0 \hich\f0 rend qui pourrait d\'e9\loch\f0 \hich\f0 couler des pr\'e9\loch\f0 \hich\f0 sentes, vous acceptez la comp\'e9\loch\f0 tence exclusive des tribunaux \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 f\loch\af0\dbch\af11\hich\f0 \'e9\loch\f0 \hich\f0 d\'e9\loch\f0 \hich\f0 raux et provinciaux si\'e9\loch\f0 \hich\f0 geant \'e0\loch\f0 \hich\f0 Toronto, Ontario. Vous renoncez \'e0\loch\f0 \hich\f0 toutes les d\'e9\loch\f0 fenses d\hich\f0 \rquote \loch\f0 \hich\f0 absence de juridiction personnelle et de forum non conveniens. Les proc\'e9\loch\f0 \hich\f0 dures peuvent \'ea\loch\f0 \hich\f0 tre signifi\'e9\loch\f0 \hich\f0 es \'e0\loch\f0 l\hich\f0 \rquote \loch\f0 une ou l\hich\f0 \rquote \loch\f0 \hich\f0 autre des parties de la mani\'e8\loch\f0 \hich\f0 re autoris\'e9\loch\f0 e par le\hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 \hich\f0 droit applicable ou par les r\'e8\loch\f0 \hich\f0 gles du tribunal. Si toute partie emploie des avocats pour faire respecter ses droits en vertu du pr\'e9\loch\f0 sent contrat, la partie ayant gain de cause pourra recouvrer les honoraires raisonnables d\hich\f0 \rquote \loch\f0 \hich\f0 avocat, les frais et autres d\'e9\loch\f0 pe\hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 n\hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 ses.\par }\pard\plain \qc \li0\ri0\widctlpar\faauto\adjustright\rin0\lin0\itap0 \fs24\lang1033\langfe1041\loch\af0\hich\af0\dbch\af11\cgrid\langnp1033\langfenp1041 {\insrsid11206868 \hich\af0\dbch\af11\loch\f0 * * *\par }} AcceptGroup1
LicenseDialog Line1 Line 0 44 450 3 1
LicenseDialog Line2 Line 0 291 450 4 1
LicenseDialog Line3 Line 20 52 415 4 1
LicenseDialog Next PushButton 310 298 57 18 3 [ButtonFont]&Next > Previous
LicenseDialog Previous PushButton 253 298 57 18 3 [ButtonFont]< &Back Cancel
LicenseDialog Text Text 20 6 320 12 65539 {\MsSansB8}End-User License Agreement
LicenseDialog Text2 Text 20 60 415 40 65539 [DefaultFont]The End-User License Agreement (EULA) contains all the terms and conditions that pertain to this software product. By choosing I agree, you accept the terms of this EULA.
MaintenanceDialog AddRemoveText Text 49 92 277 24 65539 ProductName [DefaultFont]Add or delete selected components of [ProductShortName].
MaintenanceDialog Cancel PushButton 375 298 57 18 3 [ButtonFont]Cancel Previous
MaintenanceDialog GroupBox1 GroupBox 36 138 305 50 0 [DefaultFont]Description
MaintenanceDialog Image Bitmap 0 0 450 44 1 Header.bmp
MaintenanceDialog Line1 Line 0 44 450 4 1
MaintenanceDialog Line2 Line 0 291 450 4 1
MaintenanceDialog MaintenanceMode1 RadioButtonGroup 26 72 305 60 3 MaintenanceMode Next
MaintenanceDialog Next PushButton 310 298 57 18 3 [ButtonFont]&Next > Cancel
MaintenanceDialog Previous PushButton 253 298 57 18 3 [ButtonFont]< &Back MaintenanceMode1
MaintenanceDialog ReinstallText Text 50 153 277 24 65539 ProductName [DefaultFont]Reinstall [ProductShortName].
MaintenanceDialog RemoveAllText Text 49 121 277 24 65539 ProductName [DefaultFont]Remove all components of [ProductShortName].
MaintenanceDialog Text Text 20 6 270 12 65539 ProductName {\MsSansB8}Modify or Delete the Tools
MaintenanceDialog Text1 Text 36 18 310 30 65539 ProductName [DefaultFont]Choose to modify your current installation, or uninstall [ProductShortName].
MaintenanceDialog Text2 Text 36 55 180 24 65539 ProductName [DefaultFont]Select your preferred option.
OutOfDisk List VolumeCostList 20 45 325 125 3
OutOfDisk OK PushButton 280 210 57 18 3 [ButtonFont]&OK
OutOfDisk Text2 Text 20 10 325 30 3 [DefaultFont]Out of disk space. The highlighted volumes do not have enough disk space available for the currently selected features.
PreActionDialog ActionText Text 20 16 220 36 65539 [DefaultFont]Please wait while the [ProductShortName] prepares for installation...
PreActionDialog Cancel PushButton 101 40 57 18 3 [ButtonFont]Cancel
Reinstall Cancel PushButton 375 298 57 18 3 [ButtonFont]Cancel ReinstallChoice1
Reinstall CompleteText Text 50 173 277 24 2 [DefaultFont]Replace all files and rewrite all Registry entries; fix all shortcuts.
Reinstall CustomText Text 50 173 277 24 3 [DefaultFont]Create a Custom reinstall. Click Next to choose your custom options.
Reinstall GroupBox1 GroupBox 36 158 305 50 0 [DefaultFont]Description
Reinstall Image Bitmap 0 0 450 44 1 Header.bmp
Reinstall Line1 Line 0 44 450 4 1
Reinstall Line2 Line 0 291 450 4 1
Reinstall MinimalText Text 50 173 277 24 2 [DefaultFont]Replace only missing files and rewrite machine Registry entries.
Reinstall Next PushButton 310 298 57 18 3 [ButtonFont]&Next > Previous
Reinstall NormalText Text 50 173 277 24 2 [DefaultFont]Replace all files whose versions don't match exactly; rewrite all Registry entries.
Reinstall Previous PushButton 253 298 57 18 3 [ButtonFont]< &Back Cancel
Reinstall ReinstallChoice1 RadioButtonGroup 26 72 305 80 3 ReinstallChoice Next
Reinstall Text Text 20 6 245 12 65539 {\MsSansB8}Reinstall Mode
Reinstall Text1 Text 36 18 250 24 65539 [DefaultFont]Select a reinstall mode.
Reinstall Text2 Text 36 55 265 20 3 [DefaultFont]Select a reinstall mode and click Next to begin your reinstallation.
ReinstallMode Cancel PushButton 375 298 57 18 3 [ButtonFont]Cancel Next
ReinstallMode Image Bitmap 0 0 450 44 1 Header.bmp
ReinstallMode Line1 Line 0 44 450 4 1
ReinstallMode Line2 Line 0 291 450 4 1
ReinstallMode Next PushButton 310 298 57 18 3 [ButtonFont]&Next ReinstallRepair
ReinstallMode Previous PushButton 253 298 57 18 3 [ButtonFont]< &Back
ReinstallMode ReinstallFileChecksum CheckBox 34 139 315 15 3 ReinstallFileChecksum [DefaultFont]Reinst&all if .Exe or .Dll has an invalid checksum ReinstallFileForce
ReinstallMode ReinstallFileEqualVersion CheckBox 34 105 315 15 3 ReinstallFileEqualVersion [DefaultFont]Rein&stall if file is missing, or an older or equal version exists ReinstallFileExact
ReinstallMode ReinstallFileExact CheckBox 34 122 315 15 3 ReinstallFileDifferingVersion [DefaultFont]Reins&tall if existing file has a different version ReinstallFileChecksum
ReinstallMode ReinstallFileForce CheckBox 34 156 315 15 3 ReinstallFileForceAll [DefaultFont]F&orce all files to be reinstalled, regardless of checksum or version ReinstallUserData
ReinstallMode ReinstallFileOlderVersion CheckBox 34 88 315 15 3 ReinstallFileOlderVersion [DefaultFont]Re&install if file is missing, or an older version exists ReinstallFileEqualVersion
ReinstallMode ReinstallFilePresent CheckBox 34 71 315 15 3 ReinstallFilePresent [DefaultFont]R&einstall if file is missing ReinstallFileOlderVersion
ReinstallMode ReinstallMachineData CheckBox 34 190 315 15 3 ReinstallMachineData [DefaultFont]Veri&fy that required local machine registry entries are present ReinstallShortcut
ReinstallMode ReinstallRepair CheckBox 34 54 315 15 3 ReinstallRepair [DefaultFont]&Repair all detected reinstall problems ReinstallFilePresent
ReinstallMode ReinstallShortcut CheckBox 34 207 315 15 3 ReinstallShortcut [DefaultFont]Vali&date shortcuts Cancel
ReinstallMode ReinstallUserData CheckBox 34 173 315 15 3 ReinstallUserData [DefaultFont]&Verify that required user registry entries are present ReinstallMachineData
ReinstallMode Text Text 20 6 245 12 65539 {\MsSansB8}Custom Reinstall Options
ReinstallMode Text1 Text 36 18 250 24 65539 [DefaultFont]Select or deselect an option to add or remove it from your custom reinstall.
SelectionDialog ActionDescription Text 265 216 171 36 3 [DefaultFont]Description of the currently selected action xxx xxx xxx xxxx
SelectionDialog Cancel PushButton 375 298 57 18 3 [ButtonFont]Cancel DiskCost
SelectionDialog DiskCost PushButton 123 298 57 18 3 [ButtonFont]&Disk Space Tree Diaplay available disk space|
SelectionDialog Help PushButton 17 298 57 18 3 [ButtonFont]&Help
SelectionDialog Image Bitmap 0 0 450 44 1 Header.bmp
SelectionDialog InformationFrame GroupBox 258 202 184 80 0 [DefaultFont]Feature Information
SelectionDialog ItemDescription Text 265 63 171 108 3 {\MsSansB8}Multiline description of the currently selected item xxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xx xxxxx xxxxx x
SelectionDialog Line1 Line 0 44 450 4 1
SelectionDialog Line2 Line 0 291 450 4 1
SelectionDialog Next PushButton 310 298 57 18 3 [ButtonFont]&Next > Previous
SelectionDialog Previous PushButton 253 298 57 18 3 [ButtonFont]< &Back Cancel
SelectionDialog Reset PushButton 188 298 57 18 3 [ButtonFont]&Reset Next Restore your selection|
SelectionDialog SelectionFrame GroupBox 258 49 184 146 0 [DefaultFont]Feature Description
SelectionDialog Size Text 265 240 171 32 3 [DefaultFont]The size of the current selection xxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxx
SelectionDialog Text Text 20 6 245 12 65539 {\MsSansB8}Custom Installation
SelectionDialog Text2 Text 36 18 250 24 65539 [DefaultFont]Information on a selected feature appears in the right pane.
SelectionDialog Tree SelectionTree 9 53 241 230 15 INSTDIR Reset
UpgradeErrorDialog Image Bitmap 0 0 450 44 1 Header.bmp
UpgradeErrorDialog Line1 Line 0 44 450 4 1
UpgradeErrorDialog Line2 Line 0 291 450 4 1
UpgradeErrorDialog OK PushButton 375 298 57 18 3 [ButtonFont]&OK
UpgradeErrorDialog Text Text 20 6 320 12 65539 {\MsSansB8}Setup has encountered an error
UpgradeErrorDialog Text1 Text 36 18 250 24 65539 ProductName [DefaultFont]The [ProductShortName] Setup Wizard has detected a previously installed version, but cannot locate its components.
UpgradeErrorDialog Text2 Text 36 55 380 40 65539 [DefaultFont]You must uninstall the previous version of the [ProductShortName] before Setup can continue. Choose OK to exit the [ProductShortName] Setup Wizard, then use the Add/Remove Programs control panel to uninstall any previous versions.
UpgradeOptionsDialog Cancel PushButton 375 298 57 18 3 [ButtonFont]Cancel UpgradeMode1
UpgradeOptionsDialog CustomUpgradeText Text 69 150 277 15 3 [DefaultFont]Upgrade only selected components
UpgradeOptionsDialog ExistingPath Edit 36 210 300 17 1 EXISTINGINSTLOCATION [DefaultFont]
UpgradeOptionsDialog GroupBox1 GroupBox 36 85 378 108 0 [DefaultFont]Description
UpgradeOptionsDialog Image Bitmap 0 0 450 44 1 Header.bmp
UpgradeOptionsDialog Line1 Line 0 44 450 4 1
UpgradeOptionsDialog Line2 Line 0 291 450 4 1
UpgradeOptionsDialog Next PushButton 310 298 57 18 3 [ButtonFont]&Next > Previous
UpgradeOptionsDialog Previous PushButton 253 298 57 18 3 [ButtonFont]< &Back Cancel
UpgradeOptionsDialog Text Text 20 6 320 12 65539 {\MsSansB8}Select An Upgrade Type
UpgradeOptionsDialog Text1 Text 36 18 319 24 65539 ProductName [DefaultFont]Setup has detected an earlier version of [ProductShortName].
UpgradeOptionsDialog Text2 Text 36 53 350 45 65539 ProductName [DefaultFont]Because [ProductShortName] is already installed on this computer, you can choose to upgrade all or some of the tools.
UpgradeOptionsDialog Text3 Text 36 84 250 15 65539 [DefaultFont]How do you want to continue setup?
UpgradeOptionsDialog Text4 Text 36 195 250 15 65539 [DefaultFont]Current install location:
UpgradeOptionsDialog UpgradeAllText Text 69 120 277 15 3 [DefaultFont]Upgrade all the installed tools
UpgradeOptionsDialog UpgradeMode1 RadioButtonGroup 56 105 200 80 3 UpgradeMode Next
UserExit Cancel PushButton 375 298 57 18 1 [ButtonFont]Cancel
UserExit Continue PushButton 172 298 77 18 3 [ButtonFont]&Continue Later OK
UserExit Image Bitmap 17 14 100 255 1 Maingraphic.bmp
UserExit Line Line 0 291 450 4 1
UserExit OK PushButton 310 298 57 18 3 [ButtonFont]&Finish Restore
UserExit Previous PushButton 253 298 57 18 1 [ButtonFont]< &Back
UserExit Restore PushButton 105 298 67 18 3 [ButtonFont]&Restore Continue
UserExit Text Text 135 14 219 36 65539 {\VerdanaB12}Cannot Complete Setup
UserExit Text1 Text 135 50 270 36 65539 [DefaultFont]Setup was interrupted before [ProductShortName] was installed. To install the tools, click Finish, and then restart the [ProductShortName] Setup Wizard.
UserExit Text2 Text 135 100 219 50 65539 Do you want to restore the system to its previous state, or do you want to continue the installation at a later time?
UserExit Text3 Text 135 88 219 24 65539 [DefaultFont][DefaultFont]To close this wizard, click Finish.
VCWarningDialog Cancel PushButton 375 298 57 18 3 [ButtonFont]Cancel Next
VCWarningDialog DirImage Bitmap 200 55 210 125 1048577 OptionsDirectories.bmp
VCWarningDialog Image Bitmap 0 0 450 44 1 Header.bmp
VCWarningDialog Line1 Line 0 44 450 4 1
VCWarningDialog Line2 Line 0 291 450 4 1
VCWarningDialog Next PushButton 310 298 57 18 3 [ButtonFont]&Next > Previous
VCWarningDialog Previous PushButton 253 298 57 18 3 [ButtonFont]< &Back Cancel
VCWarningDialog Text Text 20 6 320 12 65539 {\MsSansB8}Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 Detected
VCWarningDialog Text1 Text 36 18 250 24 65539 ProductName [DefaultFont]The [ProductShortName] has detected an installation of Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 which has not been run for the first time.
VCWarningDialog Text2 Text 36 67 150 113 65539 [DefaultFont]To ensure proper registration of the include and lib directories, you must run Visual C++ 6.0 at least once before installing the Platform SDK. Otherwise, if you choose the default setting "Integrate with Microsoft Visual C++," the include and lib directories from the Platform SDK will be added to the end of their corresponding paths, as shown at the right. This can cause problems when you build your projects.
VCWarningDialog Text3 Text 36 55 150 113 65539 {\MsSansB8}Warning:
VCWarningDialog Text4 Text 36 190 370 125 65539 [DefaultFont]To set up the build environment correctly, use the UP ARROW button to move the Platform SDK include and lib directories to the beginning of this list.
VerifyReadyAdmin Cancel PushButton 375 298 57 18 3 [ButtonFont]Cancel Previous
VerifyReadyAdmin Image Bitmap 0 0 450 44 1 Header.bmp
VerifyReadyAdmin InstallNow PushButton 310 298 57 18 3 [ButtonFont]&Next > Cancel
VerifyReadyAdmin Line1 Line 0 291 450 4 1
VerifyReadyAdmin Line2 Line 0 44 450 4 1
VerifyReadyAdmin Previous PushButton 253 298 57 18 3 [ButtonFont]< &Back InstallNow
VerifyReadyAdmin Text Text 20 6 285 12 65539 ProductName {\MsSansB8}Begin Installation
VerifyReadyAdmin Text2 Text 36 18 250 24 65539 ProductName [DefaultFont]Are you ready to install [ProductShortName]?
VerifyReadyAdmin Text3 Text 36 55 400 40 65539 [DefaultFont]To begin the installation, click Next. To verify selections or to make changes, click Back.
VerifyReadyDialog AddRemoveText Text 36 18 250 24 65539 ProductName [DefaultFont]Are you ready to update [ProductShortName]?
VerifyReadyDialog AddRemoveText1 Text 20 6 245 12 65539 ProductName {\MsSansB8}Begin Update
VerifyReadyDialog AddRemoveText3 Text 36 55 400 40 65539 [DefaultFont]To begin the update, click Next. To verify selections or to make changes, click Back.
VerifyReadyDialog Cancel PushButton 375 298 57 18 3 [ButtonFont]Cancel Previous
VerifyReadyDialog Image Bitmap 0 0 450 44 1 Header.bmp
VerifyReadyDialog InstallNow PushButton 310 298 57 18 3 [ButtonFont]&Next > Cancel
VerifyReadyDialog Line1 Line 0 291 450 4 1
VerifyReadyDialog Line2 Line 0 44 450 4 1
VerifyReadyDialog Previous PushButton 253 298 57 18 3 [ButtonFont]< &Back InstallNow
VerifyReadyDialog Text Text 36 18 250 24 65539 ProductName [DefaultFont]Are you ready to install [ProductShortName]?
VerifyReadyDialog Text1 Text 20 6 245 12 65539 ProductName {\MsSansB8}Begin Installation
VerifyReadyDialog Text2 Text 36 18 250 24 65539 [DefaultFont]Are you ready to complete your suspended installation?
VerifyReadyDialog Text3 Text 36 55 400 40 65539 [DefaultFont]To begin the installation, click Next. To verify selections or to make changes, click Back.
VerifyRemoveAll Cancel PushButton 375 298 57 18 3 [ButtonFont]Cancel Previous
VerifyRemoveAll Image Bitmap 0 0 450 44 1 Header.bmp
VerifyRemoveAll Line1 Line 0 291 450 4 1
VerifyRemoveAll Line2 Line 0 44 450 4 1
VerifyRemoveAll Previous PushButton 253 298 57 18 3 [ButtonFont]< &Back RemoveNow
VerifyRemoveAll RemoveNow PushButton 310 298 57 18 3 [ButtonFont]&Next > Cancel
VerifyRemoveAll Text Text 20 6 219 12 65539 {\MsSansB8}Begin Uninstallation
VerifyRemoveAll Text2 Text 36 18 250 24 65539 [DefaultFont]Are you ready to remove [ProductShortName]?
VerifyRemoveAll Text3 Text 36 55 300 40 65539 [DefaultFont]To begin removing [ProductShortName], click Continue. To modify your current installation, click Back.
WaitForCosting Cancel PushButton 121 40 57 18 3 [ButtonFont]Cancel
WaitForCosting TextMessage Text 40 16 276 18 3 [DefaultFont]Please wait while the Installer determines disk space requirements...