Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Windows Application Compatibility Report</TITLE>
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<p CLASS=clsPSubTitle>To view and upload your error report, ensure that your Internet Explorer security settings meet the following requirements:</P>
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<p>Windows Online Crash Analysis uses JavaScript and cookies to display content correctly.</p>
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<STYLE>DIV.Section1 {
page: Section1
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=5 width="100%" bgColor=#ffffff border=0
<TR vAlign=center align=left>
<TD vAlign=bottom width="100%" height=30>
<P class=clsPTitle><B>Windows Application Compatibility Report</B></P>
<P class=clsPBody>Thank-you for using this page to report an application
compatibility issue. Please create this report on the machine that is
having the problem. After your report is submitted, we'll let you know
right away&nbsp;if any further information is available.</P>
<FORM NAME=ApplicationNameFrm
method=POST encType=multipart/form-data onSubmit="">
<P class=clsPSubTitle>Application:
<!-- <div style="width: 400; height: 21; border-style: solid; border-width: 1;" ID=AppNameText>xxx</DIV> -->
<SPAN CLASS=clsPBody ID=AppNameText STYLE="width: 80%; height: 21; border-style: solid; border-width: 1; padding-left: 4; padding-right: 4; padding-top: 3; padding-bottom: 1; font-weight= normal;"></SPAN>
<!-- <INPUT style="border-style: solid;" size=50 ID=AppName> -->
<INPUT class=clsButtonNormal onclick=fnBrowseButton(); type=button value=Browse... name=cmdBrowse accesskey='B'>
<INPUT class=clsButtonNormal onclick=fnListFilesButton(); type=button value="Pick from a list..." name=cmdListFiles accesskey='P'>
<P class=clsPSubTitle>What kind of problem are you having with this
<FORM NAME=ProbTypeFrm
method=POST onSubmit="">
<P class=clsPBody><SELECT size=1 name=ProbType STYLE="COLOR: #000000; FONT-SIZE: 100%;FONT-FAMILY: Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica;">
<OPTION value=Uninitialized_00 selected>&lt;Choose One&gt;</OPTION>
<OPTION value=Install_Fail_01>The application’s installation program won’t run or fails unsuccessfully</OPTION>
<OPTION value=System_Slow_02>The system is slow or unstable when running this application</OPTION>
<OPTION value=App_Faulting_03>The application won't run, it returns to the desktop, crashes or hangs</OPTION>
<OPTION value=App_ErrorOSVer_04>The application gives an error message about this version of Windows</OPTION>
<OPTION value=App_HWDevice_05>The application doesn’t work with a hardware device</OPTION>
<OPTION value=App_OSUpgrade_06>This application causes problems during the process of upgrading the operating system</OPTION>
<OPTION value=Uninstall_Fail_07>The application cannot be uninstalled</OPTION>
<OPTION value=App_CDError_08>The application won't automatically run when the CD is inserted, or gives an error about the CD when run</OPTION>
<OPTION value=App_UserError_09>The application works fine for some users, but fails for others or when switching users</OPTION>
<OPTION value=App_Internet_10>This application has problems connecting to the network or internet</OPTION>
<OPTION value=App_Print_11>This application has problems when printing</OPTION>
<OPTION value=App_PartlyWork_12>Some features of this application no longer work as expected with this version of Windows</OPTION>
<P class=clsPBody>Briefly describe the details of the problem you are
having. Make sure to include any error messages or steps to reproduce the
<FORM NAME=TXT_Form action=AppComProto.asp method=POST onSubmit="" >
<TEXTAREA name=UsrComment rows=7 cols=102 CLASS=clsSurveyTextarea style='padding-bottom:0px;margin-bottom:0px;' onKeyDown="LimitInputChars(document.TXT_Form.UsrComment)"
<P CLASS=clsPBody style='margin-top:0px;padding-top:0px' >
<SPAN STYLE="margin-top:0px;padding-top:0px;COLOR: #000000; FONT-SIZE: 90%;FONT-FAMILY: Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica;" ID=UsrCommentCounter></SPAN>
<P class=clsPSubTitle>What have you tried?</P>
<P class=clsPBody>The <A title="Opens up application compatibility wizard" class='clsALinkNormal'
href="hcp://system/compatctr/compatmode.htm">Application Compatibility
Wizard</A> provides options to help applications designed for earlier
versions of Windows work better. Did you try the wizard?</P>
method=POST onSubmit="" >
<P class=clsACWRes>
<INPUT type=radio value="Tried_And_UnSolved" name=RadAWiz>Yes, but it didn't resolve my problem<BR>
<INPUT type=radio value="Tried_And_Solved" name=RadAWiz>Yes, it worked and I'd like to share my results<BR>
<INPUT type=radio value="Not_Tried" name=RadAWiz CHECKED>No, I didn't try it or wasn't sure how
<P class=clsPSubTitle>What happens next?</P>
<P class=clsPBody>When you click create report below, the Windows Error
Reporting will start and you'll see the dialog below. Click Send Error
Report to send the data collected from your machine. </P>
<P align=center>
src="/include/images/apprptDW.jpg" border=0 ALT="Sample Windows Error Reporting image"></P>
<P class=clsPBody>You may be prompted for additional information if
necessary. If further information is available about this problem, you'll
see a link in the final dialog.</P>
<!-- <FORM
method=POST onSubmit="" > -->
<INPUT type=hidden value=4 name=VTI-GROUP>
<P class=clsPBody style="TEXT-ALIGN: center" align=center>
<INPUT class=clsButtonNormal id=cmdSubmit onclick=fnSubmitButton(); type=button value="Create Report" name=cmdSubmit accesskey='C'>
<INPUT class=clsButtonNormal id=cmdReset onclick=fnResetButton(); type=button value="Reset" name=cmdReset accesskey='R'></P>
<!--</FORM> -->
<TR vAlign=center align=left>
<TD vAlign=bottom width="100%" bgColor=#6487dc height=30><FONT
face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" color=#ffffff size=1><NOBR>&nbsp;&#169 2002
Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. <A style="COLOR: #ffffff"
of Use</A>&nbsp;<FONT color=#ffffff>|</FONT> <A style="COLOR: #ffffff"
Statement</A>&nbsp;<FONT color=#ffffff>|</FONT> <A style="COLOR: #ffffff"
var g_strApplicationName = new String( "" );
var g_strACWResult = "Failed";
var g_strDefaultAppName = "<Click Browse or Pick from a list>";
var g_intTextCommentLimit = 2000;
function LimitInputChars(Txt) {
var remaining;
var strHelper = "";
remaining = g_intTextCommentLimit - Txt.value.length;
if (remaining <= 0) {
Txt.value = Txt.value.substring(0, g_intTextCommentLimit);
remaining = g_intTextCommentLimit - Txt.value.length;
strHelper = "Limit " + g_intTextCommentLimit + " Characters.";
if (remaining != g_intTextCommentLimit) {
strHelper = strHelper + " Remaining: " + remaining;
UsrCommentCounter.innerText = strHelper;
function getRadioValue(ctlName) {
var collection;
var i;
collection = document.all[ctlName];
for (i = 0; i < collection.length; i++) {
if (collection[i].checked) {
function ResetRadioValue(chkBtn, ctlName) {
var collection;
var i;
collection = document.all[ctlName];
for (i = 0; i < collection.length; i++) {
document.all[ctlName][i].checked = FALSE;
if (i== chkBtn) {
document.all[ctlName][i].checked = TRUE;
function fnBrowseButton()
var strTemp;
strTemp = AppNameText.innerText;
g_strApplicationName = strTemp;
if (strTemp == g_strDefaultAppName) {
strTemp = "";
strTemp = document.objAppCom.BrowseForExecutable ( "test", strTemp );
if (strTemp != "")
g_strApplicationName = strTemp;
AppNameText.innerText = strTemp;
} else
AppNameText.innerText = g_strApplicationName;
catch( err ){;}
function fnListFilesButton( )
var strTemp = document.objAppCom.GetApplicationFromList( document.title );
if (strTemp != "")
AppNameText.innerText = strTemp;
catch( err ){;}
function fnSubmitButton( )
var strACWRes = "";
var strRet = "Failed";
var hrRet = 0;
strACWRes = getRadioValue('RadAWiz');
if (AppNameText.innerText == g_strDefaultAppName) {
alert("Please enter an Application Path. ");
} else if (document.all.ProbType.selectedIndex == 0) {
alert("Please select kind of problem you are having. ");
} else if (document.all.UsrComment.value.length > g_intTextCommentLimit) {
alert("Problem description entered was too large, it was truncated to " + g_intTextCommentLimit + " characters. ");
} else {
hrRet = document.objAppCom.CreateReport(document.title,
if (hrRet == 0)
window.navigate( "AppComRet.asp?result=" + hrRet )
} else
window.navigate( "AppComRet.asp?result=" + hrRet )
catch( err ){;}
function fnResetButton( )
document.all.UsrComment.value = "";
document.all.ProbType.selectedIndex = 0;
catch( err ){;}
AppNameText.innerText = g_strDefaultAppName;