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* DESCRIPTION: Upload.h : Generates and sends out AppCompat report
* DATE:6/13/2002
#if !defined(_UPLOAD_H_)
#define _UPLOAD_H_
enum // EDwBehaviorFlags
fDwOfficeApp = 0x00000001,
fDwNoReporting = 0x00000002, // don't report
fDwCheckSig = 0x00000004, // checks the signatures of the App/Mod list
fDwGiveAppResponse = 0x00000008, // hands szResponse to app on command line
fDwWhistler = 0x00000010, // Whistler's exception handler is caller
fDwUseIE = 0x00000020, // always launch w/ IE
fDwDeleteFiles = 0x00000040, // delete the additional files after use.
fDwHeadless = 0x00000080, // DW will auto-report. policy required to enable
fDwUseHKLM = 0x00000100, // DW reg from HKLM instead of HKCU
fDwUseLitePlea = 0x00000200, // DW won't suggest product change in report plea
fDwUsePrivacyHTA = 0x00000400, // DW won't suggest product change in report plea
fDwManifestDebug = 0x00000800, // DW will provide a debug button in manifset mode
fDwReportChoice = 0x00001000, // DW will tack on the command line of the user
fDwSkipBucketLog = 0x00002000, // DW won't log at bucket-time
fDwNoDefaultCabLimit = 0x00004000, // DW under CER won't use 5 as the fallback but unlimited instead (policy still overrides)
fDwAllowSuspend = 0x00008000, // DW will allow powersave mode to suspend it, as long as we're not in reporting phase
fDwMiniDumpWithUnloadedModules = 0x00010000, // DW will pass MiniDumpWithUnloadedModules to the minidump API
const WCHAR c_wszDWCmdLine[] = L"dwwin.exe -d %ls";
const WCHAR c_wszDWExe[] = L"%ls\\dwwin.exe";
const WCHAR c_wszRegErrRpt[] = L"Software\\Microsoft\\PCHealth\\ErrorReporting";
const WCHAR c_wszRegDWPolicy[]= L"Software\\Policies\\Microsoft\\PCHealth\\ErrorReporting\\DW";
const WCHAR c_wszFileHeader[] = L"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-16\"?>\r\n <DATABASE>";
const WCHAR c_wszLblType[] = L"Type=";
const WCHAR c_wszLblACW[] = L"\r\nAppCompWiz=";
const WCHAR c_wszLblComment[] = L"\r\nComment=";
const WCHAR c_wszServer[] = L"watson.microsoft.com";
const WCHAR c_wszManSubPath[] = L"\r\nRegSubPath=Microsoft\\PCHealth\\ErrorReporting\\DW";
const WCHAR c_wszManPID[] = L"\r\nDigPidRegPath=HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\DigitalProductId";
const WCHAR c_wszManHdr[] = L"\r\nServer=%ls\r\nUI LCID=%d\r\nFlags=%d\r\nBrand=%ls\r\nTitleName=";
const WCHAR c_wszStage1[] = L"\r\nStage1URL=/StageOne/%ls/%d_%d_%d_%d/appcomp.rpt/0_0_0_0/%08lx.htm";
const WCHAR c_wszStage2[] = L"\r\nStage2URL=/dw/stagetwo.asp?szAppName=%ls&szAppVer=%d.%d.%d.%d&szModName=appcomp.rpt&szModVer=";
const WCHAR c_wszBrand[] = L"WINDOWS";
const WCHAR c_wszManCorpPath[] = L"\r\nErrorSubPath=";
const WCHAR c_wszManFiles[] = L"\r\nDataFiles=";
const WCHAR c_wszManHdrText[] = L"\r\nHeaderText=";
const WCHAR c_wszManErrText[] = L"\r\nErrorText=";
const WCHAR c_wszManPleaText[] = L"\r\nPlea=";
const WCHAR c_wszManSendText[] = L"\r\nReportButton=";
const WCHAR c_wszManNSendText[] = L"\r\nNoReportButton=";
const WCHAR c_wszManEventSrc[] = L"\r\nEventLogSource=";
const WCHAR c_wszManStageOne[] = L"\r\nStage1URL=";
const WCHAR c_wszManStageTwo[] = L"\r\nStage2URL=";
// Error values
LPWSTR wszAppName,
LPWSTR *pwszAppCompatReport
LPWSTR wszAppName,
LPWSTR wszProblemType,
LPWSTR wszUserComment,
LPWSTR wszACWResult,
LPWSTR wszAppCompatText
#endif // !defined _UPLOAD_H_