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// This is an includefile containing the common
// stuff for using RoboCopy.
// To use, you must call RoboCopyInit().
// It creates the global, "g_robocopy" which contains the ActiveX object
// pointing to RoboCopy.
// When you are finished, you must call g_robocopy.UnRegister()
// You must have a "function [script]_js::OnEventSourceEvent(RemoteObj, DispID, cmd, params)"
// and filter messages to robocopy like this:
// if (g_robocopy == null || !g_robocopy.OnEventSource(arguments))
// {
// do your processing here...
// }
// Aside from RoboCopyInit(), all RoboCopy function may throw exceptions - you must be prepared to handle this.
// If you wany copy status, override the following functions:
// StatusStarted();
// StatusFile();
// StatusProgress(nPercent, nSize, nCopiedBytes);
// StatusError();
// StatusDone()
// StatusMessage(nErrorCode, strErrorMessage, strRoboCopyMessage, strFileName)
function RoboCopyInit()
g_robocopy = new RoboCopy();
SimpleErrorDialog(LocalMachine + ": Cannot initialize RoboCopy", "RoboCopy() init failed, " + ex, false);
return false;
return true;
function RoboCopyUnRegister()
if (this.objRemote != null)
this.objRemote = null;
function RoboCopyCopyFile(srcdir, dstdir, file)
var n = file.lastIndexOf("\\");
if (n != -1)
var filepath = file.substr(0, n + 1);
file = file.substr(n + 1);
srcdir += filepath;
dstdir += filepath;
this.nErrorCode = this.RCERR_NOT_INITIALIZED;
JAssert(this.objRemote != null);
if (this.objRemote != null)
LogMsg("RoboCopy file " + srcdir + file + " to " + dstdir + file);
this.strSrcDir = srcdir;
this.strDstDir = dstdir;
this.strSrcFile = srcdir + file;
this.strDstFile = dstdir + file;
this.objRemote.SetCopyOptions(srcdir, dstdir, file, "/ETA /R:100 /V");
ex.detail = "Copyfile('" + srcdir + "', '" + dstdir + "', '" + file + "')";
return this.nErrorCode;
function RoboCopySetExcludeFiles(aFiles)
this.aExcludeFiles = aFiles;
function RoboCopyCopyDir(srcdir, dstdir, fRecursive)
var options;
var char;
var i;
this.nErrorCode = this.RCERR_NOT_INITIALIZED;
JAssert(this.objRemote != null);
if (this.objRemote != null)
options = "/Z /ETA /R:100 /V";
if (fRecursive)
options += " /E ";
if (this.aExcludeFiles.length != 0)
options += " /XF ";
char = srcdir.charAt(srcdir.length - 1);
if (char != '\\' && char != ':')
srcdir += '\\';
char = dstdir.charAt(dstdir.length - 1);
if (char != '\\' && char != ':')
dstdir += '\\';
LogMsg("RoboCopy dir " + srcdir + " to " + dstdir );
this.strSrcDir = srcdir;
this.strDstDir = dstdir;
this.strSrcFile = srcdir;
this.strDstFile = dstdir;
if (this.aExcludeFiles.length != 0)
// MTRCopy.SetCopyOptions will only accept one file exclude
// pattern.
// If you call SetCopyOptions multiple times, it keeps a list
// of all of the file patterns to exclude.
for(i = 0; i < this.aExcludeFiles.length; ++i)
LogMsg("EXCLUDING FILE " + this.aExcludeFiles[i]);
this.objRemote.SetCopyOptions(srcdir, dstdir, this.aExcludeFiles[i], options);
this.objRemote.SetCopyOptions(srcdir, dstdir, "*.*", options);
ex.detail = "CopyDir('" + srcdir + "', '" + dstdir + "')";
return this.nErrorCode;
function RoboCopyTranslateException(ex)
if (!ex.number)
ex.number = "<undefined>";
ex.description = "Unknown RoboCopy exception: " + ex.number;
if ( this.ErrorMessages[ex.number] != null)
ex.description = this.ErrorMessages[ex.number];
throw ex;
function RoboCopyOnEventSource(objRet, aArgs)
var strMsg;
var strText;
if (aArgs[0] != this.objRemote)
return false;
switch(aArgs[1]) // dispid
case this.RC_COPYSTARTED: // ()
objRet.rc = this.StatusStarted(aArgs[2]);
case this.RC_COPYFILE : // ([in] BSTR FileName)
this.strSrcFile = aArgs[2];
objRet.rc = this.StatusFile();
case this.RC_PROGRESS : // ([in] int iPercent, [in] long lSizeLow, [in] long lSizeHigh, [in] long lCopiedLow, [in] long lCopiedHigh)
objRet.rc = this.StatusProgress(aArgs[2], aArgs[3], aArgs[5]);
case this.RC_COPYERROR : // ([in] long lReason)
this.nErrorCode = aArgs[2];
if (this.ErrorMessages[aArgs[2]])
strMsg = this.ErrorMessages[aArgs[2]];
strMsg = 'Unknown';
objRet.rc = this.StatusError(strMsg);
case this.RC_COPYDONE : // ()
objRet.rc = this.StatusDone();
case this.RC_ERRORMESSAGE : // ([in] long lErrorCode, [in] BSTR bstrErrorText, [in] BSTR bstrMessage, [in] BSTR bstrFileName);
objRet.rc = this.StatusMessage(aArgs[2], aArgs[3], aArgs[4], aArgs[5]);
LogMsg("robocopy Unknown event (" + aArgs[1] + ") copying file " + this.strSrcFile + " to " + this.strDstFile);
objRet.rc = 0;
return true;
function RoboStatusError(strMsg)
LogMsg("Robocopy copy error " + this.nErrorCode + " (" + strMsg + ") copying file " + this.strSrcFile + " to " + this.strDstFile);
return this.RC_CONTINUE
function RoboStatusMessage(nErrorCode, strErrorMessage, strRoboCopyMessage, strFileName)
LogMsg("Robocopy error message (" + nErrorCode + ") " + strErrorMessage + " " + strRoboCopyMessage + " " + strFileName);
return this.RC_CONTINUE
function RoboCopy()
if (!RoboCopy.prototype.UnRegister)
RoboCopy.prototype.UnRegister = RoboCopyUnRegister;
RoboCopy.prototype.OnEventSource = RoboCopyOnEventSource;
RoboCopy.prototype.CopyFile = RoboCopyCopyFile;
RoboCopy.prototype.TranslateException = RoboCopyTranslateException;
RoboCopy.prototype.CopyDir = RoboCopyCopyDir;
RoboCopy.prototype.SetExcludeFiles = RoboCopySetExcludeFiles;
RoboCopy.prototype.StatusStarted = function(args) { return true;}
RoboCopy.prototype.StatusFile = function(args) { return true;}
RoboCopy.prototype.StatusProgress = function(args) { return this.PROGRESS_QUIET;}
RoboCopy.prototype.StatusError = RoboStatusError;
RoboCopy.prototype.StatusDone = function(args) { return true;}
RoboCopy.prototype.StatusMessage = RoboStatusMessage;
// Possible Return values for the progress function
RoboCopy.prototype.PROGRESS_CONTINUE = 0;
RoboCopy.prototype.PROGRESS_CANCEL = 1;
RoboCopy.prototype.PROGRESS_STOP = 2;
RoboCopy.prototype.PROGRESS_QUIET = 3;
// Possible return values for the error function
RoboCopy.prototype.RC_FAIL = 0;
RoboCopy.prototype.RC_CONTINUE = 1;
RoboCopy.prototype.RC_COPYSTARTED = 1;
RoboCopy.prototype.RC_COPYFILE = 2;
RoboCopy.prototype.RC_PROGRESS = 3;
RoboCopy.prototype.RC_COPYERROR = 4;
RoboCopy.prototype.RC_COPYDONE = 5;
RoboCopy.prototype.RC_ERRORMESSAGE = 6;
RoboCopy.prototype.RCERR_NOT_INITIALIZED = -1
RoboCopy.prototype.RCERR_SRC_CANT_BE_WILDCARD = -1000
RoboCopy.prototype.RCERR_SRC_CANT_EXPAND = -1001
RoboCopy.prototype.RCERR_NO_SRC_DIR = -1002
RoboCopy.prototype.RCERR_DST_CANT_BE_WILDCARD = -1003
RoboCopy.prototype.RCERR_DST_CANT_EXPAND = -1004
RoboCopy.prototype.RCERR_NO_DST_DIR = -1005
RoboCopy.prototype.RCERR_INVALID_OPTION = -1006
RoboCopy.prototype.RCERR_PATH_CANT_BE_WILDCARD = -1007
RoboCopy.prototype.RCERR_FILESPEC_CANT_BE_PATH = -1008
RoboCopy.prototype.RCERR_CANT_ACCESS_SRC = -1009
RoboCopy.prototype.RCERR_CANT_ACCESS_DST = -1010
RoboCopy.prototype.RCERR_CANT_CREATE_DST_DIR = -1011
RoboCopy.prototype.RCERR_CANT_GET_MODULE_HANDLE = -1012
RoboCopy.prototype.RCERR_OPTIONS_NOT_SET = -1013
RoboCopy.prototype.RCERR_RETRY_LIMIT = -1014 // Fatal - no more retries
RoboCopy.prototype.RCERR_WAITING_FOR_RETRY = -1015 // NON-Fatal - information
RoboCopy.prototype.RCERR_RETRYING = -1016 // NON-Fatal - information
RoboCopy.prototype.ErrorMessages = new Object();
RoboCopy.prototype.ErrorMessages[this.RCERR_NOT_INITIALIZED] = "RoboCopy Error: NOT_INITIALIZED";
RoboCopy.prototype.ErrorMessages[this.RCERR_SRC_CANT_BE_WILDCARD] = "RoboCopy Error: SRC_CANT_BE_WILDCARD";
RoboCopy.prototype.ErrorMessages[this.RCERR_SRC_CANT_EXPAND] = "RoboCopy Error: SRC_CANT_EXPAND";
RoboCopy.prototype.ErrorMessages[this.RCERR_NO_SRC_DIR] = "RoboCopy Error: NO_SRC_DIR";
RoboCopy.prototype.ErrorMessages[this.RCERR_DST_CANT_BE_WILDCARD] = "RoboCopy Error: DST_CANT_BE_WILDCARD";
RoboCopy.prototype.ErrorMessages[this.RCERR_DST_CANT_EXPAND] = "RoboCopy Error: DST_CANT_EXPAND";
RoboCopy.prototype.ErrorMessages[this.RCERR_NO_DST_DIR] = "RoboCopy Error: NO_DST_DIR";
RoboCopy.prototype.ErrorMessages[this.RCERR_INVALID_OPTION] = "RoboCopy Error: INVALID_OPTION";
RoboCopy.prototype.ErrorMessages[this.RCERR_PATH_CANT_BE_WILDCARD] = "RoboCopy Error: PATH_CANT_BE_WILDCARD";
RoboCopy.prototype.ErrorMessages[this.RCERR_FILESPEC_CANT_BE_PATH] = "RoboCopy Error: FILESPEC_CANT_BE_PATH";
RoboCopy.prototype.ErrorMessages[this.RCERR_CANT_ACCESS_SRC] = "RoboCopy Error: CANT_ACCESS_SRC";
RoboCopy.prototype.ErrorMessages[this.RCERR_CANT_ACCESS_DST] = "RoboCopy Error: CANT_ACCESS_DST";
RoboCopy.prototype.ErrorMessages[this.RCERR_CANT_CREATE_DST_DIR] = "RoboCopy Error: CANT_CREATE_DST_DIR";
RoboCopy.prototype.ErrorMessages[this.RCERR_CANT_GET_MODULE_HANDLE] = "RoboCopy Error: CANT_GET_MODULE_HANDLE";
RoboCopy.prototype.ErrorMessages[this.RCERR_OPTIONS_NOT_SET] = "RoboCopy Error: OPTIONS_NOT_SET";
RoboCopy.prototype.ErrorMessages[this.RCERR_RETRY_LIMIT] = "RoboCopy Error: RETRY_LIMIT";
RoboCopy.prototype.ErrorMessages[this.RCERR_WAITING_FOR_RETRY] = "RoboCopy: WAITING_FOR_RETRY";
RoboCopy.prototype.ErrorMessages[this.RCERR_RETRYING] = "RoboCopy: RETRYING";
this.objRemote = new ActiveXObject('MTScript.RoboCopy');
this.nErrorCode = 0;
this.strSrcDir = '';
this.strDstDir = '';
this.strSrcFile = "<notset>";
this.strDstFile = "<notset>";
this.aExcludeFiles = new Array();
RegisterEventSource(this.objRemote, "MTScript.RoboCopyEvents");