Leaked source code of windows server 2003
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

231 lines
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// INIT.C -- routines to handle TOOLS.INI
// Copyright (c) 1988-1990, Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Purpose:
// Module contains routines to deal with TOOLS.INI file. Functions in TOOLS.LIB
// have not been used because NMAKE needs to be small and the overhead is too
// much.
// Revision History:
// 04-Feb-2000 BTF Ported to Win64
// 15-Oct-1993 HV Use tchar.h instead of mbstring.h directly, change STR*() to _ftcs*()
// 10-May-1993 HV Add include file mbstring.h
// Change the str* functions to STR*
// 10-May-1993 HV Revise SearchFileInEnv to take care of cases when path
// characters (\,/,:) are used. This fixed the recursive
// problem.
// 22-Apr-1993 HV Rewrite SearchRunPath() to use _makepath(), _searchenv()
// Add SearchFileInEnv() helper for SearchRunPath()
// 08-Jun-1992 SS Port to DOSX32
// 02-Feb-1990 SB Replace fopen() by FILEOPEN
// 22-Nov-1989 SB Changed free() to FREE()
// 19-Oct-1989 SB searchHandle passed around as extra param
// 16-Aug-1989 SB error check for fclose() added
// 24-Apr-1989 SB made FILEINFO as void * for OS/2 1.2 support
// 05-Apr-1989 SB made all funcs NEAR; Reqd to make all function calls NEAR
// 20-Sep-1988 RB Add SearchRunPath().
// Remove TOOLS.INI warning.
// 17-Aug-1988 RB Clean up.
// 10-May-1988 rb Find tools.ini in current directory first.
// 27-May-1988 rb Remove NO_INIT_ENTRY warning because of built-ins.
#include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
// findTag()
// arguments: tag pointer to tag name to be searched for
// actions: reads tokens from file
// whenever it sees a newline, checks the next token
// to see if 1st char is opening paren
// if no, reads and discards rest of line and
// checks next token to see if it's newline or EOF
// and if newline loops to check next token . . .
// if yes ('[' found), looks on line for tag
// if tag found, looks for closing paren
// if ']' found, discards rest of line and returns
// else keeps looking until end of file or error
// returns: if successful, returns TRUE
// if tag never found, returns FALSE
char *tag
BOOL endTag; // TRUE when find [...]
size_t n;
char *s;
for (line = 0; fgets(buf, MAXBUF, file); ++line) {
if (*buf == '[') {
endTag = FALSE;
for (s = _tcstok(buf+1," \t\n");
s && !endTag;
s = _tcstok(NULL," \t\n")
) {
n = _tcslen(s) - 1;
if (s[n] == ']') {
endTag = TRUE;
s[n] = '\0';
if (!_tcsicmp(s,tag)) {
if (!feof(file)) {
currentLine = line;
makeError(0, CANT_READ_FILE);
// tagOpen()
// arguments: where pointer to name of environment variable
// containing path to search
// name pointer to name of initialization file
// tag pointer to name of tag to find in file
// actions: looks for file in current directory
// if not found, looks in each dir in path (semicolons
// separate each path from the next in the string)
// if file is found and opened, looks for the given tag
// (if ported to xenix, tagOpen() and searchPath()
// should probably use access() and not findFirst().)
// returns: if file and tag are found, returns pointer to file,
// opened for reading and positioned at the line
// following the tag line
// else returns NULL
char *where,
char *name,
char *tag
char szPath[_MAX_PATH];
// Look for 'name' in current directory then path.
_searchenv(name, where, szPath);
if (szPath[0] == '\0') {
if (!(file = FILEOPEN(szPath, "rt"))) {
makeError(0, CANT_READ_FILE, szPath);
if (findTag(tag)) {
return(TRUE); // look for tag in file
if (fclose(file) == EOF) { // if tag not found, close
makeError(0, ERROR_CLOSING_FILE, szPath);
return(FALSE); // file and pretend file not found
// searchPath()
// arguments: p pointer to string of paths to be searched
// name name of file being searched for
// actions: looks for name in current directory, then each
// directory listed in string.
// returns: pointer to path spec of file found, else NULL
// I don't use _tcstok() here because that modifies the string that it "token-
// izes" and we cannot modify the environment-variable string. I'd have to
// make a local copy of the whole string, and then make another copy of each
// directory to which I concatenate the filename to in order to test for the
// file's existence.
char *
char *p,
char *name,
void *findBuf,
NMHANDLE *searchHandle
char *s; // since it's not in use
// CONSIDER: Why aren't we using access() here? FindFirst has problems
// CONSIDER: with networks and DOS 2.x. Also maybe cheaper. [RLB]. */
// We use FindFirst() because the dateTime of file matters to us
// We don't need it always but then access() probably uses findFirst()
// -Sundeep-
if (findFirst(name, findBuf, searchHandle)) { // check current dir first
// Check if environment string is NULL. Unnecessary if check is done
// elsewhere, but it's more convenient and safer to do it here.
if (p == NULL) {
for (s = buf; ;) {
while (*p && '\"' == *p) {
// Quotes should not be used in search paths. If we find any,
// we ignore them. This way we can form the full path and the
// filename without quotes and add an enclosing pair of quotes
// later, if necessary. [DS 14575]
if (!*p || (*s = *p++) == ';') { // found a dir separator
if (s == buf) { // ignore ; w/out name
if (*p) {
return(NULL); // list exhausted ...
if (*(s-1) != '\\' && *(s-1) != '/') { // append path separator
*s++ = '\\';
*s = '\0';
if (_tcspbrk(buf,"*?")) { // wildcards not allowed
s = buf;
_tcscpy(s, name); // append file name, zap
if (findFirst(buf, findBuf, searchHandle)) {
s = buf; // reset ptr to begin of
} // buf and check next dir
else {
++s; // we keep copying chars
} // until find ';' or '\0'