Leaked source code of windows server 2003
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

387 lines
10 KiB

* UPDRN: UPD with rename
* manis : 22-May-87 : first written and released
* 29-May-87 danl Added explicit test for only two args
* Removed rootpath tests
* Added string.h
* Don't remove trailing '\' from args to /g
* 12-Jun-87 brianwi Get around FAPI one-open dir limitation
#include <malloc.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys\types.h>
#include <sys\stat.h>
#include <io.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <process.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <tools.h>
// Forward Function Declarations..
void docopy( char *, struct findType * );
int setup( char *, int, void (*)() );
void __cdecl usage( char *, ... );
void getfile( int, char ** );
char const rgstrUsage[] = {
"Usage: UPDRN [/fnvape] srcfile destfile\n"
" UPDRN /g file {arg}*\n"
" /f Files differ, then copy\n"
" /n No saving of replaced file to deleted directory\n"
" /v Verbose\n"
" /a Archive bit on source should NOT be reset\n"
" /p Print actions, but do nothing\n"
" /e Exit codes 1-error or no src else 0\n"
" Default is 1-copy done 0-no copy done\n"
" /g Get params from file\n"
#define MAXARGV 20
unsigned _stack = 4096;
flagType fInGetfile = FALSE;
flagType fAll = FALSE;
flagType fDel = TRUE;
flagType fVerbose = FALSE;
flagType fArchiveReset = TRUE;
flagType fPrintOnly = FALSE;
flagType fErrorExit = FALSE; /* TRUE => exit (1) errors or no src else 0 */
flagType fNoSrc = FALSE; /* TRUE => "No src msg emitted" */
int cCopied = 0;
int fAnyUpd = 0;
struct findType buf;
char source[BUFLEN], dest[BUFLEN] ;
/* for use by getfile */
char *argv[MAXARGV];
char bufIn[BUFLEN];
char strLine[BUFLEN];
char ekoLine[BUFLEN]; /* undestroyed copy of line for echo */
void copyfile(src, srctype, dst)
char *src, *dst;
struct findType *srctype;
char *result;
flagType fNewfile = FALSE;
/* if the file already exists, fdelete will return 0; then don't */
/* notify the user that a file transfer has taken place.Otherwise*/
/* a new file has been created so tell the user about it. */
printf(" %s => %s", src, dst);
fAnyUpd = 1;
if (!fPrintOnly) {
if( fDel ) {
fNewfile = (flagType)( (fdelete(dst)) ? TRUE : FALSE );
if (!(result = fcopy(src, dst))) {
if (fArchiveReset)
SetFileAttributes( src, srctype->fbuf.dwFileAttributes & ~FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE );
if (fVerbose || fNewfile) printf(" [OK]");
printf(" %s - %s", result, error());
printf (" [no copy]");
void docopy (p, b)
/* copy source file to destination file based on time stamps */
/* and different switches. */
char *p;
struct findType *b;
int fNotFound;
char *pPat;
char *pT = p;
struct findType *bT = b;
pPat = malloc (BUFLEN);
if (pPat) {
strcpy(pPat, dest);
if( ( fNotFound = ffirst(pPat, ~(FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY), &buf)) ||
( CompareFileTime( &buf.fbuf.ftLastWriteTime, &bT->fbuf.ftLastWriteTime ) < 0 ) ||
( fAll &&
CompareFileTime( &buf.fbuf.ftLastWriteTime, &bT->fbuf.ftLastWriteTime ) > 0
) {
copyfile(pT, bT, pPat);
else if( !fNotFound &&
CompareFileTime( &buf.fbuf.ftLastWriteTime, &bT->fbuf.ftLastWriteTime ) == 0 &&
buf.fbuf.nFileSizeLow != bT->fbuf.nFileSizeLow
) {
printf("\n\007UPDRN: warning - %s not copied\n", pT);
printf("\007UPDRN: warning - same time, different length in src & dest\n", pT);
findclose( &buf );
free (pPat);
setup(pat, attr, rtn)
/* set up buffer for find first call. if the source file is valid */
/* and ffirst call is successful, call the routine "rtn". */
char *pat;
int attr;
void (*rtn)();
struct findType *fbuf;
char *buf;
if ((fbuf=(struct findType *)malloc(sizeof (*fbuf) + MAX_PATH ))==NULL)
return FALSE;
if (ffirst (pat, attr, fbuf)) {
free ((char *) fbuf);
return FALSE;
if ((buf = (char *)malloc(MAX_PATH)) == NULL) {
free ((char *) fbuf);
return FALSE;
drive (pat, buf);
path (pat, strend (buf));
pat = strend (buf);
strcpy (pat, fbuf->fbuf.cFileName);
_strlwr (pat);
findclose (fbuf);
(*rtn) (buf, fbuf);
free (buf);
free ((char *) fbuf);
return TRUE;
void __cdecl usage( char *p, ... )
/* prints error messages */
char **rgstr;
rgstr = &p;
if (*rgstr) {
fprintf (stderr, "UPDRN: ");
while (*rgstr)
fprintf (stderr, "%s", *rgstr++);
fprintf (stderr, "\n");
fputs (rgstrUsage, stderr);
exit ((fErrorExit ? 1 : 0));
main (c, v)
int c;
char *v[];
char *p, namebuf[ BUFLEN ];
fAll = FALSE;
fDel = TRUE;
fArchiveReset = TRUE;
fPrintOnly = FALSE;
cCopied = 0;
if (!fInGetfile)
ConvertAppToOem( c, v );
SHIFT(c, v); /* Flush the command name */
while( c && fSwitChr( *v[0] ) ) {
p = v[ 0 ];
SHIFT(c, v);
while (*++p)
switch (tolower(*p)) {
case 'a':
fArchiveReset = FALSE;
case 'g':
if (fInGetfile)
usage("/g allowed only on command line", 0);
getfile(c, v);
case 'e':
fErrorExit = TRUE;
case 'v':
fVerbose = TRUE;
case 'f':
fAll = TRUE;
case 'n':
fDel = FALSE;
case 'p':
fPrintOnly = TRUE;
usage("Invalid switch - ", p, 0);
/* Must be at one source file and dest file. */
if (c != 2)
/* Make sure source and destination dirs are valid */
/* Wildcards not allowed */
rootpath( v[1], dest );
rootpath( v[0], source);
if (!filename(source, namebuf))
usage("Source file name not specified - ", source, 0);
if (fileext(source, namebuf))
if (strpbrk(namebuf,"*")!=NULL)
usage("Wild cards not allowed - ", source, 0);
if (fileext(dest, namebuf)){
if (strpbrk(namebuf,"*")!=NULL)
usage("Wild cards not allowed - ", dest, 0);
usage("Destination file not specified - ", dest, 0);
/* now compcopy the source file to dest file. source
file has subset of the attributes specified */
if (fVerbose) {
printf("Comparing and copying srcfile: %s\n", source);
printf(" To destination file: %s\n", dest);
cCopied = 0;
if (!cCopied) {
printf("UPDRN: no src file matching %s\n", source);
fNoSrc = 1;
if (!fInGetfile)
return( (int)fErrorExit ? (int)fNoSrc : fAnyUpd );
return 0;
/* call if UPDRN /g getfile, reads lines from getfile and for each line
calls main */
void getfile(c, v)
int c;
char *v[];
int cargv = 0;
FILE *fp;
int i, j;
char *p, *p2;
char lbuf[BUFLEN];
* 13-SEPT-90 w-barry
* Change open() to fopen() and replace assembly routines getl() and
* getlinit() with fgets.
if (c == 0)
usage("no getfile specified", 0);
fInGetfile = TRUE;
if( ( fp = fopen( *v, "r" ) ) == NULL ) {
usage("error opening ", *v, 0);
SHIFT(c, v);
/* getlinit((char far *)bufIn, BUFLEN, fh);
* while (getl(strLine, BUFLEN) != NULL) {
while( fgets( strLine, BUFLEN, fp ) != NULL ) {
if (*strLine == '#')
if (*strLine == ';') {
printf("%s\n", strLine);
/* fgets doesn't remove \n */
*strbscan(strLine, "\n") = '\0';
cargv = 0;
/* convert strLine into argv */
p = strbskip(strLine, " ");
strcpy (ekoLine, p + 5);
while (*p) {
argv[cargv++] = p;
p = strbscan(p, " ");
if (*p)
*p++ = '\0';
p = strbskip(p, " ");
if (!_stricmp (argv[0], "rem")) continue;
if (!_stricmp (argv[0], "echo"))
if (!_stricmp (argv[1], "on"))
fVerbose = TRUE;
printf ("Verbose On\n");
else if (!_stricmp (argv[1], "off"))
fVerbose = FALSE;
printf ("Verbose Off\n");
else printf ("%s\n", ekoLine);
/* replace the arguments in the file : %0, %1 etc */
/* with the arguments from the command line */
/* lbuf : holds the strings formed by replacing %0 etc*/
p2 = lbuf;
for (i = 0; i < cargv; i++) {
if (*(p = argv[i]) == '%') {
if ((j = atoi(++p)) < c) {
strcpy(p2, v[j]);
argv[i] = strcat(p2,++p);
p2 += strlen(argv[i])+1;
usage("bad arg ", argv[i], 0);
if (cargv)
main(cargv, argv);
fclose( fp );
exit( (int)fErrorExit ? (int)fNoSrc : fAnyUpd );