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FILE: priv.h
This is the precompiled header for themeui.dll.
BryanSt 4/4/2000 (Bryan Starbuck)
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 2000-2000. All rights reserved.
#ifndef _PRIV_H_
#define _PRIV_H_
Global Includes
#define NOIME
// This stuff must run on Win95
#define _WIN32_WINDOWS 0x0400
#ifndef WINVER
#define WINVER 0x0400
#endif // WINVER
#define STRICT
#ifndef _WIN32_WINNT
#define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0400
#undef _ATL_DLL
#undef _ATL_DLL_IMPL
#include <atlbase.h>
//You may derive a class from CComModule and use it if you want to override
//something, but do not change the name of _Module
extern CComModule _Module;
#include <atlcom.h>
#include <atlctl.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <windowsx.h>
#include "resource.h"
#include "coverwnd.h"
#define _FIX_ENABLEMODELESS_CONFLICT // for shlobj.h
//WinInet need to be included BEFORE ShlObjp.h
#include <wininet.h>
#include <urlmon.h>
#include <shlobj.h>
#include <exdisp.h>
#include <objidl.h>
#include <shellids.h> // Help IDs
#include <shlwapi.h>
#include <shlwapip.h>
// HACKHACK: For the life of me, I can't get shlwapip.h to include the diffinitions of these.
// I'm giving up and putting them inline. __IOleAutomationTypes_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ and
// __IOleCommandTarget_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ need to be defined, which requires oaidl.h,
// which requires hlink.h which requires rpcndr.h to come in the right order. Once I got that
// far I found it still didn't work and a lot of more stuff is needed. The problem
// is that shlwapi (exdisp/dspsprt/expdsprt/cnctnpt) or ATL will provide impls for
// IConnectionPoint & IConnectionPointContainer, but one will conflict with the other.
LWSTDAPI IConnectionPoint_SimpleInvoke(IConnectionPoint *pcp, DISPID dispidMember, DISPPARAMS * pdispparams);
LWSTDAPI IConnectionPoint_OnChanged(IConnectionPoint *pcp, DISPID dispid);
LWSTDAPIV IUnknown_CPContainerInvokeParam(IUnknown *punk, REFIID riidCP, DISPID dispidMember, VARIANTARG *rgvarg, UINT cArgs, ...);
#include <shellapi.h>
#include <shsemip.h>
#include <crtfree.h>
#include <ole2ver.h>
#include <olectl.h>
#include <shellp.h>
#include <shdocvw.h>
#include <commdlg.h>
#include <shguidp.h>
#include <isguids.h>
#include <shdguid.h>
#include <mimeinfo.h>
#include <hlguids.h>
#include <mshtmdid.h>
#include <msident.h>
#include <msxml.h>
#include <Theme.h> // For ITheme interfaces
#include <perhist.h>
#include <regapix.h>
#include <shsemip.h>
#include <shfusion.h> // For SHFusionInitialize()/SHFusionUninitialize()
#include <help.h>
#define DISALLOW_Assert // Force to use ASSERT instead of Assert
#define DISALLOW_DebugMsg // Force to use TraceMsg instead of DebugMsg
#include <debug.h>
#include <urlhist.h>
#include <setupapi.h>
#include <cfgmgr32.h>
#include <syssetup.h>
#include <regstr.h> // for REGSTR_PATH_EXPLORE
#include <urlmon.h>
#include <inetreg.h>
#define _INTSHCUT_ // get DECLSPEC_IMPORT stuff right for INTSHCUT.h
#include <intshcut.h>
#include <hlink.h>
#include <hliface.h>
#include <docobj.h>
#include <ccstock.h>
#include <port32.h>
#include <commctrl.h>
#include <shpriv.h>
#include <Prsht.h>
// Include the automation definitions...
#include <exdisp.h>
#include <exdispid.h>
#include <ocmm.h>
#include <mshtmhst.h>
#include <simpdata.h>
#include <htiface.h>
#include <objsafe.h>
#include <dspsprt.h>
#include <cowsite.h>
#include <cobjsafe.h>
#include <objclsid.h>
#include <objwindow.h>
#include <guids.h>
#include <tmschema.h>
#include <uxtheme.h>
#include <uxthemep.h>
#include "deskcmmn.h"
#include <cowsite.h>
#include <strsafe.h>
* Local Includes
// Include frequently used headers.
#include "util.h"
#include "theme.h"
#include "regutil.h"
#include "themefile.h"
#include <themeldr.h>
#include "themeutils.h"
#include "appScheme.h"
#include "thScheme.h"
#include "PreviewSM.h"
#include "deskcplext.h"
#include "dragsize.h"
#include "coverwnd.h"
#include "settings.h"
#include "advdlg.h"
#include "fontfix.h"
#include <tmreg.h>
// Trace flags
#define TF_WMTHEME 0x00000100 // Themes
#define TF_THEMEUI_PERF 0x00000200 // Perf
#define TF_DUMP_DEVMODE 0x00000400
#define TF_DUMP_CSETTINGS 0x00000800
#define TF_THEMEUI_SYSMETRICS 0x00001000 // Perf
#include <w4warn.h>
* Global Helper Macros/Typedefs
EXTERN_C HINSTANCE g_hinst; // My instance handle
#define HINST_THISDLL g_hinst
STDAPI_(void) DllAddRef(void);
STDAPI_(void) DllRelease(void);
#define MAX_PAGES 100
// Detect "." or ".." as invalid files
#define IS_VALID_FILE(str) (!(('.' == str[0]) && (('\0' == str[1]) || (('.' == str[1]) && ('\0' == str[2])))))
* Global state management.
* DLL reference count, DLL critical section.
void DllAddRef(void);
void DllRelease(void);
#define NULL_FOR_EMPTYSTR(str) (((str) && (str)[0]) ? str : NULL)
typedef void (*LISTPROC)(UINT flm, LPVOID pv);
#define RECTWIDTH(rc) ((rc).right - (rc).left)
#define RECTHEIGHT(rc) ((rc).bottom - (rc).top)
* Local Includes
// This is defined in WININET.CPP
#define INTERNET_MAX_SCHEME_LENGTH 32 // longest protocol name length
+ sizeof("://") \
#define SZ_EMPTY TEXT("")
#define EMPTYSTR_FORNULL(str) ((str) ? (str) : SZ_EMPTY)
// Features (This is where they are turned on and off)
// With this feature on, we demote the advanced appearances
// options into an "Advanced" subdialog.
// The uxtheme visual style code has problems with being compatible
// with system metrics. Apps will get system metric sizes (like captionbar height)
// and paint accordingly. If uxtheme paints correctly, it will
// use the captionbar height and be compatible with the app.
// If it cannot do this, then the .msstyles file specifies system metrics
// that do work and we try to discourage the user from changing the
// system metrics to other values by disabling the advanced button
// on the Appearance tab. This is a hack because the user can
// change the values in via USER32 directly.
// When selecting certain legacy color schemes, like "High Contrast Black", the SPI_SETHIGHCONTRAST
// bit should be set. This wasn't done in Win2k but should be done.
// This is currently turned off until MicW will implement a flag for SPI_SETHIGHCONTRAST
// that will prevent sethc.exe from running.
#ifndef _WIN64
#else // _WIN64
// We don't want to install the theme files that require visual styles since
// they aren't supported on ia64 (yet). Win #175788
#endif // _WIN64
// String Constants
// Registry
#define SZ_WINDOWMETRICS TEXT("Control Panel\\Desktop\\WindowMetrics")
#define SZ_APPLIEDDPI TEXT("AppliedDPI")
// PropertyBag Propertyes
#define SZ_PBPROP_APPLY_THEMEFILE TEXT("Theme_ApplySettings") // When this is sent to a CThemeFile object, it will apply the settings that haven't been pulled out of it and placed in other Display Control Panel tabs.
#define SZ_PBPROP_THEME_FILTER TEXT("ThemeFilter:") // The filter values of what parts of themes to apply.
#define SZ_PBPROP_THEME_DISPLAYNAME TEXT("Theme_DisplayName") // Get the Theme display name for the currently selected item.
#define SZ_PBPROP_THEME_SETSELECTION TEXT("Theme_SetSelectedEntree") // Set the item in the drop down and persist. The VT_BSTR
#define SZ_PBPROP_THEME_LOADTHEME TEXT("Theme_LoadTheme") // Load the theme specified by the VT_BSTR value
#define SZ_PBPROP_VSBEHAVIOR_FLATMENUS TEXT("VSBehavior_FlatMenus") // Does this visual style file want to use Flat menus (SPI_SETFLATMENUS)?
#define SZ_PBPROP_COLORSCHEME_LEGACYNAME TEXT("ColorScheme_LegacyName") // VT_BSTR specifying the Legacy name. Like "Lilac (Large)"
#define SZ_PBPROP_EFFECTS_MENUDROPSHADOWS TEXT("Effects_MenuDropShadows") // VT_BOOL specifying if MenuDropShadows in on
#define SZ_PBPROP_HASSYSMETRICS TEXT("Theme_HasSystemMetrics") // VT_BOOL specifying if MenuDropShadows in on
// Parsing Characters
#define CH_EMAIL_START L'<'
#define CH_EMAIL_END L'>'
#define CH_EMAIL_AT L'@'
#define CH_HTML_ESCAPE L'%'
#define CH_COMMA L','
Object Constructors
HRESULT CClassFactory_Create(REFCLSID rclsid, REFIID riid, LPVOID * ppvObj);
HRESULT CThemeUIPages_CreateInstance(IN IUnknown * punkOuter, IN REFIID riid, OUT LPVOID * ppvObj);
#endif // _PRIV_H_