Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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Rem 如果使用者尚未執行節點安裝程式,
Rem 請立即執行它。
If Exist "%RootDrive%\Corel" Goto Skip1
Rem 互動式安裝
Rem 用 Corel 網路檔案所在磁碟來取代 #WPSINST#。
If Not Exist "#WPSINST#\Suite8\Corel WordPerfect Suite 8 Setup.lnk" Goto cont2
Goto skip0
Echo Corel 安裝程式完成後,請按任意鍵繼續...
Pause > NUL:
Rem 每個人都會有它自己的 DOD.So 複本。刪除 All Users 現存的 DOD.So。
If Not Exist "%COMMON_START_MENU%\Corel WordPerfect Suite 8" Goto Skip2
If Exist "%USER_START_MENU%\Corel WordPerfect Suite 8" Goto Cont1
Move "%COMMON_START_MENU%\Corel WordPerfect Suite 8" "%USER_START_MENU%\Corel WordPerfect Suite 8" > NUL: 2>&1
Goto Skip2
Rd /S /Q "%COMMON_START_MENU%\Corel WordPerfect Suite 8"
If Not Exist "%COMMON_STARTUP%\Corel Desktop Application Director 8.LNK" Goto Skip3
If Exist "%USER_STARTUP%\Corel Desktop Application Director 8.LNK" Goto Cont2
Move "%COMMON_STARTUP%\Corel Desktop Application Director 8.LNK" "%USER_STARTUP%\" > NUL: 2>&1
Goto Skip3
Del /F /Q "%COMMON_STARTUP%\Corel Desktop Application Director 8.LNK"
If Not Exist "%RootDrive%\Windows\Twain_32\Corel" Goto Skip4
Rd /S /Q "%RootDrive%\Windows\Twain_32\Corel"
If Not Exist "%RootDrive%\Corel\Suite8\PhotoHse\PhotoHse.ini" Goto Skip5
..\Aciniupd /e "%RootDrive%\Corel\Suite8\PhotoHse\PhotoHse.ini" "Open File Dialog" "Initial Dir" "%RootDrive%\MyFiles"