Leaked source code of windows server 2003
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

237 lines
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//Copyright (c) 1998 - 1999 Microsoft Corporation
#ifndef _TARRAY_H
#define _TARRAY_H
template< class T > class CArrayT
T *m_pT;
int m_nMaxSize;
int m_idx; //current array pos
CArrayT( )
m_pT = NULL;
m_nMaxSize = 0;
m_idx = 0;
// destroy the list
~CArrayT( )
if( m_pT != NULL )
delete[] m_pT;
// increases array size, returns zero if the operation failed
int GrowBy( int iSize )
if( iSize == 0 )
//Grow by # number of items
iSize = 4;
if( m_pT == NULL )
m_pT = ( T * )new T[ iSize ];
if( m_pT == NULL )
return 0;
m_nMaxSize = iSize;
m_idx = 0;
T *pT;
int nNewMaxSize = m_nMaxSize + iSize;
pT = ( T * )new T[ nNewMaxSize ];
if( pT == NULL )
return 0;
m_nMaxSize = nNewMaxSize;
ZeroMemory( ( PVOID )pT , sizeof( T ) * m_nMaxSize );
CopyMemory( pT , m_pT , sizeof( T ) * ( m_idx ) );
if( m_pT != NULL )
delete[] m_pT;
m_pT = pT;
return m_nMaxSize;
// Simply put, increase the array size if empty, and place item at the
// end of the list
int Insert( T tItem )
if( m_pT == NULL || ( m_idx ) >= m_nMaxSize )
if( GrowBy( 0 ) == 0 )
return 0;
m_pT[ m_idx ] = tItem;
return m_idx;
// exposes the array for direct reference
T* ExposeArray( )
if( m_pT != NULL )
return &m_pT[0];
return NULL;
// Returns the number of valid entries in the array
int GetSize( ) const
return ( m_idx );
// Returns an item in the array, or null if not with in range
T* GetAt( int idx )
if( idx < 0 || idx >= m_idx )
return NULL;
return &m_pT[ idx ];
// Assigns a value in the array
int SetAt( int idx , T tItem )
if( idx < 0 || idx >= m_idx )
return -1;
m_pT[ idx ] = tItem;
return idx;
// Finds an item in the array ( incase one forgot the index )
int FindItem( T tItem , BOOL& bFound )
bFound = FALSE;
int idx = 0;
while( idx < m_idx )
if( m_pT[ idx ] == tItem )
bFound = TRUE;
return idx;
// Deletes an item from the array
int DeleteItemAt( int idx )
if( 0 > idx || idx >= m_idx )
return 0;
if( idx == m_idx - 1 ) //delete last item
return -1;
void *pvDest = &m_pT[ idx ];
void *pvSrc = &m_pT[ idx + 1 ];
ULONG ulDistance = (ULONG)( ( BYTE *)&m_pT[ m_nMaxSize - 1 ] - ( BYTE * )pvSrc ) + sizeof( T );
if( ulDistance != 0 )
MoveMemory( pvDest , pvSrc , ulDistance );
// Adjust the array status
return ulDistance;
// Deletes the array of items
int DeleteArray( )
if( m_pT != NULL )
delete[] m_pT;
m_pT = NULL;
m_nMaxSize = 0;
m_idx = 0;
return 0;
#endif //_TARRAY_H