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@echo off
REM ------------------------------------------------------------------
REM <<intlsdop.cmd>>
REM Perform sd operations for international builds.
REM Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
REM Version: < 1.0 > 02/02/2001 Suemiao Rossignol
REM ------------------------------------------------------------------
perl -x "%~f0" %*
goto :EOF
use strict;
use lib $ENV{RAZZLETOOLPATH} . "\\PostBuildScripts";
use Logmsg;
use ParseArgs;
use File::Basename;
use BuildName;
use GetIniSetting;
use comlib;
use cklang;
use cktarg;
use filestat;
use vars (qw($LOCPART $MAIN));
my $LOCDIRS = {"locpart"=>"lp",
my $scriptname = basename( $0 );
sub Usage {
my $SELF = $0;
$SELF =~ s/.*\\//g;
Perform Integrate, reverse integrate or sync for internatioanl builds steps.
$SELF [-l:<lang> | -d:<location>] -o:<op> [-t:<timestamp>][-pf] [-y:<branch>] [-c]
-l Language. Default is "usa".
The operation $SELF performs is language dependent.
Not all op/lang combinations are allowed.
If "usa", sync the source projects under SDXROOT.
If <lang>, RI or sync the localization projects for the given <lang>.
-d: Location.
This could be %sdxroot% or %RazzleToolPath%
Perform sd <operation> on <location>.
-o: SD operation.
if "r", perform loc RI.
if "s", perform sync.
if "v", perform verification.
if "u", perform updates. This option is not yet functional.
-t Timestamp. Used for Integrate/RI/syncing the SD files.
Default is the latest time.
-f: Force operation
-i: Interactive mode (prompts for user input)
-p Powerless.
Do not perform sd operation.
-y <branch> the branch parameter which defaults to "locpart".
-c Force sync to current, It only works when used with -d:%RazzleToolPath%
/? Displays usage.
$SELF -d:%sdxroot% -t:2000/10/01:18:00 -o:s
Sync the source tree at the given timestamp.
$SELF -l:ger -t:2000/09/09:12:34 -o:r
Reverse integrate German localization projects at the given timestamp.
$SELF -l:JPN -t:2000/09/09:12:34 -o:r -y:dnsrv_dev
Reverse integrate Japanese localization projects from dnsrv_dev
to dnsrv at the given timestamp.
$SELF -l:ger -o:s
Sync the German localization projects at the latest time.
$SELF -l:ger -o:u
Open, edit and submit files from German localization projects to the
destination needed by the build. This option is not yet functional.
my( $lang, $destDir, $syncTime, $operation, $powerLess, $force, $intact);
my( $isFake, $sdxroot, $toolDir, $pbsDir, $isCurrent );
if( !&GetParams ) { exit(1);}
# GetParams - parse & validate command line
sub GetParams
parseargs('?' => \&Usage, 'l:' =>\$ENV{lang}, 'd:' => \$destDir,'t:' =>\$syncTime, 'o:' =>\$operation
,"y:" => \$LOCPART,
'p' =>\$powerLess, 'f' => \$force, 'i' => \$intact, 'c' => \$isCurrent );
$LOCPART = "locpart" unless $LOCPART;
$MAIN = "main" unless $MAIN ;
$ENV{lang} = "USA" if( !$ENV{lang} );
$lang = $ENV{lang};
#####The lang not usa, but template default it got to be, so verify with destDir
if ($operation eq "u"){
errmsg("This option is not yet functional.");
return 0;
return 1 if( lc($lang) eq "usa" && !$destDir );
if( lc($lang) eq "usa" && $destDir )
if( $destDir eq $ENV{sdxroot} )
if( $operation ne "s" )
errmsg("Invalid operation $operation for $destDir" );
return 0;
elsif( $destDir eq $ENV{RazzleToolPath} )
if( !( $operation eq "r" || $operation eq "s" ) )
errmsg("Invalid operation $operation for $destDir" );
return 0;
errmsg( "Invalid location $destDir" );
return 0;
if( !( $operation eq "r" || $operation eq "s" || $operation eq "v") )
errmsg("Invalid operation $operation for $lang" );
return 0;
return 1;
sub main
#####Set LogFile & ErrFile
my $curTime = &CurTime();
$ENV{temp} = "$ENV{temp}\\$lang";
system( "md $ENV{temp}" ) if( !(-e $ENV{temp} ) );
$ENV{LOGFILE} = "$ENV{temp}\\$scriptname.log.$curTime";
$ENV{ERRFILE} = "$ENV{temp}\\$scriptname.err.$curTime";
timemsg( "Start [$scriptname]" );
if( $syncTime && ( $syncTime !~ /^([@#].+)$/ )){ $syncTime = "\@".$syncTime; }
if( $powerLess ) { $isFake = "-n"; } else { $isFake="";}
if( $force ) { $force = "-f"; } else { $force="";}
$sdxroot = $ENV{SDXROOT};
$toolDir = $ENV{RazzleToolPath};
$pbsDir = "$toolDir\\PostBuildScripts";
if( uc($lang) eq "USA" && !$destDir ) #sync source tree#
&comlib::ExecuteSystem( "cd /d $ENV{SDXROOT} & sdx sync $force $isFake ...$syncTime -q -h" ); #added $force switch
#if timestamp specified, sync tools & pbs to latest
if($syncTime){ &SyncTools;}
return 0;
if ( $destDir )
if( $destDir eq $sdxroot )
elsif( $lang )
"$sdxroot\\loc\\bin\\$lang") ||
!&VryFieZs("writable", "$sdxroot\\loc\\res\\$lang",
# do not check write bit for loc bin drop path files
return 0 if( !$intact );
if( $intact && &PromptAction("sd client") == 1 ) #only do sd client in interactive mode
{ #we'll assume its right in automated case#
&comlib::ExecuteSystem( "cd $sdxroot\\loc\\res\\TOOLS& sd client -o");
&comlib::ExecuteSystem( "cd $sdxroot\\loc\\res\\$lang& sd client -o");
&comlib::ExecuteSystem( "cd $sdxroot\\loc\\bin\\$lang& sd client -o");
if( $operation eq "v" )
if( $operation eq "r")
return 0 unless &VryFieZs("zerosize",
if( $operation eq "s")
return 1;
# VryFieZs - verify files in directories
# usage VryFieZs(test, dirname,dirname,...)
# currently as "test" the "writeable" or "zerosize" may be used.
sub VryFieZs(){
my $test = shift;
my $GOOD = 1;
foreach my $path (@_)
chdir $path;
my @res = (qx(cd $path &dir /s/b/a-d .) =~ /.+\n/mig);
map {chomp} @res;
my @bad = &filestat($test, @res);
next unless scalar(@bad);
@bad = map {qx(sd.exe have $_ 2>NUL)} @bad;
map {errmsg $_} @bad ;
$GOOD=0 if scalar(@bad);
# SyncTools() - Syncs tools & PBS to latest - all others to timestamp
sub SyncTools()
my ($d, @dirs);
my $sTs = "";
$sTs = $syncTime;
@dirs = `cd $sdxroot\\tools &dir /ad /b`;
for $d (@dirs)
if( $d !~ /postbuildscripts/i)
chomp $d;
&comlib::ExecuteSystem("cd $sdxroot\\tools\\$d &sd sync $force $isFake ...$syncTime");
&comlib::ExecuteSystem("cd $sdxroot\\tools\\$d &sd diff -f -sadeE ...$syncTime");
&comlib::ExecuteSystem("cd $sdxroot\\tools &sd sync $force $isFake *$sTs");
&comlib::ExecuteSystem("cd $sdxroot\\tools &sd diff -f -sadeE *$sTs");
&comlib::ExecuteSystem("cd $sdxroot\\tools\\postbuildscripts &sd sync $force $isFake ...$sTs");
&comlib::ExecuteSystem("cd $sdxroot\\tools\\postbuildscripts &sd diff -f -sadeE ...$sTs");
&comlib::ExecuteSystem("cd $sdxroot\\tools\\ploc &sd sync $force $isFake ...");
&comlib::ExecuteSystem("cd $sdxroot\\tools\\ploc &sd diff -f -sadeE ...");
return 0 if (!CheckOpened("$sdxroot\\tools"));
# || !&VryFieZs("writable","$sdxroot\\tools") ;
# //depot/dnsrv/root/tools/x86/managed/urt/v1.1.4322/config/... is often read-write.
# Ignore that for now.
return 1;
# SDSubmit($) - Automates Submittals w/ arg:comment
sub SDSubmit($$)
my(@chglist, $fout, $l);
my($comment, $dir) = @_;
@chglist = `cd $dir &sd change -o`;
my $res = 0;
$l = 0;
while( $l < @chglist && $chglist[$l++] !~ /^Files:/ ){}
while( $l < @chglist && $chglist[$l++] =~ /\/\/depot.*/ ){
$res = 1;
if ($res == 0){
logmsg("No files to submit.\n");
return 1;
open fout, ">$ENV{TMP}\\_sdchglst.$lang.tmp" || return 0;
for $l (@chglist) {
$l =~ s/\<enter description here\>/$comment/;
print fout $l;
close fout;
print `cd $dir &type $ENV{TMP}\\_sdchglst.$lang.tmp | sd submit -i`;
`del /f $ENV{TMP}\\_sdchglst.$lang.tmp`;
return 1;
# CheckOpened(@) - validate no opened files in $arg:tree
sub CheckOpened(@)
my @path = @_;
my $res;
foreach my $path (@path){
logmsg("cd $path &sd opened ...");
$res = `cd $path &sd opened ...`;
if($res ne ''){
print $res;
return 0;
return 1;
# RIorSyncLocTree - RI's or syncs loc tree
sub RIorSyncLocTree
my( $cmdLine, $action, $res, $bldno );
my %myCmds = ( "1"=>"sd sync $force $isFake ...", #added $force switch
"2"=>"sd integrate -b $LOCPART -d -r -i $force $isFake ...$syncTime",
"3"=>"sd resolve $isFake -ab ...",
"4"=>"sd resolve $isFake -at ...",
"5"=>"sd resolve -n ...",
"6"=>"sd submit ...",
"7"=>"sd diff -f -sadeE ...$syncTime" );
if( $operation eq "s" ) { $myCmds{"1"} = "sd sync $force $isFake ...$syncTime";}
my %myDirs = ( "1"=>"$sdxroot\\loc\\res\\$lang",
if( $operation =~ /[rs]/i) { $myDirs{"3"} = "$sdxroot\\loc\\res\\TOOLS";}
for my $dirKey ( sort keys %myDirs )
for my $theKey ( sort { $a <=> $b } keys %myCmds )
last if( $theKey eq "5" && !$intact );
$action = 1;
$cmdLine="cd $myDirs{$dirKey}& $myCmds{$theKey}";
if($intact){ $action = &PromptAction( $cmdLine );}
$res = &comlib::ExecuteSystem( $cmdLine ) if( $action == 1);
if(!$intact && $res == 0 )
errmsg("Errors encountered... exiting\n");
return 0;
#####Stop here, if sync or automation
if( $operation eq "s" )
&comlib::ExecuteSystem("cd $myDirs{$dirKey}& $myCmds{7}" );
#perform submit here - since 2nd case isnt a system call, can't add to myCmds hash
if($operation eq "r" && !$isFake && !$intact)
$MAIN = undef;
if(!SDSubmit("RI: [ntdev\\ntbuild] $lang $LOCPART->$MAIN", $myDirs{$dirKey}))
errmsg("Errors encountered submitting changes... exiting\n");
return 0;
# CompmainLocpart - compares RI & LP branches
sub CompMainLocpart
my( $cmdLine, $action, $res );
my %myCmds = ( "1"=>"sd sync $force $isFake ...$syncTime",
"2"=>"sd sync $force $isFake ...$syncTime");
my $LocDir = $LOCDIRS -> {lc($LOCPART)};
my %myDirs = ( "1"=>"\\$LocDir\\loc\\res\\$lang",
for my $theKey ( sort keys %myCmds )
$cmdLine="cd $myDirs{$theKey}& $myCmds{$theKey}";
$action = &PromptAction( $cmdLine );
next if( $action == 2 );
$res = &comlib::ExecuteSystem( $cmdLine );
if(!$intact && $res == 0 )
errmsg("Differences found during: $cmdLine\n");
#do comparison
if($intact) #if interactive use windiff / else compdir
for $cmdLine ("start windiff $sdxroot\\loc\\res\\$lang \\$LocDir\\loc\\res\\$lang",
"start windiff $sdxroot\\loc\\bin\\$lang \\$LocDir\\loc\\bin\\$lang")
$action = &PromptAction( $cmdLine );
&comlib::ExecuteSystem( $cmdLine );
for $cmdLine (" compdir $sdxroot\\loc\\res\\$lang \\$LocDir\\loc\\res\\$lang",
" compdir $sdxroot\\loc\\bin\\$lang \\$LocDir\\loc\\bin\\$lang")
my @res = `$cmdLine`;
if( $? )
errmsg( "Errors found during comparison:\n@res" );
sub IorRIorSyncTools
my( $cmdLine, $action, $IorRI, $res );
$IorRI = "";
$IorRI = "-r -i" if( $operation eq "r" );
if($operation eq "s")
# else
# {
# my %myCmds = ( "1" => "sd opened ...",
# "2"=>"sd sync $force $isFake *",
# "3"=>"sd sync $force $isFake ...",
# "4"=>"sd integrate -b intlred $IorRI $force $isFake *$syncTime",
# "5"=>"sd integrate -b intlred $IorRI $force $isFake ...$syncTime",
# "6"=>"sd resolve $isFake -ab ...",
# "7"=>"sd resolve $isFake -am ...",
# "8"=>"sd resolve ...",
# "9"=>"sd resolve -n ...",
# "10"=>"sd submit ..." );
# my %myDirs = ( "1"=>"$toolDir", "2"=>"$toolDir","3"=>"$pbsDir", "4"=>"$toolDir", "5"=>"$pbsDir",
# "6"=>"$toolDir","7"=>"$toolDir", "8"=>"$toolDir", "9"=>"$toolDir", "10" =>"$toolDir" );
# for my $theKey ( sort { $a <=> $b } keys %myCmds )
# {
# $action = 1;
# $cmdLine="cd $myDirs{$theKey}& $myCmds{$theKey}";
# if($intact){$action = &PromptAction( $cmdLine ); }
# $res = &comlib::ExecuteSystem( $cmdLine )if( $action == 1 );
# if(!$intact && $res == 0 )
# {
# errmsg("**** Errors encountered executing $cmdLine... exiting ****\n");
# return 0;
# }
# }
# }
sub addsyncInt
# This code is pasted from copylang.pl
# The eventual goal is migration and separation.
my @theHashKey;
my $line;
my $curKey;
my $LCID;
my $priLangID;
my %tmp;
my $theFromFile;
my $theToFile;
my $theFromRoot;
my $theToRoot;
my $theFromTree;
my $theToTree;
my $from;
my $to;
my $res;
my %hashCodes=();
my $pLocRoot = "$ENV{_NTBINDIR}\\loc\\res\\$lang\\windows\\sources";
my $pSrcRoot = $ENV{"SDXROOT"};
my $theFromTree = "LocTree";
my $theFromRoot = $pLocRoot;
my $theFromFile = "LocTreeFilename";
my $theToTree = "SourceTree";
my $theToRoot = $pSrcRoot;
my $theToFile = "SourceFilename";
&HashText::Read_Text_Hash( 0, $ENV{RazzleToolPath}."\\Codes.txt", \%hashCodes );
# Delete everything that's not international
delete $hashCodes{RO};
delete $hashCodes{CA};
delete $hashCodes{CHP};
delete $hashCodes{PSU};
delete $hashCodes{MIR};
delete $hashCodes{TST};
###---Get Hash value from intlsrc.txt file.----------//
my @srcHash=();
&HashText::Read_Text_Hash( 1, "$ENV{\"RazzleToolPath\"}\\intlsrc.txt", \@srcHash );
@theHashKey = ("Target", "SourceFilename", "SourceTree", "LocTree","LocTreeFilename","Comments");
for $line( @srcHash)
for $curKey ( @theHashKey )
if( $line->{ $curKey } =~ /^(.*)(\$\(LANG\))(.*)$/ )
$line->{ $curKey } = $1 . lc($lang) .$3;
if( $line->{ $curKey } =~ /^(.*)([c|h])(\$\(PRIMARY_LANG_ID\))(.*)$/ )
if( $lang eq "CHT" || $lang eq "CHS" )
$LCID = substr( $hashCodes{uc($lang)}->{LCID}, 2, length($hashCodes{uc($lang)}->{LCID})-2);
$line->{ $curKey } = "prf" . $2 . $LCID .$4;
$priLangID = "0". substr( $hashCodes{uc($lang)}->{PriLangID}, 2, length($hashCodes{uc($lang)}->{PriLangID})-2);
$line->{ $curKey } = $1 . $2. $priLangID .$4;
$to = $theToRoot."\\". $line->{ $theToTree };
if( !exists $tmp{$to} ){ $tmp{$to}=(); }
my $todir = "$theToRoot\\$line->{ $theToTree }";
my $cmdLine = "md $todir 2\>NUL&pushd $todir&sd sync $force $to";
$intact and
$res = &PromptAction( $cmdLine );
&comlib::ExecuteSystem( $cmdLine );
###---Perform Copy now.------------------------------//
&dbgmsg("Read targets from intlsrc.txt: \n");
for $line ( @srcHash )
&dbgmsg($line->{ $theFromTree },"\n");
if( $lang ne "USA" )
next if( !&cktarg::CkTarg( $line->{'Target'}, uc($lang) ) );
if( $lang ne "USA" )
if( $line->{ $theFromFile } eq ".")
$from = $theFromRoot ."\\". $line->{ $theFromTree }."\\".$line->{ $theToFile };
$to = $theToRoot."\\". $line->{ $theToTree }. "\\".$line->{ $theToFile };
my $todir = "$theToRoot\\$line->{ $theToTree }";
my $cmdLine = "md $todir 2\>NUL&pushd $todir&sd sync $force $to";
$intact and
$res = &PromptAction( $cmdLine );
&comlib::ExecuteSystem( $cmdLine );
# SyncSourceTree - syncs sdx projects
sub SyncSourceTree
my( @sdMap, @sdProject, $cmdLine, $action, $res, $sdCmd, @opened );
if( !open( SDMAP, "$sdxroot\\sd.map") )
errmsg( "Fail to read $sdxroot\\s.map, exit.");
return 0;
@sdMap = <SDMAP>;
close( SDMAP );
my $validLine = 0;
for my $curLine ( @sdMap )
chomp $curLine;
my @tmpLine = split( /\s+/, $curLine );
if( $tmpLine[1] !~ "---" )
next if ( !$validLine );
last if( $tmpLine[0] =~ "#" );
$validLine = 1;
next if( !$tmpLine[1] || $tmpLine[1] =~ "(.*)_(.*)" );
next if( $tmpLine[1] eq "root" );
push ( @sdProject, $tmpLine[3] );
push ( @sdProject,"developer" );
push ( @sdProject,"Mergedcomponents" );
push ( @sdProject,"public" );
push ( @sdProject,"published" );
$sdCmd = "sd sync $force $isFake ...$syncTime";
$cmdLine = "cd $sdxroot\\@sdProject& $sdCmd";
if($intact) {return 1 if( &PromptAction( $cmdLine ) !=1 );}
for my $theDir( @sdProject )
return 0 if !&VryFieZs("writable", "$sdxroot\\$theDir");
$res = CheckOpened("$sdxroot\\$theDir" );
if(!$intact && $res == 0 ){ push (@opened, $theDir); }
$res = &comlib::ExecuteSystem( "cd $sdxroot\\$theDir& sd sync $force $isFake ...$syncTime" );
if(!$intact && $res == 0 ){
errmsg("**** Errors encountered during sync. Exiting... ****\n");
return 0;
$res = &comlib::ExecuteSystem( "cd $sdxroot\\$theDir& sd diff -f -sadeE ...$syncTime" );
if(!$intact && $res == 0 ){
errmsg("**** Errors encountered during sd diff. Exiting... ****\n");
return 0;
if(!&SyncTools) #added SynclatestTools here since we'll always want latest tools
push (@opened, "tools");
for my $i(@opened) #report opened files
errmsg(" - Files opened in $i ");
return 1;
sub PromptAction
my ( $pCmdLine ) = @_;
my ( $choice ) = -1;
my ($theDot) = '.' x ( length( $pCmdLine ) + 10);
print ( "\nAbout to [$pCmdLine]\n$theDot\n") if( $pCmdLine );
while ( $choice > 3 || $choice < 1 )
print( "\nPlease choose (1) Continue? (2) Skip (3) Quit? ");
chop( $choice=<STDIN> );
print "\n\n";
exit(0) if( $choice == 3 );
return $choice;
sub CurTime
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$day,$mon,$year) = localtime;
$year %= 100;
return sprintf("%02d%02d%02d-%02d%02d%02d",
$mon, $day, $year, $hour, $min, $sec);
sub getMainBranchName{
last if $MAIN;
my $HomeBranch = qx("sd have ... | head -1");
$HomeBranch =~ s/\/\/depot\/(\w+)\/.*$/$1/g;
print STDERR $HomeBranch;
$MAIN = $HomeBranch;
<Suemiao Rossignol <[email protected]>
=head1 CHANGES
<Serguei Kouzmine <[email protected]>
Rearranging the logic to separate sd update - sd sync - no sd.
This rearrangement will involve intlbld.pl, copylang.pl, intlsdop.cmd
Please read the usage for all these.
Q: Is there the way to do it safe and incremental?
A: Yes. Possibly.
Step 1.
add copylang.pl "sync only" functionality to intlsdop.cmd
Step 2.
add intlmap.pl "selective enlist" functionality to intlsdop.cmd
and copylang/intlbld
add intlsdop.cmd "sync" functionality to copylang/intlbld
Step 3.
do a cleanup of redundant code. Define logic in mapping files