Leaked source code of windows server 2003
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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# NOTE: Derived from ../LIB\Getopt\Long.pm.
# Changes made here will be lost when autosplit is run again.
# See AutoSplit.pm.
package Getopt::Long;
#line 656 "../LIB\Getopt\Long.pm (autosplit into ..\lib\auto\Getopt\Long\FindOption.al)"
# Option lookup.
sub FindOption ($$$$$$$) {
# returns (1, $opt, $arg, $dsttype, $incr, $key) if okay,
# returns (0) otherwise.
my ($prefix, $argend, $opt, $opctl, $bopctl, $names, $aliases) = @_;
my $key; # hash key for a hash option
my $arg;
print STDERR ("=> find \"$opt\", prefix=\"$prefix\"\n") if $debug;
return 0 unless $opt =~ /^$prefix(.*)$/s;
return 0 if $opt eq "-" && !defined $opctl->{""};
$opt = $+;
my ($starter) = $1;
print STDERR ("=> split \"$starter\"+\"$opt\"\n") if $debug;
my $optarg = undef; # value supplied with --opt=value
my $rest = undef; # remainder from unbundling
# If it is a long option, it may include the value.
if (($starter eq "--" || ($getopt_compat && !$bundling))
&& $opt =~ /^([^=]+)=(.*)$/s ) {
$opt = $1;
$optarg = $2;
print STDERR ("=> option \"", $opt,
"\", optarg = \"$optarg\"\n") if $debug;
#### Look it up ###
my $tryopt = $opt; # option to try
my $optbl = $opctl; # table to look it up (long names)
my $type;
my $dsttype = '';
my $incr = 0;
if ( $bundling && $starter eq '-' ) {
# Unbundle single letter option.
$rest = length ($tryopt) > 0 ? substr ($tryopt, 1) : "";
$tryopt = substr ($tryopt, 0, 1);
$tryopt = lc ($tryopt) if $ignorecase > 1;
print STDERR ("=> $starter$tryopt unbundled from ",
"$starter$tryopt$rest\n") if $debug;
$rest = undef unless $rest ne '';
$optbl = $bopctl; # look it up in the short names table
# If bundling == 2, long options can override bundles.
if ( $bundling == 2 and
defined ($rest) and
defined ($type = $opctl->{$tryopt.$rest}) ) {
print STDERR ("=> $starter$tryopt rebundled to ",
"$starter$tryopt$rest\n") if $debug;
$tryopt .= $rest;
undef $rest;
# Try auto-abbreviation.
elsif ( $autoabbrev ) {
# Downcase if allowed.
$tryopt = $opt = lc ($opt) if $ignorecase;
# Turn option name into pattern.
my $pat = quotemeta ($opt);
# Look up in option names.
my @hits = grep (/^$pat/, @{$names});
print STDERR ("=> ", scalar(@hits), " hits (@hits) with \"$pat\" ",
"out of ", scalar(@{$names}), "\n") if $debug;
# Check for ambiguous results.
unless ( (@hits <= 1) || (grep ($_ eq $opt, @hits) == 1) ) {
# See if all matches are for the same option.
my %hit;
foreach ( @hits ) {
$_ = $aliases->{$_} if defined $aliases->{$_};
$hit{$_} = 1;
# Now see if it really is ambiguous.
unless ( keys(%hit) == 1 ) {
return (0) if $passthrough;
warn ("Option ", $opt, " is ambiguous (",
join(", ", @hits), ")\n");
undef $opt;
return (1, $opt,$arg,$dsttype,$incr,$key);
@hits = keys(%hit);
# Complete the option name, if appropriate.
if ( @hits == 1 && $hits[0] ne $opt ) {
$tryopt = $hits[0];
$tryopt = lc ($tryopt) if $ignorecase;
print STDERR ("=> option \"$opt\" -> \"$tryopt\"\n")
if $debug;
# Map to all lowercase if ignoring case.
elsif ( $ignorecase ) {
$tryopt = lc ($opt);
# Check validity by fetching the info.
$type = $optbl->{$tryopt} unless defined $type;
unless ( defined $type ) {
return (0) if $passthrough;
warn ("Unknown option: ", $opt, "\n");
return (1, $opt,$arg,$dsttype,$incr,$key);
# Apparently valid.
$opt = $tryopt;
print STDERR ("=> found \"$type\" for \"", $opt, "\"\n") if $debug;
#### Determine argument status ####
# If it is an option w/o argument, we're almost finished with it.
if ( $type eq '' || $type eq '!' || $type eq '+' ) {
if ( defined $optarg ) {
return (0) if $passthrough;
warn ("Option ", $opt, " does not take an argument\n");
undef $opt;
elsif ( $type eq '' || $type eq '+' ) {
$arg = 1; # supply explicit value
$incr = $type eq '+';
else {
substr ($opt, 0, 2) = ''; # strip NO prefix
$arg = 0; # supply explicit value
unshift (@ARGV, $starter.$rest) if defined $rest;
return (1, $opt,$arg,$dsttype,$incr,$key);
# Get mandatory status and type info.
my $mand;
($mand, $type, $dsttype, $key) = $type =~ /^(.)(.)([@%]?)$/;
# Check if there is an option argument available.
if ( $gnu_compat ) {
return (1, $opt, $optarg, $dsttype, $incr, $key)
if defined $optarg;
return (1, $opt, $type eq "s" ? '' : 0, $dsttype, $incr, $key)
if $mand eq ':';
# Check if there is an option argument available.
if ( defined $optarg
? ($optarg eq '')
: !(defined $rest || @ARGV > 0) ) {
# Complain if this option needs an argument.
if ( $mand eq "=" ) {
return (0) if $passthrough;
warn ("Option ", $opt, " requires an argument\n");
undef $opt;
return (1, $opt, $type eq "s" ? '' : 0, $dsttype, $incr, $key);
# Get (possibly optional) argument.
$arg = (defined $rest ? $rest
: (defined $optarg ? $optarg : shift (@ARGV)));
# Get key if this is a "name=value" pair for a hash option.
$key = undef;
if ($dsttype eq '%' && defined $arg) {
($key, $arg) = ($arg =~ /^([^=]*)=(.*)$/s) ? ($1, $2) : ($arg, 1);
#### Check if the argument is valid for this option ####
if ( $type eq "s" ) { # string
# A mandatory string takes anything.
return (1, $opt,$arg,$dsttype,$incr,$key) if $mand eq "=";
# An optional string takes almost anything.
return (1, $opt,$arg,$dsttype,$incr,$key)
if defined $optarg || defined $rest;
return (1, $opt,$arg,$dsttype,$incr,$key) if $arg eq "-"; # ??
# Check for option or option list terminator.
if ($arg eq $argend ||
$arg =~ /^$prefix.+/) {
# Push back.
unshift (@ARGV, $arg);
# Supply empty value.
$arg = '';
elsif ( $type eq "n" || $type eq "i" ) { # numeric/integer
if ( $bundling && defined $rest && $rest =~ /^([-+]?[0-9]+)(.*)$/s ) {
$arg = $1;
$rest = $2;
unshift (@ARGV, $starter.$rest) if defined $rest && $rest ne '';
elsif ( $arg !~ /^[-+]?[0-9]+$/ ) {
if ( defined $optarg || $mand eq "=" ) {
if ( $passthrough ) {
unshift (@ARGV, defined $rest ? $starter.$rest : $arg)
unless defined $optarg;
return (0);
warn ("Value \"", $arg, "\" invalid for option ",
$opt, " (number expected)\n");
undef $opt;
# Push back.
unshift (@ARGV, $starter.$rest) if defined $rest;
else {
# Push back.
unshift (@ARGV, defined $rest ? $starter.$rest : $arg);
# Supply default value.
$arg = 0;
elsif ( $type eq "f" ) { # real number, int is also ok
# We require at least one digit before a point or 'e',
# and at least one digit following the point and 'e'.
# [-]NN[.NN][eNN]
if ( $bundling && defined $rest &&
$rest =~ /^([-+]?[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?)(.*)$/s ) {
$arg = $1;
$rest = $+;
unshift (@ARGV, $starter.$rest) if defined $rest && $rest ne '';
elsif ( $arg !~ /^[-+]?[0-9.]+(\.[0-9]+)?([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?$/ ) {
if ( defined $optarg || $mand eq "=" ) {
if ( $passthrough ) {
unshift (@ARGV, defined $rest ? $starter.$rest : $arg)
unless defined $optarg;
return (0);
warn ("Value \"", $arg, "\" invalid for option ",
$opt, " (real number expected)\n");
undef $opt;
# Push back.
unshift (@ARGV, $starter.$rest) if defined $rest;
else {
# Push back.
unshift (@ARGV, defined $rest ? $starter.$rest : $arg);
# Supply default value.
$arg = 0.0;
else {
Croak ("GetOpt::Long internal error (Can't happen)\n");
return (1, $opt, $arg, $dsttype, $incr, $key);
# end of Getopt::Long::FindOption